# googler @t alias list # Author: Arun Prakash Jana # email: engineerarun@gmail.com # # To request key addition or removal upstream, please drop an email. # A # Amazon.com alias @a='googler -w amazon.com' # AlternativeTo alias @alt='googler -w alternativeto.net' # Android Developers alias @android='googler -w developer.android.com' # ARM Information Center alias @arm='googler -w infocenter.arm.com' # asciinema alias @asciinema='googler -w asciinema.org' # Ask Ubuntu alias @askubuntu='googler -w askubuntu.com' # Arch Forums alias @abbs='googler -w bbs.archlinux.org' # Arch User Repository alias @aur='googler -w aur.archlinux.org' # Arch Wiki alias @aw='googler -w wiki.archlinux.org' # AZLyrics alias @azl='googler -w azlyrics.com' # B # BBC alias @bbc='googler -w bbc.co.uk' # Encyclopaedia Britannica alias @britannica='googler -w britannica.com' # C # crunchbase alias @cb='googler -w crunchbase.com' # Chrome Extensions alias @chrome='googler -w chrome.google.com' # craigslist alias @cl='googler -w craigslist.org' # commandlinefu alias @cmd='googler -w commandlinefu.com' # CNN alias @cnn='googler -w cnn.com' # Comedy Central alias @comedy='googler -w cc.com' # CPP Reference alias @cpp='googler -w en.cppreference.com' # Cracked.com alias @cracked='googler -w cracked.com' # Cricinfo alias @cricinfo='googler -w espncricinfo.com' # D # The Free Dictionary alias @d='googler -w thefreedictionary.com' # Dictionary.com alias @di='googler -w dictionary.com' # DistroWatch alias @distrowatch='googler -w distrowatch.com' # Daily Natural Remedies alias @dnr='googler -w dailynaturalremedies.com' # Debian Package Search alias @dpkg='googler -w packages.debian.org' # E # eBay alias @e='googler -w ebay.com' # Episode Guides alias @eg='googler -w epguides.com' # Embedded alias @embedded='googler -w embedded.com' # ESPN alias @espn='googler -w espn.com' # Etsy alias @etsy='googler -w etsy.com' # Online Etymology Dictionary alias @etym='googler -w etymonline.com' # F # Facebook alias @fb='googler -w facebook.com' # Fandango Movie Reviews alias @fd='googler -w fandango.com' # Firefox Add-ons alias @firefox='googler -w addons.mozilla.org' # Forbes alias @forbes='googler -w forbes.com' # Forvo alias @forvo='googler -w forvo.com' # Financial Times alias @ft='googler -w markets.ft.com' # G # Google Search alias @g='googler' # Genius Lyrics alias @genius='googler -w genius.com' # GitHub alias @gh='googler -w github.com' # GNU alias @gnu='googler -w gnu.org' # The GNU Privacy Guard alias @gpg='googler -w gnupg.org' # Project Gutenberg alias @gutenberg='googler -w gutenberg.org' # H # Hackaday alias @had='googler -w hackaday.com' # Healthline alias @hl='googler -w healthline.com' # History alias @history='googler -w history.com' # Hacker News alias @hn='googler -w news.ycombinator.com' # HowStuffWorks alias @hsw='googler -w howstuffworks.com' # HowtoForge alias @htf='googler -w howtoforge.com' # Hulu alias @hulu='googler -w hulu.com' # I # IEEE alias @ieee='googler -w ieee.org' # IETF alias @ietf='googler -w ietf.org' # IETF Datatracker alias @ietfd='googler -w datatracker.ietf.org' # Instagram alias @ig='googler -w instagram.com' # IMDB alias @imdb='googler -w imdb.com' # Internet Radio alias @iradio='googler -w internet-radio.com' # J # K # The Linux Kernel Archives alias @kernel='googler -w kernel.org' # Khan Academy alias @khan='googler -w khanacademy.org' # L # Last.fm alias @lfm='googler -w last.fm' # LinkedIn alias @li='googler -w linkedin.com' # Linux.com alias @linux='googler -w linux.com' # Linux Journal alias @lj='googler -w linuxjournal.com' # LinuxQuestions alias @lq='googler -w linuxquestions.org' # LQWiki alias @lqw='googler -w wiki.linuxquestions.org' # LWN.net alias @lwn='googler -w lwn.net' # Linux Cross Reference alias @lxr='googler -w lxr.free-electrons.com' # M # Ubuntu Manpage alias @man='googler -w manpages.ubuntu.com' # Linux manual page alias @man7='googler -w man7.org' # Manga Reader alias @mangar='googler -w mangareader.net' # MLB alias @mlb='googler -w mlb.mlb.com' # Mac Rumors alias @mr='googler -w macrumors.com' # N # Google News alias @n='googler -N' # Nature Research alias @nature='googler -N nature.com' # NBA alias @nba='googler -N nba.com' # National Geographic alias @ng='googler -N nationalgeographic.com' # National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning alias @nptel='googler -w nptel.ac.in' # O # MIT OpenCourseWare alias @ocw='googler -w ocw.mit.edu' # Open Embedded alias @oembedded='googler -w openembedded.org' # OpenSubtitles alias @op='googler -w opensubtitles.org' # Opensource.com alias @opensource='googler -w opensource.com' # Open Source Alternative alias @osalt='googler -w osalt.com' # OSDev Wiki alias @osdev='googler -w wiki.osdev.org' # OpenWrt alias @owrt='googler -w openwrt.org' # Oxford Dictionary alias @ox='googler -w en.oxforddictionaries.com' # P # Google Patents alias @patent='googler -w patents.google.com' # The Pirate Bay alias @pirate='googler -w thepiratebay.org' # Android Apps alias @play='googler -w play.google.com' # PlayOnLinux alias @playonlinux='googler -w playonlinux.com' # Python documentation alias @python='googler -w docs.python.org' # Q # Wikiquote alias @quotes='googler -w en.wikiquote.org' # R # Reddit alias @r='googler -w reddit.com' # Reader's Digest alias @rd='googler -w rd.com' # RFC Reader alias @rfc='googler -w rfc-editor.org' # Rpmfind alias @rpm='googler -w rpmfind.net' # Rotten Tomatoes alias @rt='googler -w rottentomatoes.com' # S # OnlineSlangDictionary alias @slang='googler -w onlineslangdictionary.com' # Stack Overflow alias @so='googler -w stackoverflow.com' # Softpedia alias @softpedia='googler -w softpedia.com' # SurceForge alias @sourceforge='googler -w sourceforge.net' # Subscene alias @ss='googler -w subscene.com' # Steam alias @st='googler -w store.steampowered.com' # T # Thesaurus.com alias @t='googler -w thesaurus.com' # TED Talks alias @ted='googler -w ted.com' # The Linux Documentation Project alias @tldp='googler -w tldp.org' # tl;drLegal alias @tldrlegal='googler -w tldrlegal.com' # Torrentz2 alias @to='googler -w torrentz2.eu' # The Pirate Bay alias @tpb='googler -w thepiratebay.org' # TuneIn alias @tunein='googler -w tunein.com' # Twitter alias @tw='googler -w twitter.com' # Twitch alias @twitch='googler -w twitch.tv' # U # Ubuntu Forums alias @ubuntuforums='googler -w ubuntuforums.org' # Ubuntu Packages alias @ubuntupackages='googler -w packages.ubuntu.com' # Ubuntu Wiki alias @uwiki='googler -w wiki.ubuntu.com' # V # Vim Wiki alias @vim='googler -w vim.org' # W # Wikipedia alias @w='googler -w en.wikipedia.org' # Walmart alias @walmart='googler -w walmart.com' # Weather.com alias @weather='googler -w weather.com' # Wikia alias @wikia='googler -w wikia.com' # X # XKCD alias @xkcd='googler -w xkcd.com' # Y # Yahoo alias @y='googler -w yahoo.com' # Yahoo Finance alias @yf='googler -w finance.yahoo.com' # YouTube alias @yt='googler -w youtube.com' # Z # ZDNet alias @zdnet='googler -w zdnet.com'