{{- if ne .host.distro.family "windows" -}} #!/usr/bin/env bash # @file Rclone S3 Mounts # @brief This script configures Rclone to provide several S3-compliant mounts by leveraging CloudFlare R2 # @description # Install Doctor leverages Rclone and CloudFlare R2 to provide S3-compliant bucket mounts that allow you to retain stateful files and configurations. # In general, these buckets are used for backing up files like your browser profiles, Docker backup files, and other files that cannot be stored as # as code in your Install Doctor fork. # # This script sets up Rclone to provide several folders that are synchronized with S3-compliant buckets (using CloudFlare R2 by default). # The script ensures required directories are created and that proper permissions are applied. This script will only run if `rclone` is # available in the `PATH`. It also requires the user to provide `CLOUDFLARE_R2_ID` and `CLOUDFLARE_R2_SECRET` as either environment variables # or through the encrypted repository-fork-housed method detailed in the [Secrets documentation](https://install.doctor/docs/customization/secrets). # # ## Mounts # # The script will setup five mounts by default and enable / start `systemd` services on Linux systems so that the mounts are available # whenever the device is turned on. The mounts are: # # | Mount Location | Description | # |-----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| # | `/mnt/Private` | Private system-wide bucket used for any private files that should not be able to be accessed publicly over HTTPS | # | `/mnt/Public` | Public system-wide bucket that can be accessed by anyone over HTTPS with the bucket's URL (provided by CloudFlare R2) | # | N/A | Private system-wide bucket used for storing Docker-related backups / files | # | N/A | Private system-wide bucket similar to `/mnt/Private` but intended for system file backups | # | `$HOME/.local/mnt/s3` | Private user-specific bucket (used for backing up application settings) | # # ## Permissions # # The system files are all assigned proper permissions and are owned by the user `rclone` with the group `rclone`. The exception to this is the # user-specific mount which uses the user's user name and user group. # # ## Samba # # If Samba is installed, then by default Samba will create two shares that are symlinked to the `/mnt/s3-private` and `/mnt/s3-public` # buckets. This feature allows you to easily access the two buckets from other devices in your local network. If Rclone buckets are not # available then the Samba setup script will just create regular empty folders as shares. # # ## Notes # # * The mount services all leverage the executable found at `$HOME/.local/bin/rclone-mount` to mount the shares. # # ## Links # # * [Rclone mount script](https://github.com/megabyte-labs/install.doctor/tree/master/home/dot_local/bin/executable_rclone-mount) # * [Rclone default configurations](https://github.com/megabyte-labs/install.doctor/tree/master/home/dot_config/rclone) # * [Rclone documentation](https://rclone.org/docs/) {{ includeTemplate "universal/profile" }} {{ includeTemplate "universal/logg" }} if command -v rclone > /dev/null; then {{- if and (or (and (stat (joinPath .host.home ".config" "age" "chezmoi.txt")) (stat (joinPath .chezmoi.sourceDir ".chezmoitemplates" "secrets" "CLOUDFLARE_R2_ID"))) (env "CLOUDFLARE_R2_ID")) (or (and (stat (joinPath .host.home ".config" "age" "chezmoi.txt")) (stat (joinPath .chezmoi.sourceDir ".chezmoitemplates" "secrets" "CLOUDFLARE_R2_SECRET"))) (env "CLOUDFLARE_R2_SECRET")) (ne .user.cloudflare.r2 "") }} logg info 'Removing ~/.config/rclone/rclone.conf INSTALL DOCTOR managed block' CONFIG_FILE="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/rclone/rclone.conf" if cat "$CONFIG_FILE" | grep '# INSTALL DOCTOR MANAGED S3 START'; then # TODO: Remove old block START_LINE="$(echo `grep -n -m 1 "# INSTALL DOCTOR MANAGED S3 START" "$CONFIG_FILE" | cut -f1 -d ":"`)" END_LINE="$(echo `grep -n -m 1 "# INSTALL DOCTOR MANAGED S3 END" "$CONFIG_FILE" | cut -f1 -d ":"`)" if command -v gsed > /dev/null; then gsed -i "$START_LINE,$END_LINEd" "$CONFIG_FILE" else sed -i "$START_LINE,$END_LINEd" "$CONFIG_FILE" fi fi logg info 'Adding ~/.config/rclone/rclone.conf INSTALL DOCTOR managed block' tee -a "$CONFIG_FILE" > /dev/null < /dev/null; then sudo add-user rclone fi sudo chown -Rf rclone:rclone /var/cache/rclone logg info 'Ensuring /var/log/rclone exists' sudo mkdir -p /var/log/rclone sudo chmod 770 /var/log/rclone sudo chown -Rf rclone:rclone /var/log/rclone logg info 'Adding ~/.local/bin/rclone-mount to /usr/local/bin' sudo cp -f "$HOME/.local/bin/rclone-mount" /usr/local/bin/rclone-mount sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/rclone-mount logg info 'Adding ~/.config/rclone/rcloneignore to /etc/rcloneignore' sudo cp -f "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/rclone/rcloneignore" /etc/rcloneignore sudo chmod 640 /etc/rcloneignore logg info 'Adding ~/.config/rclone/system-rclone.conf to /etc/rclone.conf' sudo cp -f "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/rclone/system-rclone.conf" /etc/rclone.conf sudo chmod 640 /etc/rclone.conf ### Add / configure service files if [ -d /etc/systemd/system ]; then find "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/rclone/system" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f | while read RCLONE_SERVICE; do ### Add systemd service file logg info "Adding S3 system mount service defined at $RCLONE_SERVICE" FILENAME="$(basename "$RCLONE_SERVICE")" SERVICE_ID="$(echo "$FILENAME" | sed 's/.service//')" sudo cp -f "$RCLONE_SERVICE" "/etc/systemd/system/$(basename "$RCLONE_SERVICE")" ### Ensure mount folder is created logg info "Ensuring /mnt/$SERVICE_ID is created with proper permissions" sudo mkdir -p "/mnt/$SERVICE_ID" sudo chmod 770 "/mnt/$SERVICE_ID" sudo chown -Rf rclone:rclone "/mnt/$SERVICE_ID" ### Enable / restart the service logg info "Enabling / restarting the $SERVICE_ID S3 service" sudo systemctl enable "$SERVICE_ID" sudo systemctl restart "$SERVICE_ID" done ### Add user Rclone mount logg info 'Adding user S3 rclone mount (available at ~/.local/mnt/s3)' sudo cp -f "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/rclone/s3-user.service" "/etc/systemd/system/s3-${USER}.service" logg info 'Enabling / restarting the S3 user mount' sudo systemctl enable "s3-${USER}" sudo systemctl restart "s3-${USER}" fi if [ -d /Applications ] && [ -d /System ]; then ### Enable Rclone mounts logg info 'Ensuring Rclone mount-on-reboot definitions are in place' if [ -f "$HOME/Library/LaunchDaemons/rclone.private.plist" ] && [ ! -f "/Library/LaunchDaemons/rclone.private.plist" ]; then logg info 'Adding /Volumes/Private as S3 bucket mount, enabled at boot' sudo mkdir -p /Library/LaunchDaemons sudo cp -f "$HOME/Library/LaunchDaemons/rclone.private.plist" '/Library/LaunchDaemons/rclone.private.plist' sudo launchctl load '/Library/LaunchDaemons/rclone.private.plist' && logg success 'launchctl load successful' fi if [ -f "$HOME/Library/LaunchDaemons/rclone.public.plist" ] && [ ! -f "/Library/LaunchDaemons/rclone.public.plist" ]; then logg info 'Adding /Volumes/Public as S3 bucket mount, enabled at boot' sudo mkdir -p /Library/LaunchDaemons sudo cp -f "$HOME/Library/LaunchDaemons/rclone.public.plist" '/Library/LaunchDaemons/rclone.public.plist' sudo launchctl load '/Library/LaunchDaemons/rclone.public.plist' && logg success 'launchctl load successful' fi if [ -f "$HOME/Library/LaunchDaemons/rclone.user.plist" ] && ! launchctl list | grep 'rclone.user' > /dev/null; then logg info 'Adding ~/Public as S3 bucket mount, enabled at boot' launchctl load "$HOME/Library/LaunchDaemons/rclone.user.plist" && logg success 'user launchctl load successful' fi fi else logg info '`rclone` is not available' fi {{ end -}}