*zoxide-vim.txt* A small (Neo)Vim wrapper for zoxide =============================================================================== USAGE *zoxide-vim* *zoxide-vim-usage* *:Z* :Z {query} cd to the highest ranked directory matching your query. If {query} is omitted, cd to the home directory. *:Lz* :Lz {query} same as :Z but local to the current window. *:Tz* :Tz {query} same as :Z but local to the current tab. *:Zi* :Zi {query} cd to one of your highest ranking directories using fzf. *:Lzi* :Lzi {query} same as :Zi, but local to the current window. *:Tzi* :Tzi {query} same as :Zi, but local to the current tab. =============================================================================== CONFIGURATION *zoxide-vim-configuration* *g:zoxide_executable* g:zoxide_executable The name or path of the zoxide executable. Default value: `'zoxide'` *g:zoxide_prefix* g:zoxide_prefix The prefix to use for commands. Example: > let g:zoxide_prefix = 'jump' < Generates the following commands: :Jump :Ljump :Tjump :Jumpi :Ljumpi :Tjumpi Default value: `'z'` *g:zoxide_update_score* g:zoxide_update_score Decides whether the zoxide database should be updated when you execute a :Z-style command. Default value: `1` *g:zoxide_hook* g:zoxide_hook Automatically increment a directory's score on certain events. Available hooks: - `'none'`: never automatically add directories to zoxide. - `'pwd'`: sets up an autocommand that listens to the |DirChanged| event. Note: on Neovim < `0.6.0`, 'autochdir' can cause the event to be triggered very often. Default value: `'none'` *g:zoxide_use_select* g:zoxide_use_select Use |vim.ui.select()| for :Zi-style commands (Neovim `0.6.0+` only) Default value: `0` *g:zoxide_fzf_options* g:zoxide_fzf_options Options to pass to fzf during interactive selection. Use this configration if you want to use the same options as `$_ZO_FZF_OPTS`: > if exists('$_ZO_FZF_OPTS') let g:zoxide_fzf_options = $_ZO_FZF_OPTS endif < Accepts a string or an array of strings. vim:tw=78:ts=8:noet:ft=help:norl: