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https://www.figma.com/community/plugin/1037309320238203168/DhiWise---Figma-to-Code - https://www.figma.com/community/plugin/1056467900248561542/Locofy-FREE-BETA---Figma-to-React%2C-React-Native%2C-HTML%2FCSS%2C-Next.js%2C-Gatsby chromeExtensions: - automa/infppggnoaenmfagbfknfkancpbljcca - bardeen-automate-manual-w/ihhkmalpkhkoedlmcnilbbhhbhnicjga - bitly-powerful-short-link/iabeihobmhlgpkcgjiloemdbofjbdcic - bitwarden-free-password-m/nngceckbapebfimnlniiiahkandclblb - briskine-email-templates/lmcngpkjkplipamgflhioabnhnopeabf - buffer/noojglkidnpfjbincgijbaiedldjfbhh - buster-captcha-solver-for/mpbjkejclgfgadiemmefgebjfooflfhl - chatgpt-app-for-chrome-me/camppjleccjaphfdbohjdohecfnoikec - chatgpt-for-google/jgjaeacdkonaoafenlfkkkmbaopkbilf - chrome-remote-desktop/inomeogfingihgjfjlpeplalcfajhgai - compose-ai-ai-powered-wri/ddlbpiadoechcolndfeaonajmngmhblj - desktop-app-for-google-ta/lpofefdiokgmcdnnaigddelnfamkkghi - discoverly/dijhcpbkalfgkcebgoncjmfpbamihgaf - emoji-keyboard-by-joypixe/ipdjnhgkpapgippgcgkfcbpdpcgifncb - falcon/mmifbbohghecjloeklpbinkjpbplfalb - floccus-bookmarks-sync/fnaicdffflnofjppbagibeoednhnbjhg - giphy-for-chrome/jlleokkdhkflpmghiioglgmnminbekdi - jiffy-reader/lljedihjnnjjefafchaljkhbpfhfkdic - json-resume-exporter/caobgmmcpklomkcckaenhjlokpmfbdec - gitako-github-file-tree/giljefjcheohhamkjphiebfjnlphnokk - gnome-shell-integration/gphhapmejobijbbhgpjhcjognlahblep - google-dictionary-by-goog/mgijmajocgfcbeboacabfgobmjgjcoja - google-translate/aapbdbdomjkkjkaonfhkkikfgjllcleb - google-trends-supercharge/ocmojhiloccgbpjnkeiooioedaklapap - grammar-spell-checker-%E2%80%94-l/oldceeleldhonbafppcapldpdifcinji - grepper/amaaokahonnfjjemodnpmeenfpnnbkco - gsconnect/jfnifeihccihocjbfcfhicmmgpjicaec - hoppscotch-browser-extens/amknoiejhlmhancpahfcfcfhllgkpbld - hunter-email-finder-exten/hgmhmanijnjhaffoampdlllchpolkdnj - huntr-job-search-tracker/mihdfbecejheednfigjpdacgeilhlmnf - hypertype/lohojfppjeknalpoklojhfnndocgekbd - json-viewer-pro/eifflpmocdbdmepbjaopkkhbfmdgijcc - liner-chatgpt-google-assi/bmhcbmnbenmcecpmpepghooflbehcack - 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toucan-language-learning/lokjgaehpcnlmkebpmjiofccpklbmoci - undo-closed-tabs-button/ieehkmoiljghfkejgahoheemdjpdinml - vimeo-record-screen-webca/ejfmffkmeigkphomnpabpdabfddeadcb - vytal/ncbknoohfjmcfneopnfkapmkblaenokb - web-archives/hkligngkgcpcolhcnkgccglchdafcnao - web-vitals/ahfhijdlegdabablpippeagghigmibma - pushbullet/chlffgpmiacpedhhbkiomidkjlcfhogd # - headless-recorder/djeegiggegleadkkbgopoonhjimgehda firefoxPublicProfile: https://github.com/ProfessorManhattan/firefox-profile-with-plugins.git firefoxAddOns: - automa - bitwarden-password-manager - buffer-for-firefox - buster-captcha-solver - canvasblocker - chatgpt-for-google - clearurls - decentraleyes - dictionary-anyvhere - ebates - emoji-sav - falcon_extension - firefox-translations - floccus - giphy-for-firefox - gnome-shell-integration - hoppscotch - json-lite - languagetool - pushbullet - mailvelope - markdown-here - medium-unlimited-read-for-free - multi-account-containers - notion-web-clipper - pieces-save-code-from-the-web - private-relay - profile-switcher - refined-github- - search_by_image - single-file - sponsorblock - swift-selection-search - temporary-containers - tiny_url - ublock-origin - umatrix - undoclosetabbutton - view-page-archive fonts: main: Montserrat Bold grub: shiftToSee: false timeout: 9 whiteLabel: false removeLinuxPackages: - aisleriot - gnome-mahjongg - gnome-mines - gnome-sudoku - rhythmbox removeLinuxShortcuts: - cmake_cmake-gui.desktop - display-im6.q16.desktop - flutter_openurl.desktop - htop.desktop - scvim.desktop theme: Betelgeuse softwareGroups: AI-Desktop: &AI-Desktop - chatgpt-nofwl - chatgpt-menubar - gpt-engineer - langflow - mage-ai - shell-gpt Android: &Android - apktool - repo - scrcpy Android-Desktop: &Android-Desktop - android-studio - genymotion - scrcpy-gui - soduto Anon: &Anon - onionshare Ansible: &Ansible - ansible - ansibler - ansible-lint - ansibleconnect - awxcli - molecule - winrm-cli Ansible-Roles: &Ansible-Roles [] # TODO: Implement these using chezmoiscripts ## - ssh ## - swarm ## - vpn ## - wsl ## - antivirus ## - common # - connect ## - debloat ## - desktop # - disks ## - dns ## - dnsmasq ## - environment ## - extensions ## - finish ## - firewall ## - fuse ## - guacamole ## - hosthomepage ## - hosts # - motd # - pfsense # - pihole # - pip ## - prepare ## - security ## - ssh # - swarm # - maas Backup: &Backup - autorestic - backup - ghorg - mackup - restic - sanoid Backup-Desktop: &Backup-Desktop - cryptomator - seafile-client - timeshift Browsers: &Browsers - w3m Browsers-Desktop: &Browsers-Desktop - brave-browser - google-chrome - chrome-cli - ferdium - firefox - microsoft-edge - sidekick - tor-browser CI: &CI - act - argo-cli - drone-cli - fpm - github-runner - gitlab-runner - glen - pipelight - tart CLI: &CLI - atuin - bash-completion - bandwhich - bat - bat-extras - bottom - broot - carapace - cheat - chezmoi - clipboard - curl - curlie - delta - desk - direnv - docker-langserver - dog - dua - duf - dust - empty-trash - exa - fcp - fd - firefox-profile - fkill - fzf - ghcup - git - microsoft-git - glances - glow - gnu - goto - gping - gum - hoard - htmlq # htmlq is used by the the Firefox script - hyperfine - jq - lsd - mask - mc - mise - navi - nb - neovim - netcat - ntfy - nmap - nnn - node - nushell - oh-my-posh - pass - postfix - procs - prettier - privoxy - python2 - recoverpy - ripgrep - ripgrep-all - rm-improved - rsync - sd - sheldon - solargraph - sql-language-server - task - pkgx - tmux - tor - translate - tree - vim - volta - xpanes - xxh - watchexec - watchman - wget - whalebrew - wifi-password - yq - zoxide - zsh - zx - zenity CLI-Extras: &CLI-Extras - ack - axel - bin - bitly - brew-gem - brew-pkg - charm - cod - desed - difftastic - dockutil - doitlive - duti - ejs - emplace - emoj - fdupes - fig - figlet - filebrowser - fm - gitmoji-cli - gopass - grex - gron - has - handlr - helix - hexyl - hstr - http-prompt - httpie - httpstat - howdoi - hurl - imgur-uploader - is-up - jiq - jqp - just - kcpassword - litecli - lolcat - marp - mods - mycli - neofetch - nomino - normit - nve - obsidian-cli - opn-cli - pastel - peco - percol - pfsense-fauxapi - pick - pidcat - pgcli - pueue - pywhat - resume - s-search - sad - safe-rm - search-gpt - shml - shx - slack-term - slides - social-analyzer - soft-serve - speed-test - statcode - stegcloak - thefuck - tldr - xdotool - timewarrior - tmuxinator - up - vdirsyncer - wallpaper-cli - wego - whereami - wipe-modules - xh - xz - yank - zsh-completions Cloud: &Cloud - awscli - aws-shell - azure-cli - azure-functions - budibase-cli - consul-cli - curator - doctl - envconsul - fission - fly - gcloud - heroku-cli - infracost - juju - lexicon - logcli - mongodb-atlas - nextcloud - psu - rancher-cli Cloud-Storage: &Cloud-Storage - gdrive - gphotos-sync - rclone - s5cmd Compression: &Compression - p7zip - pigz Communication: &Communication - apprise - irssi Communication-Desktop: &Communication-Desktop - *Communication - discord - element - microsoft-teams - jitsi-meet - keybase - skype - slack # - telegram - zoom Crypto: &Crypto - cointop - monero - monero-cli - mymonero Crypto-Desktop: &Crypto-Desktop - ledger-live - onlykey DNS: &DNS - blocky - hostctl - iodine - switchhosts Data-Manipulation: &Data-Manipulation - dasel - fq - fselect - fx - gojq - hclq - jc - jo - jq - miller - oq - osquery - pup - ramda - schema - sttr - taplo - textql - toml-sort - xsv - xurls - yj - yq Database: &Database - iredis - mariadb - mongodb - octosql - sqlite - steampipe - usql Database-Desktop: &Database-Desktop - beekeeper-studio - medis - mongodb-compass - sqlectron Development-Tools-Desktop: &Development-Tools-Desktop - github-desktop - intellij-idea-ce - iterm2 - meld - powershell - redis-desktop-manager - redis-insight - visual-studio - warp-terminal - winui-gallery - wpfui - xcode - xcodes - xcodes-app - xcpretty - x64dbg Docker: &Docker - bane - clair - container-structure-test - dive - docker-pushrm - docker-slim - dockle - dockly - footloose - grype - trivy - trufflehog E-mail: &E-mail - himalaya - mailsy E-mail-Desktop: &E-mail-Desktop - m-cli - mailspring - protonmail-import-export - protonmail-bridge - thunderbird Engineering-Desktop: &Engineering-Desktop - arduino-ide - cutter - fritzing Essentials: &Essentials - clamav - docker - meta-package-manager - openssl-osx-ca - rkhunter Essentials-Desktop: &Essentials-Desktop - autokey - bismuth - codeedit - eul - firefox - flow-launcher - gnome - iina - kvantum - lapce - malwarebytes - mpv - portmaster - rofi - sddm - tabby - vlc - vscode File-System: &File-System - glusterfs - goofys - sshfs Finance: &Finance - infracost Finance-Desktop: &Finance-Desktop - manta - tradingview Games-Desktop: &Games-Desktop - mudlet # MUD client - steam Git: &Git - aicommits - commitizen - forgit - gh - gist - git - gitql - git-bug - git-branchless - git-extras - git-filter-repo - git-jump - git-lfs - git-open - git-secret - git-subrepo - git-town - gitomatic - git-stats - gitui - glab - hub - lazygit - multi-gitter - opencommit - repo - starred - tig Git-Desktop: &Git-Desktop - github-classroom-assistant - gitdock - gitify - gitkraken Git-Project-Tools: &Git-Project-Tools - appnest-readme - commitlint - git-notify - hbs-cli - husky - liquidjs - pnpm-lock-export - synp - yarnhook Go: &Go - delve - go - goreleaser - go-outline - gomodifytags - gopkgs - gopls - gotests - impl - staticcheck - wails Home: &Home - go-chromecast Kubernetes: &Kubernetes - cmctl - kdash - kn # TODO: Check if some of these are installed by Krew and remove if they are - krew - kubectx - kubekey - kubenav - kube-shell - kubernetes-cli - helm - helmfile - helm-docs - kubernetes-kompose - kubeval - k9s - kustomize - linkerd2 - minikube - openshift-cli - skaffold - tilt - velero Kubernetes-Desktop: &Kubernetes-Desktop - lens Linting: &Linting - ansible-lint - cloc - dockfmt - dotenv-linter - dprint - eslint - eslint-dashboard - eslintd - esprint - gitleaks - golangci-lint - hadolint - markdownlint-cli - prettierd - pre-commit - psscriptanalyzer - reek - rubocop - ruff - shellcheck - shfmt - swiftformat - tflint - tfsec - tokei - trunk - vale - yamllint - yapf Logging: &Logging - fuego - papertrail - rsyslog - runitor - sentry-cli - unbuffer Media: &Media - alda - beets - crunch - exiftool - ffmpeg - gifsicle - imagemagick - jpegoptim - korkut - pandoc - sharp - spotdl - svgo - tinypng - vidmerger - wkhtmltopdf - you-get - youtube-dl - yt-dlp Media-Desktop: &Media-Desktop - adobe-creative-cloud - airtame - audacity - balenaetcher - blender - brasero - crunch-app - gimp - handbrake - inkscape - kdenlive - kodi - koodo-reader - krita - lollypop - obs-studio - plex - plex-htpc - plex-media-server - prezi-video - raspberry-pi-imager - shotcut - shotwell - upscayl - vlc - youtube-music Misc-Desktop: &Misc-Desktop - _misc-flatpaks - _nautilus-extensions - barrier - cakebrew - clocker - devtoys - devtoys-windows - drawio - eartrumpet - edex-ui - envpane - google-assistant - gnome-tweaks - hiddenbar - keycastr - linkliar - logi-options-plus - logi-tune - mark-text - meetingbar - modern-flyouts - monitorcontrol - openinterminal - pake - pock - polybar - pretzel - privileges - qlplugins - remote-desktop - remmina - rofi - rustdesk - secretive - stats - swiftbar - teamviewer - tigervnc - xpra Misc-Development-Tools: &Misc-Development-Tools - ansifilter - aqua - astronvim - automake - bazelisk - binwalk - bfg - bundler - carthage - cmake - cocoapods # - codeclimate Errors it out because it requires Docker to be installed - dotnet - expect - fury - gradle - ideviceinstaller - ios-deploy - ios-sim - java - jenv - libimobiledevice - license - lightproxy - lua - meta - mono - ntl - nugetpackageexplorer - openjdk - platformio - please - porter - proxyman - pushpin - rust - sdkman-cli - snapcraft - solidity - swimat - tomcat - upx - windows-adk - windows-admin-center - windows-power-toys NGINX: &NGINX - caddy - certbot - cfssl - gixy - mkcert - nginx - nginx-unit # - maas - ngxtop Network-Enabled: &Network-Enabled - cockpit - cups - lexicon - squid Networking: &Networking - etcd - cloudflared - glusterfs - mole - mutagen - nebula - ngrok - privaxy - pwnat - rustscan - ssl-proxy - tailscale - warp Orchestration: &Orchestration - dagu - nomad - pm2 - robotframework - sake - waypoint PHP: &PHP - composer - php Package-Management: &Package-Management # - homebrew # - whalebrew - rtx - syncpack - ultra - zap Productivity-Desktop: &Productivity-Desktop - alt-tab - amethyst - espanso # - fiscript - libreoffice - microsoft-office - notion - obsidian - raycast - skhd Python: &Python - flake8 - isort - mambaforge - micromamba - poetry - python - virtualenv Recording: &Recording - asciinema - blackhole - carbon-now - dframe - t-rec - terminalizer - vhs Recording-Desktop: &Recording-Desktop - flameshot - kap - ksnip - peek - sharex Ruby: &Ruby - ruby SSH: &SSH - assh - endlessh - fabric - fail2ban - hss - mosh - openssh-server - skm - ssh-vault - sshpass - sshs - sync-ssh-keys - teleport - tmate - wetty - wishlist Security: &Security - bitwarden-cli - boringtun - debsecan - dotenv-vault - envchain - envconsul - envio - onlykey-agent - onlykey-cli - openssl - pony - protonvpn-cli - quark-engine - scap-security-guide - skate - ssh-vault - sshuttle - teller - vault - wireguard-client - wireguard-tools - yubikey-manager Security-Desktop: &Security-Desktop - bitwarden - lulu - portmaster - privileges - protonvpn - santa - swifty - tunnelblick - yubikey-authenticator - yubikey-manager-qt Server: &Server - cockpit - cups - haproxy - netdata - samba - sftpgo - wazuh Shell-Scripting: &Shell-Scripting - argc - bashly - shc - shdoc - shellcheck - shfmt Social-Networking: &Social-Networking - enola - holehe - social-analyzer - t Hacking: &Hacking - ettercap - john Sys-Admin: &Sys-Admin - arping - ctop - fleetctl - goaccess - gtop - htop - ipmitool - iproute2mac - macprefs - masscan - prefsniff - pulumi - sysbench - sysdig - sysz - upt - winrm-cli # - wireshark-cli Sys-Admin-Desktop: &Sys-Admin-Desktop - networkmanager - pppc-utility - quasar - recuva - sloth - snitch - wireshark Templates: &Templates - confd - consul-template - cookiecutter - gomplate Terraform: &Terraform - aiac - terraform - tfenv - tflint Testing: &Testing - allure - appium - molecule Testing-Desktop: &Testing-Desktop - appium-desktop - appium-inspector Transfer: &Transfer - aria2 - croc - dat - ffsend - gdown - magic-wormhole - nitroshare - ots - portal - share - syncthing - lsyncd - unison Transfer-Desktop: &Transfer-Desktop - dat-desktop - google-drive - motrix - qbittorrent - sparkleshare - webtorrent Utilities: &Utilities - blueutil - nativefier Virtualization: &Virtualization - d2vm - distrobox - kvm - libguestfs-tools - lxdc - lxd-ui - packer - quickemu - vagrant - vagrant-vmware-utility - vermin Virtualization-Desktop: &Virtualization-Desktop - docker-desktop - gnome-boxes - parallels - quickgui - utm - vagrant-manager - virtualbox - vmware Web-Development: &Web-Development - angular-cli - autodoc - auto-install - browser-sync - bun - caniuse - capacitor - cloudflare-cli - coder - cordova - deno - deta - devbox - electron - emma - fastify - fastlane - feathers - firebase - flutter - generator-ngx-rocket - gfi - gulp - hey - htmlhint - hugo - ionic - imageoptim-cli - ipfs - ipfs-deploy - jest - json-server - lighthouse - localtunnel - mailcatcher - majestic - medusa - mitmproxy - muffet - nativescript - ncc - nectar - nest - newman - ngrok - node-prune - nodemon - np - npkill - npm-check # Similar to npm-check-updates - npm-check-updates - nx - oclif - osx-sign - package-size - page-fetch - pageres - patch-package - pipedream-cli - pkg - playwright - pnpm - projen - psi - quicktype - semantic-release - serve - serverless - shuttle - sphinx - storybook - surge - trellis - ts2c - typescript - typescript-to-lua - web-ext - websocat - wordops - wordpressify - wp-cli - wrangler - wrk - yarn - zola Web-Development-Desktop: &Web-Development-Desktop - altair - betwixt - fiddler - figma - http-toolkit - imagine - imageoptim - ipfs-desktop - mjml - markmap - mockoon - mqttx - ndb - phpmon - pieces - pieces-os - pieces-cli - pika - postman - responsively - runjs - zaproxy _Basic: &_Basic - *CLI - *Essentials - endlessh - fail2ban - openssh-server _General-Purpose-Server: &_General-Purpose-Server - *CLI - *Database - *Essentials - *File-System - *NGINX - *PHP - *Python - *Ruby - *SSH - *Sys-Admin - *Transfer - *Virtualization - ansifilter - aqua - astronvim - automake - autorestic - bat - bfg - boringtun - buildkite-agent - clamav - cloudflared - cmake - cockpit - docker - dotnet - envchain - etcd - exiftool - expect - ffmpeg - fury - git - git-extras - git-filter-repo - git-lfs - git-secret - git-subrepo - gitlab-runner - gitomatic - glusterfs - glusterfs - go - gomplate - goofys - gradle - imagemagick - java - libimobiledevice - nebula - netdata - openssh-server - pm2 - rclone - restic - rkhunter - rust - sake - samba - sftpgo - sharp - skate - snapcraft - solidity - sqlite - ssh-vault - sshfs - teller - tinypng - upx - warp - wazuh - windows-adk - windows-admin-center - windows-power-toys _Basic-Desktop: &_Basic-Desktop - *_Basic - *Essentials-Desktop - firewall-applet - firewall-config - mas - plymouth - stacer _Standard: &_Standard - *_Basic - *Backup - *Cloud-Storage - bitwarden-cli _Standard-Desktop-Filter: - discord - gitkraken - jitsi-meet - microsoft-teams - plex-htpc - slack - thunderbird - yubico-authenticator - zoom _Standard-Desktop: &_Standard-Desktop - *_Basic-Desktop - *Backup-Desktop - *Communication-Desktop - *Media-Desktop - *Misc-Desktop - *Productivity-Desktop - *Recording-Desktop - *Virtualization-Desktop - bitwarden - bottles - brave-browser - mailspring - protonvpn - tailscale - warp _Full: &_Full - *_Standard - *Android - *Ansible - *Backup - *Browsers - *CI - *CLI-Extras - *Cloud - *Cloud-Storage - *Crypto - *DNS - *Data-Manipulation - *Database - *Docker - *E-mail - *File-System - *Finance - *Git - *Git-Project-Tools - *Go - *Hacking - *Home - *Kubernetes - *Linting - *Logging - *Media - *Misc-Development-Tools - *NGINX - *Network-Enabled - *Networking - *Orchestration - *PHP - *Package-Management - *Python - *Recording - *Ruby - *SSH - *Security - *Server - *Shell-Scripting - *Social-Networking - *Sys-Admin - *Terraform - *Templates - *Testing - *Transfer - *Utilities - *Virtualization - *Web-Development _Full-Desktop: &_Full-Desktop - *_Full - *_Standard-Desktop - *AI-Desktop - *Android-Desktop - *Backup-Desktop - *Browsers-Desktop - *Communication-Desktop - *Crypto-Desktop - *Database-Desktop - *Development-Tools-Desktop - *E-mail-Desktop - *Engineering-Desktop - *Finance-Desktop - *Games-Desktop - *Git-Desktop - *Kubernetes-Desktop - *Media-Desktop - *Misc-Desktop - *Productivity-Desktop - *Recording-Desktop - *Security-Desktop - *Sys-Admin-Desktop - *Testing-Desktop - *Transfer-Desktop - *Virtualization-Desktop - *Web-Development-Desktop _ID-Desktop: - browsersaurus - monitorcontrol - warp-terminal __hostname__base-basic-tmpl: - *_Basic - *_Basic-Desktop __hostname__base-standard-tmpl: - *_Basic - *_Basic-Desktop - *Docker __hostname__base-full-tmpl: - *_Full-Desktop __hostname__anon-tmpl: - *Anon __hostname__crypto-tmpl: - *Crypto - *Crypto-Desktop __hostname__dev-tmpl: - *_Full-Desktop __hostname__gpg-tmpl: [] __hostname__kubernetes-tmpl: - *Kubernetes - *Kubernetes-Desktop - *Networking __hostname__maas: - maas __hostname__media-tmpl: - *Media - *Media-Desktop __hostname__office-tmpl: - *Communication-Desktop - *Productivity-Desktop __hostname__personal-tmpl: [] __hostname__provision-tmpl: [] __hostname__remote-tmpl: - *Networking - filezilla - remote-desktop - teamviewer __hostname__swarm-tmpl: - *Backup - *Docker - *Networking - swarm __hostname__util-tmpl: [] __hostname__vault-tmpl: - onlykey __hostname__vpn-pritunl-tmpl: [] __hostname__vpn-proton-tmpl: - protonvpn __hostname__vpn-random-tmpl: - vpn __hostname__vpn-tailscale-tmpl: - tailscale __hostname__vpn-warp-tmpl: - warp __hostname__vpn-tmpl: [] __hostname__web-tmpl: - *Browsers-Desktop __hostname__work-tmpl: [] deprecated: - pkg: apt-cacher-ng note: Deprecated in favor of using Sonatype Nexus apt proxies. - pkg: ariang note: Not very polished and only available via cask - pkg: asdf note: ASDF is currently installed via a script rather than in the software definitions. - pkg: astronvim note: AstronVIM is deprecated in favor of NvChad which has more stars and is less troublesome to install (in our experience) - pkg: bivac note: Deprecated in favor of using the RClone Docker plugin for S3-backed mounts - pkg: boilr note: Deprecated in favor of using `gomplate` - pkg: captain note: Unused Docker assistance package - pkg: catfs note: CatFS is reportedly in the alpha stage of development and we experienced issues when trying to use it. - pkg: catlight note: Free tier has strict limitations and app is not very polished - pkg: ccat note: bat can be used instead and has more features - pkg: cerebro note: macOS system search more native way of providing similar features. Better alternatives are available. - pkg: chromium note: Deprecated in favor of the regular Chrome. - pkg: cumulus note: Unnecessary menu bar widget for SoundCloud. - pkg: diffsofancy note: Deprecated in favor of `delta` - pkg: easyengine note: Deprecated in favor of `wordops` which is the new and improved version of EasyEngine - pkg: filezilla note: FileZilla has an offensive user-interface. Absolutely atrocious. - pkg: gdu note: Deprecated in favor of `duf` which is written in Rust - pkg: git-fuzzy note: Installed via dotfiles via git - pkg: graphql-playground note: Altair is more popular and well-maintained on GitHub - pkg: gvm note: Deprecated in favor of using ASDF. - pkg: hyper note: Deprecated in favor of Tabby for a full-featured terminal. - pkg: kitty note: Deprecated in favor of using alternative terminals such as iTerm2, Tabby, and bundled Linux terminals. - pkg: lepton note: Deprecated in favor of [Pieces](https://pieces.app/). The core components of Pieces are not open-source but the functionality is significantly better than massCode. - pkg: librewolf note: Creates ~/.librewolf and Firefox is preferred - pkg: loop note: Encountering error during cargo install - pkg: lpass note: Deprecated in favor of using the BitWarden password manager and its related tools. - pkg: lsd note: Deprecated in favor of using `exa`. `lsd` may be re-introduced when Windows support is added. - pkg: masscode # Deprecated in favor of Pieces note: Deprecated in favor of [Pieces](https://pieces.app/). The core components of Pieces are not open-source but the functionality is significantly better than massCode. - pkg: mcfly note: Deprecated in favor of atuin - pkg: microsoft-todo note: Deprecated in favor of Google Tasks - pkg: mullvad-vpn note: Switched to ProtonVPN exclusively - pkg: multipass note: Opens persistent menu icon on GNOME and has issues that sometimes require switching the virt driver - pkg: neovide note: Prefer other IDEs - neovim is good for the terminal though - pkg: nordvpn note: Deprecated in favor of leveraging ProtonVPN as the primary VPN service. - pkg: nvm note: Deprecated in favor of using ASDF. - pkg: nuclear note: Music app - UI is horrendous - pkg: orbstack note: Faster / better alternative to Docker Desktop on macOS. Deprecated because it does not support Docker Extensions and is only for macOS. - pkg: pip note: The `pip` installation is handled by the `install-program` program bundled with Install Doctor. - pkg: pipx note: The `pipx` installation is handled by the `install-program` program bundled with Install Doctor. - pkg: profilecreator note: macOS app that allows creating profiles. Crashes on macOS with enterprise managed settings due to read-only file access. - pkg: pyenv note: Deprecated in favor of using ASDF. - pkg: s3filesystem note: Deprecated in favor of using RClone. - pkg: starship note: Deprecated in favor of alternative terminal status prompts such as PowerLevel10k. - pkg: raindrop note: Deprecated because browser extensions do a better job of unifying bookmarks. Namely, the extension called Floccus allows cross-browser bookmark syncing. The Raindrop package also requires a paid subscription for advanced features. - pkg: rvm note: Deprecated in favor of using ASDF. - pkg: standard-notes note: Deprecated in favor of Obsidian / Notion - pkg: stubby note: Causes issues when other programs are modifying the DNS resolving endpoint. Might be worth reinvestigating but ideally the DNS should be encrypted on pfSense or use CloudFlare WARP to handle it. - pkg: temps note: macOS menu bar app for weather. Buggy software. - pkg: taskwarrior note: Removed from default install because the binary executable conflicts with go-task's binary executable. - pkg: termius note: Deprecated since all the interesting features require a paid subscription. - pkg: ugm note: Error encountered while installing with Go reported [here](https://github.com/ariasmn/ugm/issues/2). - pkg: ulauncher note: Deprecated in favor of alternative app launchers. - pkg: vscodium note: Not all VSCode plugins work with VSCodium. - pkg: xhyve note: Disabled on Homebrew because it has not been modified for several years and does not build properly - pkg: yubikey-agent note: The OpenSSH library can now create native keys that integrate with the client. - pkg: chef-workstation note: Not utilizing Chef and it automatically adds a top bar menu item that causes load delay # Files below need to be reviewed before adding them to the stack. They should include all of the # definitions in software.yml that are not included somewhere in the definitions that this file # maps out. queued: - pkg: android-platform-tools note: Might only be needed in headless scenarios since Android Studio will download the tools - pkg: editly note: Editly NPM package is failing to install on macOS. Attempts to compile with node-gyp and fails. - pkg: hishtory note: Erroring out - waiting on an alternate installation method like Homebrew to be released - pkg: metasploit note: Determine whether or not this will be flagged by management settings - pkg: rancher-desktop note: Conflicts with Docker Desktop - pkg: rear note: System backup utility that may be incorporated after comparing it with alternative and perhaps better alternatives. - pkg: frps / frpc note: No need to integrate these packages at this time. - pkg: vector note: Package currently relies on bash one-liner script - pkg: catfs note: After `sudo apt-get install -y fuse libfuse-dev, the following error still shows up error could not find system library 'fuse' required by the 'fuse' crate - pkg: snapd note: Bundled into installer - pkg: signal note: Not needed - mostly a phone app helmCharts: - vector helm: # helm repo add cloudflare-exporter https://lablabs.github.io/cloudflare-exporter/ && helm install cloudflare-exporter/cloudflare-exporter - name: cloudflare-exporter url: https://lablabs.github.io/cloudflare-exporter/ pkg: cloudflare-exporter/cloudflare-exporter softwarePlugins: alfred: cmd: null plugins: - https://github.com/BalliAsghar/mailsy-alfred/releases/download/2.0.0/Mailsy.alfredworkflow android-studio: cmd: bash -c 'if ! sdkmanager --list_installed | grep "{PLUGIN}" > /dev/null; then echo y | sdkmanager --install "{PLUGIN}"; fi' plugins: - add-ons;addon-google_apis-google-24 # - build-tools;31.0.0 # - build-tools;32.0.0 # - build-tools;33.0.2 - build-tools;34.0.0 - cmake;3.22.1 - cmdline-tools;latest - emulator - extras;android;m2repository - extras;google;auto - extras;google;google_play_services - extras;google;instantapps - extras;google;m2repository - extras;google;market_apk_expansion - extras;google;market_licensing - extras;google;simulators - extras;google;webdriver - extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout-solver;1.0.2 - extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout;1.0.2 - ndk-bundle - platform-tools # - platforms;android-31 # - platforms;android-32 # - platforms;android-33 - platforms;android-34 - skiaparser;3 # - sources;android-31 # - sources;android-32 # - sources;android-33 - sources;android-34 # - system-images;android-31;default;x86_64 # - system-images;android-32;android-desktop;x86_64 # - system-images;android-33-ext5;google_apis_playstore;arm64-v8a # - system-images;android-33-ext5;google_apis_playstore;x86_64 # - system-images;android-33;android-automotive;arm64-v8a # - system-images;android-33;android-automotive;x86_64 # - system-images;android-33;android-desktop;arm64-v8a # - system-images;android-33;android-desktop;x86_64 # - system-images;android-33;android-tv;arm64-v8a # - system-images;android-33;android-tv;x86 # - system-images;android-33;android-wear;arm64-v8a # - system-images;android-33;android-wear;x86_64 # - system-images;android-33;aosp_atd;arm64-v8a # - system-images;android-33;aosp_atd;x86_64 # - system-images;android-33;default;arm64-v8a # - system-images;android-33;default;x86_64 # - system-images;android-33;google-tv;arm64-v8a # - system-images;android-33;google-tv;x86 # - system-images;android-33;google_apis;arm64-v8a # - system-images;android-33;google_apis;x86_64 # - system-images;android-33;google_apis_playstore;arm64-v8a # - system-images;android-33;google_apis_playstore;x86_64 # - system-images;android-33;google_atd;arm64-v8a # - system-images;android-33;google_atd;x86_64 - system-images;android-34-ext8;google_apis_playstore;arm64-v8a - system-images;android-34-ext8;google_apis_playstore;x86_64 - system-images;android-34;android-tv;arm64-v8a - system-images;android-34;android-tv;x86 - system-images;android-34;default;arm64-v8a - system-images;android-34;default;x86_64 - system-images;android-34;google-tv;arm64-v8a - system-images;android-34;google-tv;x86 - system-images;android-34;google_apis;arm64-v8a - system-images;android-34;google_apis;x86_64 - system-images;android-34;google_apis_playstore;arm64-v8a - system-images;android-34;google_apis_playstore;x86_64 # - system-images;android-TiramisuPrivacySandbox;google_apis;arm64-v8a # - system-images;android-TiramisuPrivacySandbox;google_apis;x86_64 # - system-images;android-TiramisuPrivacySandbox;google_apis_playstore;arm64-v8a # - system-images;android-TiramisuPrivacySandbox;google_apis_playstore;x86_64 # - system-images;android-UpsideDownCakePrivacySandbox;google_apis_playstore;arm64-v8a # - system-images;android-UpsideDownCakePrivacySandbox;google_apis_playstore;x86_64 composer: cmd: null plugins: - deployer/deployer docker: cmd: bash -c 'if ! docker extension list | grep "$(echo "{PLUGIN}" | sed 's/\:.*//')" > /dev/null; then echo y | docker extension install "{PLUGIN}"; fi' plugins: - ambassador/telepresence-docker-extension:1.0.19 - docker/disk-usage-extension:0.2.8 - docker/logs-explorer-extension:0.2.5 - docker/resource-usage-extension - docker/volumes-backup-extension:1.1.4 - drone/drone-ci-docker-extension:0.2.0 - mutagenio/docker-desktop-extension:0.17.3 - okteto/docker-desktop-extension:0.3.3 - portainer/portainer-docker-extension:2.19.3 - redhatdeveloper/openshift-dd-ext - snyk/snyk-docker-desktop-extension:0.7.4 - tailscale/docker-extension:1.0.1 when: docker extension list &> /dev/null docker-images: cmd: bash -c 'if ! docker image list | awk \'{print $1 " " $2}\' | grep "{PLUGIN}" > /dev/null; then docker pull "{PLUGIN}"; fi' plugins: - alpine:latest - postgres:10 - postgres:12 - postgres:latest - ubuntu:latest docker-plugins: cmd: bash -c 'if ! docker plugin ls | grep "{PLUGIN}" > /dev/null; then echo y | docker plugin install "{PLUGIN}"; fi' plugins: # TODO - Add https://github.com/ContainX/docker-volume-netshare - n0r1skcom/docker-volume-cephfs - sapk/plugin-rclone - vieux/sshfs when: docker plugin ls &> /dev/null dotnet: cmd: bash -c 'if ! dotnet tool list -g | grep "{PLUGIN}" > /dev/null; then dotnet tool install -g "{PLUGIN}"; fi' plugins: - microsoft.cst.attacksurfaceanalyzer.cli - dotnet-format - git-credential-manager gcloud: cmd: bash -c 'if ! gcloud components list | grep "^..Installed.*{PLUGIN}" > /dev/null; then echo "Installing.." && gcloud components install --quiet "{PLUGIN}"; fi' plugins: - app-engine-go - cloud-datastore-emulator - cloud-firestore-emulator - cloud-run-proxy - gke-gcloud-auth-plugin - log-streaming - pubsub-emulator - terraform-tools update: gcloud components update gh: cmd: bash -c 'if [ -f "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/shell/private.sh" ]; then source "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/shell/private.sh"; fi && if [ -n "$GITHUB_TOKEN" ] && ! gh extension list | grep "{PLUGIN}" > /dev/null; then gh extension install "{PLUGIN}"; fi' plugins: - abdfnx/gh-tran - dlvhdr/gh-dash - github/gh-net - mislav/gh-cp intellij-idea-ce: cmd: bash -c 'if [ ! -f "${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/install.doctor/intellij-idea-ce" ] || ! cat "${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/install.doctor/intellij-idea-ce" | grep "${PLUGIN}" &> /dev/null; then "$HOME/.local/bin/idea.sh" installPlugins "{PLUGIN}" && mkdir -p "${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/install.doctor" && echo "{PLUGIN}" >> "${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/install.doctor/intellij-idea-ce"; fi' plugins: - AngularJS - app.pieces.plugins.jetbrains - com.dmarcotte.handlebars - com.github.copilot - com.github.masahirosuzuka.PhoneGapIntelliJPlugin - com.jetbrains.edu - com.jetbrains.rust - com.wakatime.intellij.plugin - org.intellij.plugins.hcl - com.intellij.lang.jsgraphql - com.chrisrm.idea.MaterialThemeUI - name.kropp.intellij.makefile - com.genymotion.idea - Docker - io.flutter - Dart - Jetbrains TeamCity Plugin - com.wakatime.intellij.plugin - mobi.hsz.idea.gitignore - NodeJS - org.editorconfig.editorconfigjetbrains - org.intellij.plugins.markdown - org.jetbrains.completion.full.line - org.jetbrains.plugins.go-template helm: cmd: bash -c '{PLUGIN}' plugins: - if ! helm plugin list | grep "Preview helm upgrade changes as a diff" > /dev/null; then helm plugin install https://github.com/databus23/helm-diff; fi - if ! helm plugin list | grep "Query at a given interval a Prometheus, ElasticSearch or Sentry instance." > /dev/null; then helm plugin install https://github.com/ContainerSolutions/helm-monitor; fi - if ! helm plugin list | grep "This plugin provides secrets values encryption for Helm charts secure storing" > /dev/null; then helm plugin install https://github.com/jkroepke/helm-secrets; fi krew: cmd: bash -c 'if ! kubectl krew list | grep "^{PLUGIN}$" > /dev/null; then if ! kubectl krew search "{PLUGIN}" | grep " unavailable on " > /dev/null; then kubectl krew install "{PLUGIN}"; else echo "UNSUPPORTED PLATFORM - {PLUGIN} is not supported on the current platform"; fi; fi' plugins: - access-matrix - cert-manager - cost - ctx - datree - deprecations # flyte fails to install on macOS arm64 # W1105 install.go:164] failed to install plugin "flyte": plugin "flyte" does not offer installation for this platform - flyte - get-all - graph # ingress-nginx fails to install on macOS arm64 # W1105 install.go:164] failed to install plugin "ingress-nginx": plugin "ingress-nginx" does not offer installation for this platform - ingress-nginx - karmada - konfig - kyverno - liqo - minio - modify-secret - neat - node-shell - ns - oidc-login - resource-capacity - score - sniff - tail - tree - tunnel - view-allocations # virt fails to install on macOS arm64 # W1105 install.go:164] failed to install plugin "virt": plugin "virt" does not offer installation for this platform - virt # warp fails to install on macOS arm64 # W1105 install.go:164] failed to install plugin "warp": plugin "warp" does not offer installation for this platform - warp - who-can obsidian: cmd: | #!/usr/bin/env bash PLUGIN_FOLDER="$(echo "{PLUGIN}" | sed 's/.*\/\(.*\)$/\1/')" MAIN_TMP="$(mktemp)" && curl -sSL "{PLUGIN}/releases/latest/download/main.js" > "$MAIN_TMP" MANIFEST_TMP="$(mktemp)" && curl -sSL "{PLUGIN}/releases/latest/download/manifest.json" > "$MANIFEST_TMP" STYLES_TMP="$(mktemp)" curl -sSL "{PLUGIN}/releases/latest/download/styles.css" > "$STYLES_TMP" || unset STYLES_TMP find "$HOME/Documents" -type d -maxdepth 5 -name ".obsidian" | while read OBSIDIAN_DIR; do mkdir -p "${OBSIDIAN_DIR}/plugins/${PLUGIN_FOLDER}" cp -f "$MAIN_TMP" "${OBSIDIAN_DIR}/plugins/${PLUGIN_FOLDER}/main.js" cp -f "$MANIFEST_TMP" "${OBSIDIAN_DIR}/plugins/${PLUGIN_FOLDER}/manifest.json" if [ -n "$STYLES_TMP" ]; then cp -f "$STYLES_TMP" "${OBSIDIAN_DIR}/plugins/${PLUGIN_FOLDER}/styles.css" fi done plugins: - https://github.com/aidenlx/media-extended - https://github.com/alangrainger/obsidian-google-photos - https://github.com/aleksey-rezvov/obsidian-local-images - https://github.com/alexandru-dinu/obsidian-sortable - https://github.com/AlexW00/obsidian-note-linker - https://github.com/Alt-er/obsidian-sync-share - https://github.com/andrewbrereton/obsidian-to-ical-plugin - https://github.com/argenos/nldates-obsidian - https://github.com/bingryan/obsidian-markdown-export-plugin - https://github.com/blacksmithgu/obsidian-dataview - https://github.com/bramses/chatgpt-md - https://github.com/Canna71/obsidian-janitor - https://github.com/caronchen/obsidian-epub-plugin - https://github.com/CIMSTA/obsidiosaurus - https://github.com/Clemens-E/obsidian-languagetool-plugin - https://github.com/coddingtonbear/obsidian-local-rest-api - https://github.com/dartungar/obsidian-mermaid - https://github.com/davish/obsidian-full-calendar - https://github.com/deathau/cm-editor-syntax-highlight-obsidian - https://github.com/deathau/csv-obsidian - https://github.com/denolehov/obsidian-git - https://github.com/devbean/obsidian-wordpress - https://github.com/dexin-qi/obsidian-sync-calendar - https://github.com/dhamaniasad/obsidian-rich-links - https://github.com/different-ai/obsidian-ava - https://github.com/EasyChris/obsidian-to-notion - https://github.com/Ellpeck/ObsidianCustomFrames - https://github.com/FlorianWoelki/obsidian-iconize - https://github.com/ganesshkumar/obsidian-table-editor - https://github.com/getmatterapp/obsidian-matter - https://github.com/HananoshikaYomaru/obsidian-publish-url - https://github.com/HEmile/obsidian-search-on-internet - https://github.com/hipstersmoothie/obsidian-plugin-toc - https://github.com/ivan-lednev/obsidian-day-planner - https://github.com/jamesmagoo/nostr-writer - https://github.com/javalent/settings-search - https://github.com/jmilldotdev/obsidian-wikipedia - https://github.com/joethei/obsidian-rss - https://github.com/jonstodle/obsius-obsidian-plugin - https://github.com/khoj-ai/khoj - https://github.com/LBF38/obsidian-syncthing-integration - https://github.com/liamcain/obsidian-calendar-plugin - https://github.com/liamcain/obsidian-periodic-notes - https://github.com/linjunpop/obsidian-gist - https://github.com/lukeleppan/better-word-count - https://github.com/lukeleppan/obsidian-discordrpc - https://github.com/Make-md/makemd - https://github.com/marcjulianschwarz/obsidian-file-link - https://github.com/marcusolsson/obsidian-projects - https://github.com/mcndt/obsidian-quickshare - https://github.com/meld-cp/obsidian-encrypt - https://github.com/mgmeyers/obsidian-kanban - https://github.com/mgmeyers/obsidian-style-settings - https://github.com/MrGVSV/obsidian-github-embeds - https://github.com/MSzturc/obsidian-advanced-slides - https://github.com/noatpad/obsidian-banners - https://github.com/NomarCub/obsidian-open-vscode - https://github.com/nybbles/obsidian-pocket - https://github.com/Obsidian-Desci/Obsidian-Desci - https://github.com/obsidian-tasks-group/obsidian-tasks - https://github.com/obsidianmd/obsidian-importer - https://github.com/ObsidianPublisher/obsidian-github-publisher - https://github.com/oeN/liquid-template - https://github.com/OliverBalfour/obsidian-pandoc - https://github.com/oliveryh/obsidian-emoji-toolbar - https://github.com/omnivore-app/obsidian-omnivore - https://github.com/ozntel/file-tree-alternative - https://github.com/phibr0/obsidian-charts - https://github.com/phibr0/obsidian-dictionary - https://github.com/pieces-app/obsidian-pieces - https://github.com/pieces-app/obsidian-pieces.git - https://github.com/platers/obsidian-linter - https://github.com/polyipseity/obsidian-terminal - https://github.com/ravimashru/obsidian-show-file-path - https://github.com/sbquinlan/obsidian-handlebars - https://github.com/scambier/obsidian-omnisearch - https://github.com/shabegom/buttons - https://github.com/snezhig/obsidian-front-matter-title - https://github.com/tadashi-aikawa/obsidian-various-complements-plugin - https://github.com/trashhalo/obsidian-webhooks - https://github.com/twentytwokhz/language-translator - https://github.com/twibiral/obsidian-execute-code - https://github.com/Vinzent03/find-unlinked-files - https://github.com/Vinzent03/obsidian-advanced-uri - https://github.com/weichenw/obsidian-hypothesis-plugin - https://github.com/xryul/obsidian-image-converter - https://github.com/YukiGasai/obsidian-google-calendar - https://github.com/YukiGasai/obsidian-google-tasks - https://github.com/zsviczian/excalibrain - https://github.com/zsviczian/obsidian-excalidraw-plugin # raycast: Manually install Raycast extensions - no CLI method steampipe: cmd: bash -c 'if [ ! -f /tmp/steampipe-plugin-list ]; then steampipe plugin list > /tmp/steampipe-plugin-list; fi && if ! cat /tmp/steampipe-plugin-list | grep "{PLUGIN}" > /dev/null; then steampipe plugin install "{PLUGIN}"; fi' plugins: - algolia - aws - azure - azuread - azuredevops - bitbucket - buildkite - cloudflare - code - config - consul - csv - digitalocean - docker - gcp - github - googledirectory - googlesheets - googleworkspace - grafana - heroku - hibp - imap - ipinfo - jira - jumpcloud - kubernetes - ldap - linkedin - net - nomad - openai - prometheus - reddit - rss - sentry - shopify - slack - stripe - tailscale - terraform - trivy - twilio - whois - ernw/openstack - theapsgroup/gitlab - theapsgroup/keycloak - theapsgroup/vault - twitter update: steampipe plugin update --all teams: cmd: echo "Teams plugins are installed via the Teams app" plugins: - name: Pieces plugin: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/app/789f23b3-d882-45ca-b3a3-de7f850656ea vagrant: cmd: bash -c 'if ! vagrant plugin list | grep "{PLUGIN}" > /dev/null; then vagrant plugin install "{PLUGIN}"; fi' plugins: - vagrant-bindfs - vagrant-digitalocean - vagrant-google - vagrant-hostmanager - vagrant-libvirt # Dependency issues # - vagrant-openstack-provider # - vagrant-openstack - vagrant-parallels # Dependency issue # - vagrant-proxmox - vagrant-share - vagrant-vbguest - vagrant-vmware-desktop - vagrant-xenserver visual-studio: cmd: null # VSIXInstaller.exe can be used to install a local file. The first step is to download the plugin file. https://gist.github.com/ScottHutchinson/b22339c3d3688da5c9b477281e258400 plugins: - GitHub.copilotvs - TemplateStudio.TemplateStudioForWinUICs - lepo.wpf-ui vim: plugins: - https://github.com/airblade/vim-gitgutter.git - https://github.com/dense-analysis/ale.git - https://github.com/editorconfig/editorconfig-vim.git - https://github.com/ekalinin/dockerfile.vim.git - https://github.com/fatih/vim-go.git - https://github.com/github/copilot.vim - https://github.com/hdima/python-syntax.git - https://github.com/junegunn/fzf.git - https://github.com/junegunn/fzf.vim.git - https://github.com/kristijanhusak/vim-carbon-now-sh.git - https://github.com/mxw/vim-jsx.git - https://github.com/Yggdroot/indentLine - https://github.com/nanotee/zoxide.vim.git - https://github.com/pangloss/vim-javascript.git - https://github.com/pearofducks/ansible-vim.git - https://github.com/plasticboy/vim-markdown.git - https://github.com/sheerun/vim-polyglot.git - https://github.com/prettier/vim-prettier.git - https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons.git - https://github.com/scrooloose/nerdtree.git - https://github.com/stanangeloff/php.vim.git - https://github.com/terryma/vim-multiple-cursors.git - https://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive.git - https://github.com/tpope/vim-sensible.git - https://github.com/justinmk/vim-sneak.git - https://github.com/tpope/vim-surround.git - https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline.git - https://github.com/vim-syntastic/syntastic.git - https://github.com/leafgarland/typescript-vim.git # Handled by script that looks at ~/.config/Code/extensions.json # vscode: # cmd: bash -c 'if ! code --list-extensions | grep "{PLUGIN}" > /dev/null; then code --install-extension "{PLUGIN}"; fi' # plugins: # - GitHub.copilot # vscodium: # cmd: bash -c 'if ! codium --list-extensions | grep "{PLUGIN}" > /dev/null; then codium --install-extension "{PLUGIN}"; fi' # plugins: # - GitHub.copilot qubes: dom0Packages: - bismuth - latte-dock - nautilus - nautilus-gtkhash - nautilus-search-tool - kde-settings-qubes - kdeplasma-addons - konsole - kscreen - kvantum - plymouth-kcm - sssd-kcm - sddm-kcm mirageUrl: https://github.com/mirage/qubes-mirage-firewall/releases/latest/download/mirage-firewall.tar.bz2 promptKeyboards: false provisionVM: provision templates: # - centos-8 # - centos-8-minimal # - debian-10 - debian-11 - debian-11-minimal - fedora-37 - fedora-38 - fedora-38-minimal # - gentoo # - gentoo-minimal # - kali - whonix-gw-16 - whonix-ws-16 templatesUnofficial: - https://qubes.3isec.org/Templates_4.1/qubes-template-archlinux-4.0.6-202204171510.noarch.rpm - https://qubes.3isec.org/Templates_4.1/qubes-template-debian-12-4.0.6-202208292254.noarch.rpm - https://qubes.3isec.org/Templates_4.1/qubes-template-jammy-4.0.6-202205012228.noarch.rpm perfectStack: darwin: - warp-terminal