# 2022-10-18 - Change `suggest.maxCompleteItemCount` default to 256. # 2022-10-17 - Set `g:coc_service_initialized` to `0` before service restart. - Show warning when diagnostic jump failed. - Use strwidth.wasm module for string display width. - Add API `workspace.getDisplayWidth`. # 2022-10-15 - Add configuration `inlayHint.display`. # 2022-10-07 - Use `CocFloatActive` for highlight active parameters. # 2022-09-28 - Limit popupmenu width when exceed screen to &pumwidth, instead of change completion column. - Make escape of `${name}` for ultisnip snippets the same behavior as Ultisnip.vim. # 2022-09-27 - Use fuzzy.wasm for native fuzzy match. - Add `binarySearch` and `isFalsyOrEmpty` functions for array. - `suggest.localityBonus` works like VSCode, using selection ranges. - Add and export `workspace.computeWordRanges`. - Rework keywords parse for better performance (parse changed lines only and use yield to reduce iteration). # 2022-09-12 - All configurations are now scoped #4185 - No `onDidChangeConfiguration` event fired when workspace folder changed. - Deprecated configuration `suggest.detailMaxLength`, use `suggest.labelMaxLength` instead. - Deprecated configuration `inlayHint.filetypes`, use `inlayHint.enable` with scoped languages instead. - Deprecated configuration `semanticTokens.filetypes`, use `semanticTokens.enable` with scoped languages instead. - Use `workspaceFolderValue` instead of `workspaceValue` for `ConfigurationInspect` returned by `WorkspaceConfiguration.inspect()`. # 2022-09-04 - Add configuration "snippet.choicesMenuPicker". # 2022-09-03 - Send "WinClosed" event to node client. - Add `onDidFilterStateChange` and `onDidCursorMoved` to `TreeView`. - Support `autoPreview` for outline. # 2022-09-02 - Support `diagnostic.virtualTextFormat`. - Add command `workspace.writeHeapSnapshot`. # 2022-09-01 - Add configuration "suggest.asciiMatch" - Support `b:coc_force_attach`. # 2022-08-31 - Add configuration "suggest.reversePumAboveCursor". - Use `DiagnosticSign*` highlight groups when possible. - Use `DiagnosticUnderline*` highlight groups when possible. # 2022-08-30 - Export `LineBuilder` class. # 2022-08-29 - Fix semanticTokens highlights unexpected cleared - Fix range of `doQuickfix` action. - Check reverse of `CocFloating`, use `border` and `Normal` highlight when reversed. - Make `CocInlayHint` use background of `SignColumn`. - Add command `document.toggleInlayHint`. # 2022-08-28 - Make `CocMenuSel` use background of `PmenuSel`. - Snippet related configuration changed (old configuration still works until next release) - "coc.preferences.snippetStatusText" -> "snippet.statusText" - "coc.preferences.snippetHighlight" -> "snippet.highlight" - "coc.preferences.nextPlaceholderOnDelete" -> "snippet.nextPlaceholderOnDelete" - Add configuration `"list.smartCase"` - Add configurations for inlay hint - "inlayHint.refreshOnInsertMode" - "inlayHint.enableParameter" - "inlayHint.typeSeparator" - "inlayHint.parameterSeparator" - "inlayHint.subSeparator" # 2022-08-27 - Avoid use `EasyMotion#is_active`, use autocmd to disable linting. - Show message when call hierarchy provider not found or bad position. # 2022-08-26 - Remove `completeOpt` from `workspace.env`. - Add configuration `"diagnostic.virtualTextAlign"`. - Add warning when required features not compiled with vim. - Not echo error for semanticTokens request (log only). - Merge results form providers when possible. # 2022-08-24 - Virtual text of suggest on vim9. - Virtual text of diagnostics on vim9. - Add configuration `inlayHint.filetypes`. - Inlay hint support on vim9. # 2022-08-23 - Retry semanticTokens request on server cancel (LSP 3.17). - `RelativePattern` support for `workspace.createFileSystemWatcher()`. - `relativePatternSupport` for `DidChangeWatchedFiles` (LSP 3.17). - Not echo error on `doComplete()`. # 2022-08-21 - Added `window.createFloatFactory()`, deprecated `FloatFactory` class. - Support `labelDetails` field of `CompleteItem`(LSP 3.17). - Added `triggerKind` to `CodeActionContext`, export `CodeActionTriggerKind`. # 2022-08-20 - Support pull diagnostics `:h coc-pullDiagnostics`. - Break change: avoid extension overwrite builtin configuration defaults. - Change default value of configuration "diagnostic.format". - 'line' changes to 'currline' for `CocAction('codeAction')`. - Check NodeJS version on syntax error. # 2022-08-10 - Change "notification.highlightGroup" default to "Normal". # 2022-08-07 - Add configuration 'suggest.pumFloatConfig'. # 2022-08-04 - Make diagnostic float window with the same background as CocFloating. # 2022-08-03 - Add highlight group 'CocFloatingDividingLine'. # 2022-08-01 - Use custom popup menu, #3862. - Use "first" instead of "none" for configuration `suggest.selection`. - Make "first" default for `suggest.selection`, like VSCode. - Add default blue color for hlgroup `CocMenuSel`. # 2022-06-14 - Add highlight groups `CocListLine` and `CocListSearch`. # 2022-06-11 - Add configuration "notification.disabledProgressSources" - Add "rounded" property to "floatConfig" # 2022-06-04 - Add configuration `workspace.openOutputCommand`. - Log channel message of vim when `g:node_client_debug` enabled. # 2022-05-30 - Disable `progressOnInitialization` for language client by default. # 2022-05-28 - Support `repeat#set` for commands that make changes only. # 2022-05-24 - Add transition and annotation support for `workspace.applyEdits()`. - Add command `workspace.undo` and `workspace.redo`. - Remove configuration `coc.preferences.promptWorkspaceEdit`. - Remove command `CocAction` and `CocFix`. # 2022-05-22 - Check for previous position when not able to find completion match. - Add `content` support to `window.showMenuPicker()` # 2022-05-17 - Add `QuickPick` module. - Add API `window.showQuickPick()` and `window.createQuickPick()`. # 2022-05-16 - Add properties `title`, `loading` & `borderhighlight` to `InputBox` # 2022-05-14 - Add `InputOption` support to `window.requestInput` - Add API `window.createInputBox()`. # 2022-05-13 - Notification support like VSCode https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim/discussions/3813 - Add configuration `notification.minProgressWidth` - Add configuration `notification.preferMenuPicker` - Support `source` in notification windows. # 2022-05-07 - Show sort method as description in outline view. - Add configuration `outline.switchSortKey`, default to ``. - Add configuration `outline.detailAsDescription`, default to `true`. - Add variable `g:coc_max_treeview_width`. - Add `position: 'center'` support to `window.showMenuPicker()` # 2022-05-06 - Use menu for `window.showQuickpick()`. - Add configuration `outline.autoWidth`, default to `true`. # 2022-05-05 - Add key bindings to dialog (created by `window.showDialog()`) on neovim. # 2022-05-04 - Add `languages.registerInlayHintsProvider()` for inlay hint support. # 2022-04-25 - Add `LinkedEditing` support # 2022-04-23 - Add `WinScrolled` event to events. # 2022-04-20 - Select recent item when input is empty and selection is `recentUsedByPrefix`. - Add `coc#snippet#prev()` and `coc#snippet#next()`. - Add command `document.checkBuffer`. - Add `region` param to `window.diffHighlights()`. # 2022-04-06 - `workspace.onDidOpenTextDocument` fire `contentChanges` as empty array when document changed with same lines. # 2022-04-04 - Avoid `CompleteDone` cancel next completion. - Avoid indent change on `` and `` during completion. - Support `joinUndo` and `move` with `document.applyEdits()`. # 2022-04-02 - Change `suggest.triggerCompletionWait` default to `0`. - Not trigger completion on `TextChangedP`. - Remove configuration `suggest.echodocSupport`. - Fix complettion triggered after ``. # 2022-03-31 - Check buffer rename on write. # 2022-03-30 - Improve words parse performance. - Remove configurations `coc.source.around.firstMatch` and `coc.source.buffer.firstMatch`. - Fix `coc.source.buffer.ignoreGitignore` not works # 2022-03-30 - Check document reload on detach. # 2022-03-29 - Add menu actions to refactor buffer. # 2022-03-12 - Avoid use `` for cancel completion. # 2022-03-05 - Make `WinClosed` event fires on `CursorHold` to support vim8. - Add events `TabNew` and `TabClose`. - Make outline reuse TreeView buffer. # 2022-03-02 - Add ultisnip option to `snippetManager.insertSnippet()` and `snippetManager.resolveSnippet()`. - Support ultisnip regex option: `/a` (ascii option). - Support transform replacement of ultisnip, including: - Variable placeholders, `$0`, `$1` etc. - Escape sequence `\u` `\l` `\U` `\L` `\E` `\n` `\t` - Conditional replacement: `(?no:text:other text)` # 2022-02-28 - Change `workspace.ignoredFiletypes` default value to `[]` # 2022-02-24 - Add `window.activeTextEditor`, `window.visibleTextEditors`. - Add events `window.onDidChangeActiveTextEditor` `window.onDidChangeVisibleTextEditors`. - Add class `RelativePattern`. - Add `workspace.findFiles()`. # 2022-02-23 - Add `workspace.openTextDocument()` - Add `Workspace.getRelativePath()`. - Add `window.terminals` `window.onDidOpenTerminal` `window.onDidCloseTerminal` and `window.createTerminal`. - Add `exitStatus` property to `Terminal`. - Support `strictEnv` in `TerminalOptions` on neovim. - Deprecated warning for `workspace.createTerminal()`, `workspace.onDidOpenTerminal` and `workspace.onDidCloseTerminal` # 2022-02-18 - Clear all highlights created by coc.nvim before restart. - Support strike through for ansiparse. - Support `highlights` for `Documentation` in float window. # 2022-02-17 - Change workspace configuration throw error when workspace folder can't be resolved. - Remove configuration `diagnostic.highlightOffset`. # 2022-02-15 - Add `events.race`. - Change default `suggest.triggerCompletionWait` to 50. - Support trigger completion after indent fix. # 2022-02-14 - Add `pumvisible` property to events. # 2022-02-10 - Add shortcut support for `window.showMenuPicker()`. - Add configuration `dialog.shortcutHighlight` for shortcut highlight. - Add configuration `list.menuAction` for choose action by menu picker. # 2022-02-09 - Add error log to `nvim_error_event`. - Add `nvim.lua()` which replace `nvim.executeLua()` to typings.d.ts. # 2022-02-08 - Support `MenuItem` with disabled property for `window.showMenuPicker` - Support show disabled code actions in menu picker. # 2022-02-07 - Change `:CocLocalConfig` to open configuration file of current workspace folder. # 2022-02-05 - Support `version` from `textDocument/publishDiagnostics` notification's parameter. - Support `codeDescription` of diagnostics by add href to float window. - Support `showDocument` request from language server. - Support `label` from DocumentSymbolOptions in outline tree. - Support extra url use regexp under cursor with `openLink` action. - Support `activeParameter` from signature information. - Add `trimTrailingWhitespace`, `insertFinalNewline` and `trimFinalNewlines` to FormattingOptions. - Add configuration `links.tooltip`, default to `false`. # 2022-02-04 - Add `--reverse` option to list. - Add `` key-mapping to cancel list in preview window (neovim only). # 2022-02-02 - Remove `disableWorkspaceFolders` `disableDiagnostics` and `disableCompletion` from language client option. - Add configuration `documentHighlight.timeout`. - Add `tabPersist` option to `ListAction`. - Add `refactor` to `LocationList` # 2022-01-30 - Add configuration `diagnostics.virtualTextLevel`. - Remove configuration `suggest.numberSelect` # 2022-01-26 - Use `nvim_buf_set_text` when possible to keep extmarks. # 2022-01-25 - Not trigger completion when filtered is succeed. - Move methods `workspace.getSelectedRange` `workspace.selectRange` to `window` module, show deprecated warning when using old methods. # 2022-01-23 - Support semantic tokens highlights from range provider. # 2022-01-22 - Not set `gravity` with api `nvim_buf_set_extmark` because highlight bug, wait neovim fix. - Support watch later created workspace folders for file events. # 2022-01-21 - Changed semantic token highlight prefix from `CocSem_` to `CocSem`. - Changed semantic token highlight disabled by default, use configuration `semanticTokens.filetypes` - Add configuration `semanticTokens.filetypes`. - Add configuration `semanticTokens.highlightPriority`. - Add configuration `semanticTokens.incrementTypes`. - Add configuration `semanticTokens.combinedModifiers`. - Add command `semanticTokens.refreshCurrent`. - Add command `semanticTokens.inspect`. - Add action `inspectSemanticToken`. - Rework command `semanticTokens.checkCurrent` to show highlight information. - Support semantic tokens highlight group composed with type and modifier. # 2022-01-21 - Add configuration `workspace.ignoredFolders`. - Add configuration `workspace.workspaceFolderFallbackCwd`. # 2022-01-20 - Remove deprecated method `workspace.resolveRootFolder`. # 2022-01-17 - Extend `buffer.updateHighlights` to support `priority`, `combine`, `start_incl` and `end_incl`. - Add configuration `diagnostic.highlightPriority`. - Add configuration `colors.filetypes` and `colors.highlightPriority`. # 2022-01-16 - Add configuration `codeLens.position`. # 2022-01-14 - Add configuration `suggest.selection`. # 2022-01-13 - `codeLens.separator` now defaults to `""` and will be placed above lines on neovim >= 0.6.0 . - Add configurations 'diagnostic.locationlistLevel', 'diagnostic.signLevel', 'diagnostic.messageLevel'. # 2022-01-12 - Add document.lineAt(), export TextLine class. - Upgrade node-client, support nvim.exec(). - Add documentHighlight.priority configuration. # 2019-08-18 0.0.74 - feat(cursors): support multiple cursors. - feat(extensions): install missing extensions by CocInstall. - feat(extensions): add command `extensions.forceUpdateAll`. - feat(completion): rework preselect feature. - feat(extension): use request for fetch package info. - feat(language-client): support disableDynamicRegister configuration. - feat(list): paste from vim register support on insert mode #1088. - feat(plugin): add CocHasProvider(), close #1087. - refactor(outline): not exclude variables and callback. - refactor(diagnostic): remove timeout on InsertLeave. # 2019-07-11 0.0.73 - fix(completion): fix map of number select - fix(languages): fix cursor position with snippet - fix(completion): fix cursor position with additionalTextEdits - fix(position): fix rangeOverlap check #961 - fix(list): not change guicursor when it's empty - fix(list): fix filter not work on loading - fix(list): fix custom location list command not work - fix(util): highlight & render on vim8 - fix(handler): fix getCommands - fix(handler): not check lastInsert on trigger signatureHelp - fix(handler): fix check of signature help trigger - fix(language-client): configuration for configured server, closes #930 - fix(diagnostic): clear diagnostics on filetype change - feat(plugin): add download & fetch modules - feat(plugin): add highligher module - feat(refactor): add `(coc-refactor)` for refactor window - feat(extension): use mv module for folder rename - feat(extension): support install tagged extension - feat(extension): support custom extension root `g:coc_extension_root` - feat(handler): close signature float window on ')' - feat(list): support `g:coc_quickfix_open_command` - feat(list): add eval action - feat(list): add --tab list option - feat(list): use highligher module for showHelp - feat(terminal): add noa on window jump - feat(terminal): support vim8 - feat(diagnostic): add diagnosticRelated support - feat(diagnostic): use text properties on vim8 - feat(handler): improve signature float window # 2019-07-01 - feat(plugin): add CocStatusChange autocmd - feat(extension): support both npm and yarn. - feat(plugin): work on vim 8.0 - feat(extensions): add lock & doc actions to extension source - feat(extension): add proxy auth support (#920) - feat(source): not change startcol for file source - feat(completion): no numberSelect for number input - feat(extensions): Use yarn when npm not found - feat(completion): no popup for command line buffer - feat(plugin): support only for codeActions action - feat(task): debounce stdout - feat(plugin): add keymaps for selection ranges - feat(plugin): add function textobj - feat(list): restore window height, closes #905 - feat(handler): support signature.floatTimeout - feat(configuration): support change of workspace configuration - feat(diagnostic): add keymaps for jump error diagnostics - feat(plugin): delay start on gvim, fix #659 # 2019-06-15 - feat(plugin): add popup support of vim - refactor(completion): improve float support - refactor(floating): remove unused code - refactor(workspace): replace find-up - refactor(handler): improve message for fold method - fix(virtualtext): invalid highlight tag (#874) - fix(snippets): fix plaintext check - fix(highlight): catch error of child_process.spawn - fix(highlight): use v:progpath, fix #871 - fix(floatFactory): escape feedkeys - fix(handler): fix getCurrentFunctionSymbol not work # 2019-06-12 - feat(document): add getVar method - fix(util): not break selection on message - fix(workspace): fix jumpTo not work on vim8 - fix(completion): trigger completion with word character - refactor(handler): return boolean result - perf(workspace): improve jump performance - fix(util): Escape filename for jump (#862) - refactor(plugin): not show empty hover - feat(outline): ignore callback function - feat(workspace): support list of events with registerAutocmd - fix(workspace): fix jump with tab drop - refactor(language-client): change API of selectionRanges # 2019-06-09 - **Break change** `CocHighlightText` link to `CursorColumn` by default. - **Break change** logger folder changed to `$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR` when exists. - Add `` and `` support for list, #825. - Add function `coc#add_command()`. - Add `disableDiagnostics` & `disableCompletion` to languageclient configuration. - Add `signature.triggerSignatureWait` configuration. - Add vim-repeat support for run command and quickfix. - Add preferred `codeAction` support. - Add `prompt.paste` action to list. - Add title as argument support for `codeAction` action. - Add `suggest.floatEnable` configuration. - Add `editor.action.organizeImport` command. - Add `:CocAction` and `:CocFix` commands. - Add `codeActions` action. - Fix issues with list. # 2019-05-30 - **Break change** logger folder changed. - Add support of vim-repeat for `` keymaps. - Add `CocRegistNotification()` function. - Add argument to rename action. - Add `suggest.disableMenuShortcut` configuration. - Add glob support for root patterns. - Add `` keymap to list window. - Add shortcut in sources list. - Add `list.previewSplitRight` configuration. - Add `triggerOnly` property to source. - Add warning for duplicate extension. - Bug fixes. # 2019-05-07 - **New feature** load extensions from coc-extensions folder. - Add `workspace.renameCurrentFile` command. - Add `FloatBuffer`, `FloatFactory` and `URI` to exports. - Add `resolveItem` support to list. - Fix prompt can't work when execute list action. - Fix ansiparser for empty color ranges. - Fix highlight only work with first 8 items. # 2019-04-27 - **Break change** vim-node-rpc not required on vim. - **Break change** python not required on vim. - **Break change** complete items would refreshed after 500ms when not finished. - Add `additionalSchemes` for configured language server. - Add support for jumpCommand as false. - Fix `diagnostic.level` not work. # 2019-04-09 - **Break change** `--strictMatch` option of list renamed to `--strict` - **Break change** `suggest.reloadPumOnInsertChar` support removed. - **Break change** no more binary release. - **Break change** logic for resolve workspace folder changed. - Add `Task` module. - Add `getCurrentFunctionSymbol` action. - Add `list.source.outline.ctagsFiletypes` setting. - Add `suggest.disableMenu` and `suggest.disableMenu` settings. - Add `equal` support for complete items. - Add support for do action with visual select lines of list. - Add expand tilder support for language server command. - Add switch matcher support to list. - Add select all support to list. - Add quickfix action to list. - Add `selectionRanges` of LSP. - Add load extensions for &rtp support. - Add `coc#on_enter()` for formatOnType and add new lines on enter. - Improve completion by support trigger completion when pumvisible. - Remove document check on `BufWritePre`. # 2019-03-31 - **Break change** not using vim-node-rpc from npm modules any more. - **Break change** rename `_` to `CocRefresh`. - Fix wrong format options send to server. - Fix throw error when extension root not created. - Fix MarkedString not considered as markdown. - Fix echo message on vim exit. - Fix error throw on file watch. - Fix unexpected update of user configuration. # 2019-03-28 - Add `workspace.resolveRootFolder`. - Add `diagnostic.joinMessageLines` setting. - Add `suggest.completionItemKindLabels` setting. - Add `memento` support for extension. - Add `workspace.getSelectedRange`. - Add `Terminal` module. - Add command `workbench.action.reloadWindow`. - Fix extension not activated by command. - Fix broken undo with floating window. - Fix document create possible wrong uri & filetype. - Improve highlight with floating window. # 2019-03-24 - **Break change** make number input not trigger completion. - **Break change** make none keywords character doesn't filter completion. - Add functions for check snippet state. - Add setting `diagnostic.checkCurrentLine`. - Fix `signature.target` not work. - Fix flick of signature window. - Fix EPIPE error of node-client. - Fix wrong root of FileWatchSysmtem. # 2019-03-19 - **Break change** signature settings now starts `signature`. - **Break change** default request timeout changed to 5s. - **Break change** `commands.executeCommand` return promise. - Add `coc.preferences.signatureHelpTarget`. - Add `diagnostic.maxWindowHeight` & `signature.maxWindowHeight`. - Add `diagnostic.enableSign`. - Add support for `$COC_NO_PLUGINS`. - Add keymaps: `(coc-float-hide)` and `(coc-float-jump)`. - Add `coc.preferences.enableFloatHighlight`. - Fix issues with floating window. - Fix critical performance issue on diff text. - Improve color of `CocHighlightText`. - Improve sort of complete items. - Improve extension list with version and open action. # 2019-03-16 - **Break change** change vim config home on windows to '\$HOME/vimfiles'. - Add highlights to float windows. - Add CocLocationsAsync(). - Add support for `b:coc_suggest_disable`. - Add support for `b:coc_suggest_blacklist`. - Add setting `diagnostic.messageTarget`. - Add floating window support for signatures. - Fix issues with diagnostic float. - Fix info of completion item not shown. - Fix CocUpdateSync not work without service start. - Fix wrong indent spaces of snippets. # 2019-03-11 - **Break change** change buffers instead of disk file for `workspace.applyEdits`. - **Break change** add config errors to diagnostic list instead of jump locations. - **Break change** hack for popup menu flicker is removed, use `suggest.reloadPumOnInsertChar` to enable it. - **Break change** use `nvim_select_popupmenu_item` for number select completion. - Add floating window for completion items. - Add floating window support for diagnostics. - Add floating window support for hover documentation. - Add `coc#on_enter()` for notify enter pressed. - Add setting `coc.preferences.useQuickfixForLocations`. - Add support of `g:coc_watch_extensions` for automatic reload extensions. - Add command: `editor.action.doCodeAction`. - Fix service on restarted on windows after rebuild. - Fix config of airline. - Fix relative path of watchman. - Improve Mru model. # 2019-03-03 - **Break change** signature change of `workspace.registerKeymap`. - **Break change** `` of CocList can't be remapped any more. - **Break change** use `yarnpkg` command instead of `yarn` when possible. - **Break change** `noinsert` is removed from `completeopt` when `noselect` is enabled, `` would break line by default. - Add setting `diagnostic.refreshAfterSave`. - Add chinese documentation. - Add support of multiple line placeholder. - Fix edit of nested snippet placeholders. - Fix possible infinite create of documents. - Fix check for resume completion. # 2019-02-25 - **Break change** default of `suggest.detailMaxLength` changed to 100. - **Break change** option of `workspace.registerKeymap` changed. - Add settings: `suggest.detailField`. - Add check for autocmd in health check. - Add trigger patterns support for complete sources. - Add support of `coc-snippets-expand-jump` - Add `source` option for completion start. - Add `sources.createSource` method. # 2019-02-22 - **Break change** some configurations have been renamed, checkout #462. - **Break change** no longer automatic trigger for CursorHoldI #452. - **Break change** add preview option of `completeopt` according to `suggest.enablePreview`. - Add statusItem for CocUpdate. - Add `-sync` option for `:CocInstall` - Add support for floating preview window. - Add more module export. - Fix check of vim-node-rpc throw error. - Fix wrong line for TextEdit of complete item. - Fix diagnostics not cleared on service restart. # 2019-02-17 - **Break change** completion resolve requires CompleteChanged autocmd. - **Break change** mapping of space on insert mode of list removed. - **Break change** kind of completion item use single letter. - Fix snippet not works on GUI vim. - Fix cursor vanish on vim by use timer hacks. - Fix behavior of list preview window. - Fix python check on vim. - Fix CocJumpPlaceholder not fired. - Fix vscode-open command not work. # 2019-02-12 - **Break change** function `coc#util#clearmatches` signature changed. - Add check for python gtk module. - Add check for vim-node-rpc update error. - Fix source name of diagnostics. - Fix empty buffers created on preview. - Fix trigger of `CursorHoldI`. # 2019-02-11 - **Break change:** internal filetype of settings file changed to jsonc. - **Break change:** `coc#util#install` changed to synchronize by default. - **Break change:** no document highlight would be added for colored symbol. - **Break change:** remove `coc.preferences.openResourceCommand`. - Add fallback rename implementation which rename symbols on current buffer. - Add command `:CocUpdateSync`. - Add `coc.preferences.detailMaxLength` for slice detail on completion menu. - Add cancel support for completion. - Add `ctags` as fallback of document symbols list. - Add default key-mappings for location actions. - Add python check on vim. - Add `disableSyntaxes` support for completion sources. - Add support for change `isProgress` of `StatusBarItem` - Add check of coc.nvim version for `CocUpdate` - Add `coc.preferences.previewAutoClose`, default true. - Add `workspace.add registerAutocmd`. - Fix highlight not cleared on vim - Fix health check of service state. - Fix CursorHoldI not triggered on neovim. - Fix sort of list not stable. # 2019-02-04 - **Break change:** no messages when documentSymbol and workspaceSymbol provider not found. - Add support for configure sign in statusline. - Add help action for list. - Fix parse error on extensions update. - Fix wrong uri on windows. - Fix cancel list without close ui. - Improve startup time by remove jobwait. # 2019-02-02 - **Break change:** extensions now update automatically, prompt is removed. - Add check for extension compatibility. - Add transform support for placeholder. - Add check for node version. - Add error check for list. - Add settings: `coc.preferences.diagnostic.virtualTextLines`. - Fix preview window not shown. - Fix highlight not cleared on vim. - Fix highlight commands of list block vim on start. - Improve extension load. - Improve list experience. # 2019-01-28 - **Break change:** `coc.preferences.diagnostic.echoMessage` changed to enum. - Add mru support for commands and lists list. - Add `coc.preferences.diagnostic.refreshOnInsertMode` - Add `Mru` module. - Improve highlight for lists, support empty `filterLabel`. - Fix `findLocations` not work with nest locations. - Fix cursor position after apply additionalTextEdits. # 2019-01-24 - **Break change:** python code for denite support moved to separated repo. - **Break change:** Quickfix list no longer used. - Add list support. - Add configuration: `coc.preferences.diagnostic.virtualText`. - Add watch for `&rtp` change. - Add support for configure `g:coc_user_config` and `g:coc_global_extensions` - Add support for send request to coc on vim start. - Add `g:coc_start_at_startup` support. - Add configuration: `coc.preferences.invalidInsertCharacters`. - Add configuration: `coc.preferences.snippetStatusText`. - Add `coc#_insert_key()` for insert keymap. - Add `workspace.registerExprKeymap()`. - Add detect for `vim-node-rpc` abnormal exist. - Add `requireRootPattern` to languageserver configuration. - Fix git check, always generate keywords. - Fix crash when `righleft` set to 1 on neovim. - Fix snippet position could be wrong. # 2019-01-09 - **Break change:** throw error when languageserver id is invalid. - Add watcher for languageserver configuration change. - Fix possible invalid package.json. - Fix applyEdits not work sometimes. - Fix server still started when command search failed. - Fix log file not writeable. - Improve completion performance. # 2019-01-03 - **Break change:** using of `g:rooter_patterns` is removed. - **Break change:** diagnostics would be updated in insert mode now. - Add configuration: `coc.preferences.rootPatterns` - Add `TM_SELECTED_TEXT` and `CLIPBOARD` support for snippets. - Fix check of latest insert char failed. - Fix highlight not cleared sometimes. # 2019-01-01 - Fix issues with completion. # 2018-12-31 - **Break change:** created keymaps use rpcrequest instead of rpcnotify. - **Break change:** snippets provider is removed, use `coc-snippets` for extension snippets. - Add command: `coc.action.insertSnippet` - Fix position of snippets. - Fix modifier of registered keymaps. - Fix completion triggered on complete done. - Fix closure function possible conflict. - Fix unexpected snippet cancel. - Fix document applyEdits, always use current lines. - Fix fail of yarn global command. - Fix check of changedtick on completion done. - Fix line used for textEdit of completion. - Fix snippet canceled by `formatOnType`. - Fix `CocJumpPlaceholder` not fired - Optimize content synchronize. # 2018-12-27 - **Break change:** no more message on service ready. - **Break change:** vim source now registered as extension. - **Break change:** complete item sort have reworked. - **Break change:** request send to coc would throw when service not ready. - Add support for check current state on diagnostic update. - Add `env` opinion for registered command languageserver. - Add outputChannel for watchman. - Add `coc#_select_confirm()` for trigger select and confirm. - Add `coc.preferences.numberSelect`. - Add priority support for format provider. - Add `workspace.watchGlobal` and `workspace.watchOption` methods. - Fix cursor disappear on `TextChangedP` with vim. - Fix coc process not killed when update on windows. - Fix snippet broken on vim. - Fix support of startcol of completion result. - Fix `labelOffsetSupport` wrong position. - Fix flicking on neovim. - Fix unicide not considered as iskeyword. - Fix watchman client not initialized sometimes. - Improve performance for parse iskeyword. - Not echo message on vim exit. - Not send empty configuration change to languageserver. # 2018-12-20 - **Break change** configuration for module language server, transport now require specified value. - **Break change** new algorithm for socre complete items. - Add command `workspace.clearWatchman`. - Add `quickfixs`, `doCodeAction` and `doQuickfix` actions. - Add `g:vim_node_rpc_args` for debug purpose. - Add `coc#add_extension()` for specify extensions to install. - Fix clients not restarted on CocRestart. - Fix `execArgv` and `runtime` not work for node language server. - Fix detail of complete item not echoed sometimes. - Fix actions missing when registered with same clientId. - Fix issues with signature echo. - Fix uri is wrong with whitespace. - Improve highlight performance with `nvim_call_atomic`. # 2018-12-17 - **Break change** `vim-node-rpc` now upgrade in background. - Add `ignoredRootPaths` to `languageserver` option. - Add detect of vim running state. - Add `client.vim` for create clients. - Fix possible wrong current line of `completeResolve`. - Fix snippet not work with `set virtualedit=all`. - Fix default timeout to 2000. - Fix file mode of log file. # 2018-12-12 - **Break change** `fixInsertedWord` fix inserted word which ends with word after. - **Break change** `onCompleteSelect` is removed. - Add `workspace.registerKeymap` for register keymap. - Add match score for sort complete items. - Fix possible connection lost. - Fix priority of diagnostic signs. - Fix possible wrong uri. - Fix `RevealOutputChannelOn` not default to `never`. - Fix possible wrong line used for textEdit of complete item. - Fix possible wrong cursor position of snippet after inserted. # 2018-12-08 - **Break change** default rootPath would be directory of current file, not cwd. - **Break change** codeLens feature now disabled by default. - **Break change** diagnostic prev/next now loop diagnostics. - Add support of neovim highlight namespace. - Add support for undo `additionalTextEdits` on neovim - Fix configuration resolve could be wrong. - Fix word of completion item could be wrong. - Fix rootPath could be null. - Fix highlight not cleared on restart. # 2018-12-06 - **Break change** `RevealOutputChannelOn` of language client default to `never`. - Fix can't install on windows vim. - Fix `displayByAle` not clearing diagnostics. - Add check for `vim-node-rpc` update on vim. - Add `Resolver` module. - Improve apply `WorkspaceEdit`, support `0` as document version and merge edits for same document. # 2018-12-05 - Add `CocJumpPlaceholder` autocmd. - Add `rootPatterns` to `languageserver` config. - Add setting: `coc.preferences.hoverTarget`, support use echo. - Add setting `coc.preferences.diagnostic.displayByAle` for use ale to display errors. - Add setting `coc.preferences.extensionUpdateCheck` for control update check of extensions. - Add `coc#config` for set configuration in vim. - Fix rootPath not resolved on initialize. - Fix possible wrong `tabSize` by use `shiftwidth` option. - Fix trigger of `documentColors` request. - Fix `vim-node-rpc` service not work on windows vim. - Fix `codeLens` not works. - Fix highlight of signatureHelp. - Fix watchman watching same root multiple times. - Fix completion throw undefined error. - Fix `open_terminal` not works on vim. - Fix possible connection lost by use notification when possible. - Fix process not terminated when connection lost. - Rework diagnostics with task sequence. - Rework configuration with more tests. # 2018-11-28 - _Break change_ signature help reworked, vim API for echo signature changed. - Add `:CocInfo` command. - Add trigger for signature help after function expand. - Add echo message when provider not found for some actions. - Add support for `formatexpr` - Add support for locality bonus like VSCode. - Add support of `applyAdditionalLEdits` on item selected by `` - Add `coc.preferences.useQuickfixForLocations` - Add `coc.preferences.messageLevel` - Add support for trigger command which not registered by server. - Add `g:coc_denite_quickfix_action` - Fix insert unwanted word when trigger `commitCharacter`. - Fix rpc request throw on vim. - Fix `data` of complete item conflict. - Fix code action not work sometime. - Fix `coc.preferences.diagnostic.locationlist` not work. - Fix `coc.preference.preferCompleteThanJumpPlaceholder`. - Fix `workspace.jumpTo` not work sometime. - Fix line indent for snippet. - Fix trigger of `signatureHelp` and `onTypeFormat`. # 2018-11-24 - **Break change** sources excluding `around`, `buffer` or `file` are extracted as extensions. - **Break change** custom source doesn't exist any more. - Add `coc.preferences.preferCompleteThanJumpPlaceholder` to make jump placeholder behavior as confirm completion when possible. - Add `CocDiagnosticChange` autocmd for force statusline update. - Add `onDidUnloadExtension` event on extension unload. - Fix `getDiagnosticsInRange`, consider all interactive ranges. - Fix completion throw when `data` on complete item is `string`. - Fix `commitCharacters` not works. - Fix workspace methods: `renameFile`, `deleteFile` and `resolveRoot`. - Fix textEdit of builtin sources not works. # 2018-11-19 - **Break change** snippet support reworked: support nest snippets, independent session in each buffer and lots of fixes. - **Break change** diagnostic list now sort by severity first. - Add commands: `:CocUninstall` and `:CocOpenLog` - Add cterm color for highlights. - Add line highlight support for diagnostic. - Add `coc.preferences.fixInsertedWord` to make complete item replace current word. - Fix check confirm not works on vim sometimes. - Fix check of `vim-node-rpc`. - Fix preselect complete item not first sometimes. - Improve completion sort result by consider more abort priority and recent selected. - Improve colors module, only highlight current buffer and when buffer changed. - Improve `doc/coc.txt` # 2018-11-13 - **Break change** default completion timeout changed to 2s. - **Break change** snippet session not canceled on `InsertLeave`, use `` in normal mode to cancel. - Add document color support. - Add CocAction 'pickColor' and 'colorPresentation'. - Add prompt for install vim-node-rpc module. - Add support for `inComplete` completion result. - Add status item for snippet session. - Add support for fix inserted text of snippet completion item. - Fix document highlight not cleared. - Fix cancel behavior of snippet. - Fix range check of edit on snippet session. - Fix check of completion confirm. - Fix highlight group 'CocHighlightWrite' not work. - Fix command `editor.action.rename` not works. - Fix throw error before initialize. - Fix `g:coc_node_path` not working. - Fix file source throw undefined error. - Improve logic of sorting completion items, strict match items comes first. # 2018-11-07 - **Break change** word source removed from custom sources, enabled for markdown by default. - **Break change** ignore sortText when input.length > 3. - **Break change** show prompt for install `coc-json` when not found. - Fix document content synchronize could be wrong. - Fix filetype not converted on completion. - Fix complete item possible not resolved. - Improve document highlight, no highlight when cursor moved. - Improve completion score, use fuzzaldrin-plus replace fuzzaldrin. # 2018-11-02 - **Break change** no items from snippets source when input is empty. - **Break change** `javascript.jsx` would changed to `javascriptreact` as languageId. - **Break change** `typescript.tsx` would changed to `typescriptreact` as languageId. - Add support for `commitCharacters` and `coc.preferences.acceptSuggestionOnCommitCharacter`. - Add setting: `coc.preferences.diagnostic.level`. - Add `g:coc_filetype_map` for customize mapping between filetype and languageId. - Add `g:coc_node_path` for custom node executable. - Add `workspaceFolders` feature to language client. - Add `~` to complete item of snippet source. - Add `onDidChangeWorkspaceFolder` event - Fix `eol` issue by check `eol` option. - Fix `workspace.document` could be null. - Fix `workspaceFolder` could be null. - Fix diagnostic for quickfix buffer. - Fix resolve of `coc.preferences.rootPath` # 2018-10-29 - **Break change** diagnostic reworked, no refresh on insert mode. - **Break change** keep `sortText` on filter for better result. - **Break change** prefer trigger completion than filter, same as VSCode. - **Break change** filetype of document would be first part of `&filetype` split by `.`. - **Break change** prefer label as abbr for complete item. - Fix creating wrong `textEdit` for snippet. - Fix `startcol` of `CompleteResult` not working. - Fix `workspaceConfiguration.toJSON` return invalid result. - Fix `workspace.readFile` not synchronized with buffer. - Fix `workspace.rootPath` not resolved as expected. - Fix `CompletionItem` resolved multiple times. - Fix check of `latestInsert` on completion. - Fix `formatOnType` possible add unnecessary indent. - Fix document content synchronized on vim. - Fix confirm check of completion for all source. - Fix document possible register multiple times. - Fix completion always stopped when input is empty. - Add warning message when definition not found. - Add `redraw` after `g:coc_status` changed. - Remove change of `virtualedit` option of snippet. - Improved performance of filter completion items. # 2018-10-25 - Fix `implementation` and `typeDefinition` of language client not working. - Fix `diffLines` return wrong range. - Fix `setqflist` and `setloclist` not works on vim. - Fix snippets and `additionalTextEdits` not works on vim. - Fix append lines not works on vim. - Fix highlight action not works on vim. - Fix null version of `TextDocumentIdentifier` not handled. - Add `workspace.registerTextDocumentContentProvider` for handle custom uri. - Add `workspace.createStatusBarItem` method. # 2018-10-21 - **Break change**: `triggerAfterInsertEnter` now respect `minTriggerInputLength`. - Add `coc.preferences.minTriggerInputLength`. - Add command: `:CocCommand`. - Fix `position` of `provideCompletionItems`. - Fix content change not trigger after completion. - Fix default sorters & matchers of denite sources. - Fix `outputChannel` wrong `buftype`. - Fix completion not works with `textEdit` add new lines. - Fix first item not resolved when `noselect` is disabled - Remove using of `diff` module. # 2018-10-18 - **Break change**: all buffers are created as document. - **Break change**: retrieve workspace root on document create. - Fix `uri` for all buffer types. - Fix bad performance on parse keywords. - Fix check of language client state. - Fix register of `renameProvider` - Fix `CocRequestAsync` not work. - Fix `workspace.openResource` error with `wildignore` option. - Fix output channel can't shown if hidden. - Fix extension activate before document create. - Add command `vscode.open` and `editor.action.restart`. - Add `workspace.requestInput` method. - Add support of `g:rooter_patterns` - Add `storagePath` to `ExtensionContext` - Add `workspace.env` property. - Add support of scoped configuration. - Disable buffer highlight on vim. # 2018-10-14 - **Break change** API: `workspace.resoleModule` only does resolve. - **Break change** extension would still be loaded even if current coc version miss match. - **Break change** variables are removed from view of `Denite coc-symbols` - Fix `workspace.applyEdits` - Fix `console.log` throws in extension. - Fix invalid `workspace.root` with custom buffer schema. - Fix possible crash on neovim 0.3.1 by not attach terminal buffer. - Fix jump position not stored when jump to current buffer position. - Fix install function not works on vim. - Add support for custom uri schema for `workspace.jumpTo` and `workspace.openResource` - Add `workspace.findUp` for find up file of current buffer. - Add `env` option for custom language server config. - Add vim function: `CocRequest` and `CocRequestAsync` for send request to language server in vim. - Add `coc.preferences.parseKeywordsLimitLines` and `coc.preferences.hyphenAsKeyword` for buffer parse. - Rework completion for performance and accuracy. # 2018-10-05 - **Break change**, `workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration` emit `ConfigurationChangeEvent` now. - Add `position` to function `coc#util#open_terminal`. - Improve performance of completion by use vim's filter when possible. - Fix service start multiple times. - Fix parse of `iskeyword` option, consider `@-@`. - Fix completion of snippet: cancel on line change. # 2018-10-01 - Improved document `didChange` before trigger completion. - Add option `coc.preferences.triggerCompletionWait`, default 60. - Add watch for `iskeyword` change. - Fix snippet jump not works sometime. - Fix possible wrong `rootPath` of language server. - Fix highlight of highlight action not using terminal colors. - Fix detect for insert new line character. # 2018-09-30 - Add quickfix source of denite and fzf - Add option `coc.preferences.rootPath` - Add option `revealOutputChannelOn` to language server. - Fix jump of placeholder. - Fix empty root on language server initialize. # 2018-09-28 - **Break change**: `coc.preferences.formatOnType` default to `false`. - **Break change**: snippet completion disabled in `string` and `comment`. - Add support for register local extension. - Add title for commands in `Denite coc-command` - Fix prompt hidden by echo message. - Fix contribute commands not shown in denite interface. - Fix parse of `iskeyword`, support character range. - Fix `triggerKind` of completion. - Fix install extension from url not reloaded. # 2018-09-27 - **Break change**: `:CocDisable` disabled all events from vim. - **Break change**: new snippet implementation. - Support multiple line snippet. - Support VSCode snippet extension. - Support completion of snippets from snippet extension. - Add highlight groups for different severity. - Add `coc.preferences.formatOnType` option. - Add `coc.preferences.snippets.enable` option. - Fix snippet not works as `insertText`. - Fix echo message with multiple lines. - Fix `signatureHelp` with `showcmd` disabled. - Fix location list cleared on `:lopen`. - Fix diagnostic info not cleared on `:CocDisable` - Fix diagnostic info not cleared on buffer unload. - Fix buffer highlight not cleared on `highlight` action. - Fix format on type not work as expected. # 2018-09-24 - **Break change**: use `CursorMove` instead of `CursorHold` for diagnostic message. - **Break change**: direct move to diagnostic position would show diagnostic message without truncate. - **Break change**: snippet would be canceled when mode changed to normal, no mapping of `` any more. - Add format document on `insertLeave` when `onTypeFormat` is supported. - Add buffer operations on resource edit. - Add `uninstall` action for `Denite coc-extension`. - Fix active extension on command not working. - Fix delete file from resource edit not works. # 2018-09-20 - Fix diagnostic check next offset for diagnostics. - Add `(coc-diagnostic-info)` for show diagnostic message without truncate. # 2018-09-15 - Fix wrong configuration on update. - Fix install command with tag version. - Fix using of unsafe `new Buffer`. - Add support of trace format & resource operations. - Add support of json validation for extension. - Add support of format on save by `coc.preferences.formatOnSaveFiletypes` # 2018-09-10 - Add `Denite coc-extension` for manage extensions. - Add actions for manage extension including `toggleExtension` `reloadExtension` `deactivateExtension` - Add check for extension update everyday. - Fix extensions using same process of coc itself. - Fix `configurationSection` should be null if none was specified. # 2018-09-07 - **Break change**: all extension all separated from core, checkout [Using coc extension](https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim/wiki/Using-coc-extensions) - Fix `textDocumentSync` option not work when received as object. - Fix wrong diagnostic info when using multiple lint servers. - Use `CursorHold` for show diagnostic message. - Add option `coc.preferences.enableMessage` to disable showing of diagnostic message. - Add new events module for receive vim events. - Add support for `prepareRename`. - Add support for `CodeActionOptions` # 2018-08-30 - Fix wrong `triggerKind` from VSCode. - Add `(coc-openlink)` for open link. - Add `typescript.jsx` as valid typescript type. # 2018-08-23 - Fix sometimes client status invalid. - Add multiply provider support for all features. - Add `documentLink` support - Add `documentHighlight` support - Add `foldingRange` support - Add support of `documentSelector` same as VSCode # 2018-08-21 - Fix diagnostic and arguments of tsserver. - Add `keepfocus` option for `open_terminal`. - Improve error catch of autocmds. - Add `onTypeFormat` feature for language server - Add `onTypeFormat` support for tsserver. - Refactor and more tests of workspace. - Fix `window/showMessageRequest` request. - Use `callAsync` for async request to vim. - Add `CocActionAsync` function send async request to server. # 2018-08-17 - Fix exists terminal buffer not watched. - Fix buffer not attached after `edit!`. - Fix clean diagnostics of `tsserver.watchBuild` command. - Fix refresh of buffer. - Fix document not found on `BufEnter`. Use `rpcrequest` for `BufCreate` - Fix no permission of log file. Disable create log file for root user. - Add more command for tsserver: - `tsserver.reloadProjects` - `tsserver.openTsServerLog` - `tsserver.goToProjectConfig` - `tsserver.restart` - Add test for workspace. # 2018-08-16 - Improved for tsserver: - Add `watchBuild` command for build current project with watch in terminal. - Support of untitled buffer - Support `projectRootPath` - Fix detach error of document. - Fix trigger characters not works for some source. - Fix document possible not sync before save. - Fix denite errors with 0 as result. - Fix wrong arguments of tsserver refactor command. - Use `drop` for workspace `openResource`. - Add clear coc signs on `:CocRestart`. - **Break change** all buffer types except `nofile` `help` and `quickfix` are watched for changes. # 2018-08-15 - Fix filter of completion items on fast input. - Fix sometimes fails of include & neosnippet source. - Fix sometimes fails to find global modules. - Improve complete source initialization. - Always respect change of configuration. - Add ability to start standalone coc service for debugging. - Use `NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS=/tmp/nvim nvim` to start neovim. - Start coc server by command like `node bin/server.js` - Add ability to recover from unload buffer. Sometimes `bufReadPost` `BufEnter` could be not be fired on buffer create, check buffer on `CursorHold` and `TextChanged` to fix this issue. - Add tsserver features: `tsserver.formatOnSave` and `tsserver.organizeImportOnSave` Both default to false. - Add tests for completion sources. # 2018-08-14 - Fix remote source not working. - Fix sort of completion items. - Fix EPIPE error from net module. - Add `tslint.lintProject` command. - Add config `coc.preferences.maxCompleteItemCount`. - Add `g:coc_auto_copen`, default to `1`. # 2018-08-12 - **Break change** `:CocRefresh` replaced with `call CocAction('refreshSource')`. - Add support filetype change of buffer. - Add basic test for completion. - Improve loading speed, use child process to initialize vim sources. - Improve install.sh, install node when it doesn't exist. - Improve interface of workspace. - Fix loading of configuration content. # 2018-08-11 - Fix configuration content not saved on change. - Fix thrown error on watchman not found. - Fix incompatible options of `child_process`. - Fix location list for diagnostics. - Reset on `BufWinEnter`. - Available for all windows of single buffer. - Use replace on change for coc location list. - Add debounce. - Fix signature help behaviour, truncate messages to not overlap. - Reworks sources use async import. # 2018-08-10 - Fix dispose for all modules. - Add support for multiple `addWillSaveUntilListener`. - Fix `startcol` for json server. - Add support filetype `javascriptreact` for tsserver. # 2018-08-09 - Add `coc#util#install` for installation. - Add `install.cmd` for windows. # 2018-08-08 - Improved location list for diagnostics. - Add `internal` option to command. Commands registered by server are internal. - Add support for multiple save wait until requests. # 2018-08-07 - Add `forceFullSync` to language server option. # 2018-08-05 - Improve eslint extension to use workspaceFolder. - Fix watchman not works with multiple roots. - Add feature: dynamic root support for workspace. - **Break change** output channel of watchman is removed. # 2018-08-04 - Fix order of document symbols. - Fix completion snippet with `$variable`. - Add feature: expand snippet on confirm. - Add feature: `(coc-complete-custom)` for complete custom sources. Default customs sources: `emoji`, `include` and `word` - **Break change** `emoji` `include` used for all filetypes by default. # 2018-08-03 - Add command `:CocErrors` for debug. - Support `DocumentSymbol` for 'textDocument/documentSymbol' # 2018-08-02 - Fix error of language client with unsupported schema. No document event fired for unsupported schema (eg: fugitive://) - Fix update empty configuration not works. # 2018-07-31 - Improve file source triggered with dirname started path. # 2018-07-30 - Fix source ultisnip not working. - Fix custom language client with command not working. - Fix wrong arguments passed to `runCommand` function. - Improve module install, add `sudo` for `npm install` on Linux. - Improve completion on backspace. - Completion is resumed when search is empty. - Completion is triggered when user try to fix search. # 2018-07-29 - **Break change** all servers are decoupled from coc.nvim A prompt for download is shown when server not found. - **Break change** `vim-node-rpc` decoupled from coc.nvim A prompt would be shown to help user install vim-node-rpc in vim. - Add command `CocConfig` # 2018-07-28 - Fix uncaught exception error on windows. - Use plugin root for assets resolve. - Fix emoji source not triggered by `:`. - Improve file source to recognize `~` as user home. # 2018-07-27 - Prompt user for download server module with big extension like `vetur` and `wxml-langserver` - **Break change**, section of settings changed: `cssserver.[languageId]` moved to `[languageId]` For example: `cssserver.css` section is moved to `css` section. This makes coc settings of css languages the same as VSCode. - **Break change**, `stylelint` extension is disabled by default, add ``` "stylelint.enable": true, ``` to your `coc-settings.json` to enable it. User will be prompted to download server if `stylelint-langserver` is not installed globally. - **Break change**, `triggerAfterInsertEnter` is always `true`, add ``` "coc.preferences.triggerAfterInsertEnter": false, ``` to your `coc-settings.json` to disable it. - **Break change**, when `autoTrigger` is `always` completion would be triggered after completion item select. # 2018-07-24 - better statusline integration with airline and lightline. # 2018-07-23 - Coc service start much faster. - Add vim-node-rpc module. - **Break change** global function `CocAutocmd` and `CocResult` are removed. - Support Vue with vetur # 2018-07-21 - Fix issue with `completeopt`. - Add source `neosnippet`. - Add source `gocode`. # 2018-07-20 - Add documentation for language server debug. - Rework register of functions, avoid undefined function. # 2018-07-19 - Fix error of `isFile` check. - Ignore undefined function on service start. # 2018-07-17 - Add `coc.preference.jumpCommand` to settings. - Make coc service standalone. # 2018-07-16 - Support arguments for `runCommand` action. - Add coc command `workspace.showOutput`. - Support output channel for language server. - Support `[extension].trace.server` setting for trace server communication. # 2018-07-15 - Support location list for diagnostic. - Add tsserver project errors command. # 2018-07-14 - Add support for `preselect` of complete item. - Add support for socket language server configuration. - Fix configured language server doesn't work. - Add `workspace.diffDocument` coc command. - Fix buffer sometimes not attached. - Improve completion of JSON extension. # 2018-07-13 - **Break change:** `diagnostic` in setting.json changed to `diagnostic`. - Fix clearHighlight arguments. - Add eslint extension https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-eslint. - Fix snippet break with line have \$variable. - Use jsonc-parser replace json5. - Add `data/schema.json` for coc-settings.json. # 2018-07-12 - Fix restart of tsserver not working. - Fix edit of current buffer change jumplist by using `:keepjumps`.