#!/usr/bin/env bash # @file JuiceFS # @brief Mounts various S3-backed storage volumes (assuming correct secrets are in place) # @description # This script handles the mounting of various S3-backed storage volumes via [JuiceFS](https://juicefs.com/en/). # The script will attempt to mount four different S3 volumes: # # 1. `public-{ { .juicefsVolumeNamePostfix } }` # 2. `private-{ { .juicefsVolumeNamePostfix } }` # 3. `docker-{ { .juicefsVolumeNamePostfix } }` # 4. `user-{ { .juicefsVolumeNamePostfix } }` # # Where `{ { .juicefsVolumeNamePostfix } }` is replaced with the name stored in `home/.chezmoidata.yaml`. # When creating the four volumes in the [JuiceFS console](https://juicefs.com/console/), it is important that you name the volumes using # these four volume names. set -euo pipefail MOUNT_FOLDER="/mnt" UPDATE_FSTAB="--update-fstab" if [ -d /Applications ] && [ -d /System ]; then ### macOS MOUNT_FOLDER="/Volumes" UPDATE_FSTAB="" elif [ -f /snap/juicefs/current/juicefs ]; then logg info 'Symlinking /snap/juicefs/current/juicefs to /snap/bin/juicefs' && sudo ln -s -f /snap/juicefs/current/juicefs /snap/bin/juicefs fi logg info "Acquiring juicefsVolumeNamePostfix from ${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/chezmoi/home/.chezmoidata.yaml" JUICEFS_VOLUME_PREFIX="$(yq '.juicefsVolumeNamePostfix' "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/chezmoi/home/.chezmoidata.yaml")" for MOUNT_NAME in "docker" "private" "public" "user"; do if [ "$MOUNT_NAME" == "user" ]; then sudo juicefs mount --enable-xattr -o user_id="$(id -u "$USER")",group_id="$(id -g "$USER")" --conf-dir "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/juicefs" -b $UPDATE_FSTAB "${JUICEFS_VOLUME_PREFIX}-${MOUNT_NAME}" "$HOME/.local/jfs" else sudo juicefs mount --enable-xattr --conf-dir /root/.juicefs $UPDATE_FSTAB -b "${JUICEFS_VOLUME_PREFIX}-${MOUNT_NAME}" "${MOUNT_FOLDER}/jfs-${MOUNT_NAME}" fi done ### Linux systemd if command -v systemctl > /dev/null; then logg info 'Ensuring /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d exists as a directory' && sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d logg info 'Creating /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/override.conf which ensures JuiceFS is loaded before Docker starts' echo '[Unit]' | sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/override.conf echo 'After=network-online.target firewalld.service containerd.service jfs.mount' | sudo tee -a /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/override.conf fi