{{- if (eq .host.distro.family "linux") -}} #!/usr/bin/env bash # enabled extensions: {{ output "dconf" "read" "/org/gnome/shell/enabled-extensions" }} {{ includeTemplate "universal/profile" }} {{ includeTemplate "universal/logg" }} ### Fix for Ubuntu default extension conflicting with dash-to-dock if dconf read /org/gnome/shell/enabled-extensions | grep dash-to-dock > /dev/null; then if [ -d '/usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ubuntu-dock@ubuntu.com' ]; then if [ ! -d /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/disabled ]; then sudo mkdir /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/disabled logg info 'Created /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/disabled for GNOME extensions that have issues' fi sudo mv '/usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ubuntu-dock@ubuntu.com' '/usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/disabled/ubuntu-dock@ubuntu.com' logg info 'Moved ubuntu-dock@ubuntu.com to the disabled extension folder' fi fi ### Merge latest Candy icons into the Betelgeuse icon theme if command -v rsync > /dev/null; then if [ -d "$HOME/.local/src/candy-icons" ] && [ -d /usr/local/share/icons/Candy ]; then sudo rsync -artvu --exclude .git/ "$HOME/.local/src/candy-icons/" "/usr/local/share/icons/Candy/" else logg warn 'Skipping synchronization of Candy icons since either the target or destination folder is not present' fi else logg warn '`rsync` is missing from the system!' fi ##### CANDY ICONS START ###### ### Additional icons SRC="/usr/local/share/icons/Candy/apps/scalable" TAR="/usr/local/share/icons/Candy/apps/scalable" if [ -d "$SRC" ] && [ -d "$TAR" ]; the logg info 'Adding similar substitutes for some apps in the Candy icons theme' if [ -f "$SRC/youtube-dl-gui.svg" ]; then sudo cp -f "$SRC/youtube-dl-gui.svg" "$TAR/com.github.Johnn3y.Forklift.svg" fi if [ -f "$SRC/rdm.svg" ]; then sudo cp -f "$SRC/rdm.svg" "$TAR/app.resp.RESP.svg" fi if [ -f "$SRC/preferences-system-power.svg" ]; then sudo cp -f "$SRC/preferences-system-power.svg" "$TAR/org.gnome.PowerStats.svg" fi if [ -f "$SRC/software-store.svg" ]; then sudo cp -f "$SRC/software-store.svg" "$TAR/software-properties-gtk.svg" fi fi ### Icons added to fork (https://github.com/ProfessorManhattan/candy-icons) # These commented out icons already had good matches in the Sweet theme so a fork was created # and a pull request was open for them. # sudo cp -f "$SRC/gitkraken.svg" "$TAR/com.axosoft.GitKraken.svg" # sudo cp -f "$SRC/github-desktop.svg" "$TAR/io.github.shiftey.Desktop" # sudo cp -f "$SRC/inkscape.svg" "$TAR/inkscape_inkscape.desktop" # sudo cp -f "$SRC/cutter.svg" "$TAR/re.rizin.cutter.svg" # sudo cp -f "$SRC/arduino.svg" "$TAR/cc.arduino.IDE2.svg" # sudo cp -f "$SRC/intellij.svg" "$TAR/intellij-idea-community_intellij-idea-community.svg" # sudo cp -f "$SRC/google-chrome.svg" "$TAR/com.google.Chrome.svg" # sudo cp -f "$SRC/firefox.svg" "$TAR/org.mozilla.firefox.svg" # sudo cp -f "$SRC/microsoft-edge.svg" "$TAR/com.microsoft.Edge.svg" # sudo cp -f "$SRC/thunderbird.svg" "$TAR/org.mozilla.Thunderbird.svg" # sudo cp -f "$SRC/postman.svg" "$TAR/com.getpostman.Postman.svg" # sudo cp -f "$SRC/plexhometheater.svg" "$TAR/tv.plex.PlexDesktop.svg" # sudo cp -f "$SRC/seafile.svg" "$TAR/com.client.Seafile.svg" # sudo cp -f "$SRC/com.github.gi_lom.dialect.svg" "$TAR/app.drey.Dialect.svg" ### Missing icons # The following applications are missing icons after using the "Full" installer. The application name # is listed. To the right of each hyphen is the name of the `.desktop` file. # Webkit Font Generator - # Lepton - lepton_lepton # scrcpygui # scrcpy - scrcpy_scrcpy # Shotcut - org.shotcut.Shotcut # Kooha - io.github.seadve.Kooha # Lens - kontena-lens_kontena-lens # Proton Mail Bridge - ch.protonmail.protonmail-bridge # Proton Import-Export app - ch.protonmail.protonmail-import-export-app # MQTTX - com.emqx.MQTTX # Mockoon - mockoon_mockoon # PowerShell - powershell_powershell # GNOME Network Displays - org.gnome.NetworkDisplays # Cockpit Client - org.cockpit_project.CockpitClient # Yubico Authenticator - com.yubico.yubioath # OnlyKey App - onlykey-app_onlykey-app # Gitter - im.gitter.Gitter # Jitsi Meet - org.jitsi.jitsi-meet # Keybase # Nuclear - org.js.nuclear.Nuclear # Motrix - net.agalwood.Motrix # Raspberry Pi Imager - org.raspberrypi.rpi-imager # Junction - re.sonny.Junction # GNOME Extension Manager - com.mattjakeman.ExtensionManager # Startup Applications # Multipass - multipass_gui ##### CANDY ICONS END ###### {{ end -}}