#                                    __   __  __
#                                    \ \ / / / /
#                                     \ V / / /
#                                      \_/  \/
#                                    V E C T O R
#                                   Configuration
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Website: https://vector.dev
# Docs: https://vector.dev/docs
# Chat: https://chat.vector.dev
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Change this to use a non-default directory for Vector data storage:
# data_dir = "/usr/local/var/lib/vector/"

# Random Syslog-formatted logs
type = "demo_logs"
format = "syslog"
interval = 1

# Parse Syslog logs
# See the Vector Remap Language reference for more info: https://vrl.dev
type = "remap"
inputs = ["dummy_logs"]
source = '''
. = parse_syslog!(string!(.message))

# Print parsed logs to stdout
type = "console"
inputs = ["parse_logs"]
encoding.codec = "json"

# Vector's GraphQL API (disabled by default)
# Uncomment to try it out with the `vector top` command or
# in your browser at http://localhost:8686
#enabled = true
#address = ""