" don't spam the user when Vim is started in Vi compatibility mode let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim function! Test_gomodVersion_highlight() abort try syntax on let l:dir = gotest#write_file('gomodtest/go.mod', [ \ 'module github.com/fatih/vim-go', \ '', \ '\x1frequire (', \ '\tversion/simple v1.0.0', \ '\tversion/simple-pre-release v1.0.0-rc', \ '\tversion/simple-pre-release v1.0.0+meta', \ '\tversion/simple-pre-release v1.0.0-rc+meta', \ '\tversion/pseudo/premajor v1.0.0-20060102150405-0123456789abcdef', \ '\tversion/pseudo/prerelease v1.0.0-prerelease.0.20060102150405-0123456789abcdef', \ '\tversion/pseudo/prepatch v1.0.1-0.20060102150405-0123456789abcdef', \ '\tversion/simple/incompatible v2.0.0+incompatible', \ '\tversion/pseudo/premajor/incompatible v2.0.0-20060102150405-0123456789abcdef+incompatible', \ '\tversion/pseudo/prerelease/incompatible v2.0.0-prerelease.0.20060102150405-0123456789abcdef+incompatible', \ '\tversion/pseudo/prepatch/incompatible v2.0.1-0.20060102150405-0123456789abcdef+incompatible', \ ')']) let l:lineno = 4 let l:lineclose = line('$') while l:lineno < l:lineclose let l:line = getline(l:lineno) let l:col = col([l:lineno, '$']) - 1 let l:idx = len(l:line) - 1 let l:from = stridx(l:line, ' ') + 1 while l:idx >= l:from call cursor(l:lineno, l:col) let l:synname = synIDattr(synID(l:lineno, l:col, 1), 'name') let l:errlen = len(v:errors) call assert_equal('gomodVersion', l:synname, 'version on line ' . l:lineno) " continue at the next line if there was an error at this column; " there's no need to test each column once an error is detected. if l:errlen < len(v:errors) break endif let l:col -= 1 let l:idx -= 1 endwhile let l:lineno += 1 endwhile finally call delete(l:dir, 'rf') endtry endfunc function! Test_gomodVersion_incompatible_highlight() abort try syntax on let l:dir = gotest#write_file('gomodtest/go.mod', [ \ 'module github.com/fatih/vim-go', \ '', \ '\x1frequire (', \ '\tversion/invalid/premajor/incompatible v1.0.0-20060102150405-0123456789abcdef+incompatible', \ '\tversion/invalid/prerelease/incompatible v1.0.0-prerelease.0.20060102150405-0123456789abcdef+incompatible', \ '\tversion/invalid/prepatch/incompatible v1.0.1-0.20060102150405-0123456789abcdef+incompatible', \ ')']) let l:lineno = 4 let l:lineclose = line('$') while l:lineno < l:lineclose let l:line = getline(l:lineno) let l:col = col([l:lineno, '$']) - 1 let l:idx = len(l:line) - 1 let l:from = stridx(l:line, '+') while l:idx >= l:from call cursor(l:lineno, l:col) let l:synname = synIDattr(synID(l:lineno, l:col, 1), 'name') let l:errlen = len(v:errors) call assert_notequal('gomodVersion', l:synname, 'version on line ' . l:lineno) " continue at the next line if there was an error at this column; " there's no need to test each column once an error is detected. if l:errlen < len(v:errors) break endif let l:col -= 1 let l:idx -= 1 endwhile let l:lineno += 1 endwhile finally call delete(l:dir, 'rf') endtry endfunc function! Test_numeric_literal_highlight() abort syntax on let l:tests = { \ 'lone zero': {'group': 'goDecimalInt', 'value': '0'}, \ 'float loan zero': {'group': 'goFloat', 'value': '0.'}, \ 'integer': {'group': 'goDecimalInt', 'value': '1234567890'}, \ 'integerGrouped': {'group': 'goDecimalInt', 'value': '1_234_567_890'}, \ 'hexadecimal': {'group': 'goHexadecimalInt', 'value': '0x0123456789abcdef'}, \ 'hexadecimalGrouped': {'group': 'goHexadecimalInt', 'value': '0x012_345_678_9abc_def'}, \ 'heXadecimal': {'group': 'goHexadecimalInt', 'value': '0X0123456789abcdef'}, \ 'hexadecimalFloatUp': {'group': 'goHexadecimalFloat', 'value': '0x0123456789abcdef.0123456789abcdefp2'}, \ 'hexadecimalFloatDown': {'group': 'goHexadecimalFloat', 'value': '0x0123456789abcdef.0123456789abcdefp-2'}, \ 'octal': {'group': 'goOctalInt', 'value': '01234567'}, \ 'octalPrefix': {'group': 'goOctalInt', 'value': '0o1234567'}, \ 'octalGrouped': {'group': 'goOctalInt', 'value': '0o1_234_567'}, \ 'OctalPrefix': {'group': 'goOctalInt', 'value': '0O1234567'}, \ 'binaryInt': {'group': 'goBinaryInt', 'value': '0b0101'}, \ 'binaryIntGrouped': {'group': 'goBinaryInt', 'value': '0b_01_01'}, \ 'BinaryInt': {'group': 'goBinaryInt', 'value': '0B0101'}, \ 'floatFractionalOnly': {'group': 'goFloat', 'value': '.1'}, \ 'hexadecimalFloatFractionalOnly': {'group': 'goHexadecimalFloat', 'value': '0x.1'}, \ 'floatIntegerOnly': {'group': 'goFloat', 'value': '1e6'}, \ } for l:kv in items(copy(l:tests)) let l:value = deepcopy(l:kv[1]) let l:value.group = substitute(l:value.group, 'go', 'goImaginary', '') let l:value.group = substitute(l:value.group, 'Int$', '', '') let l:value.value = printf('%si', l:value.value) let l:tests[printf('imaginary %s', l:kv[0])] = l:value endfor for l:kv in items(copy(l:tests)) let l:value = deepcopy(l:kv[1]) let l:value.value = printf('-%s', l:value.value) let l:tests[printf('negative %s', l:kv[0])] = l:value endfor for l:kv in items(tests) let l:actual = s:numericHighlightGroupInAssignment(l:kv[0], l:kv[1].value) call assert_equal(l:kv[1].group, l:actual, l:kv[1].value) let l:groupName = 'goString' let l:actual = s:stringHighlightGroupInAssignment(l:kv[0], l:kv[1].value) call assert_equal('goString', l:actual, printf('"%s"', l:kv[1].value)) endfor endfunction function! Test_zero_as_index_element() abort syntax on let l:actual = s:numericHighlightGroupInSliceElement('zero-element', '0') call assert_equal('goDecimalInt', l:actual) let l:actual = s:numericHighlightGroupInMultidimensionalSliceElement('zero-element', '0') call assert_equal('goDecimalInt', l:actual, 'multi-dimensional') endfunction function! Test_zero_as_slice_index() abort syntax on let l:actual = s:numericHighlightGroupInSliceIndex('zero-index', '0') call assert_equal('goDecimalInt', l:actual) let l:actual = s:numericHighlightGroupInMultidimensionalSliceIndex('zero-index', '0', '0') call assert_equal('goDecimalInt', l:actual, 'multi-dimensional') endfunction function! Test_zero_as_start_slicing_slice() abort syntax on let l:actual = s:numericHighlightGroupInSliceSlicing('slice-slicing', '0', '1') call assert_equal('goDecimalInt', l:actual) endfunction function! s:numericHighlightGroupInAssignment(testname, value) let l:dir = gotest#write_file(printf('numeric/%s.go', a:testname), [ \ 'package numeric', \ '', \ printf("var v = %s\x1f", a:value), \ ]) try let l:pos = getcurpos() let l:actual = synIDattr(synID(l:pos[1], l:pos[2], 1), 'name') return l:actual finally call delete(l:dir, 'rf') endtry endfunction function! s:stringHighlightGroupInAssignment(testname, value) let l:dir = gotest#write_file(printf('numeric/%s.go', a:testname), [ \ 'package numeric', \ '', \ printf("var v = \"%s\x1f\"", a:value), \ ]) try let l:pos = getcurpos() let l:actual = synIDattr(synID(l:pos[1], l:pos[2], 1), 'name') return l:actual finally call delete(l:dir, 'rf') endtry endfunction function! s:numericHighlightGroupInSliceElement(testname, value) let l:dir = gotest#write_file(printf('numeric/slice-element/%s.go', a:testname), [ \ 'package numeric', \ '', \ printf("v := []int{%s\x1f}", a:value), \ ]) try let l:pos = getcurpos() let l:actual = synIDattr(synID(l:pos[1], l:pos[2], 1), 'name') return l:actual finally call delete(l:dir, 'rf') endtry endfunction function! s:numericHighlightGroupInMultidimensionalSliceElement(testname, value) let l:dir = gotest#write_file(printf('numeric/slice-multidimensional-element/%s.go', a:testname), [ \ 'package numeric', \ '', \ printf("v := [][]int{{%s\x1f},{%s}}", a:value, a:value), \ ]) try let l:pos = getcurpos() let l:actual = synIDattr(synID(l:pos[1], l:pos[2], 1), 'name') return l:actual finally call delete(l:dir, 'rf') endtry endfunction function! s:numericHighlightGroupInSliceIndex(testname, value) let l:dir = gotest#write_file(printf('numeric/slice-index/%s.go', a:testname), [ \ 'package numeric', \ '', \ 'var sl []int', \ printf("println(sl[%s\x1f])", a:value), \ ]) try let l:pos = getcurpos() let l:actual = synIDattr(synID(l:pos[1], l:pos[2], 1), 'name') return l:actual finally call delete(l:dir, 'rf') endtry endfunction function! s:numericHighlightGroupInMultidimensionalSliceIndex(testname, first, second) let l:dir = gotest#write_file(printf('numeric/slice-multidimensional-index/%s.go', a:testname), [ \ 'package numeric', \ '', \ 'var sl [][]int', \ printf("println(sl[%s\x1f][%s])", a:first, a:second), \ ]) try let l:pos = getcurpos() let l:actual = synIDattr(synID(l:pos[1], l:pos[2], 1), 'name') return l:actual finally call delete(l:dir, 'rf') endtry endfunction function! s:numericHighlightGroupInSliceSlicing(testname, from, to) let l:dir = gotest#write_file(printf('numeric/slice-slicing/%s.go', a:testname), [ \ 'package numeric', \ '', \ 'var sl = []int{1,2}', \ printf("println(sl[%s\x1f:%s])", a:from, a:to), \ ]) try let l:pos = getcurpos() let l:actual = synIDattr(synID(l:pos[1], l:pos[2], 1), 'name') return l:actual finally call delete(l:dir, 'rf') endtry endfunction function! Test_diagnostic_after_fmt() abort let g:go_fmt_command = 'gofmt' let g:go_diagnostics_level = 2 try call s:diagnostic_after_write( [ \ 'package main', \ 'import "fmt"', \ '', \ 'func main() {', \ '', \ "\tfmt.Println(h\x1fello)", \ '}', \ ], []) finally unlet g:go_fmt_command endtry endfunction function! Test_diagnostic_after_fmt_change() abort " craft a file that will be changed when its written (gofmt will change it). let g:go_fmt_command = 'gofmt' let g:go_diagnostics_level = 2 try call s:diagnostic_after_write( [ \ 'package main', \ 'import "fmt"', \ '', \ 'func main() {', \ '', \ "fmt.Println(h\x1fello)", \ '}', \ ], []) finally unlet g:go_fmt_command endtry endfunction function! Test_diagnostic_after_fmt_cleared() abort " craft a file that will be fixed when it is written. let g:go_fmt_command = 'gofmt' let g:go_diagnostics_level = 2 try call s:diagnostic_after_write( [ \ 'package main', \ 'import "fmt"', \ '', \ 'func main() {', \ '', \ "fmt.Println(h\x1fello)", \ '}', \ ], ['hello := "hello, vim-go"']) finally unlet g:go_fmt_command endtry endfunction function! Test_diagnostic_after_reload() abort let g:go_diagnostics_level = 2 let l:dir = gotest#write_file('diagnostic/after-reload.go', [ \ 'package main', \ 'import "fmt"', \ '', \ 'func main() {', \ '', \ "\tfmt.Println(h\x1fello)", \ '}', \ ]) try call s:check_diagnostics('', 'goDiagnosticError', 'initial') let l:pos = getcurpos() edit call setpos('.', l:pos) call s:check_diagnostics('', 'goDiagnosticError', 'after-reload') finally call delete(l:dir, 'rf') endtry endfunction function! s:diagnostic_after_write(contents, changes) abort syntax on let g:go_diagnostics_level = 2 let l:dir = gotest#write_file('diagnostic/after-write.go', a:contents) try let l:pos = getcurpos() call s:check_diagnostics('', 'goDiagnosticError', 'initial') " write a:changes to the previous line and make sure l:actual and " l:expected are set so that they won't accidentally match on the next " check. if len(a:changes) > 0 call append(l:pos[1]-1, a:changes) let l:actual = 'goDiagnosticError' let l:expected = '' else let l:actual = '' let l:expected = 'goDiagnosticError' endif write call s:check_diagnostics(l:actual, l:expected, 'after-write') finally call delete(l:dir, 'rf') endtry endfunction function! s:check_diagnostics(actual, expected, when) let l:actual = a:actual let l:start = reltime() while l:actual != a:expected && reltimefloat(reltime(l:start)) < 10 " Get the cursor position on each iteration, because the cursor postion " may change between iterations when go#fmt#GoFmt formats, reloads the " file, and moves the cursor to try to keep it where the user expects it " to be when gofmt modifies the files. let l:pos = getcurpos() if !has('textprop') let l:matches = getmatches() if len(l:matches) == 0 let l:actual = '' endif for l:m in l:matches let l:matchline = l:m.pos1[0] if len(l:m.pos1) < 2 continue endif let l:matchcol = get(l:m.pos1, 1, 1) if l:pos[1] == l:matchline && l:pos[2] >= l:matchcol && l:pos[2] <= l:matchcol + l:m.pos1[2] " Ideally, we'd check that the cursor is within the match, but when a " tab is added on the current line, the cursor position within the " line will stay constant while the line itself is shifted over by a " column, so just check the line itself instead of checking a precise " cursor location. " if l:pos[1] == l:matchline let l:actual = l:m.group break endif endfor sleep 100m continue endif let l:actual = get(prop_list(l:pos[1]), 0, {'type': ''}).type sleep 100m endwhile call assert_equal(a:expected, l:actual, a:when) endfunction function! Test_goStringHighlight() abort syntax on let l:dir = gotest#write_file('highlight/gostring.go', [ \ 'package highlight', \ '', \ 'import (', \ printf("\t%s", '"fmt"'), \ ')', \ '', \ printf('var s = "%s"', "gostring\x1f"), \ ]) try let l:pos = getcurpos() let l:actual = synIDattr(synID(l:pos[1], l:pos[2], 1), 'name') call assert_equal('goString', l:actual) finally call delete(l:dir, 'rf') endtry endfunc function! Test_goImportStringHighlight() abort syntax on let l:dir = gotest#write_file('highlight/import.go', [ \ 'package highlight', \ '', \ 'import (', \ printf('%s"%s"', "\t", "f\x1fmt"), \ ')', \ '', \ 'var s = fmt.Sprint("gostring")', \ ]) try let l:pos = getcurpos() let l:actual = synIDattr(synID(l:pos[1], l:pos[2], 1), 'name') call assert_equal('goImportString', l:actual) finally call delete(l:dir, 'rf') endtry endfunc function! Test_goReceiverHighlight() abort syntax on let l:tests = { \ 'PointerReceiverVar': {'group': 'goReceiverVar', 'value': "t\x1f *T"}, \ 'ValueReceiverVar': {'group': 'goReceiverVar', 'value': "t\x1f T"}, \ 'PointerReceiverType': {'group': 'goReceiverType', 'value': "t *T\x1f"}, \ 'ValueReceiverType': {'group': 'goReceiverType', 'value': "t T\x1f"}, \ 'PointerReceiverTypeOmittedVar': {'group': 'goReceiverType', 'value': "*T\x1f"}, \ 'ValueReceiverTypeOmittedVar': {'group': 'goReceiverType', 'value': "T\x1f"}, \ 'GenericPointerReceiverVar': {'group': 'goReceiverVar', 'value': "g\x1f *G[int]"}, \ 'GenericValueReceiverVar': {'group': 'goReceiverVar', 'value': "g\x1f G[int]"}, \ 'GenericPointerReceiverType': {'group': 'goReceiverType', 'value': "g *G\x1f[int]"}, \ 'GenericValueReceiverType': {'group': 'goReceiverType', 'value': "g G\x1f[int]"}, \ 'GenericPointerReceiverTypeOmittedVar': {'group': 'goReceiverType', 'value': "*G\x1f[int]"}, \ 'GenericValueReceiverTypeOmittedVar': {'group': 'goReceiverType', 'value': "G\x1f[int]"}, \ } let g:go_highlight_function_parameters = 1 for l:kv in items(l:tests) let l:actual = s:receiverHighlightGroup(l:kv[0], l:kv[1].value) call assert_equal(l:kv[1].group, l:actual, l:kv[0]) endfor unlet g:go_highlight_function_parameters endfunc function! s:receiverHighlightGroup(testname, value) let l:package = tolower(a:testname) let l:dir = gotest#write_file(printf('%s/%s.go', l:package, a:testname), [ \ printf('package %s', l:package), \ '', \ 'type T struct{}', \ 'type G[T any] struct{}', \ printf('func (%s) Foo() {}', a:value), \ ]) try let l:pos = getcurpos() let l:actual = synIDattr(synID(l:pos[1], l:pos[2], 1), 'name') return l:actual finally call delete(l:dir, 'rf') endtry endfunc function! Test_GoTypeHighlight() abort syntax on let l:tests = { \ 'StandardType': {'group': 'goTypeName', 'value': "T\x1f"}, \ 'GenericType': {'group': 'goTypeName', 'value': "G\x1f[T any]"}, \ } let g:go_highlight_types = 1 for l:kv in items(l:tests) let l:actual = s:typeHighlightGroup(l:kv[0], l:kv[1].value) call assert_equal(l:kv[1].group, l:actual, l:kv[0]) endfor unlet g:go_highlight_types endfunc function! s:typeHighlightGroup(testname, value) let l:package = tolower(a:testname) let l:dir = gotest#write_file(printf('%s/%s.go', l:package, a:testname), [ \ printf('package %s', l:package), \ '', \ printf('type %s struct{}', a:value), \ ]) try let l:pos = getcurpos() let l:actual = synIDattr(synID(l:pos[1], l:pos[2], 1), 'name') return l:actual finally call delete(l:dir, 'rf') endtry endfunc function! Test_goFunction() abort syntax on let l:tests = { \ 'StandardFunction': {'group': 'goFunction', 'value': "F\x1f(){}"}, \ 'GenericFunction': {'group': 'goFunction', 'value': "G\x1f[T any](_ T){}"}, \ } let g:go_highlight_functions = 1 for l:kv in items(l:tests) let l:actual = s:functionHighlightGroup(l:kv[0], l:kv[1].value) call assert_equal(l:kv[1].group, l:actual, l:kv[0]) endfor unlet g:go_highlight_functions endfunc function! s:functionHighlightGroup(testname, value) let l:package = tolower(a:testname) let l:dir = gotest#write_file(printf('%s/%s.go', l:package, a:testname), [ \ printf('package %s', l:package), \ '', \ printf('func %s', a:value), \ ]) try let l:pos = getcurpos() let l:actual = synIDattr(synID(l:pos[1], l:pos[2], 1), 'name') return l:actual finally call delete(l:dir, 'rf') endtry endfunc function! Test_goFunctionCall() abort syntax on let l:tests = { \ 'StandardFunctionCall': {'group': 'goFunctionCall', 'value': "f\x1f()"}, \ 'GenericFunctionCall': {'group': 'goFunctionCall', 'value': "g\x1f[int](i)"}, \ } let g:go_highlight_function_calls = 1 for l:kv in items(l:tests) let l:actual = s:functionCallHighlightGroup(l:kv[0], l:kv[1].value) call assert_equal(l:kv[1].group, l:actual, l:kv[0]) endfor unlet g:go_highlight_function_calls endfunc function! s:functionCallHighlightGroup(testname, value) let l:package = tolower(a:testname) let l:dir = gotest#write_file(printf('%s/%s.go', l:package, a:testname), [ \ printf('package %s', l:package), \ '', \ 'func f() {}', \ 'func g[T any](i T) {}', \ 'func init() {', \ printf("\t%s", a:value), \ '}', \ ]) try let l:pos = getcurpos() let l:actual = synIDattr(synID(l:pos[1], l:pos[2], 1), 'name') return l:actual finally call delete(l:dir, 'rf') endtry endfunc " restore Vi compatibility settings let &cpo = s:cpo_save unlet s:cpo_save " vim: sw=2 ts=2 et