--- # `softwarePackages` is a map of possible package managers to use while installing a program. The installer will # look at the `installerPreference` variable (bottom of file) and find the first package manager that is in the package's possible # installation method and then use that. It is also sensitive to the type of operating system so a package with # only `apt` defined will not install on macOS. # # Everything should be fairly straight forward. Take a look at the `installerPreference` for a list of package managers. If a package # has dependencies, the dependencies are defined under the `_deps` key. All of the `_deps` should also be defined in the # `softwarePackages` map. The installer will check for the presence of the package's key in the PATH. If the package's key # does not match the executable's name, then the `_bin` key can be defined so that the installer will look at that instead. softwarePackages: altair: cask: altair-graphql-client choco: altair-graphql snap: altair yay: altair angular-cli: brew: angular-cli npm: '@angular/cli' ansible-lint: pipx: ansible-lint ansible: brew: ansible dnf: ansible pipx: ansible ansibleconnect: _deps: - sshpass - tmux pipx: ansibleconnect aqua: brew: aquaproj/aqua/aqua asciicinema: pipx: asciicinema astronvim: _deps: - bottom # Conflicts with coreutils binary on macOS # - gdu - lazygit - neovim - node - python - ripgrep - tree-sitter auto-install: npm: auto-install automake: brew: automake # @cli [bat](https://github.com/sharkdp/bat) - Clone of cat(1) with syntax highlighting and Git integration bat: apk: bat apt: bat brew: bat cargo: bat choco: bat pacman: bat pkg: bat port: bat scoop: bat zypper: bat bundler: gem: bundler delta: brew: git-delta cargo: git-delta choco: delta dnf: git-delta pacman: git-delta pkg: git-delta scoop: delta bash-completion: brew: bash-completion bitly: npm: bitly-cli-client bottom: brew: bottom pacman: bottom scoop: bottom snap: bottom browser-sync: npm: browser-sync bw: choco: bitwarden-cli snap: bw caniuse: npm: caniuse-cmd carbon-now: npm: carbon-now-cli carthage: brew:darwin: carthage chef: gem: chef chrome-cli: brew:darwin: chrome-cli clocker: cask: clocker cookiecutter: brew: cookiecutter pipx: cookiecutter cocoapods: brew:darwin: cocoapods gem:darwin: cocoapods commitizen: _bin: cz npm: commitizen cordova: npm: cordova delve: brew: delve go: github.com/go-delve/delve/cmd/dlv@latest dframe: npm: deviceframe editly: npm: editly electron: brew: electron npm: electron emma: npm: emma-cli emoj: npm: emoj emplace: cargo: emplace nix: emplace scoop: emplace empty-trash: npm: empty-trash-cli eslint: brew: eslint npm: eslint fastify: npm: fastify-cli feathers: npm: '@feathersjs/cli' firebase: npm: firebase-tools ffmpeg: apk: ffmpeg apt: ffmpeg brew: ffmpeg choco: ffmpeg dnf: ffmpeg pacman: ffmpeg scoop: ffmpeg fkill: npm: fkill-cli fonts: cask: - epk/epk/font-sf-mono-nerd-font - homebrew/cask-fonts/font-hack-nerd-font - homebrew/cask-fonts/font-meslo-lg-nerd-font fpm: gem: fpm gdown: pipx: gdown gdu: brew: gdu go: github.com/dundee/gdu/v5/cmd/gdu@latest pacman: gdu snap: gdu-disk-usage-analyzer gdu:debian: apt: gdu gfi: npm: google-font-installer git: apk: git apt: git brew: git dnf: git git-filter-repo: brew: git-filter-repo pipx: git-filter-repo git-lfs: _deps: - git brew: git-lfs scoop: git-lfs git-open: npm: git-open gixy: pipx: gixy go-outline: go: github.com/ramya-rao-a/go-outline@latest gomodifytags: brew: gomodifytags go: github.com/fatih/gomodifytags@latest gopkgs: go: github.com/uudashr/gopkgs/v2/cmd/gopkgs@latest gopls: brew: gopls go: golang.org/x/tools/gopls@latest gotests: brew: gotests go: github.com/cweill/gotests/...@latest gphotos-sync: pipx: gphotos-sync gnu:darwin: brew: - coreutils - findutils - gawk - gnu-getopt - gnu-indent - gnu-tar - gnu-sed - gnutls - grep gtop: brew: gtop npm: gtop gulp: brew: gulp npm: gulp http-prompt: brew: http-prompt pipx: http-prompt httpstat: brew: httpstat pipx: httpstat ideviceinstaller: brew:darwin: ideviceinstaller imagemagick: apk: imagemagick apt: imagemagick brew: imagemagick choco: imagemagick dnf: imagemagick scoop: imagemagick imgur-uploader: npm: imgur-uploader-cli impl: go: github.com/josharian/impl@latest ionic: npm: '@ionic/cli' ios-deploy: brew:darwin: ios-deploy npm:darwin: ios-deploy ipfs: brew: ipfs choco: go-ifps nix: ipfs port: ipfs scoop: go-ipfs snap: ipfs ipfs-desktop: cask: ipfs choco: ipfs-desktop pacman: ipfs-desktop scoop: ipfs-desktop ipfs-deploy: _bin: ipd npm: ipfs-deploy is-up: npm: is-up-cli lazygit: brew: lazygit choco: lazygit go: github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit@latest pacman: lazygit scoop: lazygit libimobiledevice: brew:darwin: libimobiledevice localtunnel: brew: localtunnel npm: localtunnel mjml: cask: mjml npm: mjml molecule: brew: molecule pipx: molecule nativefier: _deps: - imagemagick npm: nativefier ncc: brew: ncc npm: '@vercel/ncc' netcat: apt: netcat brew: netcat choco: netcat dnf: netcat pacman: netcat scoop: netcat nb: _deps: - bat - netcat - pandoc - rg - tig - w3m basher: xwmx/nb bpkg: xwmx/nb brew: nb npm: nb.sh nectar: npm: nectarjs neovim: apk: neovim apt: - neovim - python3-neovim brew: neovim choco: neovim dnf: - neovim - python3-neovim flatpak: io.neovim.nvim nix: neovim pacman: - neovim - python-pynvim pkg: - neovim - py27-pynvim - py36-pynvim port: neovim winget: Neovim.Neovim zypper: - neovim - python-neovim - python3-neovim ngxtop: pipx: ngxtop node: brew: node scoop: nodejs nest: npm: '@nestjs/cli' newman: brew: newman npm: newman np: npm: np npm-check: npm: npm-check oclif: npm: oclif oh-my-posh: brew: jandedobbeleer/oh-my-posh/oh-my-posh scoop: - clink - https://github.com/JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh/releases/latest/download/oh-my-posh.json package-size: npm: package-size pageres: npm: pageres-cli pandoc: _deps: - python apt: pandoc brew: - pandoc - librsvg - homebrew/cask/basictex choco: - pandoc - rsvg-convert - miktex crew: pandoc dnf: pandoc nix: pandoc pacman: pandoc winget: pandoc papertrail: gem: papertrail pipx: brew: pipx pkg: npm: pkg playwright: npm: playwright pm2: npm: pm2 pre-commit: brew: pre-commit pipx: pre-commit prettier: brew: prettier npm: prettier psi: npm: psi python: apt: python3-pip brew: python dnf: python3-pip pacman: python-pip scoop: python pywhat: brew: pywhat pipx: pywhat port: pywhat ramda: npm: ramda-cli ripgrep: _bin: rg apt: ripgrep brew: ripgrep cargo: ripgrep choco: ripgrep dnf: ripgrep nix: ripgrep pacman: ripgrep pkg: ripgrep port: ripgrep scoop: ripgrep zypper: ripgrep ripgrep-all: _bin: rga brew: - ffmpeg - pandoc - poppler - rga - tesseract choco: ripgrep-all nix: ripgrep-all pacman: ripgrep-all rofi: apt: rofi dnf: rofi pacman: rofi pkg: rofi port: rofi zypper: rofi rsync: apt: rsync brew: rsync choco: rsync dnf: rsync sad: brew: ms-jpq/sad/sad pacman: sad secretive: cask: secretive semantic-release: npm: semantic-release # @cli [sentry-cli](https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-cli/) - sentry-cli can connect to the Sentry API and manage some data for your projects sentry-cli: brew: getsentry/tools/sentry-cli github: github.com/getsentry/sentry-cli npm: '@sentry/cli' scoop: sentry-cli yay: sentry-cli-bin serve: npm: serve serverless: brew: serverless npm: serverless share: npm: share-cli sharp: npm: sharp-cli shotcut: choco: shotcut flatpak: org.shotcut.Shotcut snap: shotcut sloth: cask: stats social-analyzer: brew: social-analyzer pipx: social-analyzer speed-test: npm: speed-test spotdl: _deps: - ffmpeg pipx: spotdl sshpass: apt: sshpass brew: hudochenkov/sshpass/sshpass dnf: sshpass starred: pipx: starred statcode: pipx: statcode yay: statcode stats: cask: stats stegcloak: npm: stegcloak supdock: npm: supdock surge: npm: surge svgo: brew: svgo npm: svgo t: gem: t terminalizer: npm: terminalizer tig: brew: tig nix: tig pkg: tig tinypng: npm: tinypng-cli tldr: brew: tldr npm: tldr trellis: brew: roots/tap/trellis-cli trufflehog: brew: trufflesecurity/trufflehog/trufflehog tmux: apt: tmux brew: - awk - gnu-sed - perl - tmux tree-sitter: cargo: tree-sitter-cli ts2c: npm: ts2c typescript: _bin: tsc brew: typescript npm: tsc virtualenv: brew: virtualenv pipx: virtualenv volta: brew: volta scoop: volta w3m: apt: w3m brew: w3m dnf: w3m pacman: w3m port: w3m zypper: w3m wget: apk: wget apt: wget brew: rsync dnf: wget whalebrew: whalebrew/wget wifi-password: bpkg: rauchg/wifi-password brew: wifi-password npm: wifi-password-cli wordpressify: npm: wordpressify wrangler: npm: '@cloudflare/wrangler' yamllint: brew: yamllint pipx: yamllint youtube-dl: pipx: youtube-dl port: youtube-dl brew: youtube-dl zx: brew: zx npm: zx act: brew: act choco: act-cli go: github.com/nektos/act@latest ports: act scoop: act yay: act # @cli [argo](https://argoproj.github.io) - ArgoCD is a declarative GitOps continuous delivery platform. argocli: brew: argocd github: https://github.com/argoproj/argo-workflows # @cli [azure-functions-core-tools](https://github.com/Azure/azure-functions-core-tools) - A local development experience for creating, developing, testing, running, and debugging Azure Functions azurefunctions: brew: azure/functions/azure-functions-core-tools@4 choco: azure-functions-core-tools github: github.com/Azure/azure-functions-core-tools npm: azure-functions-core-tools@4 # @cli [bandwhich](https://github.com/imsnif/bandwhich) - Terminal bandwidth utilization tool bandwhich: brew: bandwhich github: github.com/imsnif/bandwhich pacman: bandwhich pkg: bandwhich # @cli [bane](https://github.com/genuinetools/bane) - Custom & better AppArmor profile generator for Docker containers bane: github: github.com/genuinetools/bane go: github.com/genuinetools/bane@latest # @application [Betwixt](https://github.com/kdzwinel/betwixt) - Web Debugging Proxy based on Chrome DevTools Network panel betwixt: github: github.com/kdzwinel/betwixt # @cli [bin](https://github.com/marcosnils/bin) - Effortless binary manager bin: github: github.com/marcosnils/bin go: github.com/marcosnils/bin@latest # @application [BitWarden](https://github.com/bitwarden/desktop) - The desktop vault (Windows, macOS, & Linux) bitwarden: cask: bitwarden choco: bitwarden github: github.com/bitwarden/desktop snap: bitwarden yay: bitwarden-git # @cli [bivac](https://github.com/camptocamp/bivac) - Backup Interface for Volumes Attached to Containers bivac: github: github.com/camptocamp/bivac # @cli [boilr](https://github.com/tmrts/boilr) - boilerplate template manager that generates files or directories from template repositories boilr: github: github.com/tmrts/boilr go: github.com/tmrts/boilr@latest # @cli [budibase-cli](https://github.com/Budibase/budibase) - The Budibase CLI is how you initialise, manage and update your Budibase installation budibase-cli: github: github.com/Budibase/budibase npm: '@budibase/cli' # @cli [captain](https://github.com/jenssegers/captain) - Helps manage docker-compose.yml files from anywhere in the file system captain: github: github.com/jenssegers/captain # @application @service [Cerebro](https://github.com/cerebroapp/cerebro) - Open-source productivity booster with a brain cerebro: cask: cerebro choco: cerebro github: github.com/cerebroapp/cerebro yay: cerebro # @cli [clair](https://github.com/quay/clair) - Vulnerability Static Analysis for Containers clair: brew: clair github: github.com/quay/clair # @cli [cloudflared](https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflared) - Cloudflare Tunnel client cloudflared: brew: cloudflare/cloudflare/cloudflared github: github.com/cloudflare/cloudflared # @cli [cmctl](https://cert-manager.io/docs/usage/cmctl/) - A CLI tool that can help you to manage cert-manager resources inside your cluster cmctl: github: github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager # @cli [confd](https://github.com/kelseyhightower/confd) - Manage local application configuration files using templates and data from etcd or consul confd: brew: confd choco: confd github: github.com/kelseyhightower/confd yay: confd # @cli [consul-cli](https://github.com/mantl/consul-cli) - Command line interface to Consul HTTP API consul-cli: github: github.com/mantl/consul-cli # @cli [croc](https://github.com/schollz/croc) - Easily and securely send things from one computer to another croc: brew: croc choco: croc github: github.com/schollz/croc go: github.com/schollz/croc/v9@latest pacman: croc pkg: croc scoop: croc # @cli [ctop](https://github.com/bcicen/ctop) - Top-like interface for container metrics ctop: brew: ctop github: github.com/bcicen/ctop yay: ctop-bin # @application @menubar [Cumulus](https://github.com/gillesdemey/Cumulus) - A SoundCloud player that lives in the menubar cumulus: cask: cumulus github: github.com/gillesdemey/Cumulus # @cli [curator](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/client/curator) - Elasticsearch Curator helps you curate, or manage, your Elasticsearch indices and snapshots curator: pip: elasticsearch-curator # @cli [dasel](https://github.com/TomWright/dasel) - Select, put and delete data from JSON, TOML, YAML, XML and CSV files with a single tool dasel: brew: dasel github: github.com/TomWright/dasel go: github.com/tomwright/dasel/cmd/dasel@master # @cli [dat](https://github.com/datproject/dat) - Peer-to-peer sharing & live syncronization of files via command line dat: github: github.com/dat-ecosystem-archive/dat npm: dat@next # @application [Dat Desktop](https://github.com/datproject/dat-desktop) - Peer to peer data syncronization dat-desktop: cask: dat github: github.com/datproject/dat-desktop # @cli [dive](https://github.com/wagoodman/dive) - A tool for exploring each layer in a docker image dive: brew: dive github: github.com/wagoodman/dive go: github.com/wagoodman/dive@latest yay: dive # @cli [desed](https://github.com/SoptikHa2/desed) - Debugger for Sed: demystify and debug the sed scripts, from comfort of terminal desed: # Name of package - this should only be used for the TUI cargo: desed dnf: desed github: github.com/SoptikHa2/desed pkg: desed # @cli [deta](https://github.com/deta/deta-cli) - Command line interface for managing Deta micros and deployments deta: github: github.com/deta/deta-cli # @cli [direnv](https://github.com/direnv/direnv) - Extension to load and unload environment variables depending on the current directory direnv: apt: direnv brew: direnv github: github.com/direnv/direnv # @cli [docker-slim](https://github.com/docker-slim/docker-slim) - Extension to minify and secure Docker images docker-slim: brew: docker-slim dnf: golang-github-docker-slim github: github.com/docker-slim/docker-slim yay: docker-slim # @cli [dockle](https://github.com/goodwithtech/dockle) - Container Image Linter for Security, Helping build the Best-Practice Docker Image, Easy to start dockle: brew: goodwithtech/r/dockle github: github.com/goodwithtech/dockle yay: dockle-bin # @cli [doctl](https://github.com/digitalocean/doctl) - The official command line interface for the DigitalOcean API doctl: brew: doctl github: github.com/digitalocean/doctl pacman: doctl pkg: doctl snap: doctl # @cli [dog](https://github.com/ogham/dog) - A command-line DNS client dog: brew: dog github: github.com/ogham/dog pacman: dog pkg: dog # @cli [drone](https://github.com/harness/drone-cli) - The Drone command line tools are used to interact with the Drone from the command line, and provide important utilities for managing users and repository settings drone: brew: drone/drone/drone github: github.com/harness/drone-cli scoop: drone # @cli [duf](https://github.com/muesli/duf) - Disk Usage/Free Utility - a better 'df' alternative duf: brew: duf choco: duf github: github.com/muesli/duf pacman: duf pkg: duf scoop: duf snap: duf-utility # @cli [dust](https://github.com/bootandy/dust) - A more intuitive version of du in rust dust: apk: dust github: github.com/bootandy/dust pacman: dust # @cli [envconsul](https://github.com/hashicorp/envconsul) - Launch a subprocess with environment variables using data from @hashicorp Consul and Vault envconsul: github: github.com/hashicorp/envconsul # @cli [etcd](https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd) - Distributed reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system etcd: apt: etcd brew: etcd choco: etcd dnf: etcd github: github.com/etcd-io/etcd yay: etcd # @cli [fd](https://github.com/sharkdp/fd) - A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to 'find' fd: apk: fd apt: fd-find brew: fd cargo: fd-find choco: fd github: github.com/sharkdp/fd pacman: fd pkg: fd scoop: fd # @cli [ffsend](https://github.com/timvisee/ffsend) - Easily and securely share files from the command line, a fully featured Firefox Send client ffsend: apk: ffsend brew: ffsend github: github.com/timvisee/ffsend pkg: ffsend scoop: ffsend snap: ffsend yay: ffsend # @cli @webapp [filebrowser](https://github.com/filebrowser/filebrowser) - Web file browser filebrowser: brew: filebrowser/tap/filebrowser github: github.com/filebrowser/filebrowser # @binary [Fission](https://fission.io/) - Fission CLI helps you to operate Fission fission: github: github.com/fission/fission # @binary [fly](https://concourse-ci.org/) - CLI to manage Concourse CI installation fly: brew: fly github: https://github.com/concourse/concourse yay: fly-cli # @cli [fm](https://github.com/knipferrc/fm) - Terminal file manager fm: github: github.com/knipferrc/fm go: github.com/knipferrc/fm@latest # @cli [fq](https://github.com/wader/fq) - jq for binary formats fq: apk: fq brew: wader/tap/fq go: github.com/wader/fq@latest github: github.com/wader/fq pacman: fq scoop: fq # @cli [fselect](https://github.com/jhspetersson/fselect) - Extension to find files with SQL-like queries fselect: brew: fselect choco: fselect cargo: fselect github: github.com/jhspetersson/fselect yay: fselect # @cli [Fuego](https://github.com/sgarciac/fuego) - Fuego is a command line client for the firestore database fuego: github: github.com/sgarciac/fuego snap: fuego # @application @service [Google Assistant Unofficial Desktop Client](https://github.com/Melvin-Abraham/Google-Assistant-Unofficial-Desktop-Client) - A cross-platform unofficial Google Assistant Client for Desktop g-assist: snap: g-assist github: github.com/Melvin-Abraham/Google-Assistant-Unofficial-Desktop-Client # @cli [gdrive](https://github.com/prasmussen/gdrive) - Google Drive CLI Client gdrive: brew: gdrive github: github.com/prasmussen/gdrive yay: gdrive # @cli [ghorg](https://github.com/gabrie30/ghorg) - Quickly clone an entire org/users repositories into one directory - Supports GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, and more ghorg: github: github.com/gabrie30/ghorg yay: ghorg # @application @menubar [Gitify](https://github.com/manosim/gitify) - GitHub notifications on the menu bar gitify: cask: gitify github: github.com/manosim/gitify yay: gitify-bin # @cli [gitleaks](https://github.com/zricethezav/gitleaks) - Extension to scan git repos (or files) for secrets using regex and entropy gitleaks: brew: gitleaks github: github.com/zricethezav/gitleaks pkg: gitleaks yay: gitleaks # @cli [gitomatic](https://github.com/muesli/gitomatic) - A tool to monitor git repositories and automatically pull & push changes gitomatic: github: github.com/muesli/gitomatic # @cli [glab](https://github.com/profclems/glab) - An open-source GitLab command line tool bringing GitLab's cool features to your command line glab: apk: glab brew: glab github: github.com/profclems/glab scoop: glab snap: glab yay: gitlab-glab-bin # @cli [glow](https://github.com/charmbracelet/glow) - Glow is a terminal based markdown reader designed from the ground up to bring out the beauty—and power—of the CLI glow: brew: glow github: github.com/charmbracelet/glow pkg: glow scoop: glow yay: glow # @cli [gojq](https://github.com/itchyny/gojq) - gojq is a pure Go implementation of jq that is mostly backwards compatible (but not completely) gojq: brew: gojq github: github.com/itchyny/gojq go: github.com/itchyny/gojq@latest # @cli [go-chromecast](https://github.com/vishen/go-chromecast) - CLI for Google Chromecast, Home devices and Cast Groups go-chromecast: github: github.com/vishen/go-chromecast go: github.com/vishen/go-chromecast@latest # @cli [gping](https://github.com/orf/gping) - Ping, but with a graph gping: brew: gping cargo: gping choco: gping github: github.com/orf/gping scoop: gping pacman: gping # @cli [grex](https://github.com/pemistahl/grex) - A command-line tool and library for generating regular expressions from user-provided test cases grex: brew: grex cargo: grex choco: grex github: github.com/pemistahl/grex scoop: grex # @cli [gron](https://github.com/tomnomnom/gron) - Extension to make JSON greppable gron: brew: gron github: github.com/tomnomnom/gron go: github.com/tomnomnom/gron@latest # @cli [hclq](https://github.com/mattolenik/hclq) - Command-line processor for HashiCorp config files, like sed for HCL — Terraform, Consul, Nomad, Vault hclq: github: github.com/mattolenik/hclq go: github.com/mattolenik/hclq@latest # @cli [hexyl](https://github.com/sharkdp/hexyl) - A command-line hex viewer hexyl: apt: hexyl brew: hexyl cargo: hexyl github: github.com/sharkdp/hexyl pacman: hexyl pkg: hexyl scoop: hexyl snap: hexyl # @cli [hey](https://github.com/rakyll/hey) - HTTP load generator, ApacheBench (ab) replacement, formerly known as rakyll/boom hey: brew: hey github: github.com/rakyll/hey # @cli [hostctl](https://github.com/guumaster/hostctl) - This tool gives more control over the use of hosts file hostctl: brew: guumaster/tap/hostctl github: github.com/guumaster/hostctl scoop: hostctl yay: hostctl # @cli [htmlq](https://github.com/mgdm/htmlq) - A lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor for HTML htmlq: brew: htmlq cargo: htmlq github: github.com/mgdm/htmlq # @cli [hyperfine](https://github.com/sharkdp/hyperfine) - A command-line benchmarking tool hyperfine: apk: hyperfine brew: hyperfine cargo: hyperfine choco: hyperfine dnf: hyperfine github: github.com/sharkdp/hyperfine pacman: hyperfine pkg: hyperfine # @cli [jiq](https://github.com/fiatjaf/jiq) - Create jq queries interactively by leveraging a live reload feature in the terminal jiq: github: github.com/fiatjaf/jiq/cmd/jiq go: github.com/fiatjaf/jiq/cmd/jiq@latest # @application [Jitsi Meet Electron](https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet-electron) - Desktop application for Jitsi Meet built with Electron jitsi-meet-electron: cask: jisti-meet choco: jitsi-meet-electron github: github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet-electron pkg: jisti-meet yay: jitsi-meet-desktop-bin # @cli [jo](https://github.com/jpmens/jo) - JSON output from a shell jo: brew: jo apt: jo snap: jo github: github.com/jpmens/jo pkg: jo scoop: jo yay: jo # @cli [jq](https://github.com/stedolan/jq) - Command-line JSON processor jq: brew: jq choco: jq apk: jq apt: jq dnf: jq github: github.com/stedolan/jq pkg: jq # @cli [kdash](https://github.com/kdash-rs/kdash) - A simple and fast dashboard for Kubernetes kdash: brew: kdash-rs/kdash/kdash cargo: kdash choco: kdash github: github.com/kdash-rs/kdash scoop: kdash # @cli [kn](https://github.com/knative/client) - The Knative CLI (kn) provides a quick and easy interface for creating Knative resources, such as Knative Services and Event Sources kn: brew: kn github: github.com/knative/client yay: knative-client-bin # @cli [kubenav](https://github.com/kubenav/kubenav) - kubenav is the navigator for your Kubernetes clusters right in your pocket kubenav: github: github.com/kubenav/kubenav yay: kubenav-bin # @cli [license](https://github.com/nishanths/license) - Command-line license text generator license: go: github.com/nishanths/license@latest yay: nishanths-license-git # @cli @service [linkerd2](https://github.com/linkerd/linkerd2) - Linkerd is an ultralight, security-first service mesh for Kubernetes linkerd2: brew: linkerd github: github.com/linkerd/linkerd2 yay: linkerd # @cli [linuxkit](https://github.com/linuxkit/linuxkit) - A toolkit for building secure, portable and lean operating systems for containers linuxkit: brew: linuxkit/linuxkit/linuxkit github: github.com/linuxkit/linuxkit # @cli [logcli](https://github.com/grafana/loki) - Run LogQL queries against a Loki server logcli: brew: logcli github: github.com/grafana/loki yay: logcli-git # @application [Manta](https://github.com/hql287/Manta) - Flexible invoicing desktop app with beautiful & customizable templates manta: cask: manta github: github.com/hql287/Manta # @application [MarkText](https://github.com/marktext/marktext) - A simple and elegant markdown editor, available for Linux, macOS and Windows mark-text: cask: mark-text choco: marktext github: github.com/marktext/marktext yay: marktext # @application [MassCode](https://github.com/antonreshetov/massCode) - A free and open source code snippets manager for developers masscode: cask: masscode github: github.com/antonreshetov/massCode # @cli [mc](https://github.com/minio/mc) - MinIO Client is a replacement for ls, cp, mkdir, diff and rsync commands for filesystems and object storage mc: brew: minio/stable/mc binary:linux: https://dl.min.io/client/mc/release/linux-amd64/mc binary:windows: https://dl.min.io/client/mc/release/windows-amd64/mc.exe go: github.com/minio/mc@latest # @cli [mergestat](https://github.com/mergestat/mergestat) - Query git repositories with SQL. Generate reports, perform status checks, analyze codebases mergestat: brew: mergestat/mergestat/mergestat github: github.com/mergestat/mergestat # @application [MJML App](https://github.com/mjmlio/mjml-app) - The desktop app for MJML mjml-app: github: github.com/mjmlio/mjml-app # @cli [mkcert](https://github.com/FiloSottile/mkcert) - A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names mkcert: brew: mkcert choco: mkcert github: github.com/FiloSottile/mkcert pacman: mkcert scoop: mkcert # @application [Mockoon](https://github.com/mockoon/mockoon) - Mockoon is the easiest and quickest way to run mock APIs locally. No remote deployment, no account required, open source mockoon: cask: mockoon choco: mockoon github: github.com/mockoon/mockoon snap: mockoon yay: mockoon-bin # @cli [mole](https://github.com/davrodpin/mole) - CLI application to create ssh tunnels focused on resiliency and user experience mole: brew: davrodpin/homebrew-mole/mole github: github.com/davrodpin/mole yay: mole-bin # @application [Motrix](https://github.com/agalwood/Motrix) - A full-featured download manager motrix: cask: motrix choco: motrix github: github.com/agalwood/Motrix scoop: motrix yay: motrix-bin # @application [MQTT X](https://github.com/emqx/MQTTX) - MQTT X - Elegant Cross-platform MQTT 5.0 Desktop Client mqttx: cask: mqttx github: github.com/emqx/MQTTX snap: mqttx yay: mqttx-bin # @cli [muffet](https://github.com/raviqqe/muffet) - Fast website link checker in Go muffet: brew: muffet github: github.com/raviqqe/muffet go: github.com/raviqqe/muffet/v2@latest yay: muffet-bin # @application [Mullvad VPN](https://github.com/mullvad/mullvadvpn-app) - The Mullvad VPN client app for desktop and mobile mullvad-vpn: cask: mullvadvpn github: github.com/mullvad/mullvadvpn-app yay: mullvad-vpn # @cli [nebula](https://github.com/slackhq/nebula) - A scalable overlay networking tool nebula: github: github.com/slackhq/nebula pacman: nebula # @cli [nnn](https://github.com/jarun/nnn) - A full-featured terminal file manager nnn: apk: nnn apt: nnn brew: nnn github: github.com/jarun/nnn pacman: nnn pkg: nnn # @cli [node-prune](https://github.com/tj/node-prune) - Extension to remove unnecessary files from node_modules node-prune: github: github.com/tj/node-prune go: github.com/tj/node-prune@latest # @cli [nomino](https://github.com/yaa110/nomino) - Batch rename utility for developers nomino: cargo: nomino github: github.com/yaa110/nomino yay: nomino # @application [Nuclear](https://github.com/nukeop/nuclear) - Streaming music player that finds free music nuclear: cask: nuclear choco: nuclear github: github.com/nukeop/nuclear snap: nuclear yay: nuclear-player-bin # @cli [osquery](https://github.com/osquery/osquery) - SQL powered operating system instrumentation, monitoring, and analytics osquery: cask: osquery choco: osquery github: github.com/osquery/osquery yay: osquery-git # @cli [ots](https://github.com/sniptt-official/ots) - Share end-to-end encrypted secrets with others via a one-time URL ots: brew: ots github: github.com/sniptt-official/ots go: github.com/sniptt-official/ots@latest # @cli [oq](https://github.com/Blacksmoke16/oq) - A performant, and portable jq wrapper to facilitate the consumption and output of formats other than JSON; using jq filters to transform the data oq: brew: oq github: github.com/Blacksmoke16/oq snap: oq yay: oq # @cli [page-fetch](https://github.com/detectify/page-fetch) - Fetch web pages using headless Chrome, storing all fetched resources including JavaScript files page-fetch: go: github.com/detectify/page-fetch@latest # @cli [pass](https://www.passwordstore.org/) - Password manager pass: apt: pass brew: pass dnf: pass pacman: pass pkg: password-store # @cli [pastel](https://github.com/sharkdp/pastel) - A command-line tool to generate, analyze, convert and manipulate colors pastel: brew: pastel cargo: pastel github: github.com/sharkdp/pastel snap: pastel yay: pastel # @cli [peco](https://github.com/peco/peco) - Simplistic interactive filtering tool peco: apt: peco brew: peco choco: peco github: github.com/peco/peco pacman: peco # @cli [pony](https://github.com/jessfraz/pony) - Local file-based password, API key, secret, recovery code store backed by GPG pony: github: github.com/jessfraz/pony go: github.com/jessfraz/pony@latest # @application @menubar [Pretzel](https://github.com/amiechen/pretzel) - Pretzel is Mac desktop app that shows and find keyboard shortcuts based on your current app pretzel: github: github.com/amiechen/pretzel # @cli [procs](https://github.com/dalance/procs) - A modern replacement for ps written in Rust procs: apk: procs brew: procs cargo: procs dnf: procs github: github.com/dalance/procs pacman: procs scoop: procs snap: procs # @cli [psu](https://github.com/greenled/portainer-stack-utils) - CLI client for Portainer psu: github: github.com/greenled/portainer-stack-utils # @cli [pup](https://github.com/ericchiang/pup) - Parsing HTML at the command line pup: brew: pup github: github.com/ericchiang/pup go: github.com/ericchiang/pup@latest # @cli [q](https://github.com/harelba/q) - Run SQL directly on CSV or TSV files q: brew: q github: github.com/harelba/q # @application [raindrop](https://raindrop.io) - All-in-one bookmark manager raindrop: cask: raindropio github: github.com/raindropio/desktop # @cli [rancher](https://github.com/rancher/cli) - The Rancher Command Line Interface (CLI) is a unified tool for interacting with your Rancher Server rancher: brew: rancher-cli github: github.com/rancher/cli yay: rancher-cli-bin # @application [Responsively](https://github.com/responsively-org/responsively-app) - A modified web browser that helps in responsive web development responsively: cask: responsively choco: responsively github: github.com/responsively-org/responsively-app # @cli [rip](https://github.com/nivekuil/rip) - A safe and ergonomic alternative to rm rip: brew: rm-improved cargo: rm-improved github: github.com/nivekuil/rip yay: rm-improved # @application [RunJS](https://github.com/lukehaas/RunJS) - A JavaScript playground that auto-evaluates as you type runjs: cask: runjs choco: runjs github: github.com/lukehaas/RunJS # snap: runjs # Not in the Stable Channel yet yay: runjs-bin # @cli [s5cmd](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd) - Parallel S3 and local filesystem execution tool with benchmarks that show it is the fastest S3 downloader s5cmd: brew: peak/tap/s5cmd github: github.com/peak/s5cmd go: github.com/peak/s5cmd@latest # @cli [schema](https://github.com/Confbase/schema) - A tool to infer and instantiate schemas and translate between data formats schema: go: github.com/Confbase/schema # @cli [scrcpy](https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy) - Display and control your Android device scrcpy: apt: scrcpy brew: scrcpy choco: scrcpy dnf: scrcpy github: github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy pkg: scrcpy snap: scrcpy yay: scrcpy # @application [Scrcpy GUI](https://github.com/Tomotoes/scrcpy-gui) - A simple & beautiful GUI application for scrcpy scrcpy-gui: github: github.com/Tomotoes/scrcpy-gui # @cli [sd](https://github.com/chmln/sd) - Intuitive find & replace CLI (sed alternative) sd: apk: sd brew: sd cargo: sd choco: sd-cli dnf: sd github: github.com/chmln/sd pacman: sd pkg: sd # @cli [sftpgo](https://github.com/drakkan/sftpgo) - Fully featured and highly configurable SFTP server with optional HTTP/S, FTP/S and WebDAV support - S3, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob sftpgo: brew: sftpgo choco: sftpgo github: github.com/drakkan/sftpgo pkg: sftpgo yay: sftpgo-bin # @cli [shfmt](https://github.com/mvdan/sh/) - A shell parser, formatter, and interpreter with bash support; includes shfmt shfmt: apk: shfmt brew: shfmt github: github.com/mvdan/sh go: mvdan.cc/sh/v3/cmd/shfmt@latest pacman: shfmt pkg: shfmt scoop: shfmt snap: shfmt # @cli [skm](https://github.com/TimothyYe/skm) - A simple and powerful SSH keys manager skm: brew: timothyye/tap/skm github: github.com/TimothyYe/skm go: github.com/TimothyYe/skm/cmd/skm@latest # @application [Skype](https://www.skype.com) - Skype is for connecting with the people that matter most in your life and work skype: cask: skype choco: skype snap: skype # @application [Slack](https://slack.com/) - Transform the way that you work with one place for everyone and everything that you need to get things done slack: cask: slack choco: slack snap: slack # @application [SQLectron](https://github.com/sqlectron/sqlectron-gui) - A simple and lightweight SQL client desktop with cross database and platform support sqlectron: cask: sqlectron github: github.com/sqlectron/sqlectron-gui yay: sqlectron-gui # @cli [ssh-vault](https://github.com/ssh-vault/ssh-vault) - Encrypt/decrypt using ssh keys ssh-vault: brew: ssh-vault github: github.com/ssh-vault/ssh-vault # @cli [ssl-proxy](https://github.com/suyashkumar/ssl-proxy) - Simple zero-config SSL reverse proxy with real autogenerated certificates ssl-proxy: github: github.com/suyashkumar/ssl-proxy staticcheck: apt: go-staticcheck brew: staticcheck dnf: golang-honnef-tools go: honnef.co/go/tools/cmd/staticcheck@latest pacman: staticcheck port: staticcheck scoop: staticcheck # @application [SwitchHosts](https://github.com/oldj/SwitchHosts) - Extension to switch hosts switchhosts: github: github.com/oldj/SwitchHosts # @cli [sync-ssh-keys](https://github.com/samber/sync-ssh-keys) - Sync public ssh keys to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys, based on Github/Gitlab organization membership sync-ssh-keys: github: github.com/samber/sync-ssh-keys yay: sync-ssh-keys-bin # @cli [sysbench](https://github.com/akopytov/sysbench) - System performance benchmark tool sysbench: apk: sysbench apt: sysbench brew: sysbench dnf: sysbench pacman: sysbench pkg: sysbench # @cli [sysget](https://github.com/emilengler/sysget) - One package manager to rule them all sysget: github: github.com/Eugeny/tabby # @application [Tabby](https://github.com/Eugeny/tabby) - A terminal for a more modern age tabby: cask: tabby choco: tabby github: github.com/Eugeny/tabby # @cli [Task](https://github.com/go-task/task) - A task runner / simpler Make alternative written in Go task: brew: go-task/tap/go-task choco: go-task go: github.com/go-task/task/v3/cmd/task@latest github: github.com/go-task/task scoop: task # @cli [Teleport](https://github.com/gravitational/teleport) - Modern SSH server for teams managing distributed infrastructure teleport: brew: teleport pkg: teleport yay: teleport-bin # @cli [teller](https://github.com/tellerops/teller) - Cloud native secrets management for developers - never leave your command line for secrets teller: brew: spectralops/tap/teller github: github.com/tellerops/teller # @cli [tflint](https://github.com/terraform-linters/tflint) - A Pluggable Terraform Linter tflint: brew: tflint choco: tflint github: github.com/terraform-linters/tflint # @cli [tilt](https://github.com/tilt-dev/tilt) - Define your dev environment as code. For microservice apps on Kubernetes tilt: brew: tilt github: github.com/tilt-dev/tilt yay: tilt-bin # @application [Temps](https://github.com/jackd248/temps) - Simple menubar application based on Electron with actual weather information and forecast temps: github: github.com/jackd248/temps # @cli [tokei](https://github.com/XAMPPRocky/tokei) - Tokei is a program that displays statistics about the code tokei: apk: tokei brew: tokei cargo: tokei dnf: tokei github: github.com/XAMPPRocky/tokei pacman: tokei pkg: tokei scoop: tokei # @cli [transfer](https://github.com/rinetd/transfer) - Converts from one encoding to another transfer: github: github.com/rinetd/transfer go: github.com/rinetd/transfer@latest # @cli [trivy](https://github.com/aquasecurity/trivy) - Scanner for vulnerabilities in container images, file systems, and Git repositories, as well as for configuration issues trivy: github: github.com/aquasecurity/trivy yay: trivy-bin # @cli [up](https://github.com/akavel/up) - Ultimate Plumber is a tool for writing Linux pipes with instant live preview up: brew: up github: github.com/akavel/up pkg: up yay: up # @cli [vault](https://vaultproject.io/) - HashiCorp Vault is a secrets management tool specifically designed to control access to sensitive credentials in a low-trust environment. It can be used to store sensitive values and at the same time dynamically generate access for specific services/applications on lease vault: brew: hashicorp/tap/vault yay: vault-cli # @cli[Vector](https://vector.dev/) /) - Vector is a lightweight, ultra-fast tool for building observability pipelines that lets you collect, transform, and route all your logs and metrics with one simple tool. vector: brew: vectordotdev/brew/vector # @cli [velero](https://velero.io/) | - Velero is an open source tool to safely backup and restore, perform disaster recovery, and migrate Kubernetes cluster resources and persistent volumes. velero: brew: velero choco: velero github: github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero yay: velero-bin # @cli [waypoint](https://github.com/hashicorp/waypoint) - A tool to build, deploy, and release any application on any platform waypoint: brew: hashicorp/tap/waypoint scoop: waypoint # @cli [websocat](https://github.com/vi/websocat) - CLI for interacting with web sockets websocat: brew: websocat cargo: websocat github: github.com/vi/websocat pkg: websocat port: websocat # @application [WebTorrent Desktop](https://github.com/webtorrent/webtorrent-desktop) - Streaming torrent app for Mac, Windows, and Linux webtorrent: cask: webtorrent choco: webtorrent-desktop github: github.com/webtorrent/webtorrent-desktop yay: webtorrent-desktop # @cli [whaler](https://github.com/P3GLEG/Whaler) - Whaler takes a Docker image and attempts to reverse engineer the Dockerfile that created it whaler: github: github.com/P3GLEG/Whaler # @cli [winrm-cli](https://github.com/masterzen/winrm-cli) - Command-line tool to remotely execute commands on Windows machines through WinRM winrm-cli: yay: winrm-cli-git # @cli [wkhtmltopdf](https://github.com/wkhtmltopdf/wkhtmltopdf) - Convert HTML to PDF using Webkit (QtWebKit) wkhtmltopdf: apt: wkhtmltopdf cask: wkhtmltopdf choco: wkhtmltopdf github: github.com/wkhtmltopdf/wkhtmltopdf pacman: wkhtmltopdf # @cli [xurls](https://github.com/mvdan/xurls) - Extract urls from text xurls: go: mvdan.cc/xurls/v2/cmd/xurls@latest github: github.com/mvdan/xurls ykman: brew: ykman pipx: yubikey-manager # @cli [yq](https://github.com/mikefarah/yq) - Process YAML documents from the CLI yq: brew: yq choco: yq apk: yq github: github.com/stedolan/jq go: github.com/mikefarah/yq/v4@latest snap: yq yubikey-authenticator: ansible:darwin: professormanhattan.yubikey choco: yubico-authenticator flatpak: com.yubico.yubioath yubikey-manager: brew: ykman dnf: yubikey-manager pacman: yubikey-manager pipx: yubikey-manager yubikey-manager-qt: ansible:darwin: professormanhattan.yubikey appimage: https://developers.yubico.com/yubikey-manager-qt/Releases/yubikey-manager-qt-1.2.4b-linux.AppImage choco: yubikey-manager dnf: yubikey-manager-qt pacman: yubikey-manager-qt scoop: yubikey-manager-qt installerPostInstallScripts: astronvim: | nvim --headless -c 'autocmd User PackerComplete quitall' bottom: snap: | sudo snap connect bottom:mount-observe sudo snap connect bottom:hardware-observe sudo snap connect bottom:system-observe sudo snap connect bottom:process-control gdu: brew: brew link --overwrite gdu snap: | sudo snap connect gdu-disk-usage-analyzer:mount-observe :mount-observe sudo snap connect gdu-disk-usage-analyzer:system-backup :system-backup sudo snap alias gdu-disk-usage-analyzer.gdu gdu git-lfs: git lfs install nb: nb completions install oh-my-posh: scoop: clink autorun install pipx: brew: pipx ensurepath python: brew: | python3 -m pip install --upgrade setuptools python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip volta: | volta setup volta install node@latest softwarePlugins: dotnet: plugins: - Microsoft.CST.AttackSurfaceAnalyzer.CLI helm: plugins: - https://github.com/databus23/helm-diff - https://github.com/jkroepke/helm-secrets krew: plugins: - access-matrix - datree - deprecations - get-all - konfig - modify-secret - neat - node-shell - resource-capacity - score - sniff - tree - tunnel - view-allocations - who-can quicklook: plugins: - plugin: apparency corporate: false - provisionql - qlcolorcode - qlimagesize - qlmarkdown - qlstephen - qlvideo - quicklook-json - quicklookapk - plugin: suspicious-package corporate: false - webpquicklook vagrant: plugins: - vagrant-bindfs - vagrant-digitalocean - vagrant-google - vagrant-libvirt - vagrant-parallels - vagrant-share - vagrant-vmware-desktop - vagrant-vbguest vim: plugins: - https://github.com/dense-analysis/ale.git - https://github.com/pearofducks/ansible-vim.git - https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim.git - https://github.com/ekalinin/dockerfile.vim.git - https://github.com/editorconfig/editorconfig-vim.git - https://github.com/junegunn/fzf.git - https://github.com/junegunn/fzf.vim.git - https://github.com/itchyny/lightline.vim.git - https://github.com/scrooloose/nerdtree.git - https://github.com/stanangeloff/php.vim.git - https://github.com/hdima/python-syntax.git - https://github.com/vim-syntastic/syntastic.git - https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline.git - https://github.com/kristijanhusak/vim-carbon-now-sh.git - https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons.git - https://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive.git - https://github.com/airblade/vim-gitgutter.git - https://github.com/fatih/vim-go.git - https://github.com/pangloss/vim-javascript.git - https://github.com/mxw/vim-jsx.git - https://github.com/plasticboy/vim-markdown.git - https://github.com/terryma/vim-multiple-cursors.git - https://github.com/prettier/vim-prettier.git - https://github.com/tpope/vim-sensible.git - https://github.com/tpope/vim-surround.git - https://github.com/nanotee/zoxide.vim.git # wget https://gitlab.com/megabyte-labs/gas-station/-/raw/master/environments/prod/group_vars/desktop/vscode-extensions.yml # yq e '.vscode_extensions[].name' vscode-extensions.yml visualStudioCode: plugins: - Angular.ng-template - attilabuti.vscode-mjml - bierner.markdown-emoji - ChakrounAnas.turbo-console-log - ChFlick.firecode - chrmarti.regex - cweijan.vscode-mysql-client2 - DavidAnson.vscode-markdownlint - dbaeumer.vscode-eslint - denoland.vscode-deno - eamodio.gitlens - EditorConfig.EditorConfig - esbenp.prettier-vscode - ericadamski.carbon-now-sh - firsttris.vscode-jest-runner - formulahendry.auto-rename-tag - formulahendry.code-runner - GitHub.vscode-pull-request-github - GitLab.gitlab-workflow - GoogleCloudTools.cloudcode - golang.Go - HashiCorp.terraform - hediet.vscode-drawio - IBM.output-colorizer - Kelvin.vscode-sshfs - mads-hartmann.bash-ide-vscode - ms-azuretools.vscode-docker - ms-kubernetes-tools.vscode-kubernetes-tools - ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers - ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh - ms-vscode-remote.remote-wsl - ms-python.python - ms-vscode.PowerShell - MS-vsliveshare.vsliveshare - MS-vsliveshare.vsliveshare-audio - njpwerner.autodocstring - nrwl.angular-console - philnash.ngrok-for-vscode - PKief.material-icon-theme - pranaygp.vscode-css-peek - quicktype.quicktype - rbbit.typescript-hero - redhat.ansible - redhat.vscode-yaml - richie5um2.vscode-sort-json - Rubymaniac.vscode-paste-and-indent - salbert.comment-ts - shd101wyy.markdown-preview-enhanced - softwaredotcom.swdc-vscode - steoates.autoimport - stylelint.vscode-stylelint - timonwong.shellcheck - toba.vsfire - tyriar.sort-lines - usernamehw.errorlens - valentjn.vscode-ltex - VisualStudioExptTeam.vscodeintellicode - vsciot-vscode.vscode-arduino - vsls-contrib.codetour - vsls-contrib.gistfs - wayou.vscode-todo-highlight - wix.vscode-import-cost - yatki.vscode-surround # The order which the installer uses to determine which package manager to use while installing installerPreference: - flatpak - snap - whalebrew - apt - dnf - pacman - apk - nix - pkg - zypper - brew - crew - port - yay - choco - scoop - winget - go - cargo - npm - pipx - gem - cask - bpkg - basher - appimage - binary