--- version: '3' tasks: ci: deps: - :install:python:pytest - :install:python:pytest-cov - :install:software:poetry log: error: Error encountered while running `pytest` and generating reports start: Running `pytest` and generating reports success: Finished running `pytest` and generating reports cmds: - poetry config virtualenvs.create false - | export "CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib" poetry install --no-dev - | {{.PYTHON_HANDLE}}pytest --junitxml=report.xml --cov=src/ - | {{.PYTHON_HANDLE}}coverage report - | {{.PYTHON_HANDLE}}coverage xml mypy: deps: - :install:pipx:mypy log: error: Encountered error while static type checking with `mypy` start: Running `mypy` for static type checking success: Successfully passed type checking with `mypy` cmds: - | PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin" {{.PYTHON_HANDLE}}mypy pytest: deps: - :install:pipx:pytest - :install:python:requirements log: error: '`pytest` encountered errors while running tests' start: Running `pytest` success: '`pytest` finished running without any errors to report' cmds: - | PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin" {{.PYTHON_HANDLE}}pytest