" Copyright (C) 2011-2018 YouCompleteMe contributors " " This file is part of YouCompleteMe. " " YouCompleteMe is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify " it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by " the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or " (at your option) any later version. " " YouCompleteMe is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, " but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of " MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the " GNU General Public License for more details. " " You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " along with YouCompleteMe. If not, see . " This is basic vim plugin boilerplate let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim " NOTE: Noevim reports v:version as 800, which is garbage. For some features " that are supporetd by our minimum Vim version, we have to guard them against " neovim, which doesn't implement them. let s:is_neovim = has( 'nvim' ) " Only useful in neovim, for handling text properties... I mean extmarks. let g:ycm_neovim_ns_id = s:is_neovim ? nvim_create_namespace( 'ycm_id' ) : -1 " This needs to be called outside of a function let s:script_folder_path = escape( expand( ':p:h' ), '\' ) let s:force_semantic = 0 let s:completion_stopped = 0 " These two variables are initialized in youcompleteme#Enable. let s:default_completion = {} let s:completion = s:default_completion let s:default_signature_help = {} let s:signature_help = s:default_completion let s:previous_allowed_buffer_number = 0 let s:pollers = { \ 'completion': { \ 'id': -1, \ 'wait_milliseconds': 10, \ }, \ 'signature_help': { \ 'id': -1, \ 'wait_milliseconds': 10, \ }, \ 'file_parse_response': { \ 'id': -1, \ 'wait_milliseconds': 100, \ }, \ 'server_ready': { \ 'id': -1, \ 'wait_milliseconds': 100, \ }, \ 'receive_messages': { \ 'id': -1, \ 'wait_milliseconds': 100, \ }, \ 'command': { \ 'id': -1, \ 'wait_milliseconds': 100, \ 'requests': {}, \ }, \ 'semantic_highlighting': { \ 'id': -1, \ 'wait_milliseconds': 100, \ }, \ 'inlay_hints': { \ 'id': -1, \ 'wait_milliseconds': 100, \ }, \ } let s:buftype_blacklist = { \ 'help': 1, \ 'terminal': 1, \ 'quickfix': 1, \ 'popup': 1, \ 'nofile': 1, \ } let s:last_char_inserted_by_user = v:true let s:enable_hover = 0 let s:cursorhold_popup = -1 let s:enable_inlay_hints = 0 let s:force_preview_popup = 0 let s:RESOLVE_NONE = 0 let s:RESOLVE_UP_FRONT = 1 let s:RESOLVE_ON_DEMAND = 2 let s:resolve_completions = s:RESOLVE_NONE function! s:StartMessagePoll() if s:pollers.receive_messages.id < 0 let s:pollers.receive_messages.id = timer_start( \ s:pollers.receive_messages.wait_milliseconds, \ function( 's:ReceiveMessages' ) ) endif endfunction function! s:ReceiveMessages( timer_id ) let poll_again = v:false if s:AllowedToCompleteInCurrentBuffer() let poll_again = py3eval( 'ycm_state.OnPeriodicTick()' ) endif if poll_again let s:pollers.receive_messages.id = timer_start( \ s:pollers.receive_messages.wait_milliseconds, \ function( 's:ReceiveMessages' ) ) else " Don't poll again until we open another buffer let s:pollers.receive_messages.id = -1 endif endfunction function! s:SetUpOptions() call s:SetUpCommands() call s:SetUpCpoptions() call s:SetUpCompleteopt() call s:SetUpKeyMappings() if g:ycm_show_diagnostics_ui call s:TurnOffSyntasticForCFamily() endif call s:SetUpSigns() call s:SetUpSyntaxHighlighting() endfunction function! youcompleteme#Enable() call s:SetUpBackwardsCompatibility() let completeopt = split( &completeopt, ',' ) " Will we add 'popup' to the 'completeopt' (later) let s:force_preview_popup = \ type( g:ycm_add_preview_to_completeopt ) == v:t_string && \ g:ycm_add_preview_to_completeopt ==# 'popup' && \ !s:is_neovim " Will we add 'preview' to the 'completeopt' (later) let force_preview = \ type( g:ycm_add_preview_to_completeopt ) != v:t_string && \ g:ycm_add_preview_to_completeopt " Will we be using the preview popup ? That is either the user set it in their " compelteopt or we're going to add it later. let use_preview_popup = \ s:force_preview_popup || \ index( completeopt, 'popup' ) >= 0 " We should only ask the server to resolve completion items upfront if we're " going to display them - that is either: " - popup is (or will be) in completeopt " - preview is (or will be) in completeopt, or let require_resolve = \ use_preview_popup || \ force_preview || \ index( completeopt, 'preview' ) >= 0 if use_preview_popup && exists( '*popup_findinfo' ) " If the preview popup is going to be used, and on-demand resolve can be " supported, enable it. let s:resolve_completions = s:RESOLVE_ON_DEMAND elseif require_resolve " The preview window or info popup is enalbed - request the server " pre-resolves completion items let s:resolve_completions = s:RESOLVE_UP_FRONT else " Otherwise, there's no point in resolving completions - they'll never be " displayed. endif if !s:SetUpPython() return endif call s:SetUpOptions() py3 ycm_semantic_highlighting.Initialise() let s:enable_inlay_hints = py3eval( 'ycm_inlay_hints.Initialise()' ) ? 1 : 0 call youcompleteme#EnableCursorMovedAutocommands() augroup youcompleteme autocmd! " Note that these events will NOT trigger for the file vim is started with; " so if you do "vim foo.cc", these events will not trigger when that buffer " is read. This is because youcompleteme#Enable() is called on VimEnter and " that happens *after* FileType has already triggered for the initial file. " We don't parse the buffer on the BufRead event since it would only be " useful if the buffer filetype is set (we ignore the buffer if there is no " filetype) and if so, the FileType event has triggered before and thus the " buffer is already parsed. autocmd BufWritePost,FileWritePost * call s:OnFileSave() autocmd FileType * call s:OnFileTypeSet() autocmd BufEnter,CmdwinEnter,WinEnter * call s:OnBufferEnter() autocmd BufUnload * call s:OnBufferUnload() autocmd InsertLeave * call s:OnInsertLeave() autocmd VimLeave * call s:OnVimLeave() autocmd CompleteDone * call s:OnCompleteDone() autocmd CompleteChanged * call s:OnCompleteChanged() augroup END " The FileType event is not triggered for the first loaded file. We wait until " the server is ready to manually run the s:OnFileTypeSet function. let s:pollers.server_ready.id = timer_start( \ s:pollers.server_ready.wait_milliseconds, \ function( 's:PollServerReady' ) ) let s:default_completion = py3eval( 'vimsupport.NO_COMPLETIONS' ) let s:completion = s:default_completion if s:PropertyTypeNotDefined( 'YCM-signature-help-current-argument' ) hi default YCMInverse term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=reverse call prop_type_add( 'YCM-signature-help-current-argument', { \ 'highlight': 'YCMInverse', \ 'combine': 1, \ 'priority': 50, \ } ) endif nnoremap (YCMFindSymbolInWorkspace) \ :call youcompleteme#finder#FindSymbol( 'workspace' ) nnoremap (YCMFindSymbolInDocument) \ :call youcompleteme#finder#FindSymbol( 'document' ) endfunction function! youcompleteme#EnableCursorMovedAutocommands() augroup ycmcompletemecursormove autocmd! autocmd CursorMoved * call s:OnCursorMovedNormalMode() autocmd CursorMovedI * let s:current_cursor_position = getpos( '.' ) autocmd InsertEnter * call s:OnInsertEnter() autocmd TextChanged * call s:OnTextChangedNormalMode() autocmd TextChangedI * call s:OnTextChangedInsertMode( v:false ) autocmd TextChangedP * call s:OnTextChangedInsertMode( v:true ) autocmd InsertCharPre * call s:OnInsertChar() if exists( '##WinScrolled' ) autocmd WinScrolled * call s:OnWinScrolled() endif augroup END endfunction function! youcompleteme#DisableCursorMovedAutocommands() autocmd! ycmcompletemecursormove endfunction function! youcompleteme#GetErrorCount() return py3eval( 'ycm_state.GetErrorCount()' ) endfunction function! youcompleteme#GetWarningCount() return py3eval( 'ycm_state.GetWarningCount()' ) endfunction function! s:SetUpPython() abort py3 << EOF import os.path as p import sys import traceback import vim root_folder = p.normpath( p.join( vim.eval( 's:script_folder_path' ), '..' ) ) third_party_folder = p.join( root_folder, 'third_party' ) # Add dependencies to Python path. sys.path[ 0:0 ] = [ p.join( root_folder, 'python' ), p.join( third_party_folder, 'ycmd' ) ] # We enclose this code in a try/except block to avoid backtraces in Vim. try: # Import the modules used in this file. from ycm import base, vimsupport, youcompleteme from ycm import semantic_highlighting as ycm_semantic_highlighting from ycm import inlay_hints as ycm_inlay_hints if 'ycm_state' in globals(): # If re-initializing, pretend that we shut down ycm_state.OnVimLeave() del ycm_state # If we're able to resolve completion details asynchronously, set the option # which enables this in the server. if int( vim.eval( 's:resolve_completions == s:RESOLVE_ON_DEMAND' ) ): # resovle a small number upfront, the rest on demand default_options = { 'max_num_candidates_to_detail': 10 } elif int( vim.eval( 's:resolve_completions == s:RESOLVE_NONE' ) ): # don't reasolve any default_options = { 'max_num_candidates_to_detail': 0 } else: # i.e. s:resolve_completions == s:RESOLVE_UP_FRONT # The server will decide - i.e. resovle everything upfront default_options = {} ycm_state = youcompleteme.YouCompleteMe( default_options ) except Exception as error: # We don't use PostVimMessage or EchoText from the vimsupport module because # importing this module may fail. vim.command( 'redraw | echohl WarningMsg' ) for line in traceback.format_exc().splitlines(): vim.command( "echom '{0}'".format( line.replace( "'", "''" ) ) ) vim.command( "echo 'YouCompleteMe unavailable: {0}'" .format( str( error ).replace( "'", "''" ) ) ) vim.command( 'echohl None' ) vim.command( 'return 0' ) else: vim.command( 'return 1' ) EOF endfunction function! s:SetUpKeyMappings() " The g:ycm_key_select_completion and g:ycm_key_previous_completion used to " exist and are now here purely for the sake of backwards compatibility; we " don't want to break users if we can avoid it. if exists('g:ycm_key_select_completion') && \ index(g:ycm_key_list_select_completion, \ g:ycm_key_select_completion) == -1 call add(g:ycm_key_list_select_completion, g:ycm_key_select_completion) endif if exists('g:ycm_key_previous_completion') && \ index(g:ycm_key_list_previous_completion, \ g:ycm_key_previous_completion) == -1 call add(g:ycm_key_list_previous_completion, g:ycm_key_previous_completion) endif for key in g:ycm_key_list_select_completion " With this command, when the completion window is visible, the tab key " (default) will select the next candidate in the window. In vim, this also " changes the typed-in text to that of the candidate completion. exe 'inoremap ' . key . ' pumvisible() ? "\" : "\' . key .'"' endfor for key in g:ycm_key_list_previous_completion " This selects the previous candidate for shift-tab (default) exe 'inoremap ' . key . ' pumvisible() ? "\" : "\' . key .'"' endfor for key in g:ycm_key_list_stop_completion " When selecting a candidate and closing the completion menu with the " key, the menu will automatically be reopened because of the TextChangedI " event. We define a command to prevent that. exe 'inoremap ' . key . ' StopCompletion( "\' . key . '" )' endfor if !empty( g:ycm_key_invoke_completion ) let invoke_key = g:ycm_key_invoke_completion " Inside the console, is passed as to Vim if invoke_key ==# '' imap endif silent! exe 'inoremap ' . invoke_key . \ ' =RequestSemanticCompletion()' endif if !empty( g:ycm_key_detailed_diagnostics ) silent! exe 'nnoremap ' . g:ycm_key_detailed_diagnostics . \ ' :YcmShowDetailedDiagnostic' endif endfunction function! s:SetUpSigns() " We try to ensure backwards compatibility with Syntastic if the user has " already defined styling for Syntastic highlight groups. if !hlexists( 'YcmErrorSign' ) if hlexists( 'SyntasticErrorSign') highlight default link YcmErrorSign SyntasticErrorSign else highlight default link YcmErrorSign error endif endif if !hlexists( 'YcmWarningSign' ) if hlexists( 'SyntasticWarningSign') highlight default link YcmWarningSign SyntasticWarningSign else highlight default link YcmWarningSign todo endif endif if !hlexists( 'YcmErrorLine' ) highlight default link YcmErrorLine SyntasticErrorLine endif if !hlexists( 'YcmWarningLine' ) highlight default link YcmWarningLine SyntasticWarningLine endif call sign_define( [ \ { 'name': 'YcmError', \ 'text': g:ycm_error_symbol, \ 'texthl': 'YcmErrorSign', \ 'linehl': 'YcmErrorLine', \ 'group': 'ycm_signs' }, \ { 'name': 'YcmWarning', \ 'text': g:ycm_warning_symbol, \ 'texthl': 'YcmWarningSign', \ 'linehl': 'YcmWarningLine', \ 'group': 'ycm_signs' } \ ] ) endfunction function! s:SetUpSyntaxHighlighting() " We try to ensure backwards compatibility with Syntastic if the user has " already defined styling for Syntastic highlight groups. if !hlexists( 'YcmErrorSection' ) if hlexists( 'SyntasticError' ) highlight default link YcmErrorSection SyntasticError else highlight default link YcmErrorSection SpellBad endif endif if s:PropertyTypeNotDefined( 'YcmErrorProperty' ) call prop_type_add( 'YcmErrorProperty', { \ 'highlight': 'YcmErrorSection', \ 'priority': 30, \ 'combine': 0, \ 'override': 1 } ) endif " Used for virtual text if !hlexists( 'YcmInvisible' ) highlight default link YcmInvisible Normal endif if !hlexists( 'YcmInlayHint' ) highlight default link YcmInlayHint NonText endif if !hlexists( 'YcmErrorText' ) if exists( '*hlget' ) let YcmErrorText = hlget( 'SpellBad', v:true )[ 0 ] let YcmErrorText.name = 'YcmErrorText' let YcmErrorText.cterm = {} let YcmErrorText.gui = {} let YcmErrorText.term = {} call hlset( [ YcmErrorText ] ) else " approximation hi default link YcmErrorText WarningMsg endif endif if !hlexists( 'YcmWarningText' ) if exists( '*hlget' ) let YcmWarningText = hlget( 'SpellCap', v:true )[ 0 ] let YcmWarningText.name = 'YcmWarningText' let YcmWarningText.cterm = {} let YcmWarningText.gui = {} let YcmWarningText.term = {} call hlset( [ YcmWarningText] ) else " Lame approximation hi default link YcmWarningText Conceal endif endif if s:PropertyTypeNotDefined( 'YcmVirtDiagError' ) call prop_type_add( 'YcmVirtDiagError', { \ 'highlight': 'YcmErrorText', \ 'priority': 20, \ 'combine': 0 } ) endif if s:PropertyTypeNotDefined( 'YcmVirtDiagWarning' ) call prop_type_add( 'YcmVirtDiagWarning', { \ 'highlight': 'YcmWarningText', \ 'priority': 19, \ 'combine': 0 } ) endif if s:PropertyTypeNotDefined( 'YcmVirtDiagPadding' ) call prop_type_add( 'YcmVirtDiagPadding', { \ 'highlight': 'YcmInvisible', \ 'priority': 100, \ 'combine': 1 } ) endif if !hlexists( 'YcmWarningSection' ) if hlexists( 'SyntasticWarning' ) highlight default link YcmWarningSection SyntasticWarning else highlight default link YcmWarningSection SpellCap endif endif if s:PropertyTypeNotDefined( 'YcmWarningProperty' ) call prop_type_add( 'YcmWarningProperty', { \ 'highlight': 'YcmWarningSection', \ 'priority': 29, \ 'combine': 0, \ 'override': 1 } ) endif endfunction function! s:SetUpBackwardsCompatibility() let complete_in_comments_and_strings = \ get( g:, 'ycm_complete_in_comments_and_strings', 0 ) if complete_in_comments_and_strings let g:ycm_complete_in_strings = 1 let g:ycm_complete_in_comments = 1 endif " ycm_filetypes_to_completely_ignore is the old name for fileype_blacklist if has_key( g:, 'ycm_filetypes_to_completely_ignore' ) let g:filetype_blacklist = g:ycm_filetypes_to_completely_ignore endif endfunction " Needed so that YCM is used instead of Syntastic function! s:TurnOffSyntasticForCFamily() let g:syntastic_cpp_checkers = [] let g:syntastic_c_checkers = [] let g:syntastic_objc_checkers = [] let g:syntastic_objcpp_checkers = [] let g:syntastic_cuda_checkers = [] endfunction function! s:DisableOnLargeFile( buffer ) if exists( 'b:ycm_largefile' ) return b:ycm_largefile endif let threshold = g:ycm_disable_for_files_larger_than_kb * 1024 let b:ycm_largefile = \ threshold > 0 && getfsize( expand( a:buffer ) ) > threshold if b:ycm_largefile py3 vimsupport.PostVimMessage( 'YouCompleteMe is disabled in this buffer;' + \ ' the file exceeded the max size (see YCM options).' ) endif return b:ycm_largefile endfunction function! s:PropertyTypeNotDefined( type ) return exists( '*prop_type_add' ) && \ index( prop_type_list(), a:type ) == -1 endfunction function! s:AllowedToCompleteInBuffer( buffer ) let buftype = getbufvar( a:buffer, '&buftype' ) if has_key( s:buftype_blacklist, buftype ) return 0 endif let filetype = getbufvar( a:buffer, '&filetype' ) if empty( filetype ) let filetype = 'ycm_nofiletype' endif let allowed = youcompleteme#filetypes#AllowedForFiletype( filetype ) if !allowed || s:DisableOnLargeFile( a:buffer ) return 0 endif let s:previous_allowed_buffer_number = bufnr( a:buffer ) return allowed endfunction function! s:AllowedToCompleteInCurrentBuffer() return s:AllowedToCompleteInBuffer( '%' ) endfunction function! s:VisitedBufferRequiresReparse() if bufnr( '%' ) ==# s:previous_allowed_buffer_number return 0 endif return s:AllowedToCompleteInCurrentBuffer() endfunction function! s:SetUpCpoptions() " Without this flag in cpoptions, critical YCM mappings do not work. There's " no way to not have this and have YCM working, so force the flag. set cpoptions+=B " This prevents the display of "Pattern not found" & similar messages during " completion. set shortmess+=c endfunction function! s:SetUpCompleteopt() " Some plugins (I'm looking at you, vim-notes) change completeopt by for " instance adding 'longest'. This breaks YCM. So we force our settings. " There's no two ways about this: if you want to use YCM then you have to " have these completeopt settings, otherwise YCM won't work at all. " We need menuone in completeopt, otherwise when there's only one candidate " for completion, the menu doesn't show up. set completeopt-=menu set completeopt+=menuone " This is unnecessary with our features. People use this option to insert " the common prefix of all the matches and then add more differentiating chars " so that they can select a more specific match. With our features, they " don't need to insert the prefix; they just type the differentiating chars. " Also, having this option set breaks the plugin. set completeopt-=longest if s:resolve_completions == s:RESOLVE_ON_DEMAND set completeopt+=popuphidden endif if s:force_preview_popup set completeopt+=popup elseif g:ycm_add_preview_to_completeopt set completeopt+=preview endif endfunction function! s:EnableCompletingInCurrentBuffer() let b:ycm_completing = 1 endfunction function s:StopPoller( poller ) abort call timer_stop( a:poller.id ) let a:poller.id = -1 endfunction function! s:OnVimLeave() " Workaround a NeoVim issue - not shutting down timers correctly " https://github.com/neovim/neovim/issues/6840 for poller in values( s:pollers ) call s:StopPoller( poller ) endfor py3 ycm_state.OnVimLeave() endfunction function! s:OnCompleteDone() if !s:AllowedToCompleteInCurrentBuffer() return endif let s:last_char_inserted_by_user = v:false py3 ycm_state.OnCompleteDone() call s:UpdateSignatureHelp() endfunction function! s:OnCompleteChanged() if !s:AllowedToCompleteInCurrentBuffer() return endif if ! empty( v:event.completed_item ) let s:last_char_inserted_by_user = v:false call s:ResolveCompletionItem( v:event.completed_item ) endif call s:UpdateSignatureHelp() endfunction function! s:ResolveCompletionItem( item ) if s:resolve_completions != s:RESOLVE_ON_DEMAND return endif let complete_mode = complete_info( [ 'mode' ] ).mode if complete_mode !=# 'eval' && complete_mode !=# 'function' return endif if py3eval( 'ycm_state.ResolveCompletionItem( vim.eval( "a:item" ) )' ) call s:StopPoller( s:pollers.completion ) call timer_start( 0, function( 's:PollResolve', [ a:item ] ) ) else call s:ShowInfoPopup( a:item ) endif endfunction function! s:EnableAutoHover() if g:ycm_auto_hover ==# 'CursorHold' && s:enable_hover augroup YcmBufHover autocmd! * autocmd CursorHold call s:Hover() augroup END endif endfunction function! s:DisableAutoHover() augroup YcmBufHover autocmd! * augroup END endfunction function! s:OnFileTypeSet() " The contents of the command-line window are empty when the filetype is set " for the first time. Users should never change its filetype so we only rely " on the CmdwinEnter event for that window. if !empty( getcmdwintype() ) return endif if !s:AllowedToCompleteInCurrentBuffer() return endif call s:SetUpCompleteopt() call s:EnableCompletingInCurrentBuffer() call s:StartMessagePoll() call s:EnableAutoHover() py3 ycm_state.OnFileTypeSet() call s:OnFileReadyToParse( 1 ) endfunction function! s:OnFileSave() let buffer_number = str2nr( expand( '' ) ) if !s:AllowedToCompleteInBuffer( buffer_number ) return endif py3 ycm_state.OnFileSave( vimsupport.GetIntValue( 'buffer_number' ) ) endfunction function! s:OnBufferEnter() call s:StartMessagePoll() if !s:VisitedBufferRequiresReparse() return endif call s:SetUpCompleteopt() call s:EnableCompletingInCurrentBuffer() py3 ycm_state.UpdateMatches() py3 ycm_state.OnBufferVisit() " Last parse may be outdated because of changes from other buffers. Force a " new parse. call s:OnFileReadyToParse( 1 ) endfunction function! s:OnBufferUnload() " Expanding returns the unloaded buffer number as a string but we want " it as a true number for the getbufvar function. let buffer_number = str2nr( expand( '' ) ) if !s:AllowedToCompleteInBuffer( buffer_number ) return endif py3 ycm_state.OnBufferUnload( vimsupport.GetIntValue( 'buffer_number' ) ) endfunction function! s:PollServerReady( timer_id ) if !py3eval( 'ycm_state.IsServerAlive()' ) py3 ycm_state.NotifyUserIfServerCrashed() " Server crashed. Don't poll it again. return endif if !py3eval( 'ycm_state.CheckIfServerIsReady()' ) let s:pollers.server_ready.id = timer_start( \ s:pollers.server_ready.wait_milliseconds, \ function( 's:PollServerReady' ) ) return endif call s:OnFileTypeSet() endfunction function! s:OnFileReadyToParse( ... ) " Accepts an optional parameter that is either 0 or 1. If 1, send a " FileReadyToParse event notification, whether the buffer has changed or not; " effectively forcing a parse of the buffer. Default is 0. let force_parsing = a:0 > 0 && a:1 " We only want to send a new FileReadyToParse event notification if the buffer " has changed since the last time we sent one, or if forced. if force_parsing || py3eval( "ycm_state.NeedsReparse()" ) " We switched buffers or somethuing, so claer. " FIXME: sig hekp should be buffer local? call s:ClearSignatureHelp() py3 ycm_state.OnFileReadyToParse() call s:StopPoller( s:pollers.file_parse_response ) let s:pollers.file_parse_response.id = timer_start( \ s:pollers.file_parse_response.wait_milliseconds, \ function( 's:PollFileParseResponse' ) ) call s:UpdateSemanticHighlighting( bufnr() ) call s:UpdateInlayHints( bufnr(), 1, 0 ) endif endfunction function! s:UpdateSemanticHighlighting( bufnr ) abort call s:StopPoller( s:pollers.semantic_highlighting ) if !s:is_neovim && \ get( b:, 'ycm_enable_semantic_highlighting', \ get( g:, 'ycm_enable_semantic_highlighting', 0 ) ) py3 ycm_state.Buffer( \ int( vim.eval( "a:bufnr" ) ) ).SendSemanticTokensRequest() let s:pollers.semantic_highlighting.id = timer_start( \ s:pollers.semantic_highlighting.wait_milliseconds, \ function( 's:PollSemanticHighlighting', [ a:bufnr ] ) ) endif endfunction function s:ShouldUseInlayHintsNow( bufnr ) return s:enable_inlay_hints && \ getbufvar( a:bufnr, 'ycm_enable_inlay_hints', \ get( g:, 'ycm_enable_inlay_hints', 0 ) ) endfunction function! s:UpdateInlayHints( bufnr, force, redraw_anyway ) call s:StopPoller( s:pollers.inlay_hints ) if s:ShouldUseInlayHintsNow( a:bufnr ) if py3eval( \ 'ycm_state.Buffer( int( vim.eval( "a:bufnr" ) ) ).' \ . 'inlay_hints.Request( force=int( vim.eval( "a:force" ) ) )' ) let s:pollers.inlay_hints.id = timer_start( \ s:pollers.inlay_hints.wait_milliseconds, \ function( 's:PollInlayHints', [ a:bufnr ] ) ) elseif a:redraw_anyway py3 ycm_state.Buffer( int( vim.eval( "a:bufnr" ) ) ).inlay_hints.Refresh() endif endif endfunction function! s:PollFileParseResponse( ... ) if !py3eval( "ycm_state.FileParseRequestReady()" ) let s:pollers.file_parse_response.id = timer_start( \ s:pollers.file_parse_response.wait_milliseconds, \ function( 's:PollFileParseResponse' ) ) return endif py3 ycm_state.HandleFileParseRequest() if py3eval( "ycm_state.ShouldResendFileParseRequest()" ) call s:OnFileReadyToParse( 1 ) endif endfunction function! s:PollSemanticHighlighting( bufnr, ... ) if !py3eval( \ 'ycm_state.Buffer( int( vim.eval( "a:bufnr" ) ) )' \ . '.SemanticTokensRequestReady()' ) let s:pollers.semantic_highlighting.id = timer_start( \ s:pollers.semantic_highlighting.wait_milliseconds, \ function( 's:PollSemanticHighlighting', [ a:bufnr ] ) ) elseif !py3eval( \ 'ycm_state.Buffer( int( vim.eval( "a:bufnr" ) ) )' \ . '.UpdateSemanticTokens()' ) let s:pollers.semantic_highlighting.id = timer_start( \ s:pollers.semantic_highlighting.wait_milliseconds, \ function( 's:PollSemanticHighlighting', [ a:bufnr ] ) ) endif endfunction function! s:PollInlayHints( bufnr, ... ) if !py3eval( \ 'ycm_state.Buffer( int( vim.eval( "a:bufnr" ) ) )' \ . '.inlay_hints.Ready()' ) let s:pollers.inlay_hints.id = timer_start( \ s:pollers.inlay_hints.wait_milliseconds, \ function( 's:PollInlayHints', [ a:bufnr ] ) ) elseif ! py3eval( \ 'ycm_state.Buffer( int( vim.eval( "a:bufnr" ) ) )' \ . '.inlay_hints.Update()' ) let s:pollers.inlay_hints.id = timer_start( \ s:pollers.inlay_hints.wait_milliseconds, \ function( 's:PollInlayHints', [ a:bufnr ] ) ) endif endfunction function! s:SendKeys( keys ) " By default keys are added to the end of the typeahead buffer. If there are " already keys in the buffer, they will be processed first and may change " the state that our keys combination was sent for (e.g. in " normal mode instead of insert mode or outside of completion mode). " We avoid that by inserting the keys at the start of the typeahead buffer " with the 'i' option. Also, we don't want the keys to be remapped to " something else so we add the 'n' option. call feedkeys( a:keys, 'in' ) endfunction function! s:CloseCompletionMenu() if pumvisible() call s:SendKeys( "\" ) endif endfunction function! s:OnInsertChar() if !s:AllowedToCompleteInCurrentBuffer() return endif let s:last_char_inserted_by_user = v:true endfunction function! s:StopCompletion( key ) call s:StopPoller( s:pollers.completion ) call s:ClearSignatureHelp() if pumvisible() let s:completion_stopped = 1 return "\" endif return a:key endfunction function! s:OnCursorMovedNormalMode() if !s:AllowedToCompleteInCurrentBuffer() return endif py3 ycm_state.OnCursorMoved() endfunction function! s:OnWinScrolled() if !s:AllowedToCompleteInCurrentBuffer() return endif let bufnr = winbufnr( expand( '' ) ) call s:UpdateSemanticHighlighting( bufnr ) call s:UpdateInlayHints( bufnr, 0, 0 ) endfunction function! s:OnTextChangedNormalMode() if !s:AllowedToCompleteInCurrentBuffer() return endif call s:OnFileReadyToParse() endfunction function! s:OnTextChangedInsertMode( popup_is_visible ) if !s:AllowedToCompleteInCurrentBuffer() return endif if a:popup_is_visible && !s:last_char_inserted_by_user " If the last "input" wasn't from a user typing (i.e. didn't come from " InsertCharPre, then ignore this change in the text. This prevents ctrl-n " or tab from causing us to re-filter the list based on the now-selected " item. return endif let s:current_cursor_position = getpos( '.' ) if s:completion_stopped let s:completion_stopped = 0 let s:completion = s:default_completion return endif call s:IdentifierFinishedOperations() " We have to make sure we correctly leave semantic mode even when the user " inserts something like a "operator[]" candidate string which fails " CurrentIdentifierFinished check. if s:force_semantic && !py3eval( 'base.LastEnteredCharIsIdentifierChar()' ) let s:force_semantic = 0 endif if get( b:, 'ycm_completing' ) && \ ( g:ycm_auto_trigger || s:force_semantic ) && \ !s:InsideCommentOrStringAndShouldStop() && \ !s:OnBlankLine() call s:RequestCompletion() call s:RequestSignatureHelp() endif py3 ycm_state.OnCursorMoved() if g:ycm_autoclose_preview_window_after_completion call s:ClosePreviewWindowIfNeeded() endif endfunction function! s:OnInsertEnter() abort let s:current_cursor_position = getpos( '.' ) if s:ShouldUseInlayHintsNow( bufnr() ) && \ get(g:, 'ycm_clear_inlay_hints_in_insert_mode' ) py3 ycm_state.CurrentBuffer().inlay_hints.Clear() endif endfunction function! s:OnInsertLeave() if !s:AllowedToCompleteInCurrentBuffer() return endif let s:last_char_inserted_by_user = v:false call s:StopPoller( s:pollers.completion ) let s:force_semantic = 0 let s:completion = s:default_completion call s:OnFileReadyToParse() py3 ycm_state.OnInsertLeave() if g:ycm_autoclose_preview_window_after_completion || \ g:ycm_autoclose_preview_window_after_insertion call s:ClosePreviewWindowIfNeeded() endif call s:ClearSignatureHelp() if s:ShouldUseInlayHintsNow( bufnr() ) \ && get( g:, 'ycm_clear_inlay_hints_in_insert_mode' ) " We cleared inlay hints on insert enter py3 ycm_state.CurrentBuffer().inlay_hints.Refresh() endif endfunction function! s:ClosePreviewWindowIfNeeded() let current_buffer_name = bufname('') " We don't want to try to close the preview window in special buffers like " "[Command Line]"; if we do, Vim goes bonkers. Special buffers always start " with '['. if current_buffer_name[ 0 ] == '[' return endif " This command does the actual closing of the preview window. If no preview " window is shown, nothing happens. pclose endfunction function! s:IdentifierFinishedOperations() if !py3eval( 'base.CurrentIdentifierFinished()' ) return endif py3 ycm_state.OnCurrentIdentifierFinished() let s:force_semantic = 0 let s:completion = s:default_completion endfunction " Returns 1 when inside comment and 2 when inside string function! s:InsideCommentOrString() " Has to be col('.') -1 because col('.') doesn't exist at this point. We are " in insert mode when this func is called. let syntax_group = synIDattr( \ synIDtrans( synID( line( '.' ), col( '.' ) - 1, 1 ) ), 'name') if stridx(syntax_group, 'Comment') > -1 return 1 endif if stridx(syntax_group, 'String') > -1 return 2 endif return 0 endfunction function! s:InsideCommentOrStringAndShouldStop() let retval = s:InsideCommentOrString() let inside_comment = retval == 1 let inside_string = retval == 2 if inside_comment && g:ycm_complete_in_comments || \ inside_string && g:ycm_complete_in_strings return 0 endif return retval endfunction function! s:OnBlankLine() return py3eval( 'not vim.current.line or vim.current.line.isspace()' ) endfunction function! s:RequestCompletion() call s:StopPoller( s:pollers.completion ) py3 ycm_state.SendCompletionRequest( \ vimsupport.GetBoolValue( 's:force_semantic' ) ) if py3eval( 'ycm_state.CompletionRequestReady()' ) " We can't call complete() syncrhounsouly in the TextChangedI/TextChangedP " autocommmands (it's designed to be used async only completion). The result " (somewhat oddly) is that the completion menu is shown, but ctrl-n doesn't " actually select anything. " When the request is satisfied synchronously (e.g. the omnicompleter), we " must return to the main loop before triggering completion, so we use a 0ms " timer for that. let s:pollers.completion.id = timer_start( 0, \ function( 's:PollCompletion' ) ) else " Otherwise, use our usual poll timeout call s:PollCompletion() endif endfunction function! s:RequestSemanticCompletion() if !s:AllowedToCompleteInCurrentBuffer() return '' endif if get( b:, 'ycm_completing' ) let s:force_semantic = 1 call s:StopPoller( s:pollers.completion ) py3 ycm_state.SendCompletionRequest( True ) if py3eval( 'ycm_state.CompletionRequestReady()' ) " We can't call complete() syncrhounsouly in the TextChangedI/TextChangedP " autocommmands (it's designed to be used async only completion). The " result (somewhat oddly) is that the completion menu is shown, but ctrl-n " doesn't actually select anything. When the request is satisfied " synchronously (e.g. the omnicompleter), we must return to the main loop " before triggering completion, so we use a 0ms timer for that. let s:pollers.completion.id = timer_start( \ 0, \ function( 's:PollCompletion' ) ) else " Otherwise, use our usual poll timeout call s:PollCompletion() endif endif " Since this function is called in a mapping through the expression register " =, its return value is inserted (see :h c_CTRL-R_=). We don't want to " insert anything so we return an empty string. return '' endfunction function! s:PollCompletion( ... ) if !py3eval( 'ycm_state.CompletionRequestReady()' ) let s:pollers.completion.id = timer_start( \ s:pollers.completion.wait_milliseconds, \ function( 's:PollCompletion' ) ) return endif let s:completion = py3eval( 'ycm_state.GetCompletionResponse()' ) if s:current_cursor_position == getpos( '.' ) call s:Complete() endif endfunction function! s:PollResolve( item, ... ) if !py3eval( 'ycm_state.CompletionRequestReady()' ) let s:pollers.completion.id = timer_start( \ s:pollers.completion.wait_milliseconds, \ function( 's:PollResolve', [ a:item ] ) ) return endif " Note we re-use the 'completion' request for resolves. This prevents us " sending a completion request and a resolve request at the same time, as " resolve requests re-use the requset data from the last completion request " and it must not change. " We also re-use the poller, so that any new completion request effectively " cancels this poller. let completion_item = \ py3eval( 'ycm_state.GetCompletionResponse()[ "completion" ]' ) if empty( completion_item ) || empty( completion_item.info ) return endif call s:ShowInfoPopup( completion_item ) endfunction function! s:ShowInfoPopup( completion_item ) let id = popup_findinfo() if id call popup_settext( id, split( a:completion_item.info, '\n' ) ) call popup_show( id ) endif endfunction function! s:ShouldUseSignatureHelp() return py3eval( 'vimsupport.VimSupportsPopupWindows()' ) endfunction function! s:RequestSignatureHelp() if !s:ShouldUseSignatureHelp() return endif call s:StopPoller( s:pollers.signature_help ) if py3eval( 'ycm_state.SendSignatureHelpRequest()' ) call s:PollSignatureHelp() endif endfunction function! s:PollSignatureHelp( ... ) if !s:ShouldUseSignatureHelp() return endif if a:0 == 0 && s:pollers.signature_help.id >= 0 " OK this is a bug. We have tried to poll for a response while the timer is " already running. Just return and wait for the timer to fire. return endif if !py3eval( 'ycm_state.SignatureHelpRequestReady()' ) let s:pollers.signature_help.id = timer_start( \ s:pollers.signature_help.wait_milliseconds, \ function( 's:PollSignatureHelp' ) ) return endif let s:signature_help = py3eval( 'ycm_state.GetSignatureHelpResponse()' ) call s:UpdateSignatureHelp() endfunction function! s:Complete() " It's possible for us to be called (by our timer) when we're not _strictly_ " in insert mode. This can happen when mode is temporarily switched, e.g. " due to Ctrl-r or Ctrl-o or a timer or something. If we're not in insert " mode _now_ do nothing (FIXME: or should we queue a timer ?) if count( [ 'i', 'R' ], mode() ) == 0 return endif if s:completion.line != line( '.' ) " Given " scb: column where the completion starts before auto-wrapping " cb: cursor column before auto-wrapping " sca: column where the completion starts after auto-wrapping " ca: cursor column after auto-wrapping " we have " ca - sca = cb - scb " sca = scb + ca - cb let s:completion.completion_start_column += \ col( '.' ) - s:completion.column endif if len( s:completion.completions ) let old_completeopt = &completeopt set completeopt+=noselect call complete( s:completion.completion_start_column, \ s:completion.completions ) let &completeopt = old_completeopt elseif pumvisible() call s:CloseCompletionMenu() endif endfunction function! s:UpdateSignatureHelp() if !s:ShouldUseSignatureHelp() return endif call py3eval( \ 'ycm_state.UpdateSignatureHelp( vim.eval( "s:signature_help" ) )' ) endfunction function! s:ClearSignatureHelp() if !s:ShouldUseSignatureHelp() return endif call s:StopPoller( s:pollers.signature_help ) let s:signature_help = s:default_signature_help call py3eval( 'ycm_state.ClearSignatureHelp()' ) endfunction function! youcompleteme#ServerPid() return py3eval( 'ycm_state.ServerPid()' ) endfunction function! s:SetUpCommands() command! YcmRestartServer call s:RestartServer() command! YcmDebugInfo call s:DebugInfo() command! -nargs=* -complete=custom,youcompleteme#LogsComplete -count=0 \ YcmToggleLogs call s:ToggleLogs( , \ , \ ) command! -nargs=* -complete=custom,youcompleteme#SubCommandsComplete -range \ YcmCompleter call s:CompleterCommand(, \ , \ , \ , \ ) command! YcmDiags call s:ShowDiagnostics() command! -nargs=? YcmShowDetailedDiagnostic \ call s:ShowDetailedDiagnostic( ) command! YcmForceCompileAndDiagnostics call s:ForceCompileAndDiagnostics() endfunction function! s:RestartServer() call s:SetUpOptions() py3 ycm_state.RestartServer() call s:StopPoller( s:pollers.receive_messages ) call s:StopPoller( s:pollers.command ) call s:ClearSignatureHelp() call s:StopPoller( s:pollers.server_ready ) let s:pollers.server_ready.id = timer_start( \ s:pollers.server_ready.wait_milliseconds, \ function( 's:PollServerReady' ) ) endfunction function! s:DebugInfo() echom "Printing YouCompleteMe debug information..." let debug_info = py3eval( 'ycm_state.DebugInfo()' ) echom '-- Resolve completions:' \ ( s:resolve_completions == s:RESOLVE_ON_DEMAND ? 'On demand' : \ s:resolve_completions == s:RESOLVE_UP_FRONT ? 'Up front' : \ 'Never' ) for line in split( debug_info, "\n" ) echom '-- ' . line endfor endfunction function! s:ToggleLogs( count, ... ) py3 ycm_state.ToggleLogs( vimsupport.GetIntValue( 'a:count' ), \ *vim.eval( 'a:000' ) ) endfunction function! youcompleteme#LogsComplete( arglead, cmdline, cursorpos ) return join( py3eval( 'list( ycm_state.GetLogfiles() )' ), "\n" ) endfunction function! youcompleteme#GetCommandResponse( ... ) abort if !s:AllowedToCompleteInCurrentBuffer() return '' endif if !get( b:, 'ycm_completing' ) return '' endif return py3eval( 'ycm_state.GetCommandResponse( vim.eval( "a:000" ) )' ) endfunction function! youcompleteme#GetCommandResponseAsync( callback, ... ) abort if !s:AllowedToCompleteInCurrentBuffer() eval a:callback( '' ) return endif if !get( b:, 'ycm_completing' ) eval a:callback( '' ) return endif let request_id = py3eval( \ 'ycm_state.SendCommandRequestAsync( vim.eval( "a:000" ) )' ) let s:pollers.command.requests[ request_id ] = { \ 'response_func': 'StringResponse', \ 'callback': a:callback \ } if s:pollers.command.id == -1 let s:pollers.command.id = timer_start( s:pollers.command.wait_milliseconds, \ function( 's:PollCommands' ) ) endif endfunction function! youcompleteme#GetRawCommandResponseAsync( callback, ... ) abort if !s:AllowedToCompleteInCurrentBuffer() eval a:callback( { 'error': 'ycm not allowed in buffer' } ) return endif if !get( b:, 'ycm_completing' ) eval a:callback( { 'error': 'ycm disabled in buffer' } ) return endif let request_id = py3eval( \ 'ycm_state.SendCommandRequestAsync( vim.eval( "a:000" ) )' ) let s:pollers.command.requests[ request_id ] = { \ 'response_func': 'Response', \ 'callback': a:callback \ } if s:pollers.command.id == -1 let s:pollers.command.id = timer_start( s:pollers.command.wait_milliseconds, \ function( 's:PollCommands' ) ) endif endfunction function! s:PollCommands( timer_id ) abort " Clear the timer id before calling the callback, as the callback might fire " more requests call s:StopPoller( s:pollers.command ) " Must copy the requests because this loop is likely to modify it let requests = copy( s:pollers.command.requests ) let poll_again = 0 for request_id in keys( requests ) let request = requests[ request_id ] if py3eval( 'ycm_state.GetCommandRequest( int( vim.eval( "request_id" ) ) )' \ . 'is None' ) " Possible in case of race conditions and things like RestartServer " But particualrly in the tests let result = v:none elseif !py3eval( 'ycm_state.GetCommandRequest( ' \ . 'int( vim.eval( "request_id" ) ) ).Done()' ) " Not ready yet, poll again and skip this one for now let poll_again = 1 continue else let result = py3eval( 'ycm_state.GetCommandRequest( ' \ . 'int( vim.eval( "request_id" ) ) ).' \ . request.response_func \ . '()' ) endif " This request is done call remove( s:pollers.command.requests, request_id ) py3 ycm_state.FlushCommandRequest( vim.eval( "request_id" ) ) call request[ 'callback' ]( result ) endfor if poll_again && s:pollers.command.id == -1 let s:pollers.command.id = timer_start( s:pollers.command.wait_milliseconds, \ function( 's:PollCommands' ) ) endif endfunction function! s:CompleterCommand( mods, count, line1, line2, ... ) py3 ycm_state.SendCommandRequest( \ vim.eval( 'a:000' ), \ vim.eval( 'a:mods' ), \ vimsupport.GetBoolValue( 'a:count != -1' ), \ vimsupport.GetIntValue( 'a:line1' ), \ vimsupport.GetIntValue( 'a:line2' ) ) endfunction function! youcompleteme#SubCommandsComplete( arglead, cmdline, cursorpos ) return join( py3eval( 'ycm_state.GetDefinedSubcommands()' ), "\n" ) endfunction function! youcompleteme#GetDefinedSubcommands() if !s:AllowedToCompleteInCurrentBuffer() return [] endif if !exists( 'b:ycm_completing' ) return [] endif return py3eval( 'ycm_state.GetDefinedSubcommands()' ) endfunction function! youcompleteme#OpenGoToList() py3 vimsupport.PostVimMessage( \ "'WARNING: youcompleteme#OpenGoToList function is deprecated. " . \ "Do NOT use it.'" ) py3 vimsupport.OpenQuickFixList( True, True ) endfunction function! s:ShowDiagnostics() py3 ycm_state.ShowDiagnostics() endfunction function! s:ShowDetailedDiagnostic( ... ) if ( a:0 && a:1 == 'popup' ) \ || get( g:, 'ycm_show_detailed_diag_in_popup', 0 ) py3 ycm_state.ShowDetailedDiagnostic( True ) else py3 ycm_state.ShowDetailedDiagnostic( False ) endif endfunction function! s:ForceCompileAndDiagnostics() py3 ycm_state.ForceCompileAndDiagnostics() endfunction if exists( '*popup_atcursor' ) function s:Hover() if !py3eval( 'ycm_state.NativeFiletypeCompletionUsable()' ) " Cancel the autocommand if it happens to have been set call s:DisableAutoHover() return endif if !has_key( b:, 'ycm_hover' ) let cmds = youcompleteme#GetDefinedSubcommands() if index( cmds, 'GetHover' ) >= 0 let b:ycm_hover = { \ 'command': 'GetHover', \ 'syntax': 'markdown', \ } elseif index( cmds, 'GetDoc' ) >= 0 let b:ycm_hover = { \ 'command': 'GetDoc', \ 'syntax': '', \ } elseif index( cmds, 'GetType' ) >= 0 let b:ycm_hover = { \ 'command': 'GetType', \ 'syntax': &syntax, \ } else let b:ycm_hover = {} endif endif if empty( b:ycm_hover ) return endif call youcompleteme#GetCommandResponseAsync( \ function( 's:ShowHoverResult' ), \ b:ycm_hover.command ) endfunction function! s:ShowHoverResult( response ) call popup_hide( s:cursorhold_popup ) if empty( a:response ) return endif " Try to position the popup at the cursor, but avoid wrapping. If the " longest line is > screen width (&columns), then we just have to wrap, and " place the popup at the leftmost column. " " Find the longest line (FIXME: probably doesn't work well for multi-byte) let lines = split( a:response, "\n" ) let len = max( map( copy( lines ), "len( v:val )" ) ) let wrap = 0 let col = 'cursor' " max width is screen columns minus x padding (2) if len >= (&columns - 2) " There's at least one line > our max - enable word wrap and draw the " popup at the leftmost column let col = 1 let wrap = 1 endif let s:cursorhold_popup = popup_atcursor( \ lines, \ { \ 'col': col, \ 'wrap': wrap, \ 'padding': [ 0, 1, 0, 1 ], \ 'moved': 'word', \ 'maxwidth': &columns, \ 'close': 'click', \ 'fixed': 0, \ } \ ) call setbufvar( winbufnr( s:cursorhold_popup ), \ '&syntax', \ b:ycm_hover.syntax ) endfunction function! s:ToggleHover() let pos = popup_getpos( s:cursorhold_popup ) if !empty( pos ) && pos.visible call popup_hide( s:cursorhold_popup ) let s:cursorhold_popup = -1 " Diable the auto-trigger until the next cursor movement. call s:DisableAutoHover() augroup YCMHover autocmd! CursorMoved autocmd CursorMoved call s:EnableAutoHover() augroup END else call s:Hover() endif endfunction let s:enable_hover = 1 nnoremap (YCMHover) :call ToggleHover() else " Don't break people's mappings if this feature is disabled, just do nothing. nnoremap (YCMHover) endif function! youcompleteme#Test_GetPollers() return s:pollers endfunction function! s:ToggleSignatureHelp() call py3eval( 'ycm_state.ToggleSignatureHelp()' ) " Because we do this in a insert-mode mapping, we return empty string to " insert/type nothing return '' endfunction silent! inoremap (YCMToggleSignatureHelp) \ =ToggleSignatureHelp() function! s:ToggleInlayHints() let b:ycm_enable_inlay_hints = \ !get( b:, \ 'ycm_enable_inlay_hints', \ get( g:, 'ycm_enable_inlay_hints' ) ) if !b:ycm_enable_inlay_hints && s:enable_inlay_hints py3 ycm_state.CurrentBuffer().inlay_hints.Clear() else call s:UpdateInlayHints( bufnr(), 0, 1 ) endif endfunction silent! nnoremap (YCMToggleInlayHints) \ call ToggleInlayHints() " This is basic vim plugin boilerplate let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo