#!/usr/bin/env bash
# @file Prepare
# @brief Ensures commonly used system packages that are common dependencies of other packages are installed
# @description
#     This script installs required system packages. Each system's required packages are defined in `home/.chezmoitemplates/$DISTRO_ID`,
#     where `$DISTRO_ID` is equal to the Linux distribution ID found in `/etc/os-release`.

# @description
#     This script pipes environment variables and a logger function to a temporary file that is included by other scripts.
#     It is included as a temporary external file to aid in debugging since if the included files were inlined in scripts
#     the scripts would be verbose when debugging.
addTemporaryIncludes() {
    ### Ensure /tmp/tmp-profile is created
    # Add pre-scaffolding profile to /tmp/tmp-profile so it's easier to navigate through scripts
    cat <<'EOF' > /tmp/tmp-profile
{{ includeTemplate "universal/profile-inline" }}

    ### Ensure /tmp/tmp-logg is created and owned by root
  # Add pre-scaffolding /tmp/tmp-logg
  cat <<'EOF' > /tmp/tmp-logg
{{ includeTemplate "universal/logg-inline" }}

# @description
#     This script detects for the presence of the `warp-cli` and the WARP connection status. If `warp-cli` is installed
#     and WARP is connected, then the service is disconnected. This feature is here to ensure programs such as `volta`
#     which do not support custom CA certificates can still function properly.
disconnectWarp() {
  if command -v warp-cli > /dev/null; then
    if warp-cli status | grep 'Connected' > /dev/null; then
      logg info 'Disconnecting from CloudFlare Teams / WARP due to Volta ignoring CA specified in NPM configuration'
      warp-cli disconnect

# @description Prints information describing why full disk access is required for the script to run on macOS.
printFullDiskAccessNotice() {
  if [ -d /Applications ] && [ -d /System ]; then
    logg md "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/chezmoi/docs/terminal/full-disk-access.md"

# @description
#     This script ensures the terminal running the provisioning process has full disk access permissions. It also
#     prints information regarding the process of how to enable the permission as well as information related to
#     the specific reasons that the terminal needs full disk access. More specifically, the scripts need full
#     disk access to modify various system files and permissions.
#     Ensures the terminal running the provisioning process script has full disk access on macOS. It does this
#     by attempting to read a file that requires full disk access. If it does not, the program opens the preferences
#     pane where the user can grant access so that the script can continue.
#     ## Sources
#     * [Detecting Full Disk Access permission on macOS](https://www.dzombak.com/blog/2021/11/macOS-Scripting-How-to-tell-if-the-Terminal-app-has-Full-Disk-Access.html)
ensureFullDiskAccess() {
  if [ -d /Applications ] && [ -d /System ]; then
    if ! plutil -lint /Library/Preferences/com.apple.TimeMachine.plist > /dev/null ; then
      logg star 'Opening Full Disk Access preference pane.. Grant full-disk access for the terminal you would like to run the provisioning process with.' && open "x-apple.systempreferences:com.apple.preference.security?Privacy_AllFiles"
      logg info 'You may have to force quit the terminal and have it reload.'
      if [ ! -f "$HOME/.zshrc" ] || ! cat "$HOME/.zshrc" | grep '# TEMPORARY FOR INSTALL DOCTOR MACOS' > /dev/null; then
        echo 'bash <(curl -sSL https://install.doctor/start) # TEMPORARY FOR INSTALL DOCTOR MACOS' >> "$HOME/.zshrc"
      exit 0
      logg success 'Current terminal has full disk access'
      if [ -f "$HOME/.zshrc" ]; then
        if command -v gsed > /dev/null; then
          sudo gsed -i '/# TEMPORARY FOR INSTALL DOCTOR MACOS/d' "$HOME/.zshrc" || logg warn "Failed to remove kickstart script from .zshrc"
          sudo sed -i '/# TEMPORARY FOR INSTALL DOCTOR MACOS/d' "$HOME/.zshrc" || logg warn "Failed to remove kickstart script from .zshrc"

# @description Applies changes that require input from the user such as using Touch ID on macOS when
#     importing certificates into the system keychain.
#     * Ensures CloudFlare Teams certificate is imported into the system keychain
importCloudFlareCert() {
  if [ -d /Applications ] && [ -d /System ] && [ -z "$HEADLESS_INSTALL" ]; then
    ### Acquire certificate
    if [ ! -f "$HOME/.local/etc/ssl/cloudflare/Cloudflare_CA.crt" ]; then
      logg info 'Downloading Cloudflare_CA.crt from https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/static/documentation/connections/Cloudflare_CA.crt to determine if it is already in the System.keychain'
      curl -sSL https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/static/documentation/connections/Cloudflare_CA.crt > "$CRT_TMP"

    ### Validate / import certificate
    security verify-cert -c "$CRT_TMP" > /dev/null 2>&1
    if [ $? != 0 ]; then
      logg info '**macOS Manual Security Permission** Requesting security authorization for Cloudflare trusted certificate'
      sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain "$CRT_TMP" && logg success 'Successfully imported Cloudflare_CA.crt into System.keychain'

    ### Remove temporary file, if necessary
    if [ ! -f "$HOME/.local/etc/ssl/cloudflare/Cloudflare_CA.crt" ]; then
      rm -f "$CRT_TMP"

. /tmp/tmp-logg
. /tmp/tmp-profile
if [ -n "$DEBUG" ] || [ -n "$DEBUG_MODE" ]; then
  logg info 'The DEBUG or DEBUG_MODE environment variable is set so the prepare tasks will be run synchronously'
  importCloudFlareCert &
  disconnectWarp &