--- # yamllint disable rule:line-length - name: Update platforms hosts: localhost tasks: - name: Filtering platforms list using the group defined in the MOLECULE_GROUP environment variable set_fact: molecule_yml: "{{ molecule_yml | combine({'platforms': (molecule_yml.platforms | selectattr('groups', 'contains', lookup('env', 'MOLECULE_GROUP')))}) }}" when: ansible_env.MOLECULE_GROUP is defined - name: Destroy hosts: localhost connection: local gather_facts: false no_log: '{{ molecule_no_log }}' tasks: - name: Destroy molecule instance(s) vagrant: instance_name: '{{ item.name }}' platform_box: '{{ item.box | default(omit) }}' provider_name: '{{ molecule_yml.driver.provider.name | default(omit, true) }}' provider_options: '{{ item.provider_options | default(omit) }}' provider_raw_config_args: '{{ item.provider_raw_config_args | default(omit) }}' force_stop: '{{ item.force_stop | default(true) }}' state: destroy register: server with_items: '{{ molecule_yml.platforms }}' loop_control: label: '{{ item.name }}' no_log: false - name: Populate instance config set_fact: instance_conf: {} - name: Dump instance config # noqa 503 copy: content: | # Molecule managed {{ instance_conf | to_json | from_json | to_yaml }} dest: '{{ molecule_instance_config }}' mode: 0600 when: server.changed | bool