scriptencoding utf-8 " Position of cursor relative to screen cell function! coc#cursor#screen_pos() abort let nr = winnr() let [row, col] = win_screenpos(nr) return [row + winline() - 2, col + wincol() - 2] endfunction function! coc#cursor#move_by_col(delta) let pos = getcurpos() call cursor(pos[1], pos[2] + a:delta) endfunction " Get cursor position. function! coc#cursor#position() let line = getline('.') return [line('.') - 1, coc#string#character_index(line, col('.') - 1)] endfunction " Move cursor to position. function! coc#cursor#move_to(line, character) abort let content = getline(a:line + 1) call cursor(a:line + 1, coc#string#byte_index(content, a:character) + 1) endfunction " Character offset of current cursor, vim provide bytes offset only. function! coc#cursor#char_offset() abort let offset = 0 let lnum = line('.') for i in range(1, lnum) if i == lnum let offset += strchars(strpart(getline('.'), 0, col('.')-1)) else let offset += strchars(getline(i)) + 1 endif endfor return offset endfunction " Returns latest selection range function! coc#cursor#get_selection(char) abort let m = a:char ? 'char' : visualmode() if empty(m) return v:null endif let [_, sl, sc, soff] = getpos(m ==# 'char' ? "'[" : "'<") let [_, el, ec, eoff] = getpos(m ==# 'char' ? "']" : "'>") let start_idx = coc#string#character_index(getline(sl), sc - 1) if m ==# 'V' return [sl - 1, start_idx, el, 0] endif let line = getline(el) let end_idx = coc#string#character_index(line, ec - 1) if m !=# 'char' let end_idx = end_idx == coc#string#character_length(line) ? end_idx : end_idx + 1 endif return [sl - 1, start_idx, el - 1, end_idx] endfunction