scriptencoding utf-8 function! coc#string#last_character(line) abort return strcharpart(a:line, strchars(a:line) - 1, 1) endfunction " Get utf16 code unit index from col (0 based) function! coc#string#character_index(line, byteIdx) abort if a:byteIdx <= 0 return 0 endif let i = 0 let len = 0 for char in split(a:line, '\zs') let i += char2nr(char) > 65535 ? 2 : 1 let len += strlen(char) if len >= a:byteIdx break endif endfor return i endfunction " Convert utf16 character index to byte index function! coc#string#byte_index(line, character) abort if a:character <= 0 return 0 endif " code unit index let i = 0 let len = 0 for char in split(a:line, '\zs') let i += char2nr(char) > 65535 ? 2 : 1 let len += strlen(char) if i >= a:character break endif endfor return len endfunction function! coc#string#character_length(text) abort let i = 0 for char in split(a:text, '\zs') let i += char2nr(char) > 65535 ? 2 : 1 endfor return i endfunction function! coc#string#reflow(lines, width) abort let lines = [] let currlen = 0 let parts = [] for line in a:lines for part in split(line, '\s\+') let w = strwidth(part) if currlen + w + 1 >= a:width if len(parts) > 0 call add(lines, join(parts, ' ')) endif if w >= a:width call add(lines, part) let currlen = 0 let parts = [] else let currlen = w let parts = [part] endif continue endif call add(parts, part) let currlen = currlen + w + 1 endfor endfor if len(parts) > 0 call add(lines, join(parts, ' ')) endif return empty(lines) ? [''] : lines endfunction " Used when 'wrap' and 'linebreak' is enabled function! coc#string#content_height(lines, width) abort let len = 0 let pattern = empty(&breakat) ? '.\zs' : '['.substitute(&breakat, '\([\[\]]\)', '\\\1', 'g').']\zs' for line in a:lines if strwidth(line) <= a:width let len += 1 else let currlen = 0 for part in split(line, pattern) let wl = strwidth(part) if currlen == 0 && wl > 0 let len += 1 endif let delta = currlen + wl - a:width if delta >= 0 let len = len + (delta > 0) let currlen = delta == 0 ? 0 : wl if wl >= a:width let currlen = wl%a:width let len += float2nr(ceil(wl/(a:width + 0.0))) - (currlen == 0) endif else let currlen = currlen + wl endif endfor endif endfor return len endfunction " get change between two lines function! coc#string#diff(curr, previous, col) abort let end = strpart(a:curr, a:col - 1) let start = strpart(a:curr, 0, a:col -1) let endOffset = 0 let startOffset = 0 let currLen = strchars(a:curr) let prevLen = strchars(a:previous) if len(end) let endLen = strchars(end) for i in range(min([prevLen, endLen])) if strcharpart(end, endLen - 1 - i, 1) ==# strcharpart(a:previous, prevLen -1 -i, 1) let endOffset = endOffset + 1 else break endif endfor endif let remain = endOffset == 0 ? a:previous : strcharpart(a:previous, 0, prevLen - endOffset) if len(remain) for i in range(min([strchars(remain), strchars(start)])) if strcharpart(remain, i, 1) ==# strcharpart(start, i ,1) let startOffset = startOffset + 1 else break endif endfor endif return { \ 'start': startOffset, \ 'end': prevLen - endOffset, \ 'text': strcharpart(a:curr, startOffset, currLen - startOffset - endOffset) \ } endfunction function! coc#string#apply(content, diff) abort let totalLen = strchars(a:content) let endLen = totalLen - a:diff['end'] return strcharpart(a:content, 0, a:diff['start']).a:diff['text'].strcharpart(a:content, a:diff['end'], endLen) endfunction " insert inserted to line at position, use ... when result is too long " line should only contains character has strwidth equals 1 function! coc#string#compose(line, position, inserted) abort let width = strwidth(a:line) let text = a:inserted let res = a:line let need_truncate = a:position + strwidth(text) + 1 > width if need_truncate let remain = width - a:position - 3 if remain < 2 " use text for full line, use first & end of a:line, ignore position let res = strcharpart(a:line, 0, 1) let w = strwidth(res) for i in range(strchars(text)) let c = strcharpart(text, i, 1) let a = strwidth(c) if w + a <= width - 1 let w = w + a let res = res . c endif endfor let res = res.strcharpart(a:line, w) else let res = strcharpart(a:line, 0, a:position) let w = strwidth(res) for i in range(strchars(text)) let c = strcharpart(text, i, 1) let a = strwidth(c) if w + a <= width - 3 let w = w + a let res = res . c endif endfor let res = res.'..' let w = w + 2 let res = res . strcharpart(a:line, w) endif else let first = strcharpart(a:line, 0, a:position) let res = first . text . strcharpart(a:line, a:position + strwidth(text)) endif return res endfunction