function! prettier#utils#buffer#replace(lines, startSelection, endSelection) abort " store view let l:winview = winsaveview() let l:newBuffer = prettier#utils#buffer#createBufferFromUpdatedLines(a:lines, a:startSelection, a:endSelection) " we should not replace contents if the newBuffer is empty if empty(l:newBuffer) return endif " " create a fake change entry and merge with undo stack prior to do formating execute "normal! i " execute "normal! a\" try | silent undojoin | catch | endtry " delete all lines on the current buffer silent! execute 'lockmarks %delete _' " replace all lines from the current buffer with output from prettier let l:idx = 0 for l:line in l:newBuffer silent! lockmarks call append(l:idx, l:line) let l:idx += 1 endfor " delete trailing newline introduced by the above append procedure silent! lockmarks execute '$delete _' " Restore view call winrestview(l:winview) endfunction " Replace and save the buffer function! prettier#utils#buffer#replaceAndSave(lines, startSelection, endSelection) abort call prettier#utils#buffer#replace(a:lines, a:startSelection, a:endSelection) noautocmd write endfunction " Returns 1 if content has changed function! prettier#utils#buffer#willUpdatedLinesChangeBuffer(lines, start, end) abort return getbufline(bufnr('%'), 1, line('$')) == prettier#utils#buffer#createBufferFromUpdatedLines(a:lines, a:start, a:end) ? 0 : 1 endfunction " Returns a new buffer with lines replacing start and end of the contents of the current buffer function! prettier#utils#buffer#createBufferFromUpdatedLines(lines, start, end) abort return getbufline(bufnr('%'), 1, a:start - 1) + a:lines + getbufline(bufnr('%'), a:end + 1, '$') endfunction " Adapted from function! s:getCharPosition(line, col) abort if &encoding !=# 'utf-8' " On utf-8 enconding we can't just use bytes so we need to make sure we can count the " characters, we do that by adding the text into a temporary buffer and counting the chars let l:buf = a:line == 1 ? '' : (join(getline(1, a:line - 1), "\n") . "\n") let l:buf .= a:col == 1 ? '' : getline('.')[:a:col - 2] return len(iconv(l:buf, &encoding, 'utf-8')) endif " On non utf-8 the line byte should match the character return line2byte(a:line) + (a:col - 2) endfun " Returns [start, end] byte range when on visual mode function! prettier#utils#buffer#getCharRange(startSelection, endSelection) abort let l:range = [] call add(l:range, s:getCharPosition(a:startSelection, col("'<"))) call add(l:range, s:getCharPosition(a:endSelection, col("'>"))) return l:range endfunction