#!/usr/bin/env bash # @file CloudFlare SSO SSH Tunnel Setup # @brief Installs and configures cloudflared for short-lived SSH certificates authenticated via SSO # @description # This script ensures Homebrew is installed and then uses Homebrew to ensure `cloudflared` is installed. # After that, it connects `cloudflared` to CloudFlare Teams and sets up short-lived SSH certificates so # that you do not have to manage SSH keys and instead use SSO (Single Sign-On) via CloudFlare Teams. # # **Note**: `https://install.doctor/cloudflared` points to this file. # # ## Variables # # The `SSH_DOMAIN` variable should be set to the endpoint you want to be able to SSH into. The SSH endpoint(s) # that are created depend on what type of system is being configured. Some device types include multiple # properties that need multiple unique SSH endpoints. The `SSH_DOMAIN` must be passed to this script or else # it will default to `ssh.megabyte.space`. # # * For most installations, the configured domain will be `$(hostname).${SSH_DOMAIN}` # * If Qubes is being configured, then the configured domain will be `$(hostname)-qube.${SSH_DOMAIN}` # * If [EasyEngine](https://easyengine.io/) is installed, then each domain setup with EasyEngine is configured to have an `ssh` subdomain (i.e. `ssh.example.com` for `example.com`) # # There are other optional variables that can be customized as well: # # * `CF_TUNNEL_NAME` - The ID to assign to the tunnel that `cloudflared` creates (`default-ssh-tunnel` by default) # # ## Notes # # Since the certificates are "short-lived", you will have to periodically re-authenticate against the # SSO authentication endpoint that is hosted by CloudFlare Teams (or an identity provider of your choosing). # This script will likely only work on AMD x64 devices. # # Some of the commands are conditionally run based on whether or not the `CRONTAB_JOB` environment variable is set. # This is to accomodate EasyEngine installations where the list of SSH endpoints is variable. Both the initial # setup and updates are applied using this script (via a cronjob that does not need to run initialization tasks during # the cronjobs). # # ## TODO # # * Automatically add UFW exceptions using [this script](https://github.com/Paul-Reed/cloudflare-ufw) # # ## Links # # [SSH with short-lived certificates](https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/tutorials/ssh-cert-bastion/) # @description This function logs with style using Gum if it is installed, otherwise it uses `echo`. It is also capable of leveraging Glow to render markdown. # When Glow is not installed, it uses `cat`. The following sub-commands are available: # # | Sub-Command | Description | # |-------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| # | `error` | Logs a bright red error message | # | `info` | Logs a regular informational message | # | `md` | Tries to render the specified file using `glow` if it is installed and uses `cat` as a fallback | # | `prompt` | Alternative that logs a message intended to describe an upcoming user input prompt | # | `star` | Alternative that logs a message that starts with a star icon | # | `start` | Same as `success` | # | `success` | Logs a success message that starts with green checkmark | # | `warn` | Logs a bright yellow warning message | # @example # logger info "An informative log" # @example # logger md ~/README.md logg() { TYPE="$1" MSG="$2" if [ "$TYPE" == 'error' ]; then if command -v gum > /dev/null; then gum style --border="thick" "$(gum style --foreground="#ff0000" "✖") $(gum style --bold --background="#ff0000" --foreground="#ffffff" " ERROR ") $(gum style --bold "$MSG")" else echo "ERROR: $MSG" fi elif [ "$TYPE" == 'info' ]; then if command -v gum > /dev/null; then gum style " $(gum style --foreground="#00ffff" "○") $(gum style --faint "$MSG")" else echo "INFO: $MSG" fi elif [ "$TYPE" == 'md' ]; then if command -v glow > /dev/null; then glow "$MSG" else cat "$MSG" fi elif [ "$TYPE" == 'prompt' ]; then if command -v gum > /dev/null; then gum style " $(gum style --foreground="#00008b" "▶") $(gum style --bold "$MSG")" else echo "PROMPT: $MSG" fi elif [ "$TYPE" == 'star' ]; then if command -v gum > /dev/null; then gum style " $(gum style --foreground="#d1d100" "◆") $(gum style --bold "$MSG")" else echo "STAR: $MSG" fi elif [ "$TYPE" == 'start' ]; then if command -v gum > /dev/null; then gum style " $(gum style --foreground="#00ff00" "▶") $(gum style --bold "$MSG")" else echo "START: $MSG" fi elif [ "$TYPE" == 'success' ]; then if command -v gum > /dev/null; then gum style " $(gum style --foreground="#00ff00" "✔") $(gum style --bold "$MSG")" else echo "SUCCESS: $MSG" fi elif [ "$TYPE" == 'warn' ]; then if command -v gum > /dev/null; then gum style " $(gum style --foreground="#d1d100" "◆") $(gum style --bold --background="#ffff00" --foreground="#000000" " WARNING ") $(gum style --bold "$MSG")" else echo "WARNING: $MSG" fi else if command -v gum > /dev/null; then gum style " $(gum style --foreground="#00ff00" "▶") $(gum style --bold "$TYPE")" else echo "$MSG" fi fi } # @description This function ensures dependencies like `git` and `curl` are installed. More specifically, this function will: # # 1. Check if `curl`, `git`, `expect`, `rsync`, and `unbuffer` are on the system # 2. If any of the above are missing, it will then use the appropriate system package manager to satisfy the requirements. *Note that some of the requirements are not scanned for in order to keep it simple and fast.* # 3. On macOS, the official Xcode Command Line Tools are installed. ensureBasicDeps() { if ! command -v curl > /dev/null || ! command -v git > /dev/null || ! command -v expect > /dev/null || ! command -v rsync > /dev/null || ! command -v unbuffer > /dev/null; then if command -v apt-get > /dev/null; then ### Debian / Ubuntu logg info 'Running sudo apt-get update' && sudo apt-get update logg info 'Running sudo apt-get install -y build-essential curl expect git rsync procps file' && sudo apt-get install -y build-essential curl expect git rsync procps file elif command -v dnf > /dev/null; then ### Fedora logg info 'Running sudo dnf groupinstall -y "Development Tools"' && sudo dnf groupinstall -y 'Development Tools' logg info 'Running sudo dnf install -y curl expect git rsync procps-ng file' && sudo dnf install -y curl expect git rsync procps-ng file elif command -v yum > /dev/null; then ### CentOS logg info 'Running sudo yum groupinstall -y "Development Tools"' && sudo yum groupinstall -y 'Development Tools' logg info 'Running sudo yum install -y curl expect git rsync procps-ng file' && sudo yum install -y curl expect git rsync procps-ng file elif command -v pacman > /dev/null; then ### Archlinux logg info 'Running sudo pacman update' && sudo pacman update logg info 'Running sudo pacman -Syu base-devel curl expect git rsync procps-ng file' && sudo pacman -Syu base-devel curl expect git rsync procps-ng file elif command -v zypper > /dev/null; then ### OpenSUSE logg info 'Running sudo zypper install -yt pattern devel_basis' && sudo zypper install -yt pattern devel_basis logg info 'Running sudo zypper install -y curl expect git rsync procps file' && sudo zypper install -y curl expect git rsync procps file elif command -v apk > /dev/null; then ### Alpine logg info 'Running sudo apk add build-base curl expect git rsync ruby procps file' && sudo apk add build-base curl expect git rsync ruby procps file elif [ -d /Applications ] && [ -d /Library ]; then ### macOS logg info "Ensuring Xcode Command Line Tools are installed.." if ! xcode-select -p >/dev/null 2>&1; then logg info "Command Line Tools for Xcode not found" ### This temporary file prompts the 'softwareupdate' utility to list the Command Line Tools touch /tmp/.com.apple.dt.CommandLineTools.installondemand.in-progress; XCODE_PKG="$(softwareupdate -l | grep "\*.*Command Line" | tail -n 1 | sed 's/^[^C]* //')" logg info "Installing from softwareupdate" && softwareupdate -i "$XCODE_PKG" && logg success "Successfully installed $XCODE_PKG" fi elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == 'cygwin' ]] || [[ "$OSTYPE" == 'msys' ]] || [[ "$OSTYPE" == 'win32' ]]; then ### Windows logg info 'Running choco install -y curl expect git rsync' && choco install -y curl expect git rsync elif command -v nix-env > /dev/null; then ### NixOS logg warn "TODO - Add support for NixOS" elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == 'freebsd'* ]]; then ### FreeBSD logg warn "TODO - Add support for FreeBSD" elif command -v pkg > /dev/null; then ### Termux logg warn "TODO - Add support for Termux" elif command -v xbps-install > /dev/null; then ### Void logg warn "TODO - Add support for Void" fi fi } ensureBasicDeps # @description This function ensures Homebrew is installed and available in the `PATH`. It handles the installation of Homebrew on both **Linux and macOS**. # It will attempt to bypass sudo password entry if it detects that it can do so. The function also has some error handling in regards to various # directories falling out of the correct ownership and permission states. Finally, it loads Homebrew into the active profile (allowing other parts of the script # to use the `brew` command). # # With Homebrew installed and available, the script finishes by installing the `gcc` Homebrew package which is a very common dependency. ensureHomebrew() { if ! command -v brew > /dev/null; then if [ -d /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin ]; then logg info "Sourcing from /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew" && eval "$(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)" if ! command -v brew > /dev/null; then logg error "The /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew directory exists but something is not right. Try removing it and running the script again." && exit 1 fi elif [ -d "$HOME/.linuxbrew" ]; then logg info "Sourcing from $HOME/.linuxbrew/bin/brew" && eval "$($HOME/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)" if ! command -v brew > /dev/null; then logg error "The $HOME/.linuxbrew directory exists but something is not right. Try removing it and running the script again." && exit 1 fi else ### Installs Homebrew and addresses a couple potential issues if command -v sudo > /dev/null && sudo -n true; then logg info "Installing Homebrew" echo | /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)" else logg info "Homebrew is not installed. The script will attempt to install Homebrew and you might be prompted for your password." /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)" || BREW_EXIT_CODE="$?" if [ -n "$BREW_EXIT_CODE" ]; then if command -v brew > /dev/null; then logg warn "Homebrew was installed but part of the installation failed. Trying a few things to fix the installation.." BREW_DIRS="share/man share/doc share/zsh/site-functions etc/bash_completion.d" for BREW_DIR in $BREW_DIRS; do if [ -d "$(brew --prefix)/$BREW_DIR" ]; then logg info "Chowning $(brew --prefix)/$BREW_DIR" && sudo chown -R "$(whoami)" "$(brew --prefix)/$BREW_DIR" fi done logg info "Running brew update --force --quiet" && brew update --force --quiet && logg success "Successfully ran brew update --force --quiet" fi fi fi ### Ensures the `brew` binary is available on Linux machines. macOS installs `brew` into the default `PATH` so nothing needs to be done for macOS. if [ -d /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin ]; then logg info "Sourcing shellenv from /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew" && eval "$(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)" elif [ -f /usr/local/bin/brew ]; then logg info "Sourcing shellenv from /usr/local/bin/brew" && eval "$(/usr/local/bin/brew shellenv)" elif [ -f "${HOMEBREW_PREFIX:-/opt/homebrew}/bin/brew" ]; then logg info "Sourcing shellenv from "${HOMEBREW_PREFIX:-/opt/homebrew}/bin/brew"" && eval "$("${HOMEBREW_PREFIX:-/opt/homebrew}/bin/brew" shellenv)" fi fi fi ### Ensure GCC is installed via Homebrew if command -v brew > /dev/null; then if ! brew list | grep gcc > /dev/null; then logg info "Installing Homebrew gcc" && brew install --quiet gcc fi else logg error "Failed to initialize Homebrew" && exit 2 fi } ensureHomebrew # @description Ensures `cloudflared` is installed via Homebrew if ! command -v cloudflared > /dev/null; then brew install --quiet cloudflared fi # @description Detect the SSH port being used SSH_PORT="22" if sudo cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep '^Port ' > /dev/null; then SSH_PORT="$(sudo cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep '^Port ' | sed 's/Port //')" fi # @description Login to the CloudFlare network (if running outside a cronjob) and acquire the tunnel ID if [ -z "$CRONTAB_JOB" ]; then sudo cloudflared tunnel login sudo cloudflared tunnel create "${CF_TUNNEL_NAME:=default-ssh-tunnel}" fi TUNNEL_ID="$(sudo cloudflared tunnel list | grep " ${CF_TUNNEL_NAME} " | sed 's/^\([^ ]*\).*$/\1/')" # @description Ensure CloudFlare tunnel ID was acquired, then add tunnel route, and create # tunnel configuration based on what type of machine is being configured (i.e. regular, Qubes, or EasyEngine) if [ -n "$TUNNEL_ID" ]; then if [ -z "$CRONTAB_JOB" ]; then sudo cloudflared tunnel route ip add "${TUNNEL_ID}" fi # @description Create the `/root/.cloudflared/config.yml` CONFIG_TMP="$(mktemp)" echo "tunnel: ${TUNNEL_ID}" > "$CONFIG_TMP" echo "credentials-file: /root/.cloudflared/${TUNNEL_ID}.json" >> "$CONFIG_TMP" echo "" >> "$CONFIG_TMP" echo "ingress:" >> "$CONFIG_TMP" if [ -d '/opt/easyengine/sites' ]; then DOMAINS_HOSTED="$(find /opt/easyengine/sites -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d | sed 's/.*sites\///' | xargs)" else if [ -d /etc/qubes ]; then DOMAINS_HOSTED="$(hostname)-qube.${SSH_DOMAIN:-ssh.megabyte.space}" else DOMAINS_HOSTED="$(hostname).${SSH_DOMAIN:-ssh.megabyte.space}" fi fi for DOMAIN in $DOMAINS_HOSTED; do echo " - hostname: ${DOMAIN}" >> "$CONFIG_TMP" echo " service: ssh://localhost:$SSH_PORT" >> "$CONFIG_TMP" done echo " - service: http_status:404" >> "$CONFIG_TMP" echo "" >> "$CONFIG_TMP" sudo mkdir -p /root/.cloudflared sudo mv "$CONFIG_TMP" /root/.cloudflared/config.yml # @description Install the `cloudflared` system service (if it is not a cronjob) if [ -z "$CRONTAB_JOB" ]; then sudo cloudflared service install fi else echo "ERROR: Unable to acquire CloudFlare tunnel ID" && exit 1 fi # @description Restart if the config file changed if [ ! -f /root/.cloudflared/config-previous.yml ] || [ "$(cat /root/.cloudflared/config-previous.yml)" != "$(cat /root/.cloudflared/config.yml)" ]; then # @todo Add restart command for non-systemctl devices (i.e. macOS) if command -v systemctl > /dev/null; then sudo systemctl restart cloudflared fi sudo cp /root/.cloudflared/config.yml /root/.cloudflared/config-previous.yml fi