scriptencoding utf-8 let s:is_vim = !has('nvim') let s:borderchars = get(g:, 'coc_borderchars', ['─', '│', '─', '│', '┌', '┐', '┘', '└']) let s:rounded_borderchars = s:borderchars[0:3] + ['╭', '╮', '╯', '╰'] let s:borderjoinchars = get(g:, 'coc_border_joinchars', ['┬', '┤', '┴', '├']) let s:popup_list_api = exists('*popup_list') " Popup ids, used when popup_list() doesn't exist let s:popup_list = [] let s:pad_bufnr = -1 " Check visible float/popup exists. function! coc#float#has_float(...) abort return len(coc#float#get_float_win_list(get(a:, 1, 0))) > 0 endfunction function! coc#float#close_all(...) abort let winids = coc#float#get_float_win_list(get(a:, 1, 0)) for id in winids try call coc#float#close(id) catch /E5555:/ " ignore endtry endfor endfunction function! coc#float#jump() abort if has('nvim') let winids = coc#float#get_float_win_list() if !empty(winids) call win_gotoid(winids[0]) endif endif endfunction function! coc#float#valid(winid) abort if a:winid <= 0 return 0 endif if !s:is_vim if !nvim_win_is_valid(a:winid) return 0 endif return !empty(nvim_win_get_config(a:winid)['relative']) endif try return !empty(popup_getpos(a:winid)) catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E993/ " not a popup window return 0 endtry endfunction function! coc#float#get_height(winid) abort if !s:is_vim let borderwin = coc#float#get_related(a:winid, 'border') if borderwin return nvim_win_get_height(borderwin) endif return nvim_win_get_height(a:winid) endif return get(popup_getpos(a:winid), 'height', 0) endfunction function! coc#float#change_height(winid, delta) abort if s:is_vim let curr = get(popup_getpos(a:winid), 'core_height', v:null) if curr isnot v:null call popup_move(a:winid, { \ 'maxheight': max([1, curr + a:delta]), \ 'minheight': max([1, curr + a:delta]), \ }) endif else let winids = copy(coc#window#get_var(a:winid, 'related', [])) call filter(winids, 'index(["border","pad","scrollbar"],coc#window#get_var(v:val,"kind","")) >= 0') call add(winids, a:winid) for winid in winids if coc#window#get_var(winid, 'kind', '') ==# 'border' let bufnr = winbufnr(winid) if a:delta > 0 call appendbufline(bufnr, 1, repeat(getbufline(bufnr, 2), a:delta)) else call deletebufline(bufnr, 2, 2 - a:delta - 1) endif endif let height = nvim_win_get_height(winid) call nvim_win_set_height(winid, max([1, height + a:delta])) endfor endif endfunction " create or config float window, returns [winid, bufnr], config including: " - relative: could be 'editor' 'cursor' " - row: line count relative to editor/cursor, nagetive number means abover cursor. " - col: column count relative to editor/cursor, nagetive number means left of cursor. " - width: content width without border and title. " - height: content height without border and title. " - lines: (optional) lines to insert, default to v:null. " - title: (optional) title. " - border: (optional) border as number list, like [1, 1, 1 ,1]. " - cursorline: (optional) enable cursorline when is 1. " - autohide: (optional) window should be closed on CursorMoved when is 1. " - highlight: (optional) highlight of window, default to 'CocFloating' " - borderhighlight: (optional) should be array or string for border highlights, " highlight all borders with first value. " - close: (optional) show close button when is 1. " - highlights: (optional) highlight items. " - buttons: (optional) array of button text for create buttons at bottom. " - codes: (optional) list of CodeBlock. " - winblend: (optional) winblend option for float window, neovim only. " - shadow: (optional) use shadow as border style, neovim only. " - focusable: (optional) neovim only, default to true. " - scrollinside: (optional) neovim only, create scrollbar inside window. " - rounded: (optional) use rounded borderchars, ignored when borderchars exists. " - borderchars: (optional) borderchars, should be length of 8 " - nopad: (optional) not add pad when 1 " - index: (optional) line index function! coc#float#create_float_win(winid, bufnr, config) abort let lines = get(a:config, 'lines', v:null) let bufnr = a:bufnr try let bufnr = coc#float#create_buf(a:bufnr, lines, 'hide') catch /E523:/ " happens when using getchar() #3921 return [] endtry let lnum = max([1, get(a:config, 'index', 0) + 1]) " use exists if a:winid && coc#float#valid(a:winid) if s:is_vim let [line, col] = s:popup_position(a:config) let opts = { \ 'firstline': 1, \ 'line': line, \ 'col': col, \ 'minwidth': a:config['width'], \ 'minheight': a:config['height'], \ 'maxwidth': a:config['width'], \ 'maxheight': a:config['height'], \ 'title': get(a:config, 'title', ''), \ 'highlight': get(a:config, 'highlight', 'CocFloating'), \ 'borderhighlight': [s:get_borderhighlight(a:config)], \ } if !s:empty_border(get(a:config, 'border', [])) let opts['border'] = a:config['border'] endif call popup_setoptions(a:winid, opts) call win_execute(a:winid, 'exe '.lnum) call coc#float#vim_buttons(a:winid, a:config) call s:add_highlights(a:winid, a:config, 0) return [a:winid, winbufnr(a:winid)] else let config = s:convert_config_nvim(a:config, 0) let hlgroup = get(a:config, 'highlight', 'CocFloating') let current = getwinvar(a:winid, '&winhl', '') let winhl = coc#util#merge_winhl(current, [['Normal', hlgroup], ['FoldColumn', hlgroup], ['Search', '']]) if winhl !=# current call setwinvar(a:winid, '&winhl', winhl) endif call nvim_win_set_buf(a:winid, bufnr) call nvim_win_set_config(a:winid, config) call nvim_win_set_cursor(a:winid, [lnum, 0]) call coc#float#nvim_create_related(a:winid, config, a:config) call s:add_highlights(a:winid, a:config, 0) return [a:winid, bufnr] endif endif let winid = 0 if s:is_vim let [line, col] = s:popup_position(a:config) let title = get(a:config, 'title', '') let buttons = get(a:config, 'buttons', []) let hlgroup = get(a:config, 'highlight', 'CocFloating') let nopad = get(a:config, 'nopad', 0) let border = s:empty_border(get(a:config, 'border', [])) ? [0, 0, 0, 0] : a:config['border'] let opts = { \ 'title': title, \ 'line': line, \ 'col': col, \ 'fixed': 1, \ 'padding': [0, !nopad && !border[1], 0, !nopad && !border[3]], \ 'borderchars': s:get_borderchars(a:config), \ 'highlight': hlgroup, \ 'minwidth': a:config['width'], \ 'minheight': a:config['height'], \ 'maxwidth': a:config['width'], \ 'maxheight': a:config['height'], \ 'close': get(a:config, 'close', 0) ? 'button' : 'none', \ 'border': border, \ 'callback': { -> coc#float#on_close(winid)}, \ 'borderhighlight': [s:get_borderhighlight(a:config)], \ 'scrollbarhighlight': 'CocFloatSbar', \ 'thumbhighlight': 'CocFloatThumb', \ } let winid = popup_create(bufnr, opts) if !s:popup_list_api call add(s:popup_list, winid) endif call s:set_float_defaults(winid, a:config) call win_execute(winid, 'exe '.lnum) call coc#float#vim_buttons(winid, a:config) else let config = s:convert_config_nvim(a:config, 1) let border = get(a:config, 'border', []) if has('nvim-0.5.0') && get(a:config, 'shadow', 0) && empty(get(a:config, 'buttons', v:null)) && empty(get(border, 2, 0)) let config['border'] = 'shadow' endif noa let winid = nvim_open_win(bufnr, 0, config) if winid is 0 return [] endif " cursorline highlight not work on old neovim call s:set_float_defaults(winid, a:config) call nvim_win_set_cursor(winid, [lnum, 0]) call coc#float#nvim_create_related(winid, config, a:config) call coc#float#nvim_set_winblend(winid, get(a:config, 'winblend', v:null)) endif call s:add_highlights(winid, a:config, 1) let g:coc_last_float_win = winid call coc#util#do_autocmd('CocOpenFloat') return [winid, bufnr] endfunction function! coc#float#nvim_create_related(winid, config, opts) abort let related = getwinvar(a:winid, 'related', []) let exists = !empty(related) let border = get(a:opts, 'border', []) let borderhighlight = s:get_borderhighlight(a:opts) let buttons = get(a:opts, 'buttons', []) let pad = !get(a:opts, 'nopad', 0) && (empty(border) || get(border, 1, 0) == 0) let shadow = get(a:opts, 'shadow', 0) if get(a:opts, 'close', 0) call coc#float#nvim_close_btn(a:config, a:winid, border, borderhighlight, related) elseif exists call coc#float#close_related(a:winid, 'close') endif if !empty(buttons) call coc#float#nvim_buttons(a:config, a:winid, buttons, get(a:opts, 'getchar', 0), get(border, 2, 0), pad, borderhighlight, shadow, related) elseif exists call coc#float#close_related(a:winid, 'buttons') endif if !s:empty_border(border) let borderchars = s:get_borderchars(a:opts) call coc#float#nvim_border_win(a:config, borderchars, a:winid, border, get(a:opts, 'title', ''), !empty(buttons), borderhighlight, shadow, related) elseif exists call coc#float#close_related(a:winid, 'border') endif " Check right border if pad call coc#float#nvim_right_pad(a:config, a:winid, shadow, related) elseif exists call coc#float#close_related(a:winid, 'pad') endif call setwinvar(a:winid, 'related', filter(related, 'nvim_win_is_valid(v:val)')) endfunction " border window for neovim, content config with border function! coc#float#nvim_border_win(config, borderchars, winid, border, title, hasbtn, hlgroup, shadow, related) abort let winid = coc#float#get_related(a:winid, 'border') let row = a:border[0] ? a:config['row'] - 1 : a:config['row'] let col = a:border[3] ? a:config['col'] - 1 : a:config['col'] let width = a:config['width'] + a:border[1] + a:border[3] let height = a:config['height'] + a:border[0] + a:border[2] + (a:hasbtn ? 2 : 0) let lines = coc#float#create_border_lines(a:border, a:borderchars, a:title, a:config['width'], a:config['height'], a:hasbtn) let bufnr = winid ? winbufnr(winid) : 0 let bufnr = coc#float#create_buf(bufnr, lines) let opt = { \ 'relative': a:config['relative'], \ 'width': width, \ 'height': height, \ 'row': row, \ 'col': col, \ 'focusable': v:false, \ 'style': 'minimal', \ } if has('nvim-0.5.0') && a:shadow && !a:hasbtn && a:border[2] let opt['border'] = 'shadow' let opt['noautocmd'] = 1 endif if winid call nvim_win_set_config(winid, opt) call setwinvar(winid, '&winhl', 'Normal:'.a:hlgroup.',Search:') else noa let winid = nvim_open_win(bufnr, 0, opt) call setwinvar(winid, 'delta', -1) let winhl = 'Normal:'.a:hlgroup.',Search:' call s:nvim_add_related(winid, a:winid, 'border', winhl, a:related) endif endfunction " neovim only function! coc#float#nvim_close_btn(config, winid, border, hlgroup, related) abort let winid = coc#float#get_related(a:winid, 'close') let config = { \ 'relative': a:config['relative'], \ 'width': 1, \ 'height': 1, \ 'row': get(a:border, 0, 0) ? a:config['row'] - 1 : a:config['row'], \ 'col': a:config['col'] + a:config['width'], \ 'focusable': v:true, \ 'style': 'minimal', \ } if has('nvim-0.5.1') let config['zindex'] = 300 endif if winid call nvim_win_set_config(winid, coc#dict#pick(config, ['relative', 'row', 'col'])) else let bufnr = coc#float#create_buf(0, ['X']) noa let winid = nvim_open_win(bufnr, 0, config) let winhl = 'Normal:'.a:hlgroup.',Search:' call s:nvim_add_related(winid, a:winid, 'close', winhl, a:related) endif endfunction " Create padding window by config of current window & border config function! coc#float#nvim_right_pad(config, winid, shadow, related) abort let winid = coc#float#get_related(a:winid, 'pad') let config = { \ 'relative': a:config['relative'], \ 'width': 1, \ 'height': a:config['height'], \ 'row': a:config['row'], \ 'col': a:config['col'] + a:config['width'], \ 'focusable': v:false, \ 'style': 'minimal', \ } if has('nvim-0.5.1') let config['zindex'] = 300 endif if has('nvim-0.5.0') && a:shadow let config['border'] = 'shadow' endif if winid && nvim_win_is_valid(winid) if has('nvim-0.5.0') call nvim_win_set_config(winid, coc#dict#pick(config, ['relative', 'row', 'col'])) call nvim_win_set_height(winid, config['height']) return endif noa call nvim_win_close(winid, 1) endif let s:pad_bufnr = bufloaded(s:pad_bufnr) ? s:pad_bufnr : coc#float#create_buf(0, repeat([''], &lines), 'hide') noa let winid = nvim_open_win(s:pad_bufnr, 0, config) call s:nvim_add_related(winid, a:winid, 'pad', '', a:related) endfunction " draw buttons window for window with config function! coc#float#nvim_buttons(config, winid, buttons, getchar, borderbottom, pad, borderhighlight, shadow, related) abort let winid = coc#float#get_related(a:winid, 'buttons') let width = a:config['width'] + (a:pad ? 1 : 0) let config = { \ 'row': a:config['row'] + a:config['height'], \ 'col': a:config['col'], \ 'width': width, \ 'height': 2 + (a:borderbottom ? 1 : 0), \ 'relative': a:config['relative'], \ 'focusable': 1, \ 'style': 'minimal', \ } if has('nvim-0.5.1') let config['zindex'] = 300 if a:shadow let config['border'] = 'shadow' endif endif if winid let bufnr = winbufnr(winid) call s:create_btns_buffer(bufnr, width, a:buttons, a:borderbottom) call nvim_win_set_config(winid, config) else let bufnr = s:create_btns_buffer(0, width, a:buttons, a:borderbottom) noa let winid = nvim_open_win(bufnr, 0, config) if winid call s:nvim_add_related(winid, a:winid, 'buttons', '', a:related) call s:nvim_create_keymap(winid) endif endif if bufnr call nvim_buf_clear_namespace(bufnr, -1, 0, -1) call nvim_buf_add_highlight(bufnr, 1, a:borderhighlight, 0, 0, -1) if a:borderbottom call nvim_buf_add_highlight(bufnr, 1, a:borderhighlight, 2, 0, -1) endif let vcols = getbufvar(bufnr, 'vcols', []) " TODO need change vol to col for col in vcols call nvim_buf_add_highlight(bufnr, 1, a:borderhighlight, 1, col, col + 3) endfor if a:getchar let keys = s:gen_filter_keys(getbufline(bufnr, 2)[0]) call matchaddpos('MoreMsg', map(keys[0], "[2,v:val]"), 99, -1, {'window': winid}) call timer_start(10, {-> coc#float#getchar(winid, keys[1])}) endif endif endfunction function! coc#float#getchar(winid, keys) abort let ch = coc#prompt#getc() let target = getwinvar(a:winid, 'target_winid', 0) if ch ==# "\" call coc#float#close(target) return endif if ch ==# "\" if getwinvar(v:mouse_winid, 'kind', '') ==# 'close' call coc#float#close(target) return endif if v:mouse_winid == a:winid && v:mouse_lnum == 2 let vcols = getbufvar(winbufnr(a:winid), 'vcols', []) let col = v:mouse_col - 1 if index(vcols, col) < 0 let filtered = filter(vcols, 'v:val < col') call coc#rpc#notify('FloatBtnClick', [winbufnr(target), len(filtered)]) call coc#float#close(target) return endif endif else let idx = index(a:keys, ch) if idx >= 0 call coc#rpc#notify('FloatBtnClick', [winbufnr(target), idx]) call coc#float#close(target) return endif endif call coc#float#getchar(a:winid, a:keys) endfunction " Create or refresh scrollbar for winid " Need called on create, config, buffer change, scrolled function! coc#float#nvim_scrollbar(winid) abort if s:is_vim return endif let winids = nvim_tabpage_list_wins(nvim_get_current_tabpage()) if index(winids, a:winid) == -1 return endif let config = nvim_win_get_config(a:winid) let [row, column] = nvim_win_get_position(a:winid) let relative = 'editor' if row == 0 && column == 0 " fix bad value when ext_multigrid is enabled. let [row, column] = [config.row, config.col] let relative = config.relative endif let width = nvim_win_get_width(a:winid) let height = nvim_win_get_height(a:winid) let bufnr = winbufnr(a:winid) let cw = getwinvar(a:winid, '&foldcolumn', 0) ? width - 1 : width let ch = coc#float#content_height(bufnr, cw, getwinvar(a:winid, '&wrap')) let closewin = coc#float#get_related(a:winid, 'close') let border = getwinvar(a:winid, 'border', []) let scrollinside = getwinvar(a:winid, 'scrollinside', 0) && get(border, 1, 0) let winblend = getwinvar(a:winid, '&winblend', 0) let move_down = closewin && !get(border, 0, 0) let id = coc#float#get_related(a:winid, 'scrollbar') if ch <= height || height <= 1 " no scrollbar, remove exists if id call s:close_win(id, 1) endif return endif if move_down let height = height - 1 endif call coc#float#close_related(a:winid, 'pad') let sbuf = id ? winbufnr(id) : 0 let sbuf = coc#float#create_buf(sbuf, repeat([' '], height)) let opts = { \ 'row': move_down ? row + 1 : row, \ 'col': column + width - scrollinside, \ 'relative': relative, \ 'width': 1, \ 'height': height, \ 'focusable': v:false, \ 'style': 'minimal', \ } if has('nvim-0.5.1') let opts['zindex'] = get(config, 'zindex', 50) endif if has('nvim-0.5.0') && s:has_shadow(config) let opts['border'] = 'shadow' endif if id call nvim_win_set_config(id, opts) else noa let id = nvim_open_win(sbuf, 0 , opts) if id == 0 return endif if winblend call setwinvar(id, '&winblend', winblend) endif call setwinvar(id, 'kind', 'scrollbar') call setwinvar(id, 'target_winid', a:winid) call coc#float#add_related(id, a:winid) endif if !scrollinside call coc#float#nvim_scroll_adjust(a:winid) endif let thumb_height = max([1, float2nr(floor(height * (height + 0.0)/ch))]) let wininfo = getwininfo(a:winid)[0] let start = 0 if wininfo['topline'] != 1 " needed for correct getwininfo let firstline = wininfo['topline'] let lastline = s:nvim_get_botline(firstline, height, cw, bufnr) let linecount = nvim_buf_line_count(winbufnr(a:winid)) if lastline >= linecount let start = height - thumb_height else let start = max([1, float2nr(round((height - thumb_height + 0.0)*(firstline - 1.0)/(ch - height)))]) endif endif " add highlights call nvim_buf_clear_namespace(sbuf, -1, 0, -1) for idx in range(0, height - 1) if idx >= start && idx < start + thumb_height call nvim_buf_add_highlight(sbuf, -1, 'CocFloatThumb', idx, 0, 1) else call nvim_buf_add_highlight(sbuf, -1, 'CocFloatSbar', idx, 0, 1) endif endfor endfunction function! coc#float#create_border_lines(border, borderchars, title, width, height, hasbtn) abort let borderchars = a:borderchars let list = [] if a:border[0] let top = (a:border[3] ? borderchars[4]: '') \.repeat(borderchars[0], a:width) \.(a:border[1] ? borderchars[5] : '') if !empty(a:title) let top = coc#string#compose(top, 1, a:title.' ') endif call add(list, top) endif let mid = (a:border[3] ? borderchars[3]: '') \.repeat(' ', a:width) \.(a:border[1] ? borderchars[1] : '') call extend(list, repeat([mid], a:height + (a:hasbtn ? 2 : 0))) if a:hasbtn let list[len(list) - 2] = (a:border[3] ? s:borderjoinchars[3]: '') \.repeat(' ', a:width) \.(a:border[1] ? s:borderjoinchars[1] : '') endif if a:border[2] let bot = (a:border[3] ? borderchars[7]: '') \.repeat(borderchars[2], a:width) \.(a:border[1] ? borderchars[6] : '') call add(list, bot) endif return list endfunction " Close float window by id function! coc#float#close(winid, ...) abort let noautocmd = get(a:, 1, 0) call coc#float#close_related(a:winid) call s:close_win(a:winid, noautocmd) return 1 endfunction " Get visible float windows function! coc#float#get_float_win_list(...) abort let res = [] let list_all = get(a:, 1, 0) if s:is_vim if s:popup_list_api return filter(popup_list(), 'popup_getpos(v:val)["visible"]'.(list_all ? '' : '&& getwinvar(v:val, "float", 0)')) endif return filter(s:popup_list, 's:popup_visible(v:val)') else let res = [] for i in range(1, winnr('$')) let id = win_getid(i) let config = nvim_win_get_config(id) if empty(config) || empty(config['relative']) continue endif " ignore border & button window & others if list_all == 0 && !getwinvar(id, 'float', 0) continue endif call add(res, id) endfor return res endif return [] endfunction function! coc#float#get_float_by_kind(kind) abort if s:is_vim if s:popup_list_api return get(filter(popup_list(), 'popup_getpos(v:val)["visible"] && getwinvar(v:val, "kind", "") ==# "'.a:kind.'"'), 0, 0) endif return get(filter(s:popup_list, 's:popup_visible(v:val) && getwinvar(v:val, "kind", "") ==# "'.a:kind.'"'), 0, 0) else let res = [] for i in range(1, winnr('$')) let winid = win_getid(i) let config = nvim_win_get_config(winid) if !empty(config['relative']) && getwinvar(winid, 'kind', '') ==# a:kind return winid endif endfor endif return 0 endfunction " Check if a float window is scrollable function! coc#float#scrollable(winid) abort let bufnr = winbufnr(a:winid) if bufnr == -1 return 0 endif if s:is_vim let pos = popup_getpos(a:winid) if get(pos, 'scrollbar', 0) return 1 endif let ch = coc#float#content_height(bufnr, pos['core_width'], getwinvar(a:winid, '&wrap')) return ch > pos['core_height'] else let height = nvim_win_get_height(a:winid) let width = nvim_win_get_width(a:winid) if width > 1 && getwinvar(a:winid, '&foldcolumn', 0) " since we use foldcolumn for left padding let width = width - 1 endif let ch = coc#float#content_height(bufnr, width, getwinvar(a:winid, '&wrap')) return ch > height endif endfunction function! coc#float#has_scroll() abort let win_ids = filter(coc#float#get_float_win_list(), 'coc#float#scrollable(v:val)') return !empty(win_ids) endfunction function! coc#float#scroll(forward, ...) if !has('nvim-0.4.0') && !has('patch-8.2.0750') throw 'coc#float#scroll() requires nvim >= 0.4.0 or vim >= 8.2.0750' endif let amount = get(a:, 1, 0) let winids = filter(coc#float#get_float_win_list(), 'coc#float#scrollable(v:val) && getwinvar(v:val,"kind","") !=# "pum"') if empty(winids) return mode() =~ '^i' || mode() ==# 'v' ? "" : "\" endif for winid in winids call s:scroll_win(winid, a:forward, amount) endfor return mode() =~ '^i' || mode() ==# 'v' ? "" : "\" endfunction function! coc#float#scroll_win(winid, forward, amount) abort let opts = s:get_options(a:winid) let lines = getbufline(winbufnr(a:winid), 1, '$') let maxfirst = s:max_firstline(lines, opts['height'], opts['width']) let topline = opts['topline'] let height = opts['height'] let width = opts['width'] let scrolloff = getwinvar(a:winid, '&scrolloff', 0) if a:forward && topline >= maxfirst return endif if !a:forward && topline == 1 return endif if a:amount == 0 let topline = s:get_topline(opts['topline'], lines, a:forward, height, width) else let topline = topline + (a:forward ? a:amount : - a:amount) endif let topline = a:forward ? min([maxfirst, topline]) : max([1, topline]) let lnum = s:get_cursorline(topline, lines, scrolloff, width, height) call s:win_setview(a:winid, topline, lnum) let top = s:get_options(a:winid)['topline'] " not changed if top == opts['topline'] if a:forward call s:win_setview(a:winid, topline + 1, lnum + 1) else call s:win_setview(a:winid, topline - 1, lnum - 1) endif endif endfunction function! coc#float#content_height(bufnr, width, wrap) abort if !bufloaded(a:bufnr) return 0 endif if !a:wrap return coc#compat#buf_line_count(a:bufnr) endif let lines = has('nvim') ? nvim_buf_get_lines(a:bufnr, 0, -1, 0) : getbufline(a:bufnr, 1, '$') return coc#string#content_height(lines, a:width) endfunction function! coc#float#nvim_refresh_scrollbar(winid) abort let id = coc#float#get_related(a:winid, 'scrollbar') if id && nvim_win_is_valid(id) call coc#float#nvim_scrollbar(a:winid) endif endfunction function! coc#float#on_close(winid) abort let winids = coc#float#get_float_win_list() for winid in winids let target = getwinvar(winid, 'target_winid', -1) if target == a:winid call coc#float#close(winid) endif endfor endfunction " Close related windows, or specific kind function! coc#float#close_related(winid, ...) abort if !coc#float#valid(a:winid) return endif let timer = coc#window#get_var(a:winid, 'timer', 0) if timer call timer_stop(timer) endif let kind = get(a:, 1, '') let winids = coc#window#get_var(a:winid, 'related', []) for id in winids let curr = coc#window#get_var(id, 'kind', '') if empty(kind) || curr ==# kind if curr == 'list' call coc#float#close(id, 1) elseif s:is_vim " vim doesn't throw noa call popup_close(id) else silent! noa call nvim_win_close(id, 1) endif endif endfor endfunction " Close related windows if target window is not visible. function! coc#float#check_related() abort let invalids = [] let ids = coc#float#get_float_win_list(1) for id in ids let target = getwinvar(id, 'target_winid', 0) if target && index(ids, target) == -1 call add(invalids, id) endif endfor if s:is_vim && !s:popup_list_api let s:popup_list = filter(ids, "index(invalids, v:val) == -1") endif for id in invalids call coc#float#close(id) endfor endfunction " Show float window/popup for user confirm. " Create buttons popup on vim function! coc#float#vim_buttons(winid, config) abort if !has('patch-8.2.0750') return endif let related = getwinvar(a:winid, 'related', []) let winid = coc#float#get_related(a:winid, 'buttons') let btns = get(a:config, 'buttons', []) if empty(btns) if winid call s:close_win(winid, 1) " fix padding let opts = popup_getoptions(a:winid) let padding = get(opts, 'padding', v:null) if !empty(padding) let padding[2] = padding[2] - 2 endif call popup_setoptions(a:winid, {'padding': padding}) endif return endif let border = get(a:config, 'border', v:null) if !winid " adjusting popup padding let opts = popup_getoptions(a:winid) let padding = get(opts, 'padding', v:null) if type(padding) == 7 let padding = [0, 0, 2, 0] elseif len(padding) == 0 let padding = [1, 1, 3, 1] else let padding[2] = padding[2] + 2 endif call popup_setoptions(a:winid, {'padding': padding}) endif let borderhighlight = get(get(a:config, 'borderhighlight', []), 0, '') let pos = popup_getpos(a:winid) let bw = empty(border) ? 0 : get(border, 1, 0) + get(border, 3, 0) let borderbottom = empty(border) ? 0 : get(border, 2, 0) let borderleft = empty(border) ? 0 : get(border, 3, 0) let width = pos['width'] - bw + get(pos, 'scrollbar', 0) let bufnr = s:create_btns_buffer(winid ? winbufnr(winid): 0,width, btns, borderbottom) let height = 2 + (borderbottom ? 1 : 0) let keys = s:gen_filter_keys(getbufline(bufnr, 2)[0]) let options = { \ 'filter': {id, key -> coc#float#vim_filter(id, key, keys[1])}, \ 'highlight': get(opts, 'highlight', 'CocFloating') \ } let config = { \ 'line': pos['line'] + pos['height'] - height, \ 'col': pos['col'] + borderleft, \ 'minwidth': width, \ 'minheight': height, \ 'maxwidth': width, \ 'maxheight': height, \ } if winid != 0 call popup_move(winid, config) call popup_setoptions(winid, options) call win_execute(winid, 'call clearmatches()') else let options = extend({ \ 'filtermode': 'nvi', \ 'padding': [0, 0, 0, 0], \ 'fixed': 1, \ 'zindex': 99, \ }, options) call extend(options, config) let winid = popup_create(bufnr, options) if !s:popup_list_api call add(s:popup_list, winid) endif endif if winid != 0 if !empty(borderhighlight) call coc#highlight#add_highlight(bufnr, -1, borderhighlight, 0, 0, -1) call coc#highlight#add_highlight(bufnr, -1, borderhighlight, 2, 0, -1) call win_execute(winid, 'call matchadd("'.borderhighlight.'", "'.s:borderchars[1].'")') endif call setwinvar(winid, 'kind', 'buttons') call setwinvar(winid, 'target_winid', a:winid) call add(related, winid) call setwinvar(a:winid, 'related', related) call matchaddpos('MoreMsg', map(keys[0], "[2,v:val]"), 99, -1, {'window': winid}) endif endfunction function! coc#float#nvim_float_click() abort let kind = getwinvar(win_getid(), 'kind', '') if kind == 'buttons' if line('.') != 2 return endif let vw = strdisplaywidth(strpart(getline('.'), 0, col('.') - 1)) let vcols = getbufvar(bufnr('%'), 'vcols', []) if index(vcols, vw) >= 0 return endif let idx = 0 if !empty(vcols) let filtered = filter(vcols, 'v:val < vw') let idx = idx + len(filtered) endif let winid = win_getid() let target = getwinvar(winid, 'target_winid', 0) if target call coc#rpc#notify('FloatBtnClick', [winbufnr(target), idx]) call coc#float#close(target) endif elseif kind == 'close' let target = getwinvar(win_getid(), 'target_winid', 0) call coc#float#close(target) endif endfunction " Add mapping if necessary function! coc#float#nvim_win_enter(winid) abort let kind = getwinvar(a:winid, 'kind', '') if kind == 'buttons' || kind == 'close' if empty(maparg('', 'n')) nnoremap :call coc#float#nvim_float_click() endif endif endfunction function! coc#float#vim_filter(winid, key, keys) abort let key = tolower(a:key) let idx = index(a:keys, key) let target = getwinvar(a:winid, 'target_winid', 0) if target && idx >= 0 call coc#rpc#notify('FloatBtnClick', [winbufnr(target), idx]) call coc#float#close(target) return 1 endif return 0 endfunction function! coc#float#get_related(winid, kind, ...) abort if coc#float#valid(a:winid) for winid in coc#window#get_var(a:winid, 'related', []) if coc#window#get_var(winid, 'kind', '') ==# a:kind return winid endif endfor endif return get(a:, 1, 0) endfunction function! coc#float#get_row(winid) abort let winid = s:is_vim ? a:winid : coc#float#get_related(a:winid, 'border', a:winid) if coc#float#valid(winid) if s:is_vim let pos = popup_getpos(winid) return pos['line'] - 1 endif let pos = nvim_win_get_position(winid) return pos[0] endif endfunction " Create temporarily buffer with optional lines and &bufhidden function! coc#float#create_buf(bufnr, ...) abort if a:bufnr > 0 && bufloaded(a:bufnr) let bufnr = a:bufnr else if s:is_vim noa let bufnr = bufadd('') noa call bufload(bufnr) call setbufvar(bufnr, '&buflisted', 0) else noa let bufnr = nvim_create_buf(v:false, v:true) endif let bufhidden = get(a:, 2, 'wipe') call setbufvar(bufnr, '&buftype', 'nofile') call setbufvar(bufnr, '&bufhidden', bufhidden) call setbufvar(bufnr, '&swapfile', 0) call setbufvar(bufnr, '&undolevels', -1) " neovim's bug call setbufvar(bufnr, '&modifiable', 1) endif let lines = get(a:, 1, v:null) if type(lines) == v:t_list if has('nvim') call nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, v:false, lines) else silent noa call setbufline(bufnr, 1, lines) silent noa call deletebufline(bufnr, len(lines) + 1, '$') endif endif return bufnr endfunction " Change border window & close window when scrollbar is shown. function! coc#float#nvim_scroll_adjust(winid) abort let winid = coc#float#get_related(a:winid, 'border') if !winid return endif let bufnr = winbufnr(winid) let lines = nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, 0) if len(lines) >= 2 let cw = nvim_win_get_width(a:winid) let width = nvim_win_get_width(winid) if width - cw != 1 + (strcharpart(lines[1], 0, 1) ==# s:borderchars[3] ? 1 : 0) return endif call nvim_win_set_width(winid, width + 1) let lastline = len(lines) - 1 for i in range(0, lastline) let line = lines[i] if i == 0 let add = s:borderchars[0] elseif i == lastline let add = s:borderchars[2] else let add = ' ' endif let prev = strcharpart(line, 0, strchars(line) - 1) let lines[i] = prev . add . coc#string#last_character(line) endfor call nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, 0, lines) " Move right close button if coc#window#get_var(a:winid, 'right', 0) == 0 let id = coc#float#get_related(a:winid, 'close') if id let [row, col] = nvim_win_get_position(id) call nvim_win_set_config(id, { \ 'relative': 'editor', \ 'row': row, \ 'col': col + 1, \ }) endif elseif has('nvim-0.6.0') " Move winid and all related left by 1 let winids = [a:winid] + coc#window#get_var(a:winid, 'related', []) for winid in winids if nvim_win_is_valid(winid) if coc#window#get_var(winid, 'kind', '') != 'close' let config = nvim_win_get_config(winid) let [row, column] = [config.row, config.col] call nvim_win_set_config(winid, { \ 'row': row, \ 'col': column - 1, \ 'relative': 'editor', \ }) endif endif endfor endif endif endfunction function! coc#float#nvim_set_winblend(winid, winblend) abort if a:winblend is v:null return endif call coc#window#set_var(a:winid, '&winblend', a:winblend) for winid in coc#window#get_var(a:winid, 'related', []) call coc#window#set_var(winid, '&winblend', a:winblend) endfor endfunction function! s:popup_visible(id) abort let pos = popup_getpos(a:id) if !empty(pos) && get(pos, 'visible', 0) return 1 endif return 0 endfunction function! s:convert_config_nvim(config, create) abort let valids = ['relative', 'win', 'anchor', 'width', 'height', 'bufpos', 'col', 'row', 'focusable'] let result = coc#dict#pick(a:config, valids) let border = get(a:config, 'border', []) if !s:empty_border(border) if result['relative'] ==# 'cursor' && result['row'] < 0 " move top when has bottom border if get(border, 2, 0) let result['row'] = result['row'] - 1 endif else " move down when has top border if get(border, 0, 0) && !get(a:config, 'prompt', 0) let result['row'] = result['row'] + 1 endif endif " move right when has left border if get(border, 3, 0) let result['col'] = result['col'] + 1 endif let result['width'] = float2nr(result['width'] + 1 - get(border,3, 0)) else let result['width'] = float2nr(result['width'] + (get(a:config, 'nopad', 0) ? 0 : 1)) endif if has('nvim-0.5.1') && a:create let result['noautocmd'] = v:true endif let result['height'] = float2nr(result['height']) return result endfunction function! s:create_btns_buffer(bufnr, width, buttons, borderbottom) abort let n = len(a:buttons) let spaces = a:width - n + 1 let tw = 0 for txt in a:buttons let tw += strdisplaywidth(txt) endfor if spaces < tw throw 'window is too small for buttons.' endif let ds = (spaces - tw)/n let dl = ds/2 let dr = ds%2 == 0 ? ds/2 : ds/2 + 1 let btnline = '' let idxes = [] for idx in range(0, n - 1) let txt = toupper(a:buttons[idx][0]).a:buttons[idx][1:] let btnline .= repeat(' ', dl).txt.repeat(' ', dr) if idx != n - 1 call add(idxes, strdisplaywidth(btnline)) let btnline .= s:borderchars[1] endif endfor let lines = [repeat(s:borderchars[0], a:width), btnline] if a:borderbottom call add(lines, repeat(s:borderchars[0], a:width)) endif for idx in idxes let lines[0] = strcharpart(lines[0], 0, idx).s:borderjoinchars[0].strcharpart(lines[0], idx + 1) if a:borderbottom let lines[2] = strcharpart(lines[0], 0, idx).s:borderjoinchars[2].strcharpart(lines[0], idx + 1) endif endfor let bufnr = coc#float#create_buf(a:bufnr, lines) call setbufvar(bufnr, 'vcols', idxes) return bufnr endfunction function! s:gen_filter_keys(line) abort let cols = [] let used = [] let next = 1 for idx in range(0, strchars(a:line) - 1) let ch = strcharpart(a:line, idx, 1) let nr = char2nr(ch) if next if (nr >= 65 && nr <= 90) || (nr >= 97 && nr <= 122) let lc = tolower(ch) if index(used, lc) < 0 && (!s:is_vim || empty(maparg(lc, 'n'))) let col = len(strcharpart(a:line, 0, idx)) + 1 call add(used, lc) call add(cols, col) let next = 0 endif endif else if ch == s:borderchars[1] let next = 1 endif endif endfor return [cols, used] endfunction function! s:close_win(winid, noautocmd) abort if a:winid <= 0 return endif " vim not throw for none exists winid if s:is_vim call popup_close(a:winid) else if nvim_win_is_valid(a:winid) if a:noautocmd noa call nvim_win_close(a:winid, 1) else call nvim_win_close(a:winid, 1) endif endif endif endfunction function! s:nvim_create_keymap(winid) abort if exists('*nvim_buf_set_keymap') let bufnr = winbufnr(a:winid) call nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, 'n', '', ':call coc#float#nvim_float_click()', { \ 'silent': v:true, \ 'nowait': v:true \ }) else let curr = win_getid() let m = mode() if m == 'n' || m == 'i' || m == 'ic' noa call win_gotoid(a:winid) nnoremap :call coc#float#nvim_float_click() noa call win_gotoid(curr) endif endif endfunction " getwininfo is buggy on neovim, use topline, width & height should for content function! s:nvim_get_botline(topline, height, width, bufnr) abort let lines = getbufline(a:bufnr, a:topline, a:topline + a:height - 1) let botline = a:topline let count = 0 for i in range(0, len(lines) - 1) let w = max([1, strdisplaywidth(lines[i])]) let lh = float2nr(ceil(str2float(string(w))/a:width)) let count = count + lh let botline = a:topline + i if count >= a:height break endif endfor return botline endfunction " get popup position for vim8 based on config of neovim float window function! s:popup_position(config) abort let relative = get(a:config, 'relative', 'editor') let border = get(a:config, 'border', [0, 0, 0, 0]) let delta = get(border, 0, 0) + get(border, 2, 0) if relative ==# 'cursor' if a:config['row'] < 0 let delta = - delta elseif a:config['row'] == 0 let delta = - get(border, 0, 0) else let delta = 0 endif return [s:popup_cursor(a:config['row'] + delta), s:popup_cursor(a:config['col'])] endif return [a:config['row'] + 1, a:config['col'] + 1] endfunction function! coc#float#add_related(winid, target) abort let arr = coc#window#get_var(a:target, 'related', []) if index(arr, a:winid) >= 0 return endif call add(arr, a:winid) call coc#window#set_var(a:target, 'related', arr) endfunction function! s:popup_cursor(n) abort if a:n == 0 return 'cursor' endif if a:n < 0 return 'cursor'.a:n endif return 'cursor+'.a:n endfunction " max firstline of lines, height > 0, width > 0 function! s:max_firstline(lines, height, width) abort let max = len(a:lines) let remain = a:height for line in reverse(copy(a:lines)) let w = max([1, strdisplaywidth(line)]) let dh = float2nr(ceil(str2float(string(w))/a:width)) if remain - dh < 0 break endif let remain = remain - dh let max = max - 1 endfor return min([len(a:lines), max + 1]) endfunction " Get best lnum by topline function! s:get_cursorline(topline, lines, scrolloff, width, height) abort let lastline = len(a:lines) if a:topline == lastline return lastline endif let bottomline = a:topline let used = 0 for lnum in range(a:topline, lastline) let w = max([1, strdisplaywidth(a:lines[lnum - 1])]) let dh = float2nr(ceil(str2float(string(w))/a:width)) if used + dh >= a:height || lnum == lastline let bottomline = lnum break endif let used += dh endfor let cursorline = a:topline + a:scrolloff if cursorline + a:scrolloff > bottomline " unable to satisfy scrolloff let cursorline = (a:topline + bottomline)/2 endif return cursorline endfunction " Get firstline for full scroll function! s:get_topline(topline, lines, forward, height, width) abort let used = 0 let lnums = a:forward ? range(a:topline, len(a:lines)) : reverse(range(1, a:topline)) let topline = a:forward ? len(a:lines) : 1 for lnum in lnums let w = max([1, strdisplaywidth(a:lines[lnum - 1])]) let dh = float2nr(ceil(str2float(string(w))/a:width)) if used + dh >= a:height let topline = lnum break endif let used += dh endfor if topline == a:topline if a:forward let topline = min([len(a:lines), topline + 1]) else let topline = max([1, topline - 1]) endif endif return topline endfunction " topline content_height content_width function! s:get_options(winid) abort if has('nvim') let width = nvim_win_get_width(a:winid) if coc#window#get_var(a:winid, '&foldcolumn', 0) let width = width - 1 endif let info = getwininfo(a:winid)[0] return { \ 'topline': info['topline'], \ 'height': nvim_win_get_height(a:winid), \ 'width': width \ } else let pos = popup_getpos(a:winid) return { \ 'topline': pos['firstline'], \ 'width': pos['core_width'], \ 'height': pos['core_height'] \ } endif endfunction function! s:win_setview(winid, topline, lnum) abort if has('nvim') call coc#compat#execute(a:winid, 'call winrestview({"lnum":'.a:lnum.',"topline":'.a:topline.'})') call timer_start(10, { -> coc#float#nvim_refresh_scrollbar(a:winid) }) else call coc#compat#execute(a:winid, 'exe '.a:lnum) call popup_setoptions(a:winid, { \ 'firstline': a:topline, \ }) endif endfunction function! s:set_float_defaults(winid, config) abort if !s:is_vim let hlgroup = get(a:config, 'highlight', 'CocFloating') call setwinvar(a:winid, '&winhl', 'Normal:'.hlgroup.',FoldColumn:'.hlgroup.',Search:') call setwinvar(a:winid, 'border', get(a:config, 'border', [])) call setwinvar(a:winid, 'scrollinside', get(a:config, 'scrollinside', 0)) call setwinvar(a:winid, '&foldcolumn', s:nvim_get_foldcolumn(a:config)) call setwinvar(a:winid, '&signcolumn', 'no') call setwinvar(a:winid, '&cursorcolumn', 0) else call setwinvar(a:winid, '&foldcolumn', 0) endif if !s:is_vim || !has("patch-8.2.3100") call setwinvar(a:winid, '&number', 0) call setwinvar(a:winid, '&relativenumber', 0) call setwinvar(a:winid, '&cursorline', 0) endif call setwinvar(a:winid, '&foldenable', 0) call setwinvar(a:winid, '&colorcolumn', '') call setwinvar(a:winid, '&spell', 0) call setwinvar(a:winid, '&linebreak', 1) call setwinvar(a:winid, '&conceallevel', 0) call setwinvar(a:winid, '&list', 0) call setwinvar(a:winid, '&wrap', !get(a:config, 'cursorline', 0)) if s:is_vim || has('nvim-0.5.0') call setwinvar(a:winid, '&scrolloff', 0) endif if has('nvim-0.6.0') || has("patch-8.1.2281") call setwinvar(a:winid, '&showbreak', 'NONE') endif if exists('*win_execute') call win_execute(a:winid, 'setl fillchars+=eob:\ ') endif if get(a:config, 'autohide', 0) call setwinvar(a:winid, 'autohide', 1) endif call setwinvar(a:winid, 'float', 1) endfunction function! s:nvim_add_related(winid, target, kind, winhl, related) abort if a:winid <= 0 return endif " minimal not work if !has('nvim-0.4.3') call setwinvar(a:winid, '&colorcolumn', '') call setwinvar(a:winid, '&number', 0) call setwinvar(a:winid, '&relativenumber', 0) call setwinvar(a:winid, '&foldcolumn', 0) call setwinvar(a:winid, '&signcolumn', 0) call setwinvar(a:winid, '&list', 0) endif let winhl = empty(a:winhl) ? coc#window#get_var(a:target, '&winhl', '') : a:winhl call setwinvar(a:winid, '&winhl', winhl) call setwinvar(a:winid, 'target_winid', a:target) call setwinvar(a:winid, 'kind', a:kind) call add(a:related, a:winid) endfunction function! s:nvim_get_foldcolumn(config) abort let nopad = get(a:config, 'nopad', 0) if nopad return 0 endif let border = get(a:config, 'border', v:null) if border is 1 || (type(border) == v:t_list && get(border, 3, 0) == 1) return 0 endif return 1 endfunction function! s:add_highlights(winid, config, create) abort let codes = get(a:config, 'codes', []) let highlights = get(a:config, 'highlights', []) if empty(codes) && empty(highlights) && a:create return endif let bgGroup = get(a:config, 'highlight', 'CocFloating') for obj in codes let hlGroup = get(obj, 'hlGroup', v:null) if !empty(hlGroup) let obj['hlGroup'] = coc#highlight#compose_hlgroup(hlGroup, bgGroup) endif endfor call coc#highlight#add_highlights(a:winid, codes, highlights) endfunction function! s:empty_border(border) abort if empty(a:border) || empty(filter(copy(a:border), 'v:val != 0')) return 1 endif return 0 endfunction function! s:get_borderchars(config) abort let borderchars = get(a:config, 'borderchars', []) if !empty(borderchars) return borderchars endif return get(a:config, 'rounded', 0) ? s:rounded_borderchars : s:borderchars endfunction function! s:scroll_win(winid, forward, amount) abort if s:is_vim call coc#float#scroll_win(a:winid, a:forward, a:amount) else call timer_start(0, { -> coc#float#scroll_win(a:winid, a:forward, a:amount)}) endif endfunction function! s:get_borderhighlight(config) abort let hlgroup = get(a:config, 'highlight', 'CocFloating') let borderhighlight = get(a:config, 'borderhighlight', v:null) if empty(borderhighlight) return hlgroup endif let highlight = type(borderhighlight) == 3 ? borderhighlight[0] : borderhighlight return coc#highlight#compose_hlgroup(highlight, hlgroup) endfunction function! s:has_shadow(config) abort let border = get(a:config, 'border', []) let filtered = filter(copy(border), 'type(v:val) == 3 && get(v:val, 1, "") ==# "FloatShadow"') return len(filtered) > 0 endfunction