scriptencoding utf-8 let s:is_vim = !has('nvim') let s:prefix = '[List Preview]' let s:sign_group = 'CocList' " filetype detect could be slow. let s:filetype_map = { \ 'c': 'c', \ 'py': 'python', \ 'vim': 'vim', \ 'ts': 'typescript', \ 'js': 'javascript', \ 'html': 'html', \ 'css': 'css' \ } function! coc#list#getchar() abort return coc#prompt#getchar() endfunction function! coc#list#setlines(bufnr, lines, append) if a:append silent call appendbufline(a:bufnr, '$', a:lines) else if exists('*deletebufline') silent call deletebufline(a:bufnr, len(a:lines) + 1, '$') else let n = len(a:lines) + 1 let saved_reg = @" silent execute n.',$d' let @" = saved_reg endif silent call setbufline(a:bufnr, 1, a:lines) endif endfunction function! coc#list#options(...) let list = ['--top', '--tab', '--normal', '--no-sort', '--input', '--strict', \ '--regex', '--interactive', '--number-select', '--auto-preview', \ '--ignore-case', '--no-quit', '--first', '--reverse'] if get(g:, 'coc_enabled', 0) let names = coc#rpc#request('listNames', []) call extend(list, names) endif return join(list, "\n") endfunction function! coc#list#names(...) abort let names = coc#rpc#request('listNames', []) return join(names, "\n") endfunction function! coc#list#status(name) if !exists('b:list_status') | return '' | endif return get(b:list_status, a:name, '') endfunction function! coc#list#create(position, height, name, numberSelect) if a:position ==# 'tab' execute 'silent tabe list:///'.a:name else execute 'silent keepalt '.(a:position ==# 'top' ? '' : 'botright').a:height.'sp list:///'.a:name execute 'resize '.a:height endif if a:numberSelect setl norelativenumber setl number else setl nonumber setl norelativenumber endif return [bufnr('%'), win_getid(), tabpagenr()] endfunction " close list windows function! coc#list#clean_up() abort for i in range(1, winnr('$')) let bufname = bufname(winbufnr(i)) if bufname =~# 'list://' execute i.'close!' endif endfor endfunction function! coc#list#setup(source) let b:list_status = {} setl buftype=nofile nobuflisted nofen nowrap setl norelativenumber bufhidden=wipe nocursorline winfixheight setl tabstop=1 nolist nocursorcolumn undolevels=-1 setl signcolumn=auto if has('nvim-0.5.0') || has('patch-8.1.0864') setl scrolloff=0 endif setl filetype=list syntax case ignore let source = a:source[8:] let name = toupper(source[0]).source[1:] execute 'syntax match Coc'.name.'Line /\v^.*$/' if !s:is_vim " Repeat press and would invoke on vim nnoremap c endif endfunction function! coc#list#select(bufnr, line) abort if !empty(a:bufnr) && bufloaded(a:bufnr) call sign_unplace(s:sign_group, { 'buffer': a:bufnr }) if a:line > 0 call sign_place(6, s:sign_group, 'CocListCurrent', a:bufnr, {'lnum': a:line}) endif endif endfunction " Check if previewwindow exists on current tab. function! coc#list#has_preview() for i in range(1, winnr('$')) let preview = getwinvar(i, 'previewwindow', getwinvar(i, '&previewwindow', 0)) if preview return i endif endfor return 0 endfunction " Get previewwindow from tabnr, use 0 for current tab function! coc#list#get_preview(...) abort let tabnr = get(a:, 1, 0) == 0 ? tabpagenr() : a:1 let info = gettabinfo(tabnr) if !empty(info) for win in info[0]['windows'] if gettabwinvar(tabnr, win, 'previewwindow', 0) return win endif endfor endif return -1 endfunction function! coc#list#scroll_preview(dir) abort let winnr = coc#list#has_preview() if !winnr return endif let winid = win_getid(winnr) if exists('*win_execute') call win_execute(winid, "normal! ".(a:dir ==# 'up' ? "\" : "\")) else let id = win_getid() noa call win_gotoid(winid) execute "normal! ".(a:dir ==# 'up' ? "\" : "\") noa call win_gotoid(id) endif endfunction function! coc#list#close_preview(tabnr) abort let winid = coc#list#get_preview(a:tabnr) if winid != -1 call coc#window#close(winid) endif endfunction " Improve preview performance by reused window & buffer. " lines - list of lines " config.position - could be 'below' 'top' 'tab'. " config.winid - id of original window. " - (optional )name of preview buffer. " config.splitRight - (optional) split to right when 1. " config.lnum - (optional) current line number " config.filetype - (optional) filetype of lines. " config.hlGroup - (optional) highlight group. " config.maxHeight - (optional) max height of window, valid for 'below' & 'top' position. function! coc#list#preview(lines, config) abort let name = fnamemodify(get(a:config, 'name', ''), ':.') let lines = a:lines if empty(lines) if get(a:config, 'scheme', 'file') != 'file' let bufnr = s:load_buffer(name) let lines = bufnr == 0 ? [''] : getbufline(bufnr, 1, '$') else " Show empty lines so not close window. let lines = [''] endif endif let winid = coc#list#get_preview(0) let bufnr = winid == -1 ? 0 : winbufnr(winid) " Try reuse buffer & window let bufnr = coc#float#create_buf(bufnr, lines) if bufnr == 0 return endif call setbufvar(bufnr, '&synmaxcol', 500) let filetype = get(a:config, 'filetype', '') let extname = matchstr(name, '\.\zs[^.]\+$') if empty(filetype) && !empty(extname) let filetype = get(s:filetype_map, extname, '') endif let range = get(a:config, 'range', v:null) let targetRange = get(a:config, 'targetRange', v:null) let hlGroup = get(a:config, 'hlGroup', 'Search') let lnum = get(a:config, 'lnum', 1) let position = get(a:config, 'position', 'below') let original = get(a:config, 'winid', -1) if winid == -1 let change = position != 'tab' && get(a:config, 'splitRight', 0) let curr = win_getid() if change if original && win_id2win(original) noa call win_gotoid(original) else noa wincmd t endif execute 'noa belowright vert sb '.bufnr let winid = win_getid() elseif position == 'tab' || get(a:config, 'splitRight', 0) execute 'noa belowright vert sb '.bufnr let winid = win_getid() else let mod = position == 'top' ? 'below' : 'above' let height = s:get_height(lines, a:config) execute 'noa '.mod.' sb +resize\ '.height.' '.bufnr let winid = win_getid() endif noa call winrestview({"lnum": lnum ,"topline":s:get_topline(a:config, lnum, winid)}) call s:set_preview_options(winid) noa call win_gotoid(curr) else let height = s:get_height(lines, a:config) if height > 0 if s:is_vim let curr = win_getid() noa call win_gotoid(winid) execute 'silent! noa resize '.height noa call win_gotoid(curr) else call nvim_win_set_height(winid, height) endif endif call coc#compat#execute(winid, ['syntax clear', 'noa call winrestview({"lnum":'.lnum.',"topline":'.s:get_topline(a:config, lnum, winid).'})']) endif call setwinvar(winid, '&foldenable', 0) if s:prefix.' '.name != bufname(bufnr) if s:is_vim call win_execute(winid, 'noa file '.fnameescape(s:prefix.' '.name), 'silent!') else silent! noa call nvim_buf_set_name(bufnr, s:prefix.' '.name) endif endif " highlights if !empty(filetype) let start = max([0, lnum - 300]) let end = min([len(lines), lnum + 300]) call coc#highlight#highlight_lines(winid, [{'filetype': filetype, 'startLine': start, 'endLine': end}]) call coc#compat#execute(winid, 'syn sync fromstart') else call coc#compat#execute(winid, 'filetype detect') let ft = getbufvar(bufnr, '&filetype', '') if !empty(extname) && !empty(ft) let s:filetype_map[extname] = ft endif endif call sign_unplace('CocCursorLine', {'buffer': bufnr}) call coc#compat#execute(winid, 'call clearmatches()') if !s:is_vim " vim send to buffer on FocusLost, and other cases call coc#compat#execute(winid, 'nnoremap :call CocActionAsync("listCancel")') endif if !empty(targetRange) for lnum in range(targetRange['start']['line'] + 1, targetRange['end']['line'] + 1) call sign_place(0, 'CocCursorLine', 'CocListCurrent', bufnr, {'lnum': lnum}) endfor else call sign_unplace('CocCursorLine', { 'buffer': bufnr }) endif if !empty(range) call coc#highlight#match_ranges(winid, bufnr, [range], hlGroup, 10) endif endfunction function! s:get_height(lines, config) abort if get(a:config, 'splitRight', 0) || get(a:config, 'position', 'below') == 'tab' return 0 endif let height = min([get(a:config, 'maxHeight', 10), len(a:lines), &lines - &cmdheight - 2]) return height endfunction function! s:load_buffer(name) abort if exists('*bufadd') && exists('*bufload') let bufnr = bufadd(a:name) call bufload(bufnr) return bufnr endif return 0 endfunction function! s:get_topline(config, lnum, winid) abort let toplineStyle = get(a:config, 'toplineStyle', 'offset') if toplineStyle == 'middle' return max([1, a:lnum - winheight(a:winid)/2]) endif let toplineOffset = get(a:config, 'toplineOffset', 3) return max([1, a:lnum - toplineOffset]) endfunction function! s:set_preview_options(winid) abort call setwinvar(a:winid, '&foldmethod', 'manual') call setwinvar(a:winid, '&signcolumn', 'no') call setwinvar(a:winid, '&number', 1) call setwinvar(a:winid, '&cursorline', 0) call setwinvar(a:winid, '&relativenumber', 0) call setwinvar(a:winid, 'previewwindow', 1) endfunction