#!/usr/bin/env bash # @file ~/.local/bin/backup-apps # @brief Creates a wrapper around `mackup` to add support for XDG directories # @description # This script is a wrapper around the `mackup`. `Mackup` does not support XDG specification # for its configuration. The script symlinks the `.config/mackup/.mackup/` folder to `~/.mackup` and # the `.config/mackup/.mackup.cfg` file to `~/.mackup.cfg` before executing `mackup`. The symlinks # are deleted after mackup runs. # # [mackup](https://github.com/lra/mackup) is a tool that can help in keeping your application settings # in sync across multiple computers. It supports many different storage solutions like Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. # to store the settings and sync them across machines. It can also help in restoring settings on a new installation. # A number of applications are supported out of the box. It is trivial to add more applications. Refer to the # [documentation](https://github.com/lra/mackup/blob/master/doc) for details. {{ includeTemplate "universal/profile" }} {{ includeTemplate "universal/logg" }} if command -v mackup > /dev/null; then ### Create symlinks pointing to stored configurations logg info 'Symlinking ~/.mackup and ~/.mackup.cfg' ln -s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/mackup/.mackup/" ~/.mackup ln -s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/mackup/.mackup.cfg" ~/.mackup.cfg ### Run mackup logg info 'Running mackup' mackup $* || echo '' ### Remove temporary configuration files logg info 'Removing symlinked ~/.mackup and ~/.mackup.cfg configurations' rm -f ~/.mackup rm -f ~/.mackup.cfg ### Print success message logg success 'Successfully ran backup-apps' else logg error 'mackup is not installed' && exit 1 fi