*airline.txt* Lean and mean status/tabline that's light as air *airline* *vim-airline* _ _ _ _ ~ __ _(_)_ __ ___ __ _(_)_ __| (_)_ __ ___ ~ \ \ / / | '_ ` _ \ _____ / _` | | '__| | | '_ \ / _ \ ~ \ V /| | | | | | |_____| (_| | | | | | | | | | __/ ~ \_/ |_|_| |_| |_| \__,_|_|_| |_|_|_| |_|\___| ~ ~ Version: 0.11 ============================================================================= CONTENTS *airline-contents* 01. Intro ............................................... |airline-intro| 02. Features ......................................... |airline-features| 03. Name ................................................. |airline-name| 04. Configuration ............................... |airline-configuration| 05. Commands ......................................... |airline-commands| 06. Autocommands ................................. |airline-autocommands| 07. Customization ............................... |airline-customization| 08. Extensions ..................................... |airline-extensions| 09. Advanced Customization ............. |airline-advanced-customization| 10. Funcrefs ......................................... |airline-funcrefs| 11. Pipeline ......................................... |airline-pipeline| 12. Writing Extensions ..................... |airline-writing-extensions| 13. Writing Themes ..................................... |airline-themes| 14. Troubleshooting ........................... |airline-troubleshooting| 15. Contributions ............................... |airline-contributions| 16. License ........................................... |airline-license| ============================================================================= INTRODUCTION *airline-intro* vim-airline is a fast and lightweight alternative to powerline, written in 100% vimscript with no outside dependencies. When the plugin is correctly loaded, Vim will draw a nice statusline at the bottom of each window. That line consists of several sections, each one displaying some piece of information. By default (without configuration) this line will look like this: > +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |~ | |~ | |~ VIM - Vi IMproved | |~ | |~ version 8.0 | |~ by Bram Moolenaar et al. | |~ Vim is open source and freely distributable | |~ | |~ type :h :q to exit | |~ type :help or for on-line help | |~ type :help version8 for version info | |~ | |~ | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | A | B | C X | Y | Z | [...] | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The statusline is the colored line at the bottom, which contains the sections (possibly in different colors): section meaning (example)~ -------------------------- A displays mode + additional flags like crypt/spell/paste (`INSERT`) B VCS information (branch, hunk summary) (`master`) C filename + read-only flag (`~/.vim/vimrc RO`) X filetype (`vim`) Y file encoding[fileformat] (`utf-8[unix]`) optionally may contain Byte Order Mark `[BOM]` and missing end of last line `[!EOL]` Z current position in the file percentage % ln: current line/number of lines ☰ cn: column So this: 10% ln:10/100☰ cn:20 means: > 10% - 10 percent ln: - line number is 10/100☰ - 10 of 100 total lines cn: - column number is 20 - 20 < [...] additional sections (warning/errors/statistics) from external plugins (e.g. YCM/syntastic/...) For a better look, those sections can be colored differently, depending on the mode and whether the current file is 'modified' Additionally, several extensions exists, that can provide additional feature (for example the tabline extension provides an extra statusline on the top of the Vim window and can display loaded buffers and tabs in the current Vim session). Most of this is customizable and the default sections can be configured using the vim variables g:airline_section_ (see |airline-default-sections|) ============================================================================= FEATURES *airline-features* * tiny core written with extensibility in mind. * integrates with many popular plugins. * looks good with regular fonts, and provides configuration points so you can use unicode or powerline symbols. * optimized for speed; it loads in under a millisecond. * fully customizable; if you know a little 'statusline' syntax you can tweak it to your needs. * extremely easy to write themes. ============================================================================= NAME *airline-name* Where did the name come from? I wrote this on an airplane, and since it's light as air it turned out to be a good name :-) ============================================================================= CONFIGURATION *airline-configuration* There are a couple configuration values available (shown with their default values): * enable experimental features > " Currently: Enable Vim9 Script implementation let g:airline_experimental = 1 * the separator used on the left side > let g:airline_left_sep='>' < * the separator used on the right side > let g:airline_right_sep='<' < * enable modified detection > let g:airline_detect_modified=1 * enable paste detection > let g:airline_detect_paste=1 < * enable crypt detection > let g:airline_detect_crypt=1 * enable spell detection > let g:airline_detect_spell=1 * display spelling language when spell detection is enabled (if enough space is available) > let g:airline_detect_spelllang=1 < Set to 'flag' to get a unicode icon of the relavant country flag instead of the 'spelllang' itself * enable iminsert detection > let g:airline_detect_iminsert=0 < * determine whether inactive windows should have the left section collapsed to only the filename of that buffer. > let g:airline_inactive_collapse=1 < * Use alternative separators for the statusline of inactive windows > let g:airline_inactive_alt_sep=1 < * themes are automatically selected based on the matching colorscheme. this can be overridden by defining a value. > let g:airline_theme='dark' < Note: Only the dark theme is distributed with vim-airline. For more themes, checkout the vim-airline-themes repository (github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline-themes) * if you want to patch the airline theme before it gets applied, you can supply the name of a function where you can modify the palette. > let g:airline_theme_patch_func = 'AirlineThemePatch' function! AirlineThemePatch(palette) if g:airline_theme == 'badwolf' for colors in values(a:palette.inactive) let colors[3] = 245 endfor endif endfunction < * if you want to update your highlights without affecting the airline theme, you can do so using the AirlineAfterTheme autocmd. > function! s:update_highlights() hi CursorLine ctermbg=none guibg=NONE hi VertSplit ctermbg=none guibg=NONE endfunction autocmd User AirlineAfterTheme call s:update_highlights() < * By default, airline will use unicode symbols if your encoding matches utf-8. If you want the powerline symbols set this variable: > let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1 < If you want to use plain ascii symbols, set this variable: > let g:airline_symbols_ascii = 1 < * define the set of text to display for each mode. > let g:airline_mode_map = {} " see source for the defaults " or copy paste the following into your vimrc for shortform text let g:airline_mode_map = { \ '__' : '-', \ 'c' : 'C', \ 'i' : 'I', \ 'ic' : 'I', \ 'ix' : 'I', \ 'n' : 'N', \ 'multi' : 'M', \ 'ni' : 'N', \ 'no' : 'N', \ 'R' : 'R', \ 'Rv' : 'R', \ 's' : 'S', \ 'S' : 'S', \ '' : 'S', \ 't' : 'T', \ 'v' : 'V', \ 'V' : 'V', \ '' : 'V', \ } Note: 'multi' is for displaying the multiple cursor mode < * define the set of filename match queries which excludes a window from having its statusline modified > let g:airline_exclude_filenames = [] " see source for current list < * define the set of filetypes which are excluded from having its window statusline modified > let g:airline_exclude_filetypes = [] " see source for current list < * define the set of names to be displayed instead of a specific filetypes (for section a and b): > let g:airline_filetype_overrides = { \ 'coc-explorer': [ 'CoC Explorer', '' ], \ 'defx': ['defx', '%{b:defx.paths[0]}'], \ 'fugitive': ['fugitive', '%{airline#util#wrap(airline#extensions#branch#get_head(),80)}'], \ 'floggraph': [ 'Flog', '%{get(b:, "flog_status_summary", "")}' ], \ 'gundo': [ 'Gundo', '' ], \ 'help': [ 'Help', '%f' ], \ 'minibufexpl': [ 'MiniBufExplorer', '' ], \ 'nerdtree': [ get(g:, 'NERDTreeStatusline', 'NERD'), '' ], \ 'startify': [ 'startify', '' ], \ 'vim-plug': [ 'Plugins', '' ], \ 'vimfiler': [ 'vimfiler', '%{vimfiler#get_status_string()}' ], \ 'vimshell': ['vimshell','%{vimshell#get_status_string()}'], \ 'vaffle' : [ 'Vaffle', '%{b:vaffle.dir}' ], \ } < * defines whether the preview window should be excluded from having its window statusline modified (may help with plugins which use the preview window heavily) > let g:airline_exclude_preview = 0 < * disable the Airline statusline customization for selected windows (this is a window-local variable so you can disable it per-window) > let w:airline_disable_statusline = 1 < Old deprecated name: `w:airline_disabled` See also the following options, for disabling setting the statusline globally or per-buffer * Disable setting the statusline option: > " disable globally let g:airline_disable_statusline = 1 " disable per-buffer let b:airline_disable_statusline = 1 < This setting disables setting the 'statusline' option. This allows to use e.g. the tabline extension (|airline-tabline|) but keep the 'statusline' option totally configurable by a custom configuration. * Do not draw separators for empty sections (only for the active window) > let g:airline_skip_empty_sections = 1 < This variable can be overridden by setting a window-local variable with the same name (in the correct window): > let w:airline_skip_empty_sections = 0 < * Caches the changes to the highlighting groups, should therefore be faster. Set this to one, if you experience a sluggish Vim: > let g:airline_highlighting_cache = 0 < * disable airline on FocusLost autocommand (e.g. when Vim loses focus): > let g:airline_focuslost_inactive = 0 < * configure the fileformat output By default, it will display something like 'utf-8[unix]', however, you can skip displaying it, if the output matches a configured string. To do so, set: > let g:airline#parts#ffenc#skip_expected_string='utf-8[unix]' < * Display the statusline in the tabline (first top line): > let g:airline_statusline_ontop = 1 < Setting this option, allows to use the statusline option to be used by a custom function or another plugin, since airline won't change it. Note: This setting is experimental and works on a best effort approach. Updating the statusline might not always happen as fast as needed, but that is a limitation, that comes from Vim. airline tries to force an update if needed, but it might not always work as expected. To force updating the tabline on mode changes, call `airline#check_mode()` in your custom statusline setting: `:set stl=%!airline#check_mode(winnr())` will correctly update the tabline on mode changes. * Display a short path in statusline: > let g:airline_stl_path_style = 'short' > * Display a only file name in statusline: > let g:airline_section_c_only_filename = 1 > ============================================================================= COMMANDS *airline-commands* :AirlineTheme {theme-name} *:AirlineTheme* Displays or changes the current theme. Note: `random` will switch to a random theme. :AirlineToggleWhitespace *:AirlineToggleWhitespace* Toggles whitespace detection. :AirlineToggle *:AirlineToggle* Toggles between the standard 'statusline' and airline. :AirlineRefresh[!] *:AirlineRefresh* Refreshes all highlight groups and redraws the statusline. With the '!' attribute, skips refreshing the highlighting groups. :AirlineExtensions *:AirlineExtensions* Shows the status of all available airline extensions. Extern means, the extensions does not come bundled with Airline. ============================================================================= AUTOCOMMANDS *airline-autocommands* Airline comes with some user-defined autocommands. |AirlineAfterInit| after plugin is initialized, but before the statusline is replaced |AirlineAfterTheme| after theme of the statusline has been changed |AirlineToggledOn| after airline is activated and replaced the statusline |AirlineToggledOff| after airline is deactivated and the statusline is restored to the original |AirlineModeChanged| The mode in Vim changed. ============================================================================= CUSTOMIZATION *airline-customization* The following are some unicode symbols for customizing the left/right separators, as well as the powerline font glyphs. Note: Some additional characters like spaces and colons may be included in the default. Including them within the symbol definitions rather than outside of them allows you to eliminate or otherwise alter them. Note: Be aware that some of these glyphs are defined as ligatures, so they may show up different (usually bigger) if followed by a space. This only happens if both the font and terminal implementation used support ligatures. If you want to follow a glyph with a space _without_ the alternate ligature being rendered, follow it with a non-breaking-space character. Note: You must define the dictionary first before setting values. Also, it's a good idea to check whether it exists as to avoid accidentally overwriting its contents. > if !exists('g:airline_symbols') let g:airline_symbols = {} endif " unicode symbols let g:airline_left_sep = '»' let g:airline_left_sep = '▶' let g:airline_right_sep = '«' let g:airline_right_sep = '◀' let g:airline_symbols.colnr = ' ㏇:' let g:airline_symbols.colnr = ' ℅:' let g:airline_symbols.crypt = '🔒' let g:airline_symbols.linenr = '☰' let g:airline_symbols.linenr = ' ␊:' let g:airline_symbols.linenr = ' ␤:' let g:airline_symbols.linenr = '¶' let g:airline_symbols.maxlinenr = '' let g:airline_symbols.maxlinenr = '㏑' let g:airline_symbols.branch = '⎇' let g:airline_symbols.paste = 'ρ' let g:airline_symbols.paste = 'Þ' let g:airline_symbols.paste = '∥' let g:airline_symbols.spell = 'Ꞩ' let g:airline_symbols.notexists = 'Ɇ' let g:airline_symbols.whitespace = 'Ξ' " powerline symbols let g:airline_left_sep = '' let g:airline_left_alt_sep = '' let g:airline_right_sep = '' let g:airline_right_alt_sep = '' let g:airline_symbols.branch = '' let g:airline_symbols.colnr = ' ℅:' let g:airline_symbols.readonly = '' let g:airline_symbols.linenr = ' :' let g:airline_symbols.maxlinenr = '☰ ' let g:airline_symbols.dirty='⚡' " old vim-powerline symbols let g:airline_left_sep = '⮀' let g:airline_left_alt_sep = '⮁' let g:airline_right_sep = '⮂' let g:airline_right_alt_sep = '⮃' let g:airline_symbols.branch = '⭠' let g:airline_symbols.readonly = '⭤' let g:airline_symbols.linenr = '⭡' < For more intricate customizations, you can replace the predefined sections with the usual statusline syntax. Note: If you define any section variables it will replace the default values entirely. If you want to disable only certain parts of a section you can try using variables defined in the |airline-configuration| or |airline-extensions| section. |airline-default-sections| The following table describes what sections are available by default, and which extensions/functions make use of it. Note: using `g:` (global) variable prefix means, those variables are defined for all windows. You can use `w:` (window local variables) instead to make this apply only to a particular window. > variable names default contents --------------------------------------------------------------------------- let g:airline_section_a (mode, crypt, paste, spell, iminsert) let g:airline_section_b (hunks, branch)[*] let g:airline_section_c (bufferline or filename, readonly) let g:airline_section_gutter (csv) let g:airline_section_x (tagbar, filetype, virtualenv) let g:airline_section_y (fileencoding, fileformat, 'bom', 'eol') let g:airline_section_z (percentage, line number, column number) let g:airline_section_error (ycm_error_count, syntastic-err, eclim, languageclient_error_count) let g:airline_section_warning (ycm_warning_count, syntastic-warn, languageclient_warning_count, whitespace) " [*] This section needs at least the fugitive extension or else " it will remain empty " " here is an example of how you could replace the branch indicator with " the current working directory (limited to 10 characters), " followed by the filename. let g:airline_section_b = '%-0.10{getcwd()}' let g:airline_section_c = '%t' < *airline#ignore_bufadd_pat* Determines a pattern to ignore a buffer name for various things (e.g. the tabline extension) or the read-only check. Default is `g:airline#extensions#tabline#ignore_bufadd_pat` (see below) or `'!|defx|gundo|nerd_tree|startify|tagbar|term://|undotree|vimfiler'` if it is unset. The "!" prevents terminal buffers to appear in the tabline. *airline#extensions#tabline#exclude_buffers* Buffer numbers to be excluded from showing in the tabline (similar to |airline#ignore_bufadd_pat|). ============================================================================= EXTENSIONS *airline-extensions* Most extensions are enabled by default and lazily loaded when the corresponding plugin (if any) is detected. By default, airline will attempt to load any extension it can find in the 'runtimepath'. On some systems this can result in an undesirable startup cost. You can disable the check with the following flag. > let g:airline#extensions#disable_rtp_load = 1 < Note: Third party plugins that rely on this behavior will be affected. You will need to manually load them. Alternatively, if you want a minimalistic setup and would rather opt-in which extensions get loaded instead of disabling each individually, you can declare the following list variable: > " an empty list disables all extensions let g:airline_extensions = [] " or only load what you want let g:airline_extensions = ['branch', 'tabline'] < In addition, each extension can be configured individually. Following are the options for each extension (in alphabetical order, after the default extension) Usually, each extension will only be loaded if the required Vim plugin is installed as well, otherwise it will remain disabled. See the output of the |:AirlineExtensions| command. ------------------------------------- *airline-ale* ale * enable/disable ale integration > let g:airline#extensions#ale#enabled = 1 * ale error_symbol > let airline#extensions#ale#error_symbol = 'E:' < * ale warning > let airline#extensions#ale#warning_symbol = 'W:' * ale show_line_numbers > let airline#extensions#ale#show_line_numbers = 1 < * ale open_lnum_symbol > let airline#extensions#ale#open_lnum_symbol = '(L' < * ale close_lnum_symbol > let airline#extensions#ale#close_lnum_symbol = ')' ------------------------------------- *airline-battery* vim-battery * enable/disable battery integration > let g:airline#extensions#battery#enabled = 1 < default: 0 ------------------------------------- *airline-bookmark* vim-bookmark * enable/disable bookmark integration > let g:airline#extensions#bookmark#enabled = 1 ------------------------------------- *airline-branch* vim-airline will display the branch-indicator together with the branch name in the statusline, if one of the following plugins is installed: fugitive.vim gina.vim lawrencium vcscommand If a file is edited, that is not yet in the repository, the notexists symbol will be displayed after the branch name. If the repository is not clean, the dirty symbol will be displayed after the branch name. * notexists symbol means you are editing a file, that has not been committed yet default: '?' * the dirty symbol basically means your working directory is dirty default: '!' Note: the branch extension will be disabled for windows smaller than 80 characters. * enable/disable fugitive/lawrencium integration > let g:airline#extensions#branch#enabled = 1 < * change the text for when no branch is detected > let g:airline#extensions#branch#empty_message = '' < * define the order in which the branches of different vcs systems will be displayed on the statusline (currently only for fugitive and lawrencium) > let g:airline#extensions#branch#vcs_priority = ["git", "mercurial"] < * use vcscommand.vim if available > let g:airline#extensions#branch#use_vcscommand = 0 < * truncate long branch names to a fixed length > let g:airline#extensions#branch#displayed_head_limit = 10 < * customize formatting of branch name > " default value leaves the name unmodifed let g:airline#extensions#branch#format = 0 " to only show the tail, e.g. a branch 'feature/foo' becomes 'foo', use let g:airline#extensions#branch#format = 1 " to truncate all path sections but the last one, e.g. a branch " 'foo/bar/baz' becomes 'f/b/baz', use let g:airline#extensions#branch#format = 2 " if a string is provided, it should be the name of a function that " takes a string and returns the desired value let g:airline#extensions#branch#format = 'CustomBranchName' function! CustomBranchName(name) return '[' . a:name . ']' endfunction < * truncate sha1 commits at this number of characters > let g:airline#extensions#branch#sha1_len = 10 * customize branch name retrieval for any version control system > let g:airline#extensions#branch#custom_head = 'GetScmBranch' function! GetScmBranch() if !exists('b:perforce_client') let b:perforce_client = system('p4 client -o | grep Client') " Invalidate cache to prevent stale data when switching clients. Use a " buffer-unique group name to prevent clearing autocmds for other " buffers. exec 'augroup perforce_client-'. bufnr("%") au! autocmd BufWinLeave silent! unlet! b:perforce_client augroup END endif return b:perforce_client endfunction > * configure additional vcs checks to run By default, vim-airline will check if the current edited file is untracked in the repository. If so, it will append the `g:airline_symbols.notexists` symbol to the branch name. In addition, it will check if the repository is clean, else it will append the `g:airline_symbols.dirty` symbol to the branch name (if the current file is not untracked). Configure, by setting the following variable: > let g:airline#extensions#branch#vcs_checks = ['untracked', 'dirty'] < ------------------------------------- *airline-flog* vim-flog If vim-flog is installed, vim-airline will display the branch name together with a status summary in the git log graph buffer; either 'no changes' or the number of added/removed/modified files. ------------------------------------- *airline-bufferline* vim-bufferline * enable/disable bufferline integration > let g:airline#extensions#bufferline#enabled = 1 < * determine whether bufferline will overwrite customization variables > let g:airline#extensions#bufferline#overwrite_variables = 1 < ------------------------------------- *airline-capslock* vim-capslock * enable/disable vim-capslock integration > let g:airline#extensions#capslock#enabled = 1 * change vim-capslock symbol > let g:airline#extensions#capslock#symbol = 'CAPS' (default) ------------------------------------- *airline-coc* coc * enable/disable coc integration > let g:airline#extensions#coc#enabled = 1 < * change error symbol: > let airline#extensions#coc#error_symbol = 'E:' < * change warning symbol: > let airline#extensions#coc#warning_symbol = 'W:' < * enable/disable coc status display > g:airline#extensions#coc#show_coc_status = 1 < ------------------------------------- *airline-commandt* command-t No configuration available. ------------------------------------- *airline-csv* csv.vim * enable/disable csv integration for displaying the current column. > let g:airline#extensions#csv#enabled = 1 < * change how columns are displayed. > let g:airline#extensions#csv#column_display = 'Number' (default) let g:airline#extensions#csv#column_display = 'Name' < ------------------------------------- *airline-ctrlp* ctrlp * configure which mode colors should ctrlp window use (takes effect only if the active airline theme doesn't define ctrlp colors) > let g:airline#extensions#ctrlp#color_template = 'insert' (default) let g:airline#extensions#ctrlp#color_template = 'normal' let g:airline#extensions#ctrlp#color_template = 'visual' let g:airline#extensions#ctrlp#color_template = 'replace' < * configure whether to show the previous and next modes (mru, buffer, etc...) > let g:airline#extensions#ctrlp#show_adjacent_modes = 1 < ------------------------------------- *airline-ctrlspace* vim-ctrlspace * enable/disable vim-ctrlspace integration > let g:airline#extensions#ctrlspace#enabled = 1 < To make the vim-ctrlspace integration work you will need to make the ctrlspace statusline function call the correct airline function. Therefore add the following line into your .vimrc: > let g:CtrlSpaceStatuslineFunction = \ "airline#extensions#ctrlspace#statusline()" < ------------------------------------- *airline-cursormode* cursormode Built-in extension to displays cursor in different colors depending on the current mode (only works in terminals iTerm, AppleTerm and xterm) * enable cursormode integration > let g:airline#extensions#cursormode#enabled = 1 * mode function. Return value is used as key for the color mapping. Default is |mode()| `let g:cursormode_mode_func = 'mode'` color mapping. Keys come from `g:cursormode_mode_func` (a background value can be appended) `let g:cursormode_color_map = {` `\ "nlight": '#000000',` `\ "ndark": '#BBBBBB',` `\ "i": g:airline#themes#{g:airline_theme}#palette.insert.airline_a[1],` `\ "R": g:airline#themes#{g:airline_theme}#palette.replace.airline_a[1],` `\ "v": g:airline#themes#{g:airline_theme}#palette.visual.airline_a[1],` `\ "V": g:airline#themes#{g:airline_theme}#palette.visual.airline_a[1],` `\ "\": g:airline#themes#{g:airline_theme}#palette.visual.airline_a[1],` `\ }` ------------------------------------- *airline-default* The default extensions is an internal extension that is needed for handling all other extensions, takes care of how all sections will be combined into a 'statusline' specific item and when to truncate each section. It understands all of the `g:` variables in the |airline-configuration| section, however it also has some more fine-tuned configuration values that you can use. * control which sections get truncated and at what width. > let g:airline#extensions#default#section_truncate_width = { \ 'b': 79, \ 'x': 60, \ 'y': 80, \ 'z': 45, \ 'warning': 80, \ 'error': 80, \ } " Note: set to an empty dictionary to disable truncation. let g:airline#extensions#default#section_truncate_width = {} < * configure the layout of the sections by specifying an array of two arrays (first array is the left side, second array is the right side). > let g:airline#extensions#default#layout = [ \ [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ], \ [ 'x', 'y', 'z', 'error', 'warning' ] \ ] < * configure the layout to not use %(%) grouping items in the statusline. Try setting this to zero, if you notice bleeding color artifacts > let airline#extensions#default#section_use_groupitems = 1 < ------------------------------------- *airline-denite* Denite * enable/disable denite integration > let g:airline#extensions#denite#enabled = 1 ------------------------------------- *airline-dirvish* vim-dirvish * enable/disable vim-dirvish integration > let g:airline#extensions#dirvish#enabled = 1 < default: 1 ------------------------------------- *airline-eclim* eclim * enable/disable eclim integration, which works well with the |airline-syntastic| extension. > let g:airline#extensions#eclim#enabled = 1 ------------------------------------- *airline-fern* fern.vim Airline displays the fern.vim specific statusline. (for details, see the help of fern.vim) * enable/disable bufferline integration > let g:airline#extensions#fern#enabled = 1 < default: 1 ------------------------------------- *airline-fugitiveline* This extension hides the fugitive://**// part of the buffer names, to only show the file name as if it were in the current working tree. It is deactivated by default if |airline-bufferline| is activated. * enable/disable bufferline integration > let g:airline#extensions#fugitiveline#enabled = 1 < If enabled, the buffer that comes from fugitive, will have added a trailing "[git]" to be able to distinguish between fugitive and non-fugitive buffers. ------------------------------------- *airline-fzf* fzf fzf.vim * enable/disable fzf integration > let g:airline#extensions#fzf#enabled = 1 ------------------------------------- *airline-gina* gina.vim Airline displays the gina.vim specific statusline. (for details, see the help of gina.vim) * enable/disable bufferline integration > let g:airline#extensions#gina#enabled = 1 < default: 1 ------------------------------------- *airline-grepper* vim-grepper * enable/disable vim-grepper integration > let g:airline#extensions#grepper#enabled = 1 ------------------------------------- *airline-gutentags* vim-gutentags * enable/disable vim-gutentags integration > let g:airline#extensions#gutentags#enabled = 1 ------------------------------------- *gen_tags.vim* gen_tags.vim * enable/disable gen_tags.vim integration > let g:airline#extensions#gen_tags#enabled = 1 ------------------------------------- *airline-hunks* vim-gitgutter vim-signify changesPlugin quickfixsigns coc-git You can use `airline#extensions#hunks#get_raw_hunks()` to get the full hunks, without shortening. This allows for advanced customization, or a quick way of querying how many changes you got. It will return something like '+4 ~2 -1'. * enable/disable showing a summary of changed hunks under source control. > let g:airline#extensions#hunks#enabled = 1 < * enable/disable showing only non-zero hunks. > let g:airline#extensions#hunks#non_zero_only = 0 < * set hunk count symbols. > let g:airline#extensions#hunks#hunk_symbols = ['+', '~', '-'] * enable coc-git extension. If not set to 1, vim-airline will not consider to use coc-git for the hunks extension. Make sure to have the coc-git extension enabled. > let g:airline#extensions#hunks#coc_git = 1 < ------------------------------------- *airline-keymap* vim-keymap This extension displays the current 'keymap' in use. * enable/disable vim-keymap extension > let g:airline#extensions#keymap#enabled = 1 * set label for a keymap (default is from g:airline_symbols.keymap) > let g:airline#extensions#keymap#label = 'Layout:' * set name for default layout (empty to disable it completely) > let g:airline#extensions#keymap#default = '' * set short codes for layout names > let g:airline#extensions#keymap#short_codes = {'russian-jcukenwin': 'ru'} ------------------------------------- *airline-languageclient* LanguageClient (despite its name, it can be used for Vim and Neovim). * enable/disable LanguageClient integration > let g:airline#extensions#languageclient#enabled = 1 * languageclient error_symbol > let airline#extensions#languageclient#error_symbol = 'E:' < * languageclient warning_symbol > let airline#extensions#languageclient#warning_symbol = 'W:' * languageclient show_line_numbers > let airline#extensions#languageclient#show_line_numbers = 1 < * languageclient open_lnum_symbol > let airline#extensions#languageclient#open_lnum_symbol = '(L' < * languageclient close_lnum_symbol > let airline#extensions#languageclient#close_lnum_symbol = ')' ------------------------------------- *airline-localsearch* localsearch * enable/disable localsearch indicator integration > let g:airline#extensions#localsearch#enabled = 1 * invert the localsearch indicator if set to 1, the indicator shall only be shown when localsearch is disabled the text will also change from 'LS' to 'GS' (Global Search) > let g:airline#extensions#localsearch#inverted = 0 ------------------------------------- *airline-lsp* lsp * enable/disable lsp integration > let g:airline#extensions#lsp#enabled = 1 * lsp error_symbol > let airline#extensions#lsp#error_symbol = 'E:' < * lsp warning > let airline#extensions#lsp#warning_symbol = 'W:' * lsp show_line_numbers > let airline#extensions#lsp#show_line_numbers = 1 < * lsp open_lnum_symbol > let airline#extensions#lsp#open_lnum_symbol = '(L' < * lsp close_lnum_symbol > let airline#extensions#lsp#close_lnum_symbol = ')' < * lsp progress skip time Suppresses the frequency of status line updates. Prevents heavy operation when using a language server that sends frequent progress notifications. Set 0 to disable. > g:airline#extensions#lsp#progress_skip_time = 0.3 (default) < ------------------------------------- *airline-neomake* neomake * enable/disable neomake integration > let g:airline#extensions#neomake#enabled = 1 * neomake error_symbol > let airline#extensions#neomake#error_symbol = 'E:' < * neomake warning > let airline#extensions#neomake#warning_symbol = 'W:' < ------------------------------------- *airline-nerdtree* NerdTree Airline displays the Nerdtree specific statusline (which can be configured using the |'NerdTreeStatusline'| variable (for details, see the help of NerdTree) * enable/disable nerdtree's statusline integration > let g:airline#extensions#nerdtree_statusline = 1 < default: 1 ------------------------------------- *airline-nrrwrgn* NrrwRgn * enable/disable NrrwRgn integration > let g:airline#extensions#nrrwrgn#enabled = 1 ------------------------------------- *airline-nvimlsp* nvimlsp * enable/disable nvimlsp integration > let g:airline#extensions#nvimlsp#enabled = 1 * nvimlsp error_symbol > let airline#extensions#nvimlsp#error_symbol = 'E:' < * nvimlsp warning - needs v:lua.vim.diagnostic.get let airline#extensions#nvimlsp#warning_symbol = 'W:' * nvimlsp show_line_numbers - needs v:lua.vim.diagnostic.get let airline#extensions#nvimlsp#show_line_numbers = 1 * nvimlsp open_lnum_symbol - needs v:lua.vim.diagnostic.get let airline#extensions#nvimlsp#open_lnum_symbol = '(L' * nvimlsp close_lnum_symbol - needs v:lua.vim.diagnostic.get let airline#extensions#nvimlsp#close_lnum_symbol = ')' ------------------------------------- *airline-obsession* vim-obsession * enable/disable vim-obsession integration > let g:airline#extensions#obsession#enabled = 1 * set marked window indicator string > let g:airline#extensions#obsession#indicator_text = '$' < ------------------------------------- *airline-omnisharp* OmniSharp * enable/disable OmniSharp integration > let g:airline#extensions#omnisharp#enabled = 1 ------------------------------------- *airline-po* This extension will display the currently translated, untranslated and fuzzy messages when editing translations (po files). Related plugin (not necessary for this extension is po.vim from It will be enabled if the `msgfmt` executable is available and one is editing files with the 'filetype' "po". * enable/disable po integration > let g:airline#extensions#po#enabled = 1 < * truncate width names to a fixed length > let g:airline#extensions#po#displayed_limit = 0 ------------------------------------- *airline-poetv* poetv * enable/disable poetv integration > let g:airline#extensions#poetv#enabled = 1 < ------------------------------------- *airline-promptline* promptline * configure the path to the snapshot .sh file. Mandatory option. The created file should be sourced by the shell on login > " in .vimrc airline#extensions#promptline#snapshot_file = "~/.shell_prompt.sh" " in .bashrc/.zshrc [ -f ~/.shell_prompt.sh ] && source ~/.shell_prompt.sh < * enable/disable promptline integration > let g:airline#extensions#promptline#enabled = 0 < * configure which mode colors should be used in prompt > let airline#extensions#promptline#color_template = 'normal' (default) let airline#extensions#promptline#color_template = 'insert' let airline#extensions#promptline#color_template = 'visual' let airline#extensions#promptline#color_template = 'replace' < ------------------------------------- *airline-quickfix* The quickfix extension is a simple built-in extension which determines whether the buffer is a quickfix or location list buffer, and adjusts the title accordingly. * configure the title text for quickfix buffers > let g:airline#extensions#quickfix#quickfix_text = 'Quickfix' < * configure the title text for location list buffers > let g:airline#extensions#quickfix#location_text = 'Location' < ------------------------------------- *airline-rufo* rufo The rufo (Ruby Formatter) extension merely displays whether vim-rufo is currently enabled, in the z sction of the statusline. * enable/disable vim-rufo integration > let g:airline#extensions#rufo#enabled = 1 < * configure the symbol, or text, to display when vim-rufo auto formatting is on > let g:airline#extensions#rufo#symbol = 'R' < ------------------------------------- *airline-searchcount* The searchcount extension supports the searchcount() function in Vim script. Note: This is only enabled when 'hls' is on. When you turn off search highlighting (e.g. using |:nohls|), it this will be disabled. * enable/disable searchcount integration > let g:airline#extensions#searchcount#enabled = 1 < ------------------------------------- *airline-syntastic* syntastic * enable/disable syntastic integration > let g:airline#extensions#syntastic#enabled = 1 Note: The recommendation from syntastic to modify the statusline directly does not apply, if you use vim-airline, since it will take care for you of adjusting the statusline. * syntastic error_symbol > let airline#extensions#syntastic#error_symbol = 'E:' < * syntastic statusline error format (see |syntastic_stl_format|) > let airline#extensions#syntastic#stl_format_err = '%E{[%fe(#%e)]}' * syntastic warning > let airline#extensions#syntastic#warning_symbol = 'W:' < * syntastic statusline warning format (see |syntastic_stl_format|) > let airline#extensions#syntastic#stl_format_warn = '%W{[%fw(#%w)]}' < ------------------------------------- *airline-tabline* Note: If you're using the ctrlspace tabline only the option marked with (c) are supported! * enable/disable enhanced tabline. (c) > let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 0 * enable/disable displaying open splits per tab (only when tabs are opened) > let g:airline#extensions#tabline#show_splits = 1 * switch position of buffers and tabs on splited tabline (c) (only supported for ctrlspace plugin). > let g:airline#extensions#tabline#switch_buffers_and_tabs = 0 < * enable/disable displaying buffers with a single tab. (c) > let g:airline#extensions#tabline#show_buffers = 1 Note: If you are using neovim (has('tablineat') = 1), then you can click on the tabline with the left mouse button to switch to that buffer, and with the middle mouse button to delete that buffer. * if you want to show the current active buffer like this: ---------------------- buffer buffer ` > let g:airline#extensions#tabline#alt_sep = 1 < Only makes sense, if g:airline_right_sep is not empty. default: 0 * enable/disable displaying tabs, regardless of number. (c) > let g:airline#extensions#tabline#show_tabs = 1 * enable/disable displaying number of tabs in the right side (c) > let g:airline#extensions#tabline#show_tab_count = 1 Note: Not displayed if the number of tabs is less than 1 * always displaying number of tabs in the right side (c) > let g:airline#extensions#tabline#show_tab_count = 2 < * configure filename match rules to exclude from the tabline. > let g:airline#extensions#tabline#excludes = [] * enable/disable display preview window buffer in the tabline. > let g:airline#extensions#tabline#exclude_preview = 1 * configure how numbers are displayed in tab mode. > let g:airline#extensions#tabline#tab_nr_type = 0 " # of splits (default) let g:airline#extensions#tabline#tab_nr_type = 1 " tab number let g:airline#extensions#tabline#tab_nr_type = 2 " splits and tab number let g:airline#extensions#tabline#tabnr_formatter = 'tabnr' Note: last option can be used to specify a different formatter for displaying the numbers. By default tabline/formatter/tabnr.vim is used The argument of that setting should either be a filename that exists autoload/airline/extensions/tabline/formatter/ (without .vim extension) and needs to provide a format() function. Alternatively you can use a custom function name, that is defined e.g. in your .vimrc file. In any case, the function needs to take 2 arguments, tab_nr_type and tabpage number. For an example, have a look at the default tabline/formatter/tabnr.vim < * enable/disable displaying tab number in tabs mode. > let g:airline#extensions#tabline#show_tab_nr = 1 * enable/disable displaying tab number in tabs mode for ctrlspace. (c) > let g:airline#extensions#tabline#ctrlspace_show_tab_nr = 0 * enable/disable displaying tab type (e.g. [buffers]/[tabs]) > let g:airline#extensions#tabline#show_tab_type = 1 * show buffer label at first position: > let g:airline#extensions#tabline#buf_label_first = 1 * rename label for buffers (default: 'buffers') (c) > let g:airline#extensions#tabline#buffers_label = 'b' * rename label for tabs (default: 'tabs') (c) > let g:airline#extensions#tabline#tabs_label = 't' * change the symbol for skipped tabs/buffers (default '...') > let g:airline#extensions#tabline#overflow_marker = '…' * always show current tabpage/buffer first > let airline#extensions#tabline#current_first = 1 < default: 0 * enable/disable displaying index of the buffer. `buffer_idx_mode` allows 3 different modes to access buffers from the tabline. When enabled, numbers will be displayed in the tabline and mappings will be exposed to allow you to select a buffer directly. In default mode, when the variable is 1 Up to 10 mappings will be exposed. Note: As 10 and 1 have same prefix, we use 0 to replace 10. So, 0 will jump to tenth buffer. Those mappings are not automatically created, vim-airline just exposes those `AirlineSeelctTab` keys for you to map to a convenient key > let g:airline#extensions#tabline#buffer_idx_mode = 1 nmap 1 AirlineSelectTab1 nmap 2 AirlineSelectTab2 nmap 3 AirlineSelectTab3 nmap 4 AirlineSelectTab4 nmap 5 AirlineSelectTab5 nmap 6 AirlineSelectTab6 nmap 7 AirlineSelectTab7 nmap 8 AirlineSelectTab8 nmap 9 AirlineSelectTab9 nmap 0 AirlineSelectTab0 nmap - AirlineSelectPrevTab nmap + AirlineSelectNextTab < In mode 2, (when the variable is 2) 89 mappings will be exposed: > let g:airline#extensions#tabline#buffer_idx_mode = 2 nmap 10 AirlineSelectTab10 nmap 11 AirlineSelectTab11 nmap 12 AirlineSelectTab12 nmap 13 AirlineSelectTab13 ... nmap 99 AirlineSelectTab99 < The AirlineSelectTab mapping handles counts as well, so one can handle arbirtrarily number of buffers/tabs. Mode 3 is exactly the same as mode 2, except the indexing start at 01, exposing 99 mappings: > let g:airline#extensions#tabline#buffer_idx_mode = 3 nmap 01 AirlineSelectTab01 nmap 02 AirlineSelectTab02 nmap 03 AirlineSelectTab03 ... nmap 99 AirlineSelectTab99 < This matches that of the numbering scheme of |:buffers|, letting `AirlineSelectTab67` to reference buffer 67. Note: To avoid ambiguity, there won't be AirlineSelectTab1 - AirlineSelectTab9 maps in mode 2 and 3. Note: Mappings will be ignored for filetypes that match `g:airline#extensions#tabline#keymap_ignored_filetypes`. Note: In buffer_idx_mode these mappings won't change the current tab, but switch to the buffer `visible` in the current tab. If you want to switch to a buffer, that is not visible use the `AirlineSelectPrev/NextTab` mapping (it supports using a count). Use |gt| for switching tabs. In tabmode, those mappings will be exposed as well and will switch to the specified tab. * define the set of filetypes which are ignored for the selectTab keymappings: > let g:airline#extensions#tabline#keymap_ignored_filetypes = \ ['vimfiler', 'nerdtree'] * change the display format of the buffer index > let g:airline#extensions#tabline#buffer_idx_format = { \ '0': '0 ', \ '1': '1 ', \ '2': '2 ', \ '3': '3 ', \ '4': '4 ', \ '5': '5 ', \ '6': '6 ', \ '7': '7 ', \ '8': '8 ', \ '9': '9 ' \} < * defines the name of a formatter for how buffer names are displayed. (c) > let g:airline#extensions#tabline#formatter = 'default' " here is how you can define a 'foo' formatter: " create a file in the dir autoload/airline/extensions/tabline/formatters/ " called foo.vim > function! airline#extensions#tabline#formatters#foo#format(bufnr, buffers) return fnamemodify(bufname(a:bufnr), ':t') endfunction let g:airline#extensions#tabline#formatter = 'foo' < Note: the following variables are used by the 'default' formatter. When no disambiguation is needed, both 'unique_tail_improved' and 'unique_tail' delegate formatting to 'default', so these variables also control rendering of unique filenames when using these formatters. * configure whether buffer numbers should be shown. > let g:airline#extensions#tabline#buffer_nr_show = 0 < * configure how buffer numbers should be formatted with |printf()|. > let g:airline#extensions#tabline#buffer_nr_format = '%s: ' < * configure the formatting of filenames (see |filename-modifiers|). > let g:airline#extensions#tabline#fnamemod = ':p:.' < * configure collapsing parent directories in buffer name. > let g:airline#extensions#tabline#fnamecollapse = 1 < * configure truncating non-active buffer names to specified length. > let g:airline#extensions#tabline#fnametruncate = 0 " The `unique_tail` algorithm will display the tail of the filename, unless " there is another file of the same name, in which it will display it along " with the containing parent directory. let g:airline#extensions#tabline#formatter = 'unique_tail' " The following variables are also used by `unique_tail` formatter. " the meanings are the same as the ones in default formatter. let g:airline#extensions#tabline#fnamemod = ':p:.' let g:airline#extensions#tabline#fnamecollapse = 1 " The `unique_tail_improved` - another algorithm, that will smartly " uniquify buffers names with similar filename, suppressing common " parts of paths. let g:airline#extensions#tabline#formatter = 'unique_tail_improved' " The `short_path` - is a simple formatter, that will show the filename, with its extension, and the first parent directory only. e.g. /home/user/project/subdir/file.ext -> subdir/file.ext let g:airline#extensions#tabline#formatter = 'short_path' * defines the customized format() function to display tab title in tab mode. > let g:airline#extensions#tabline#tabtitle_formatter = 'MyTabTitleFormatter' < Then define the MyTabTitleFormatter() function in your vimrc. > function MyTabTitleFormatter(n) let buflist = tabpagebuflist(a:n) let winnr = tabpagewinnr(a:n) let bufnr = buflist[winnr - 1] let winid = win_getid(winnr, a:n) let title = bufname(bufnr) if empty(title) if getqflist({'qfbufnr' : 0}).qfbufnr == bufnr let title = '[Quickfix List]' elseif winid && getloclist(winid, {'qfbufnr' : 0}).qfbufnr == bufnr let title = '[Location List]' else let title = '[No Name]' endif endif return title endfunction * configure the minimum number of buffers needed to show the tabline. > let g:airline#extensions#tabline#buffer_min_count = 0 < Note: this setting only applies to a single tab and when `show_buffers` is true. * configure the minimum number of tabs needed to show the tabline. > let g:airline#extensions#tabline#tab_min_count = 0 < Note: this setting only applies when `show_buffers` is false. * configure separators for the tabline only. > let g:airline#extensions#tabline#left_sep = '' let g:airline#extensions#tabline#left_alt_sep = '' let g:airline#extensions#tabline#right_sep = '' let g:airline#extensions#tabline#right_alt_sep = '' * configure whether close button should be shown: > let g:airline#extensions#tabline#show_close_button = 1 * configure symbol used to represent close button > let g:airline#extensions#tabline#close_symbol = 'X' * configure pattern to be ignored on BufAdd autocommand > " fixes unnecessary redraw, when e.g. opening Gundo window let airline#extensions#tabline#ignore_bufadd_pat = \ '\c\vgundo|undotree|vimfiler|tagbar|nerd_tree' Note: Enabling this extension will modify 'showtabline' and 'guioptions'. * enable Refresh of tabline buffers on |BufAdd| autocommands (set this to one, if you note 'AirlineTablineRefresh', however, this won't update airline on |:badd| commands) > let airline#extensions#tabline#disable_refresh = 0 * preserve windows when closing a buffer from the bufferline (neovim specific, only works with buffers and not real tabs, default: 0) > let airline#extensions#tabline#middle_click_preserves_windows = 1 < *airline-tabline-hlgroups* When the tabline is enabled, vim-airline exposes the following highlighting groups: airline_tab: default highlighting group for the tabline airline_tab_right: idem, but for the right side of the tabline airline_tabsel: highlighting group of the selected item airline_tabsel_right: idem, but for the right side of the tabline airline_tabmod: highlighting group for a 'modified' buffer airline_tabmod_right: idem, but on the right side airline_tabmod_unsel: unselected tab with modified buffer airline_tabmod_unsel_right: (unused) airline_tabtype: label group used by ctrlspace and tabws airline_tabfill: highlighting group for the filler space airline_tablabel: highlighting group for the label airline_tablabel_right: highlighting group for the label on the right side airline_tabhid: hidden buffer airline_tabhid_right: idem, but on the right ------------------------------------- *airline-scrollbar* Displays an Ascii Scrollbar for active windows with a width > 200. * enable/disable scrollbar integration > let g:airline#extensions#scrollbar#enabled = 1 (default: 0) * set minimum window width, below which the scollbar will be disabled > let g:airline#extensions#scrollbar#minwidth = 100 (default: 200) ------------------------------------- *airline-taboo* taboo.vim * enable/disable taboo.vim integration > let g:airline#extensions#taboo#enabled = 1 < ------------------------------------- *airline-term* Vim-Airline comes with a small extension for the styling the builtin |terminal|. This requires Nvim or a Vim compiled with terminal support. * enable/disable terminal integration > let g:airline#extensions#term#enabled = 1 default: 1 ------------------------------------- *airline-tabws* vim-tabws * enable/disable tabws integration > let g:airline#extensions#tabws#enabled = 1 < ------------------------------------- *airline-tagbar* tagbar * enable/disable tagbar integration > let g:airline#extensions#tagbar#enabled = 1 < * change how tags are displayed (:help tagbar-statusline) > let g:airline#extensions#tagbar#flags = '' (default) let g:airline#extensions#tagbar#flags = 'f' let g:airline#extensions#tagbar#flags = 's' let g:airline#extensions#tagbar#flags = 'p' < * configure how to search for the nearest tag (:help tagbar-statusline) > let g:airline#extensions#tagbar#searchmethod = 'nearest-stl' (default) let g:airline#extensions#tagbar#searchmethod = 'nearest' let g:airline#extensions#tagbar#searchmethod = 'scoped-stl' < ------------------------------------- *airline-taglist* taglist * enable/disable taglist integration > let g:airline#extensions#taglist#enabled = 1 < ------------------------------------- *airline-tmuxline* tmuxline * enable/disable tmuxline integration > let g:airline#extensions#tmuxline#enabled = 0 < * configure which mode colors should be used in tmux statusline > let airline#extensions#tmuxline#color_template = 'normal' (default) let airline#extensions#tmuxline#color_template = 'insert' let airline#extensions#tmuxline#color_template = 'visual' let airline#extensions#tmuxline#color_template = 'replace' < * if specified, setting this option will trigger writing to the file whenever the airline theme is applied, i.e. when :AirlineTheme is executed and on vim startup > airline#extensions#tmuxline#snapshot_file = \ "~/.tmux-statusline-colors.conf" < ------------------------------------- *airline-undotree* Undotree No configuration available. ------------------------------------- *airline-unicode* Unicode No configuration available. ------------------------------------- *airline-unite* Unite * enable/disable unite integration > let g:airline#extensions#unite#enabled = 1 ------------------------------------- *airline-vim9lsp* vim9lsp * enable/disable vim9lsp integration > let airline#extensions#vim9lsp#enabled = 1 < * vim9lsp error_symbol > let airline#extensions#vim9lsp#error_symbol = 'E:' < * vim9lsp warning > let airline#extensions#vim9lsp#warning_symbol = 'W:' < ------------------------------------- *airline-vimagit* vimagit * enable/disable vimagit integration > let g:airline#extensions#vimagit#enabled = 1 < ------------------------------------- *airline-vimcmake* Vim-CMake * enable/disable Vim-CMake integration > let g:airline#extensions#vimcmake#enabled = 1 < ------------------------------------- *airline-vimtex* vimtex Shows the current file's vimtex related info. * enable/disable vimtex integration > let g:airline#extensions#vimtex#enabled = 1 < * left and right delimiters (shown only when status string is not empty) > let g:airline#extensions#vimtex#left = "{" let g:airline#extensions#vimtex#right = "}" State indicators: * the current tex file is the main project file (nothing is shown by default) > let g:airline#extensions#vimtex#main = "" * the current tex file is a subfile of the project and the compilation is set for the main file > let g:airline#extensions#vimtex#sub_main = "m" * the current tex file is a subfile of the project and the compilation is set for this subfile > let g:airline#extensions#vimtex#sub_local = "l" * single compilation is running > let g:airline#extensions#vimtex#compiled = "c₁" * continuous compilation is running > let g:airline#extensions#vimtex#continuous = "c" * viewer is opened > let g:airline#extensions#vimtex#viewer = "v" * use vimtex specific wordcount function for TeX buffers Note: this more accurate but may slow down Vim) > let g:airline#extensions#vimtex#wordcount = 1 ------------------------------------- *airline-virtualenv* virtualenv * enable/disable virtualenv integration > let g:airline#extensions#virtualenv#enabled = 1 < * enable virtualenv for additional filetypes: (default: python): > let g:airline#extensions#virtualenv#ft = ['python', 'markdown', 'rmd'] < ------------------------------------- *airline-vista* vista.vim * enable/disable vista integration > let g:airline#extensions#vista#enabled = 1 ------------------------------------- *airline-whitespace* * enable/disable detection of whitespace errors. > let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#enabled = 1 < * disable detection of whitespace errors. > " useful to call for particular file types (e.g., in "ftplugin/*") silent! call airline#extensions#whitespace#disable() < * customize the type of mixed indent checking to perform. > " must be all spaces or all tabs before the first non-whitespace character let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#mixed_indent_algo = 0 (default) " certain number of spaces are allowed after tabs, but not in between " this algorithm works well for /* */ style comments in a tab-indented file let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#mixed_indent_algo = 1 " spaces are allowed after tabs, but not in between " this algorithm works well with programming styles that use tabs for " indentation and spaces for alignment let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#mixed_indent_algo = 2 < * customize the whitespace symbol. > let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#symbol = '!' < * configure which whitespace checks to enable. > " indent: mixed indent within a line " long: overlong lines " trailing: trailing whitespace " mixed-indent-file: different indentation in different lines " conflicts: checks for conflict markers let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#checks = \ [ 'indent', 'trailing', 'long', 'mixed-indent-file', 'conflicts' ] " this can also be configured for an individual buffer let b:airline_whitespace_checks = \ [ 'indent', 'trailing', 'long', 'mixed-indent-file', 'conflicts ] < * configure the max number of lines where whitespace checking is enabled. > let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#max_lines = 20000 < * configure whether a message should be displayed. > let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#show_message = 1 < * configure the formatting of the warning messages. > let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#trailing_format = 'trailing[%s]' let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#mixed_indent_format = \ 'mixed-indent[%s]' let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#long_format = 'long[%s]' let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#mixed_indent_file_format = \ 'mix-indent-file[%s]' let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#conflicts_format = 'conflicts[%s]' * configure custom trailing whitespace regexp rule > let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#trailing_regexp = '\s$' " this can also be configured for an individual buffer let b:airline_whitespace_trailing_regexp = '\s$' * configure, which filetypes have special treatment of /* */ comments, matters for mix-indent-file algorithm: > let airline#extensions#c_like_langs = \ ['arduino', 'c', 'cpp', 'cuda', 'go', 'javascript', 'ld', 'php'] < * disable whitespace checking for an individual buffer > " Checking is enabled by default because b:airline_whitespace_disabled " is by default not defined: unlet b:airline_whitespace_disabled " If b:airline_whitespace_disabled is defined and is non-zero for a buffer, " then whitespace checking will be disabled for that buffer; for example: " let b:airline_whitespace_disabled = 1 < * disable specific whitespace checks for individual filetypes > " The global variable g:airline#extensions#whitespace#skip_indent_check_ft " defines what whitespaces checks to skip per filetype. " the list can contain any of the available checks, " (see above at g:airline#extensions#whitespace#checks) " To disable mixed-indent-file for go files use: let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#skip_indent_check_ft = \ {'go': ['mixed-indent-file']} < ------------------------------------- *airline-windowswap* vim-windowswap * enable/disable vim-windowswap integration > let g:airline#extensions#windowswap#enabled = 1 * set marked window indicator string > let g:airline#extensions#windowswap#indicator_text = 'WS' < ------------------------------------- *airline-wordcount* * enable/disable word counting of the document/visual selection > let g:airline#extensions#wordcount#enabled = 1 < * set list of filetypes for which word counting is enabled: > " The default value matches filetypes typically used for documentation " such as markdown and help files. Default is: let g:airline#extensions#wordcount#filetypes = \ ['asciidoc', 'help', 'mail', 'markdown', 'rmd', 'nroff', 'org', 'plaintex', 'rst', 'tex', 'text']) " Use ['all'] to enable for all filetypes. * defines the name of a formatter for word count will be displayed: > " The default will try to guess LC_NUMERIC and format number accordingly " e.g. 1,042 in English and 1.042 in German locale let g:airline#extensions#wordcount#formatter = 'default' " enable reading time formatter let g:airline#extensions#wordcount#formatter = 'readingtime' " here is how you can define a 'foo' formatter: " create a file in autoload/airline/extensions/wordcount/formatters/ " called foo.vim, which defines the following function signature: function! airline#extensions#wordcount#formatters#foo#to_string(wordcount) return a:wordcount == 0 ? 'NONE' : \ a:wordcount > 100 ? 'okay' : 'not enough') endfunction let g:airline#extensions#wordline#formatter = 'foo' " The function is passed the word count of the document or visual selection * defines how to display the wordcount statistics for the default formatter > " Defaults are below. If fmt_short isn't defined, fmt is used. " '%s' will be substituted by the word count " fmt_short is displayed when window width is less than 80 let g:airline#extensions#wordcount#formatter#default#fmt = '%s words' let g:airline#extensions#wordcount#formatter#default#fmt_short = '%sW' < ------------------------------------- *airline-xkblayout* The vim-xkblayout extension will only be enabled, if the global variable `g:XkbSwitchLib` is set. It should be set to a C library that will be called using |libcall()| with the function name `Xkb_Switch_getXkbLayout`. For details on how to use it, see e.g. * enable/disable vim-xkblayout extension > let g:airline#extensions#xkblayout#enabled = 1 * redefine keyboard layout short codes to shown in status > let g:airline#extensions#xkblayout#short_codes = \ {'Russian-Phonetic': 'RU', 'ABC': 'EN'} < 'RU' instead of system 'Russian-Phonetic', 'EN' instead of system 'ABC'. Default: > let g:airline#extensions#xkblayout#short_codes = \ {'2SetKorean': 'KR', 'Chinese': 'CN', 'Japanese': 'JP'} * define path to the backend switcher library Linux (Install https://github.com/ierton/xkb-switch): > let g:XkbSwitchLib = '/usr/local/lib/libxkbswitch.so' < macOS (Install https://github.com/vovkasm/input-source-switcher): > let g:XkbSwitchLib = '/usr/local/lib/libInputSourceSwitcher.dylib' ------------------------------------- *airline-xtabline* xtabline This is a simplified and stand-alone version of the original extension. The bigger version adds fzf commands, session management, tab bookmarks, and features that you may not need. They both require |vim-airline| anyway. Main features and default mappings of this extension are: * tab cwd persistence, also across sessions if vim-obsession is being used. * buffer filtering in the tabline: only buffers whose path is within the tab cwd will be shown in the tabline. * toggle tabs/buffer view on the tabline, toggle buffer filtering: > nmap XTablineToggleTabs nmap XTablineToggleFiltering * reopen last closed tab, restoring its cwd and buffers: > nmap tr XTablineReopen ReopenLastTab * switch among filtered buffers (accepts count): > nmap ]l XTablineNextBuffer nmap [l XTablinePrevBuffer * go to N buffer (a count must be provided): > nmap XTablineSelectBuffer * alternative command if count is not provided: > let g:xtabline_alt_action = "buffer #" Note: Make sure to also enable > :let g:airline#extensions#tabline#show_buffers = 1 otherwise the tabline might not actually be displayed correctly (see |airline-tabline|) * exclude fugitive logs and files that share part of the real buffer path: > let g:xtabline_include_previews = 0 (default 1) * activate fast cwd selection mappings: > let g:xtabline_cd_commands = 1 (default 0) * default mappings for them are: > map cdc XTablineCdCurrent map cdd XTablineCdDown1 map cd2 XTablineCdDown2 map cd3 XTablineCdDown3 map cdh XTablineCdHome Note: if you don't use these mappings and change the cwd, the tabline won't be updated automatically. Either re-enter the tab or press two times. * here are some easier mappings to change tab buffer: > nnoremap v:count ? \ airline#extensions#tabline#xtabline#next_buffer(v:count) : "\" nnoremap v:count ? \ airline#extensions#tabline#xtabline#prev_buffer(v:count) : "\" ------------------------------------- *airline-ycm* YouCompleteMe Shows number of errors and warnings in the current file detected by YCM. * enable/disable YCM integration > let g:airline#extensions#ycm#enabled = 1 * set error count prefix > let g:airline#extensions#ycm#error_symbol = 'E:' * set warning count prefix > let g:airline#extensions#ycm#warning_symbol = 'W:' < ------------------------------------- *airline-zoomwintab* zoomwintab * enable/disable zoomwintab integration > let g:airline#extensions#zoomwintab#enabled = 1 * zoomwintab's zoomin symbol > let g:airline#extensions#zoomwintab#status_zoomed_in = 'Currently Zoomed In' default: '> Zoomed' * zoomwintab's zoomout symbol > let g:airline#extensions#zoomwintab#status_zoomed_out = 'Currently Zoomed Out' default: '' ============================================================================= ADVANCED CUSTOMIZATION *airline-advanced-customization* The defaults will accommodate the mass majority of users with minimal configuration. However, if you want to reposition sections or contents you can do so with built-in helper functions, which makes it possible to create sections in a more declarative style. ------------------------------------- *airline-parts* A part is something that contains metadata that eventually gets rendered into the statusline. You can define parts that contain constant strings or functions. Defining parts is needed if you want to use features like automatic insertion of separators or hiding based on window width. For example, this is how you would define a part function: > call airline#parts#define_function('foo', 'GetFooText') < Here is how you would define a part that is visible only if the window width greater than a minimum width. > call airline#parts#define_minwidth('foo', 50) < Parts can be configured to be visible conditionally. > call airline#parts#define_condition('foo', 'getcwd() =~ "work_dir"') < Now add part "foo" to section airline_section_y: > let g:airline_section_y = airline#section#create_right(['ffenc','foo']) < Note: Part definitions are combinative; e.g. the two examples above modify the same `foo` part. Note: Look at the source code and tests for the full API. ------------------------------------- *airline-predefined-parts* The following list of parts are predefined by vim-airline. * `mode` displays the current mode * `iminsert` displays the current insert method * `paste` displays the paste indicator * `crypt` displays the crypted indicator * `spell` displays the spell indicator * `filetype` displays the file type * `readonly` displays the read only indicator * `file` displays the filename and modified indicator * `path` displays the filename (absolute path) and modifier indicator * `linenr` displays the current line number * `maxlinenr` displays the number of lines in the buffer * `ffenc` displays the file format and encoding And the following are defined for their respective extensions: `ale_error_count` `ale_warning_count` `branch` `eclim` `hunks` `languageclient_error_count` `languageclient_warning_count` `lsp_error_count` `lsp_warning_count``neomake_error_count` `neomake_warning_count` `nvimlsp_error_count` `nvimlsp_warning_count` `obsession` `syntastic-warn` `syntastic-err` `tagbar` `whitespace` `windowswap` `ycm_error_count` `ycm_warning_count` ------------------------------------- *airline-accents* Accents can be defined on any part, like so: > call airline#parts#define_accent('foo', 'red') < This will override the colors of that part by using what is defined in that particular accent. In the above example, the `red` accent is used, which means regardless of which section the part is used in, it will have red foreground colors instead of the section's default foreground color. The following accents are defined by default. Themes can define their variants of the colors, but defaults will be provided if missing. > bold, italic, red, green, blue, yellow, orange, purple, none < The defaults configure the mode and line number parts to be bold, and the readonly part to be red. "none" is special. This can be used, to remove a bold accent from an existing theme. For example, the mode part of the statusline is usually defined to be bold. However, it can be hard to remove an existing bold accent from the default configuration. Therefore, you can use the none accent to remove existing accents, so if you put > call airline#parts#define_accent('mode', 'none') the mode section will be set to non-bold font style. ------------------------------------- *airline-sections* Once a part is defined, you can use helper functions to generate the statuslines for each section. For example, to use the part above, we could define a section like this: > function! AirlineInit() let g:airline_section_a = airline#section#create(['mode', ' ', 'foo']) let g:airline_section_b = airline#section#create_left(['ffenc','file']) let g:airline_section_c = airline#section#create(['%{getcwd()}']) endfunction autocmd User AirlineAfterInit call AirlineInit() < This will create a section with the `mode`, followed by a space, and our `foo` part in section `a`. Section `b` will have two parts with a left-side separator. And section `c` will contain the current path. You may notice that the space and cwd are not defined parts. For convenience, if a part of that key does not exist, it will be inserted as is. The unit tests will be a good resource for possibilities. Note: The use of |User| is important, because most extensions are lazily loaded, so we must give them a chance to define their parts before we can use them. Also this autocommand is only triggered, after the airline functions are actually available on startup. Note: The `airline#section#create` function and friends will do its best to create a section with the appropriate separators, but it only works for function and text parts. Special 'statusline' items like %f or raw/undefined parts will not work as it is not possible to inspect their widths/contents before rendering to the statusline. ============================================================================= FUNCREFS *airline-funcrefs* vim-airline internally uses funcrefs to integrate with third party plugins, and you can tap into this functionality to extend it for you needs. This is the most powerful way to customize the statusline, and sometimes it may be easier to go this route than the above methods. Every section can have two values. The default value is the global `g:` variable which is used in the absence of a `w:` value. This makes it very easy to override only certain parts of the statusline by only defining window-local variables for a subset of all sections. ------------------------------------- *add_statusline_func* *add_inactive_statusline_func* The following is an example of how you can extend vim-airline to support a new plugin. > function! MyPlugin(...) if &filetype == 'MyPluginFileType' let w:airline_section_a = 'MyPlugin' let w:airline_section_b = '%f' let w:airline_section_c = '%{MyPlugin#function()}' let g:airline_variable_referenced_in_statusline = 'foo' endif endfunction call airline#add_statusline_func('MyPlugin') < Notice that only the left side of the statusline is overwritten. This means the right side (the line/column numbers, etc) will be intact. To have the function act only on statuslines of inactive functions, use `airline#add_inactive_statusline_func('MyPlugin')` ------------------------------------- *remove_statusline_func* You can also remove a function as well, which is useful for when you want a temporary override. > call airline#remove_statusline_func('MyPlugin') < ============================================================================= PIPELINE *airline-pipeline* Sometimes you want to do more than just use overrides. The statusline funcref is invoked and passed two arguments. The first of these arguments is the statusline builder. You can use this to build completely custom statuslines to your liking. Here is an example: > > function! MyPlugin(...) " first variable is the statusline builder let builder = a:1 " WARNING: the API for the builder is not finalized and may change call builder.add_section('Normal', '%f') call builder.add_section('WarningMsg', '%{getcwd()}') call builder.split() call builder.add_section('airline_z', '%p%%') " tell the core to use the contents of the builder return 1 endfunction < The above example uses various example highlight groups to demonstrate that you can use any combination from the loaded colorscheme. However, if you want colors to change between modes, you should use one of the section highlight groups, e.g. `airline_a` and `airline_b`. The second variable is the context, which is a dictionary containing various values such as whether the statusline is active or not, and the window number. > context = { 'winnr': 'the window number for the statusline', 'active': 'whether the window is active or not', 'bufnr': 'the current buffer for this window', } < ------------------------------------- *airline-pipeline-return-codes* The pipeline accepts various return codes and can be used to determine the next action. The following are the supported codes: > 0 the default, continue on with the next funcref -1 do not modify the statusline 1 modify the statusline with the current contents of the builder < Note: Any value other than 0 will halt the pipeline and prevent the next funcref from executing. ============================================================================= WRITING EXTENSIONS *airline-writing-extensions* For contributions into the plugin, here are the following guidelines: 1. For simple 'filetype' checks, they can be added directly into the `extensions.vim` file. 2. Pretty much everything else should live as a separate file under the `extensions/` directory. a. Inside `extensions.vim`, add a check for some variable or command that is always available (these must be defined in `plugin/`, and _not_ `autoload/` of the other plugin). If it exists, then initialize the extension. This ensures that the extension is loaded if and only if the user has the other plugin installed. Also, a check to `airline#extensions#foo_plugin#enabled` should be performed to allow the user to disable it. b. Configuration variables for the extension should reside in the extension, e.g. `g:airline#extensions#foo_plugin#bar_variable`. See the source of |example.vim| for documented code of how to write one. Looking at the other extensions is also a good resource. ============================================================================= WRITING THEMES *airline-themes* Themes are written "close to the metal" -- you will need to know some basic VimL syntax to write a theme, but if you've written in any programming language before it will be easy to pick up. The |dark.vim| theme fully documents this procedure and will guide you through the process. For other examples, you can visit the official themes repository at . It also includes examples such as |jellybeans.vim| which define colors by extracting highlight groups from the underlying colorscheme. ============================================================================= TROUBLESHOOTING *airline-troubleshooting* Q. There are no colors. A. You need to set up your terminal correctly. For more details, see . Alternatively, if you want to bypass the automatic detection of terminal colors, you can force Vim into 256 color mode with this: > set t_Co=256 < Also if you enable true color mode in your terminal, make sure it will work correctly with your terminal. Check if it makes a difference without it: > set notermguicolors Q. Powerline symbols are not showing up. A. First, you must install patched powerline fonts. Second, you must enable unicode in vim. > set encoding=utf-8 < Q. There is a pause when leaving insert mode. A. Add the following to your vimrc. > set ttimeoutlen=50 < Q. The colors look a little off for some themes. A. Certain themes are derived from the active colorscheme by extracting colors from predefined highlight groups. These airline themes will look good for their intended matching colorschemes, but will be hit or miss when loaded with other colorschemes. Q. Themes are missing A. Themes have been extracted into the vim-airlines-themes repository. Simply clone https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline-themes and everything should work again. Q. Performance is bad A. Check the question at the wiki: https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline/wiki/FAQ#i-have-a-performance-problem Q. Something strange happens on certain autocommands A. Try to disable the autocommand by setting the 'eventignore' option like this: > set eventignore+=FocusGained Solutions to other common problems can be found in the Wiki: ============================================================================= CONTRIBUTIONS *airline-contributions* Contributions and pull requests are welcome. ============================================================================= LICENSE *airline-license* MIT License. Copyright © 2013-2021 Bailey Ling, Christian Brabandt, Mike Hartington et al. vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: