--- title: Qubes Set Wallpaper description: Ensures the Qubes wallpaper is set to the Betelgeuse wallpaper for Qubes. sidebar_label: 11 Qubes Set Wallpaper slug: /scripts/after/run_onchange_after_11-set-wallpaper.sh.tmpl githubLocation: https://github.com/megabyte-labs/install.doctor/blob/master/home/.chezmoiscripts/universal/run_onchange_after_11-set-wallpaper.sh.tmpl scriptLocation: https://github.com/megabyte-labs/install.doctor/raw/master/home/.chezmoiscripts/universal/run_onchange_after_11-set-wallpaper.sh.tmpl repoLocation: home/.chezmoiscripts/universal/run_onchange_after_11-set-wallpaper.sh.tmpl --- # Qubes Set Wallpaper Ensures the Qubes wallpaper is set to the Betelgeuse wallpaper for Qubes. ## Overview This script ensures the Qubes desktop wallpaper is set to the Qubes Betelgeuse wallpaper on KDE by using the `ksetwallpaper` script found in `~/.local/bin/ksetwallpaper`. ## Source Code ``` {{- if (eq .host.distro.id "qubes") -}} #!/usr/bin/env bash # @file Qubes Set Wallpaper # @brief Ensures the Qubes wallpaper is set to the Betelgeuse wallpaper for Qubes. # @description # This script ensures the Qubes desktop wallpaper is set to the Qubes Betelgeuse wallpaper on KDE by # using the `ksetwallpaper` script found in `~/.local/bin/ksetwallpaper`. ksetwallpaper --file /usr/local/share/wallpapers/Betelgeuse/contents/images/3440x1440.jpg {{ end -}} ```