--- title: Global Profile Setup description: Configures `/etc/environment` to include environment variables that should be applied globally sidebar_label: 04 Global Profile Setup slug: /scripts/after/run_onchange_after_04-environment-profile.sh.tmpl githubLocation: https://github.com/megabyte-labs/install.doctor/blob/master/home/.chezmoiscripts/universal/run_onchange_after_04-environment-profile.sh.tmpl scriptLocation: https://github.com/megabyte-labs/install.doctor/raw/master/home/.chezmoiscripts/universal/run_onchange_after_04-environment-profile.sh.tmpl repoLocation: home/.chezmoiscripts/universal/run_onchange_after_04-environment-profile.sh.tmpl --- # Global Profile Setup Configures `/etc/environment` to include environment variables that should be applied globally ## Overview This script modifies the `/etc/environment` file on Linux devices to include: * `export QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=kvantum-dark` which is required for the Linux GNOME / KDE themeing that relies on Kvantum. ## Source Code ``` {{- if (eq .host.distro.family "linux") -}} #!/usr/bin/env bash # @file Global Profile Setup # @brief Configures `/etc/environment` to include environment variables that should be applied globally # @description # This script modifies the `/etc/environment` file on Linux devices to include: # # * `export QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=kvantum-dark` which is required for the Linux GNOME / KDE themeing that relies on Kvantum. {{ includeTemplate "universal/profile" }} {{ includeTemplate "universal/logg" }} ### Ensure QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE is set in /etc/environment logg info 'Ensuring QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE is set in /etc/environment' if cat /etc/environment | grep QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE > /dev/null; then sudo sed -i 's/.*QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE.*/export QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=kvantum-dark/' /etc/environment logg info 'Updated QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE in /etc/environment' else echo 'export QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=kvantum-dark' | sudo tee -a /etc/environment logg info 'Added QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE to /etc/environment' fi {{ end -}} ```