#!/usr/bin/env bash # @file DockerHub Login # @brief Logs into DockerHub for Docker Desktop # @description # This script logs into DockerHub so that Docker Desktop is pre-authenticated. This # functionality requires that the `DOCKERHUB_USER` be passed in as an environment variable (or # directly editted in the `~/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.yaml` file) and that the `DOCKERHUB_TOKEN` # be passed in as a secret (either via the encrypted secret method or passed in as an environment # variable). set -Eeuo pipefail trap "gum log -sl error 'Script encountered an error!'" ERR if command -v docker > /dev/null; then ### Acquire DOCKERHUB_USER if [ -f "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/chezmoi/chezmoi.yaml" ]; then DOCKERHUB_USER="$(yq '.data.user.docker.username' ~/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.yaml)" else gum log -sl error "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/chezmoi/chezmoi.yaml is missing which is required for populating the DOCKERHUB_USER" exit 1 fi ### Launch Docker.app if [ -d "/Applications/Docker.app" ] || [ -d "$HOME/Applications/Docker.app" ]; then gum log -sl info 'Ensuring Docker.app is open' && open --background -a Docker --args --accept-license --unattended fi ### Ensure DOCKERHUB_TOKEN is available get-secret --exists DOCKERHUB_TOKEN ### Pre-authenticate with DockerHub if get-secret --exists DOCKERHUB_TOKEN; then if [ "$DOCKERHUB_USER" != 'null' ]; then gum log -sl info 'Headlessly authenticating with DockerHub registry' echo "$(get-secret DOCKERHUB_TOKEN)" | docker login -u "$DOCKERHUB_USER" --password-stdin > /dev/null logg success 'Successfully authenticated with DockerHub registry' else gum log -sl info 'Skipping logging into DockerHub because DOCKERHUB_USER is undefined' fi else gum log -sl info 'Skipping logging into DockerHub because DOCKERHUB_TOKEN is undefined' fi fi