Given markdown; * item1 Do (insert enter at list end): A\<cr>item2 Expect (auto insert * and indent level is same): * item1 * item2 Given markdown; Execute: syntax off Do (insert enter at list end with syntax off): i* item1\<cr>item2 Expect (auto insert * and indent level is same): * item1 * item2 Execute: syntax on Given markdown; ``` * item1 Do (insert after list items in code block): jotext Expect (no autoindent in code block): ``` * item1 text Given markdown; * item1 a Do (insert enter after list): jji\<cr>b Expect (no autoindent outside list): * item1 ba Given markdown; - a # b Do (insert header after list): jjwi# Expect (no indent header after list): - a ## b Given markdown; * item1 Do (new line from the first item of the list and add the second item): o* item2 Expect (insert 4 spaces to the head of second item): * item1 * item2