--- version: '3' vars: SCENARIO: sh: | {{if .CLI_ARGS}}echo "{{.CLI_ARGS}}"{{else}} SCENARIO="$(jq -r '.blueprint.dockerBaseTag' package.json)" if [ "$SCENARIO" != 'null' ]; then echo "$SCENARIO" else echo 'default' fi {{end}} SLUG: sh: jq -r '.blueprint.slug' package.json tasks: codeclimate: cmds: - | if [ -d ./test ]; then TEST_FOLDERS="$(find ./test -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d)" if echo "$TEST_FOLDERS" | grep '/test/' &> /dev/null; then CURR_DIR="$PWD" for TEST_DIR in $TEST_FOLDERS; do if [ -f "${TEST_DIR}/.codeclimate.yml" ]; then RAN_CODECLIMATE=true task -t "$CURR_DIR/Taskfile.yml" lint:codeclimate fi done if [ -z "$RAN_CODECLIMATE" ]; then .config/log warn 'None of the folders in the `./test` directory contained a `.codeclimate.yml` file so CodeClimate was not tested' fi fi fi status: - '[[ "$(docker images -q {{.DOCKER_IMAGE}}:latest-codeclimate 2> /dev/null)" == "" ]]' - '[[ "$(docker images -q {{.DOCKER_IMAGE}}:slim-codeclimate 2>/dev/null)" == "" ]]' container-structure-test: desc: Runs ContainerStructureTest for Dockerfile build hide: sh: '[ ! -d ./test/structure ] || ! find ./test/structure -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -name "*.yml" | grep .yml' cmds: - task: container-structure-test:latest - task: container-structure-test:slim container-structure-test:latest: deps: - :install:software:container-structure-test - :install:software:docker vars: TAG_POST: '{{if .CLI_ARGS}}{{if ne .DOCKER_BASE_TAG .CLI_ARGS}}-{{.CLI_ARGS}}{{end}}{{end}}' log: error: '`container-structure-test` reported error(s) when testing `{{.DOCKERHUB_PROFILE}}/{{.SLUG}}:latest{{.TAG_POST}}`' start: Testing the `{{.DOCKERHUB_PROFILE}}/{{.SLUG}}:latest` Docker image with `container-structure-test{{.TAG_POST}}` success: '`{{.DOCKERHUB_PROFILE}}/{{.SLUG}}:latest{{.TAG_POST}}` was successfully validated by `container-structure-test`' cmds: - container-structure-test test --image {{.DOCKERHUB_PROFILE}}/{{.SLUG}}:latest{{.TAG_POST}} --config ./test/structure/{{.SCENARIO}}.yml status: - '[[ "$(docker images -q {{.DOCKERHUB_PROFILE}}/{{.SLUG}}:latest{{.TAG_POST}} 2>/dev/null)" == "" ]] || [ ! -f ./test/structure/{{.SCENARIO}}.yml ]' container-structure-test:slim: deps: - :install:software:container-structure-test - :install:software:docker vars: TAG_POST: '{{if .CLI_ARGS}}{{if ne .DOCKER_BASE_TAG .CLI_ARGS}}-{{.CLI_ARGS}}{{end}}{{end}}' log: error: '`container-structure-test` reported error(s) when testing `{{.DOCKERHUB_PROFILE}}/{{.SLUG}}:slim{{.TAG_POST}}`' start: Testing the `{{.DOCKERHUB_PROFILE}}/{{.SLUG}}:slim{{.TAG_POST}}` Docker image with `container-structure-test` success: '`{{.DOCKERHUB_PROFILE}}/{{.SLUG}}:slim{{.TAG_POST}}` was successfully validated by `container-structure-test`' cmds: - container-structure-test test --image {{.DOCKERHUB_PROFILE}}/{{.SLUG}}:slim{{.TAG_POST}} --config ./test/structure/{{.SCENARIO}}.yml status: - '[[ "$(docker images -q {{.DOCKERHUB_PROFILE}}/{{.SLUG}}:slim{{.TAG_POST}} 2> /dev/null)" == "" ]] | [ ! -f ./test/structure/{{.SCENARIO}}.yml ]' container-structure-tests: cmds: - | if [ -d ./test/structure ]; then TESTS="$(find ./test/structure -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -name "*.yml")" if echo "$TESTS" | grep '.yml' > /dev/null; then for TEST_FILE in $TESTS; do TARGET="$(echo "$TEST_FILE" | sed 's/.*\/\([^\/]*\).yml$/\1/')" task docker:test:container-structure-test -- "$TARGET" done else .config/log error 'The `./test/structure` folder is present but there are no container-structure-tests in it. Add tests \ for each build target in the `Dockerfile` that you would like to generate an image for.' exit 1 fi else .config/log warn 'No tests are defined in `./test/structure` so no container-structure-tests will be performed' fi gitlab-runner: deps: - :install:software:docker - :install:software:gitlab-runner - :install:software:jq - :install:software:yq env: CI_TESTS: sh: yq e 'keys | .[] | select( . | test("integration"))' .gitlab-ci.yml log: error: Error encountered while validating with the integration tests in `.gitlab-ci.yml` start: Running integration tests defined in `.gitlab-ci.yml` success: Successfully passed the integration tests defined in `.gitlab-ci.yml` cmds: - | for CI_TEST in $CI_TESTS; do export CI_TEST .config/log warn 'GitLab Runner no longer supports running gitlab-runner exec so this test is no longer active (for now)' # if [ "$(yq e '.[strenv(CI_TEST)].image' .gitlab-ci.yml)" != 'null' ]; then # .config/log info 'Simulating the `'"$CI_TEST"'` job in `.gitlab-ci.yml`' # gitlab-runner exec "$CI_TEST" # .config/log success 'Successfully ran the `'"$CI_TEST"'` job in `.gitlab-ci.yml`' # else # .config/log warn "$CI_TEST does not appear to be an option with an image in .gitlab-ci.yml" # fi done status: - > ! yq e 'keys | .[] | select( . | test("integration"))' .gitlab-ci.yml | grep 'integration:' > /dev/null output: deps: - :install:software:docker desc: For each folder matching `./test/output*`, ensure slim and latest output match with default command summary: | # Ensure Identical Output This task ensures the output of the default command is identical for both the latest and slim images. If both of the command's outputs match, then that is a good indicator that the slim image is behaiving like the latest image. The test is performed on each project folder in the `test-output/` folder. vars: DIND_MOUNT: sh: | if [ "$(jq -r '.blueprint.dockerInDocker' package.json)" == 'true' ]; then echo "-v {{.DIND_MOUNT_MAPPING}} " fi MOUNT_PATH: '{{if .CLI_ARGS}}{{.CLI_ARGS}}{{else}}$PWD{{end}}' OUTPUT_COMMAND: sh: | BP_OUTPUT="$(jq -r '.blueprint.dockerOutputCommand' package.json)" if [ "$BP_OUTPUT" != 'null' ]; then echo "$BP_OUTPUT" else echo '.' fi hide: sh: '! find ./test -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d | grep output' log: error: There was an error while comparing `latest` and `slim` image outputs for `{{.DOCKER_IMAGE}}` start: Comparing outputs of the `latest` and `slim` images for `{{.DOCKER_IMAGE}}` success: The outputs of the `latest` and `slim` images match for `{{.DOCKER_IMAGE}}`! cmds: - | LATEST_OUTPUT="$(docker run -v "{{.MOUNT_PATH}}:/work" -w /work {{.DOCKER_IMAGE}}:latest {{.OUTPUT_COMMAND}} || true)" .config/log success 'Acquired `latest` image output' .config/log info 'Acquiring `slim` image output' SLIM_OUTPUT="$(docker run -v "{{.MOUNT_PATH}}:/work" -w /work {{.DOCKER_IMAGE}}:slim {{.OUTPUT_COMMAND}} || true)" .config/log success 'Acquired `slim` image output' if [ "$LATEST_OUTPUT" != "$SLIM_OUTPUT" ]; then .config/log error 'The `latest` image output did not match the `slim` image output with the command `{{.OUTPUT_COMMAND}}`' echo "$LATEST_OUTPUT" > latest.log .config/log info 'The `latest` image output has been written to `latest.log`' echo "$SLIM_OUTPUT" > slim.log .config/log info 'The `slim` image output has been written to `slim.log`' exit 1 else .config/log success 'The output from the `{{.OUTPUT_COMMAND}}` command generated the same output for both the `slim` and `latest` builds' fi outputs: log: error: Error intitializing Docker output tests start: Initializing Docker output test phase success: Completed Docker output test phase cmds: - | if [ -d test ]; then TESTS="$(find ./test -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "output-*")" if echo "$TESTS" | grep 'output'; then for TEST_FILE in $TESTS; do TARGET="$(echo "$TEST_FILE" | sed 's/.*\/\([^\/]*\).yml$/\1/')" task docker:test:output -- "$TARGET" done else .config/log info 'No folders matching `test/output*` were found so output comparison test is being skipped' fi else .config/log info 'No `./test` folder. See the `docs/CONTRIBUTING.md` to see how to set up the tests for Docker image builds' fi status: - '(! find ./test -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "output-*" | grep output-) || [[ "$(docker images -q {{.DOCKER_IMAGE}}:slim 2> /dev/null)" == "" ]] || [[ "$(docker images -q {{.DOCKER_IMAGE}}:latest 2>/dev/null)" == "" ]]'