#!/usr/bin/env zx let definitions, softwarePackages async function getSoftwareDefinitions() { try { return YAML.parse(fs.readFileSync(`${os.homedir()}/.local/share/chezmoi/software.yml`, 'utf8')) } catch (e) { throw Error('Failed to load software definitions', e) } } async function writeSoftwareDefinitions() { try { fs.writeFileSync(`${os.homedir()}/.local/share/chezmoi/software.yml`, YAML.stringify(definitions)) } catch (e) { throw Error('Failed to write new software definitions file', e) } } async function populateMissing() { definitions = await getSoftwareDefinitions() softwarePackages = definitions.softwarePackages for (const pkg in softwarePackages) { if (softwarePackages[pkg]._github) { console.log(pkg) if (!softwarePackages[pkg]._desc) { const sgptResponse = await $`sgpt "Describe ${softwarePackages[pkg]._github}. Do not say that you can find more information on its GitHub page."` console.log('--- START - SGPT Response for _desc Acquired ---') console.log(sgptResponse.stdout) console.log('--- END - SGPT Response for _desc Acquired ---') softwarePackages[pkg]._desc = sgptResponse.stdout } if (!softwarePackages[pkg]._name) { const sgptResponse = await $`sgpt "What is the project name of ${softwarePackages[pkg]._github}? Only print the project name without any additional text."` console.log('--- START - SGPT Response for _name Acquired ---') console.log(sgptResponse.stdout) console.log('--- END - SGPT Response for _name Acquired ---') softwarePackages[pkg]._name = sgptResponse.stdout } //if (!softwarePackages[pkg]._home) { // const sgptResponse = await $`sgpt "What is the project name of ${softwarePackages[pkg]._github}? Only print the project name without any additional text."` // console.log('--- START - SGPT Response for _home Acquired ---') // console.log(sgptResponse.stdout) // console.log('--- END - SGPT Response for _home Acquired ---') // softwarePackages[pkg]._home = sgptResponse.stdout //} //if (!softwarePackages[pkg]._docs) { // const sgptResponse = await $`sgpt "Print the documentation URL for ${softwarePackages[pkg]._github}. Print only the URL without 'The documentation URL for' text."` // console.log('--- START - SGPT Response for _docs Acquired ---') // console.log(sgptResponse.stdout) // console.log('--- END - SGPT Response for _docs Acquired ---') // softwarePackages[pkg]._docs = sgptResponse.stdout //} } else if (softwarePackages[pkg]._github === false) { console.log('No GitHub repository for ' + pkg) } else { console.log('***** MISSING GITHUB REPOSITORY INFORMATION FOR ' + pkg + ' *****') } } definitions.softwarePackages = softwarePackages } async function main() { await populateMissing() await writeSoftwareDefinitions() } console.log('Running script..') main()