2023-08-26 07:45:14 -04:00

403 lines
16 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env sh
# Source:
# by Siddharth Dushantha 2020
# Dependencies: jq, curl, w3m
# By default 'tmpmail' uses 'w3m' as it's web browser to render
# the HTML of the email
# The default command that will be used to copy the email address to
# the user's clipboard when running 'tmpmail --copy'
copy_to_clipboard_cmd="xclip -selection c"
# If the value is set to 'true' tmpmail will convert the HTML email
# to raw text and send that to stdout
# Everything related to 'tmpmail' will be stored in /tmp/tmpmail
# so that the old emails and email addresses get cleared after
# restarting the computer
# tmpmail_email_address is where we store the temporary email address
# that gets generated. This prevents the user from providing
# the email address everytime they run tmpmail
# tmpmail.html is where the email gets stored.
# Even though the file ends with a .html extension, the raw text version of
# the email will also be stored in this file so that w3m and other browsers
# are able to open this file
# Default 1secmail API URL
usage() {
# Using 'cat << EOF' we can easily output a multiline text. This is much
# better than using 'echo' for each line or using '\n' to create a new line.
cat <<EOF
tmpmail -h | --version
tmpmail -g [ADDRESS]
tmpmail [-t | -b BROWSER] -r | ID
When called with no option and no argument, tmpmail lists the messages in
the inbox and their numeric IDs. When called with one argument, tmpmail
shows the email message with specified ID.
-b, --browser BROWSER
Specify BROWSER that is used to render the HTML of
the email (default: w3m)
--clipboard-cmd COMMAND
Specify the COMMAND to use for copying the email address to your
clipboard (default: xclip -selection c)
-c, --copy
Copy the email address to your clipboard
-d, --domains
Show list of available domains
-g, --generate [ADDRESS]
Generate a new email address, either the specified ADDRESS, or
randomly create one
-h, --help
Show help
-r, --recent
View the most recent email message
-t, --text
View the email as raw text, where all the HTML tags are removed.
Without this option, HTML is used.
Show version
get_list_of_domains() {
# Getting domains list from 1secmail API
data=$(curl -sL "$tmpmail_api_url?action=getDomainList")
# Number of available domains
data_length=$(printf %s "$data" | jq length)
# If the length of the data we got is 0, that means the email address
# has not received any emails yet.
[ "$data_length" -eq 0 ] && echo "1secmail API error for getting domains list" && exit
# Getting rid of quotes, braces and replace comma with space
printf "%s" "$data" | tr -d "[|]|\"" | tr "," " "
show_list_of_domains() {
# Convert the list of domains which are in a singal line, into multiple lines
# with a dash in the beginning of each domain for a clean output
domains=$(printf "%s" "$(get_list_of_domains)" | tr " " "\n" | sed "s/^/- /g")
printf "List of available domains: \n%s\n" "$domains"
generate_email_address() {
# There are 2 ways which this function is called in this script.
# [1] The user wants to generate a new email and runs 'tmpmail --generate'
# [2] The user runs 'tmpmail' to check the inbox , but /tmp/tmpmail/email_address
# is empty or nonexistant. Therefore a new email gets automatically
# generated before showing the inbox. But of course the inbox will
# be empty as the newly generated email address has not been
# sent any emails.
# When the function 'generate_email_address()' is called with the arguement
# 'true', it means that the function was called because the user
# ran 'tmpmail --generate'.
# We need this variable so we can know whether or not we need to show the user
# what the email was. <-- More about this can be found further down in this function.
# This variable lets generate_email_address know if the user has provided a custom
# email address which they want to use. custom is set to false if $2 has no value.
# Generate a random email address.
# This function is called whenever the user wants to generate a new email
# address by running 'tmpmail --generate' or when the user runs 'tmpmail'
# but /tmp/tmpmail/email_address is empty or nonexistent.
# We create a random username by taking the first 10 lines from /dev/random
# and delete all the characters which are *not* lower case letters from A to Z.
# So charcters such as dashes, periods, underscore, and numbers are all deleted,
# giving us a text which only contains lower case letters form A to Z. We then take
# the first 10 characters, which will be the username of the email address
username=$(head /dev/urandom | LC_ALL=C tr -dc "[:alnum:]" | cut -c1-11 | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]")
# Generate a regex for valif email adress by fetching the list of supported domains
valid_email_address_regex=$(printf "[a-z0-9]+@%s" "$(get_list_of_domains | tr ' ' '|')")
username_black_list="- abuse\n- webmaster\n- contact\n- postmaster\n- hostmaster\n- admin"
# Randomly pick one of the domains mentioned above.
domain=$(printf "%b" "$(get_list_of_domains)" | tr " " "\n" | randomize | tail -1)
# If the user provided a custom email address then use that email address
if [ "$custom" != false ]; then
# Check if the user is using username in the email address which appears
# in the black list.
if printf %b "$email_address" | grep -Eq "$username_black_list_regex"; then
die "For security reasons, that username cannot be used. Here are the blacklisted usernames:\n$username_black_list"
# Do a regex check to see if the email address provided by the user is a
# valid email address
if ! printf %b "$email_address" | grep -Eq "$valid_email_address_regex"; then
die "Provided email is invalid. Must match $valid_email_address_regex"
# Save the generated email address to the $tmpmail_email_address file
# so that it can be whenever 'tmpmail' is run
printf %s "$email_address" >"$tmpmail_email_address"
# If this function was called because the user wanted to generate a new
# email address, show them the email address
[ "$externally" = true ] && cat "$tmpmail_email_address" && printf "\n"
get_email_address() {
# This function is only called once and that is when this script
# get executed. The output of this function gets stored in $email_address
# If the file that contains the email address is empty,
# that means we do not have an email address, so generate one.
[ ! -s "$tmpmail_email_address" ] && generate_email_address
# Output the email address by getting the first line of $tmpmail_email
head -n 1 "$tmpmail_email_address"
list_emails() {
# List all the received emails in a nicely formatted order
# Fetch the email data using 1secmail's API
data=$(curl -sL "$tmpmail_api_url?action=getMessages&login=$username&domain=$domain")
# Using 'jq' we get the length of the JSON data. From this we can determine whether or not
# the email address has gotten any emails
data_length=$(printf %s "$data" | jq length)
# We are showing what email address is currently being used
# in case the user has forgotten what the email address was.
printf "[ Inbox for %s ]\n\n" "$email_address"
# If the length of the data we got is 0, that means the email address
# has not received any emails yet.
[ "$data_length" -eq 0 ] && echo "No new mail" && exit
# This is where we store all of our emails, which is then
# displayed using 'column'
# Go through each mail that has been received
while [ $index -le "${data_length}" ]; do
# Since arrays in JSON data start at 0, we must subtract
# the value of $index by 1 so that we dont miss one of the
# emails in the array
mail_data=$(printf %s "$data" | jq -r ".[$index-1]")
id=$(printf %s "$mail_data" | jq -r ".id")
from=$(printf %s "$mail_data" | jq -r ".from")
subject=$(printf %s "$mail_data" | jq -r ".subject")
# The '||' are used as a divideder for 'column'. 'column' will use this divider as
# a point of reference to create the division. By default 'column' uses a blank space
# but that would not work in our case as the email subject could have multiple white spaces
# and 'column' would split the words that are seperated by white space, in different columns.
inbox="$inbox$id ||$from ||$subject\n"
index=$((index + 1))
# Show the emails cleanly
printf "%b" "$inbox" | column -t -s "||"
randomize() {
# We could use 'shuf' and 'sort -R' but they are not a part of POSIX
awk 'BEGIN {srand();} {print rand(), $0}' | \
sort -n -k1 | cut -d' ' -f2
view_email() {
# View an email by providing it's ID
# The first argument provided to this function will be the ID of the email
# that has been received
data=$(curl -sL "$tmpmail_api_url?action=readMessage&login=$username&domain=$domain&id=$email_id")
# After the data is retrieved using the API, we have to check if we got any emails.
# Luckily 1secmail's API is not complicated and returns 'Message not found' as plain text
# if our email address as not received any emails.
# If we received the error message from the API just quit because there is nothing to do
[ "$data" = "Message not found" ] && die "Message not found"
# We pass the $data to 'jq' which extracts the values
from=$(printf %s "$data" | jq -r ".from")
subject=$(printf %s "$data" | jq -r ".subject")
html_body=$(printf %s "$data" | jq -r ".htmlBody")
attachments=$(printf %s "$data" | jq -r ".attachments | length")
# If you get an email that is in pure text, the .htmlBody field will be empty and
# we will need to get the content from .textBody instead
[ -z "$html_body" ] && html_body="<pre>$(printf %s "$data" | jq -r ".textBody")</pre>"
# Create the HTML with all the information that is relevant and then
# assigning that HTML to the variable html_mail. This is the best method
# to create a multiline variable
html_mail=$(cat <<EOF
<pre><b>To: </b>$email_address
<b>From: </b>$from
<b>Subject: </b>$subject</pre>
if [ ! "$attachments" = "0" ]; then
while [ "$index" -le "$attachments" ]; do
filename=$(printf %s "$data" | jq -r ".attachments | .[$index-1] | .filename")
html_link="<a href=$link download=$filename>$filename</a><br>"
if [ "$raw_text" = true ]; then
# The actual url is way too long and does not look so nice in STDOUT.
# Therefore we will shortening it using so that it looks nicer.
link=$(curl -s -F"url=$link" "")
html_mail="$html_mail$link [$filename]<br>"
index=$((index + 1))
# Save the $html_mail into $tmpmail_html_email
printf %s "$html_mail" >"$tmpmail_html_email"
# If the '--text' flag is used, then use 'w3m' to convert the HTML of
# the email to pure text by removing all the HTML tags
[ "$raw_text" = true ] && w3m -dump "$tmpmail_html_email" && exit
# Open up the HTML file using $browser. By default,
# this will be 'w3m'.
$browser "$tmpmail_html_email"
view_recent_email() {
# View the most recent email.
# This is done by listing all the received email like you
# normally see on the terminal when running 'tmpmail'.
# We then grab the ID of the most recent
# email, which the first line.
mail_id=$(list_emails | head -3 | tail -1 | cut -d' ' -f 1)
view_email "$mail_id"
# Copy the email thats being used to the user's clipboard
$copy_to_clipboard_cmd < $tmpmail_email_address
die() {
# Print error message and exit
# The first argument provided to this function will be the error message.
# Script will exit after printing the error message.
printf "%b\n" "Error: $1" >&2
exit 1
main() {
# Iterate of the array of dependencies and check if the user has them installed.
# We are checking if $browser is installed instead of checking for 'w3m'. By doing
# this, it allows the user to not have to install 'w3m' if they are using another
# browser to view the HTML.
# dep_missing allows us to keep track of how many dependencies the user is missing
# and then print out the missing dependencies once the checking is done.
# The main command from $copy_to_clipboard_cmd
# Example:
# xclip -selection c
# ├───┘
# └ This part
clipboard=${copy_to_clipboard_cmd%% *}
for dependency in jq $browser $clipboard curl; do
if ! command -v "$dependency" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
# Append to our list of missing dependencies
dep_missing="$dep_missing $dependency"
if [ "${#dep_missing}" -gt 0 ]; then
printf %s "Could not find the following dependencies:$dep_missing"
exit 1
# Create the $tmpmail_dir directory and dont throw any errors
# if it already exists
mkdir -p "$tmpmail_dir"
# Get the email address and save the value to the email_address variable
# ${VAR#PATTERN} Removes shortest match of pattern from start of a string.
# In this case, it takes the email_address and removed everything after
# the '@' symbol which gives us the username.
# ${VAR%PATTERN} Remove shortest match of pattern from end of a string.
# In this case, it takes the email_address and removes everything until the
# period '.' which gives us the domain
# If no arguments are provided just the emails
[ $# -eq 0 ] && list_emails && exit
while [ "$1" ]; do
case "$1" in
--help | -h) usage && exit ;;
--domains | -d) show_list_of_domains && exit ;;
--generate | -g) generate_email_address true "$2" && exit ;;
--clipboard-cmd) copy_to_clipboard_cmd="$2" ;;
--copy | -c) copy_email_to_clipboard && exit ;;
--browser | -b) browser="$2" ;;
--text | -t) raw_text=true ;;
--version) echo "$version" && exit ;;
--recent | -r) view_recent_email && exit ;;
# If the user provides number as an argument,
# assume its the ID of an email and try getting
# the email that belongs to the ID
view_email "$1" && exit
-*) die "option '$1' does not exist" ;;
main "$@"