Brian Zalewski a51edaec63 Latest
2023-07-11 06:58:10 +00:00

305 lines
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# Chart repositories used from within this state file
# Use `helm-s3` and `helm-git` and whatever Helm Downloader plugins
# to use repositories other than the official repository or one backend by chartmuseum.
# To use official "stable" charts a.k.a
- name: stable
# To use official "incubator" charts a.k.a
- name: incubator
# helm-git powered repository: You can treat any Git repository as a charts repository
- name: polaris
url: git+
# Advanced configuration: You can setup basic or tls auth and optionally enable helm OCI integration
- name: roboll
certFile: optional_client_cert
keyFile: optional_client_key
# username is retrieve from the environment with the format <registryNameUpperCase>_USERNAME for CI usage, here ROBOLL_USERNAME
username: optional_username
# username is retrieve from the environment with the format <registryNameUpperCase>_PASSWORD for CI usage, here ROBOLL_PASSWORD
password: optional_password
oci: true
passCredentials: true
# Advanced configuration: You can use a ca bundle to use an https repo
# with a self-signed certificate
- name: insecure
caFile: optional_ca_crt
# Advanced configuration: You can skip the verification of TLS for an https repo
- name: skipTLS
skipTLSVerify: true
# context: kube-context # this directive is deprecated, please consider using helmDefaults.kubeContext
# Path to alternative helm binary (--helm-binary)
# helmBinary: path/to/helm3
# Path to alternative lock file. The default is <state file name>.lock, i.e for helmfile.yaml it's helmfile.lock.
# lockFilePath: path/to/lock.file
# Default values to set for args along with dedicated keys that can be set by contributors, cli args take precedence over these.
# In other words, unset values results in no flags passed to helm.
# See the helm usage (helm SUBCOMMAND -h) for more info on default values when those flags aren't provided.
kubeContext: kube-context #dedicated default key for kube-context (--kube-context)
cleanupOnFail: false #dedicated default key for helm flag --cleanup-on-fail
# additional and global args passed to helm (default "")
- "--set k=v"
# verify the chart before upgrading (only works with packaged charts not directories) (default false)
verify: true
# wait for k8s resources via --wait. (default false)
wait: true
# if set and --wait enabled, will wait until all Jobs have been completed before marking the release as successful. It will wait for as long as --timeout (default false, Implemented in Helm3.5)
waitForJobs: true
# time in seconds to wait for any individual Kubernetes operation (like Jobs for hooks, and waits on pod/pvc/svc/deployment readiness) (default 300)
timeout: 600
# performs pods restart for the resource if applicable (default false)
recreatePods: true
# forces resource update through delete/recreate if needed (default false)
force: false
# limit the maximum number of revisions saved per release. Use 0 for no limit. (default 10)
historyMax: 10
# when using helm 3.2+, automatically create release namespaces if they do not exist (default true)
createNamespace: true
# if used with charts museum allows to pull unstable charts for deployment, for example: if 1.2.3 and 1.2.4-dev versions exist and set to true, 1.2.4-dev will be pulled (default false)
devel: true
# When set to `true`, skips running `helm dep up` and `helm dep build` on this release's chart.
# Useful when the chart is broken, like seen in
skipDeps: false
# If set to true, reuses the last release's values and merges them with ones provided in helmfile.
# This attribute, can be overriden in CLI with --reset/reuse-values flag of apply/sync/diff subcommands
reuseValues: false
# propagate `--post-renderer` to helmv3 template and helm install
postRenderer: "path/to/postRenderer"
# cascade `--cascade` to helmv3 delete, available values: background, foreground, or orphan, default: background
cascade: "background"
# insecureSkipTLSVerify is true if the TLS verification should be skipped when fetching remote chart
insecureSkipTLSVerify: false
# these labels will be applied to all releases in a Helmfile. Useful in templating if you have a helmfile per environment or customer and don't want to copy the same label to each release
hello: world
# The desired states of Helm releases.
# Helmfile runs various helm commands to converge the current state in the live cluster to the desired state defined here.
# Published chart example
- name: vault # name of this release
namespace: vault # target namespace
createNamespace: true # helm 3.2+ automatically create release namespace (default true)
labels: # Arbitrary key value pairs for filtering releases
foo: bar
chart: roboll/vault-secret-manager # the chart being installed to create this release, referenced by `repository/chart` syntax
version: ~1.24.1 # the semver of the chart. range constraint is supported
condition: vault.enabled # The values lookup key for filtering releases. Corresponds to the boolean value of `vault.enabled`, where `vault` is an arbitrary value
missingFileHandler: Warn # set to either "Error" or "Warn". "Error" instructs helmfile to fail when unable to find a values or secrets file. When "Warn", it prints the file and continues.
# Ignores missing git branch error so that the Debug/Info/Warn handler can treat a missing branch as non-error.
# See
ignoreMissingGitBranch: true
# Values files used for rendering the chart
# Value files passed via --values
- vault.yaml
# Inline values, passed via a temporary values file and --values, so that it doesn't suffer from type issues like --set
- address:
# Go template available in inline values and values files.
- image:
# The end result is more or less YAML. So do `quote` to prevent number-like strings from accidentally parsed into numbers!
# See
tag: {{ requiredEnv "IMAGE_TAG" | quote }}
# Otherwise:
# tag: "{{ requiredEnv "IMAGE_TAG" }}"
# tag: !!string {{ requiredEnv "IMAGE_TAG" }}
username: {{ requiredEnv "DB_USERNAME" }}
# value taken from environment variable. Quotes are necessary. Will throw an error if the environment variable is not set. $DB_PASSWORD needs to be set in the calling environment ex: export DB_PASSWORD='password1'
password: {{ requiredEnv "DB_PASSWORD" }}
# Interpolate environment variable with a fixed string
domain: {{ requiredEnv "PLATFORM_ID" }}
scheme: {{ env "SCHEME" | default "https" }}
# Use `values` whenever possible!
# `set` translates to helm's `--set key=val`, that is known to suffer from type issues like
# single value loaded from a local file, translates to --set-file foo.config=path/to/file
- name: foo.config
file: path/to/file
# set a single array value in an array, translates to --set bar[0]={1,2}
- name: bar[0]
- 1
- 2
# set a templated value
- name: namespace
value: {{ .Namespace }}
# will attempt to decrypt it using helm-secrets plugin
- vault_secret.yaml
# Override helmDefaults options for verify, wait, waitForJobs, timeout, recreatePods and force.
verify: true
wait: true
waitForJobs: true
timeout: 60
recreatePods: true
force: false
# set `false` to uninstall this release on sync. (default true)
installed: true
# restores previous state in case of failed release (default false)
atomic: true
# when true, cleans up any new resources created during a failed release (default false)
cleanupOnFail: false
# --kube-context to be passed to helm commands
# See
# (default "", which means the standard kubeconfig, either ~/kubeconfig or the file pointed by $KUBECONFIG environment variable)
kubeContext: kube-context
# passes --disable-validation to helm 3 diff plugin, this requires diff plugin >= 3.1.2
# It may be helpful to deploy charts with helm api v1 CRDS
disableValidation: false
# passes --disable-validation to helm 3 diff plugin, this requires diff plugin >= 3.1.2
# It is useful when any release contains custom resources for CRDs that is not yet installed onto the cluster.
disableValidationOnInstall: false
# passes --disable-openapi-validation to helm 3 diff plugin, this requires diff plugin >= 3.1.2
# It may be helpful to deploy charts with helm api v1 CRDS
disableOpenAPIValidation: false
# limit the maximum number of revisions saved per release. Use 0 for no limit (default 10)
historyMax: 10
# When set to `true`, skips running `helm dep up` and `helm dep build` on this release's chart.
# Useful when the chart is broken, like seen in
skipDeps: false
# propagate `--post-renderer` to helmv3 template and helm install
postRenderer: "path/to/postRenderer"
# cascade `--cascade` to helmv3 delete, available values: background, foreground, or orphan, default: background
cascade: "background"
# insecureSkipTLSVerify is true if the TLS verification should be skipped when fetching remote chart
insecureSkipTLSVerify: false
# suppressDiff skip the helm diff output. Useful for charts which produces large not helpful diff, default: false
suppressDiff: false
# Local chart example
- name: grafana # name of this release
namespace: another # target namespace
chart: ../my-charts/grafana # the chart being installed to create this release, referenced by relative path to local helmfile
- "../../my-values/grafana/values.yaml" # Values file (relative path to manifest)
- ./values/{{ requiredEnv "PLATFORM_ENV" }}/config.yaml # Values file taken from path with environment variable. $PLATFORM_ENV must be set in the calling environment.
wait: true
# Advanced Configuration: Nested States
- # Path to the helmfile state file being processed BEFORE releases in this state file
path: path/to/subhelmfile.yaml
# Label selector used for filtering releases in the nested state.
# For example, `name=prometheus` in this context is equivalent to processing the nested state like
# helmfile -f path/to/subhelmfile.yaml -l name=prometheus sync
- name=prometheus
# Override state values
# Values files merged into the nested state's values
- additional.values.yaml
# One important aspect of using values here is that they first need to be defined in the values section
# of the origin helmfile, so in this example key1 needs to be in the values or environments.NAME.values of path/to/subhelmfile.yaml
# Inline state values merged into the nested state's values
- key1: val1
- # All the nested state files under `helmfiles:` is processed in the order of definition.
# So it can be used for preparation for your main `releases`. An example would be creating CRDs required by `releases` in the parent state file.
path: path/to/mycrd.helmfile.yaml
- # Terraform-module-like URL for importing a remote directory and use a file in it as a nested-state file
# The nested-state file is locally checked-out along with the remote directory containing it.
# Therefore all the local paths in the file are resolved relative to the file
path: git::
# If set to "Error", return an error when a subhelmfile points to a
# non-existent path. The default behavior is to print a warning and continue.
missingFileHandler: Error
# Advanced Configuration: Environments
# The list of environments managed by helmfile.
# The default is `environments: {"default": {}}` which implies:
# - `{{ .Environment.Name }}` evaluates to "default"
# - `{{ .Values }}` being empty
# The "default" environment is available and used when `helmfile` is run without `--environment NAME`.
# Everything from the values.yaml is available via `{{ .Values.KEY }}`.
# Suppose `{"foo": {"bar": 1}}` contained in the values.yaml below,
# `{{ }}` is evaluated to `1`.
- environments/default/values.yaml
# Each entry in values can be either a file path or inline values.
# The below is an example of inline values, which is merged to the `.Values`
- myChartVer: 1.0.0-dev
# Any environment other than `default` is used only when `helmfile` is run with `--environment NAME`.
# That is, the "production" env below is used when and only when it is run like `helmfile --environment production sync`.
- environments/production/values.yaml
- myChartVer: 1.0.0
# disable vault release processing
- vault:
enabled: false
## `secrets.yaml` is decrypted by `helm-secrets` and available via `{{ .Environment.Values.KEY }}`
- environments/production/secrets.yaml
# Instructs helmfile to fail when unable to find a environment values file listed under `environments.NAME.values`.
# Possible values are "Error", "Warn", "Info", "Debug". The default is "Error".
# Use "Warn", "Info", or "Debug" if you want helmfile to not fail when a values file is missing, while just leaving
# a message about the missing file at the log-level.
missingFileHandler: Error
# Ignores missing git branch error so that the Debug/Info/Warn handler can treat a missing branch as non-error.
# See
ignoreMissingGitBranch: true
# kubeContext to use for this environment
kubeContext: kube-context
# Advanced Configuration: Layering
# Helmfile merges all the "base" state files and this state file before processing.
# Assuming this state file is named `helmfile.yaml`, all the files are merged in the order of:
# environments.yaml <- defaults.yaml <- templates.yaml <- helmfile.yaml
- environments.yaml
- defaults.yaml
- templates.yaml
# Advanced Configuration: API Capabilities
# 'helmfile template' renders releases locally without querying an actual cluster,
# and in this case `.Capabilities.APIVersions` cannot be populated.
# When a chart queries for a specific CRD or the Kubernetes version, this can lead to unexpected results.
# Note that `Capabilities.KubeVersion` is deprecated in Helm 3 and `helm template` won't populate it.
# All you can do is fix your chart to respect `.Capabilities.APIVersions` instead, rather than trying to figure out
# how to set `Capabilities.KubeVersion` in Helmfile.
# Configure a fixed list of API versions to pass to 'helm template' via the --api-versions flag with the below:
- example/v1
# Set the kubeVersion to render the chart with your desired Kubernetes version.
# The flag --kube-version was deprecated in helm v3 but it was added again.
# For further information
kubeVersion: v1.21