2023-06-01 03:55:35 +00:00

347 lines
13 KiB

### VIM
{{- $refreshPeriod := "240h" }}
{{- $vimPlugins := .softwarePlugins.vim.plugins }}
{{- range $vimPlugin := $vimPlugins }}
{{- $folderName := trimSuffix ".git" (last (splitList "/" $vimPlugin)) }}
[".vim/plugged/{{ $folderName }}"]
type = "git-repo"
url = "{{ $vimPlugin }}"
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
clone.args = ["--depth", "1"]
pull.args = ["--ff-only"]
{{- end }}
### coc.nvim VIM plugin requires custom branch "release"
type = "git-repo"
url = ""
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
clone.args = ["--branch", "release", "--depth", "1"]
pull.args = ["--ff-only"]
### CloudFlare WARP Certificates
type = "file"
url = ""
type = "file"
url = ""
### Betelgeuse Theme
type = "git-repo"
url = ""
clone.args = ["--depth", "1"]
pull.args = ["--ff-only"]
type = "git-repo"
url = ""
clone.args = ["--depth", "1"]
pull.args = ["--ff-only"]
type = "git-repo"
url = ""
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
clone.args = ["--depth", "1"]
pull.args = ["--ff-only"]
type = "git-repo"
url = ""
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
clone.args = ["--depth", "1"]
pull.args = ["--ff-only"]
### Shell
type = "file"
url = ""
type = "file"
url = ""
type = "file"
url = ""
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
type = "git-repo"
url = ""
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
clone.args = ["--depth", "1"]
pull.args = ["--ff-only"]
# type = "git-repo"
# url = ""
# refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
# clone.args = ["--depth", "1"]
# pull.args = ["--ff-only"]
type = "file"
url = ""
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
type = "file"
url = ""
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
type = "file"
url = ""
type = "file"
url = ""
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
type = "file"
url = ""
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
type = "file"
url = ""
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
type = "file"
url = ""
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
type = "file"
url = ""
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
type = "file"
url = ""
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
type = "file"
url = ""
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
### ASDF
type = "git-repo"
url = ""
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
clone.args = ["--depth", "1"]
pull.args = ["--ff-only"]
{{- if eq "darwin" }}
### Crunch
type = "git-repo"
url = ""
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
clone.args = ["--depth", "1"]
pull.args = ["--ff-only"]
{{- end }}
{{- if (lookPath "apt") }}
### Netdata Debsecan
type = "git-repo"
url = ""
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
clone.args = ["--depth", "1"]
pull.args = ["--ff-only"]
{{- end }}
### Git Template
# [".config/git/template/_/"]
# type = "file"
# url = ""
# refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
### GPG
type = "file"
url = ""
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
### Taskfiles
type = "git-repo"
url = ""
clone.args = ["--depth", "1"]
pull.args = ["--ff-only"]
type = "git-repo"
url = ""
clone.args = ["--depth", "1"]
pull.args = ["--ff-only"]
### Rundeck
type = "file"
url = ""
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
### Git Fuzzy
type = "git-repo"
url = ""
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
clone.args = ["--depth", "1"]
pull.args = ["--ff-only"]
### Ansible Roles / Playbook
type = "git-repo"
url = ""
clone.args = ["--depth", "1"]
pull.args = ["--ff-only"]
type = "git-repo"
url = ""
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
clone.args = ["--depth", "1"]
pull.args = ["--ff-only"]
type = "file"
url = ""
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
type = "file"
url = ""
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
### Packer
type = "git-repo"
url = ""
clone.args = ["--depth", "1"]
pull.args = ["--ff-only"]
type = "git-repo"
url = ""
clone.args = ["--depth", "1"]
pull.args = ["--ff-only"]
type = "git-repo"
url = ""
clone.args = ["--depth", "1"]
pull.args = ["--ff-only"]
type = "git-repo"
url = ""
clone.args = ["--depth", "1"]
pull.args = ["--ff-only"]
type = "git-repo"
url = ""
clone.args = ["--depth", "1"]
pull.args = ["--ff-only"]
type = "git-repo"
url = ""
clone.args = ["--depth", "1"]
pull.args = ["--ff-only"]
type = "git-repo"
url = ""
clone.args = ["--depth", "1"]
pull.args = ["--ff-only"]
### PowerShell
type = "git-repo"
url = ""
clone.args = ["--depth", "1"]
pull.args = ["--ff-only"]
### JumpUSB
type = "git-repo"
url = ""
clone.args = ["--depth", "1"]
pull.args = ["--ff-only"]
### Vagrant
type = "file"
url = ""
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
{{- if and (not .host.headless) (ne .chezmoi.os "windows") }}
### Neovim
type = "git-repo"
url = ""
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
clone.args = ["--depth", "1"]
pull.args = ["--ff-only"]
{{- end }}
{{- if and (eq .chezmoi.os "linux") (not .host.headless) }}
### Rofi
type = "file"
url = ""
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
type = "file"
url = ""
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
type = "file"
url = ""
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
type = "file"
url = ""
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
type = "archive"
url = ""
exact = true
stripComponents = 2
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
include = ["applets/**", "colors/**", "images/**", "launchers/**", "powermenu/**", "scripts/**", "config.rasi"]
{{- end }}
{{- if not .host.headless }}
### Hack Nerd Font Download
{{- $refreshPeriod := "4800h" }}
{{- $fontDir := "" }}
{{- $fontUrlBase := ""}}
{{- if eq "darwin" }}
{{- $fontDir = "Library/Fonts" }}
{{- else if eq "linux" }}
{{- $fontDir = ".local/share/fonts" }}
{{- else if eq "windows" }}
{{- $fontDir = "Windows/Fonts" }}
{{- end }}
["{{ $fontDir }}/Hack-Regular-Nerd-Font.ttf"]
type = "file"
url = "{{ $fontUrlBase }}/Regular/complete/Hack%20Regular%20Nerd%20Font%20Complete{{if eq "windows"}}%20Windows%20Compatible{{end}}.ttf"
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
["{{ $fontDir }}/Hack-Bold-Nerd-Font.ttf"]
type = "file"
url = "{{ $fontUrlBase }}/Bold/complete/Hack%20Bold%20Nerd%20Font%20Complete{{if eq "windows"}}%20Windows%20Compatible{{end}}.ttf"
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
["{{ $fontDir }}/Hack-Italic-Nerd-Font.ttf"]
type = "file"
url = "{{ $fontUrlBase }}/Italic/complete/Hack%20Italic%20Nerd%20Font%20Complete{{if eq "windows"}}%20Windows%20Compatible{{end}}.ttf"
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
["{{ $fontDir }}/Hack-Bold-Italic-Nerd-Font.ttf"]
type = "file"
url = "{{ $fontUrlBase }}/BoldItalic/complete/Hack%20Bold%20Italic%20Nerd%20Font%20Complete{{if eq "windows"}}%20Windows%20Compatible{{end}}.ttf"
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
### Montserrat Font Download
{{- $fontUrlBase := ""}}
{{- $fonts := list "Black" "BlackItalic" "Bold" "BoldItalic" "ExtraBold" "ExtraBoldItalic" "ExtraLight" "ExtraLightItalic" "Italic" "Light" "LightItalic" "Medium" "MediumItalic" "Regular" "SemiBold" "SemiBoldItalic" "Thin" "ThinItalic" }}
{{- range $font := $fonts }}
["{{ $fontDir }}/Montserrat-{{ $font }}.ttf"]
type = "file"
url = "{{ $fontUrlBase }}{{ $font }}.ttf"
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
{{- end }}
### ZillaSlab Font Download
{{- $fontUrlBase := ""}}
{{- $fonts := list "-Bold" "-BoldItalic" "-Italic" "-Light" "-LightItalic" "-Medium" "-MediumItalic" "-Regular" "-SemiBold" "-SemiBoldItalic" "Highlight-Bold" "Highlight-Regular" }}
{{- range $font := $fonts }}
["{{ $fontDir }}/ZillaSlab{{ $font }}.ttf"]
type = "file"
url = "{{ $fontUrlBase }}{{ $font }}.ttf"
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
{{- end }}
{{- end }}