
127 lines
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# Brewfile.terminal contains basic utilities that work congruently with the dotfiles in
# the terminal. It is geared toward supporting the basic settings required for
# TypeScript / terminal users.
# Standard Homebrew taps
tap "homebrew/core"
tap "homebrew/bundle"
tap "homebrew/services"
# Homebrew Formulae
# e.g. `brew install <program>`
# @brew [asdf]( - Version manager with support for many languages
brew "asdf"
# @brew [bat]( - Clone of cat with syntax highlighting and Git integration
brew "bat"
# @brew [direnv]( - Loads and unloads environment variables based on the directory you are in
brew "direnv"
# @brew [bitwarden-cli]( - Access and manage a BitWarden instance via CLI
brew "bitwarden-cli"
# @brew [curlie]( - Replacement for curl
brew "curlie"
# @brew [exa]( - Modern replacement for ls
brew "exa"
# @brew [ffsend]( - Fully featured Firefox Send client that makes sharing files easy
brew "ffsend"
# @brew [fzf]( - Command-line fuzzy finder that integrates with many tools
brew "fzf"
# @brew [glances]( - Better replacement for htop
brew "glances"
# @brew [jq]( - Lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor
brew "jq"
# @brew [node]( - A JavaScript engine, based on the ultra fast V8-engine
brew "node"
# @brew [task]( - A parallel task runner
tap "go-task/tap"
brew "go-task/tap/go-task"
# @brew [ripgrep]( - A fast recursive file search utility
brew "ripgrep"
brew "ripgrep-all"
# @brew [rsync]( - Tool to do fast, incremental file transfers
brew "rsync"
# @brew [volta]( - Node version manager
brew "volta"
# @brew [yq]( - Process and manipulate YAML documents
brew "yq"
# @brew [coreutils]( - A suite of basic UNIX tools published to improve compatibility between Linux and macOS scripts
if OS.mac?
brew "coreutils"
if OS.mac?
brew "m-cli"
brew "zoxide"
brew "autorestic"
brew "restic"
brew "git-delta"
brew "gist"
brew "git-secret"
brew "nmap"
brew "nb"
brew "zsh"
brew "pnpm"
brew "rclone"
brew "bandwhich"
brew "cloudflared"
brew "croc"
brew "ctop"
brew "dasel"
brew "duf"
brew "fd"
brew "glow"
brew "gping"
brew "grex"
brew "gron"
brew "nnn"
brew "pass"
brew "procs"
brew "peco"
brew "pup"
brew "fq"
brew "fselect"
brew "hexyl"
brew "hey"
brew "hyperfine"
brew "jo"
brew "mkcert"
brew "rm-improved"
brew "sd"
brew "sysbench"
brew "teller"
brew "up"
brew "ssh-vault"
brew "automake"
brew "fx"
brew "zx"
brew "pywhat"
brew "mycli"
brew "litecli"
brew "aria2"
brew "chezmoi"
brew "cheat"
brew "cmake"
brew "choose"
brew "difftastic"
brew "gitui"
brew "gomplate"
brew "gum"
brew "deno"
brew "sqlite"
brew "vault"
brew "dust"
brew "imagemagick"
brew "shellcheck"
brew "sops"
brew "tmux"
brew "watchexec"
brew "yj"
brew "vim"
brew "whalebrew"
brew "etcd"
brew "wget"
brew "tree"
brew "t-rec"
brew "mcfly"
brew "htop"
brew "googler"
brew "git-lfs"