Brian Zalewski be03797995 Latest
2023-07-15 05:28:48 +00:00

202 lines
11 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# @file Linux VMWare Workstation Install
# @brief Installs VMWare Workstation Pro on Linux devices, applies a "publicly-retrieved" license key (see disclaimer), and automatically accepts the terms and conditions
# @description
# This script ensures the user included `vmware` in their software installation list. It then checks for presence of the `vmware` utility. If it is not present, then the script:
# 1. Downloads the [VMWare Workstation Pro]( Linux installer
# 2. Installs VMWare Workstation Pro
# 3. Passes options to the installation script that automatically apply a publicly retrived license key and accept the Terms & Conditions
# **DISCLAIMER:** If you plan on using VMWare Workstation for anything but evaluation purposes, then we highly suggest purchasing a copy
# of VMWare Workstation. The "publicly-retrived" license keys are scattered throughout GitHub and we are not exactly
# sure why they work. You can pass in your own key by utilizing the `VMWARE_WORKSTATION_LICENSE_KEY` environment variable. More details on
# using environment variables or repository-housed encrypted secrets can be found in our [Secrets documentation](
# ## VMWare on macOS
# This script only installs VMWare Workstation on Linux. The macOS-variant titled VMWare Fusion can be installed using a Homebrew
# cask so a "work-around" script does not have to be used.
# ## VMWare vs. Parallels vs. VirtualBox vs. KVM vs. Hyper-V
# There are a handful of VM virtualization providers you can choose from. VMWare is a nice compromise between OS compatibility and performance.
# Parallels, on the hand, might be better for macOS since it is designed specifically for macOS. Finally, VirtualBox is a truly free,
# open-source option that does not come with the same optimizations that VMWare and Parallels provide.
# Other virtualization options include KVM (Linux / macOS) and Hyper-V (Windows). These options are better used for headless
# systems.
# ## Links
# * [VMWare Workstation homepage](
# @file Vagrant VMWare Utility
# @brief Installs the `vagrant-vmware-utility` if both Vagrant and VMWare are installed
# @description
# This script first checks if `vagrant`, `vmware`, and `vagrant-vmware-utility` are available in the `PATH`. If they are present, then the script
# configures the [`vagrant-vmware-utility`]( by generating the required security certificates and enabling the service.
# This system package enables the capability of controlling both VMWare Workstation and VMWare Fusion with Vagrant.
# Since this script runs only when `vagrant`, `vmware`, and `vagrant-vmware-utility` are in the `PATH`, this means that it will run
# when you use an installation template that includes all three pieces of software in the software list defined in
# `home/.chezmoidata.yaml`.
# ## Links
# * [Vagrant VMWare Utility on GitHub](
# * [`home/.chezmoidata.yaml`](
# @file VMWare Configuration
# @brief Patches VMWare to leverage kernel optimizations, support macOS, and work harmoniously with Secure Boot. It also enables optional services such as the USB service.
# @description
# This script performs various VMWare optimizations that allow VMWare to work optimally with all features enabled.
{{- $softwareGroup := nospace (cat "_" .host.softwareGroup) -}}
{{- $softwareList := list (index .softwareGroups $softwareGroup | toString | replace "[" "" | replace "]" "") | uniq | join " " -}}
{{- $secretKey := "" -}}
{{- if (stat (joinPath .chezmoi.sourceDir ".chezmoitemplates" "secrets" "VMWARE_WORKSTATION_LICENSE_KEY")) -}}
{{- $secretKey = (default "4C21U-2KK9Q-M8130-4V2QH-CF810" (includeTemplate "secrets/VMWARE_WORKSTATION_LICENSE_KEY" | decrypt | trim)) -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $secretKey = (default "4C21U-2KK9Q-M8130-4V2QH-CF810" (env "VMWARE_WORKSTATION_LICENSE_KEY")) -}}
{{- end }}
# Source:
# key: {{ $secretKey }}
{{ includeTemplate "universal/profile" }}
{{ includeTemplate "universal/logg" }}
function vmwareSetup() {
### Run on Linux only
if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then
### Run if vmware is to be installed
{{- if (contains " vmware" $softwareList) -}}
### Install VMware Workstation
if ! command -v vmware > /dev/null; then
### Download VMWare Workstation
logg info 'VMware Workstation is not installed'
logg info 'Downloading VMware Workstation Installer'
curl -sSLA "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20220101 Firefox/102.0" "$VMWARE_WORKSTATION_URL" -o "$VMWARE_WORKSTATION_DIR/"
### Register product key / license
logg info 'Registering VMware Workstation Pro license with serial number'
sudo "$VMWARE_WORKSTATION_DIR/" --eulas-agreed --console --required --set-setting vmware-workstation serialNumber "$VMWARE_WORKSTATION_LICENSE_KEY"
logg info 'Agreeing to VMWare Workstation Pro license (without serial number)'
sudo "$VMWARE_WORKSTATION_DIR/" --eulas-agreed --console --required
logg success 'VMware Workstation installed successfully'
logg info 'VMware Workstation is already installed'
{{ end -}}
### Run logic if VMware is installed
if command -v vmware > /dev/null; then
### Build kernel modules if they are not present
if [ ! -f "/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/misc/vmmon.ko" ] || [ ! -f "/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/misc/vmnet.ko" ]; then
### Build VMWare host modules
logg info 'Building VMware host modules'
if sudo vmware-modconfig --console --install-all; then
logg success 'Built VMWare host modules successfully with `sudo vmware-modconfig --console --install-all`'
logg info 'Acquiring VMware version from CLI'
VMW_VERSION="$(vmware --version | cut -f 3 -d' ')"
mkdir -p /tmp/vmw_patch
cd /tmp/vmw_patch
logg info 'Downloading VMware host module patches'
curl -sSL "$VMW_VERSION.tar.gz" -o /tmp/vmw_patch/workstation.tar.gz
tar -xzf /tmp/vmw_patch/workstation.tar.gz
cd vmware*
logg info 'Running `sudo make` and `sudo make install`'
sudo make
sudo make install
logg success 'Successfully configured VMware host module patches'
### Sign VMware host modules if Secure Boot is enabled
if [ -f /sys/firmware/efi ]; then
logg info 'Signing host modules'
mkdir -p /tmp/vmware
cd /tmp/vmware
openssl req -new -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout MOK.priv -outform DER -out MOK.der -nodes -days 36500 -subj "/CN=VMware/"
"/usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)/scripts/sign-file" sha256 ./MOK.priv ./MOK.der "$(modinfo -n vmmon)"
"/usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)/scripts/sign-file" sha256 ./MOK.priv ./MOK.der "$(modinfo -n vmnet)"
echo '' | mokutil --import MOK.der
logg success 'Successfully signed VMware host modules. Reboot the host before powering on VMs'
### Patch VMware with Unlocker
if [ ! -f /usr/lib/vmware/isoimages/darwin.iso ]; then
logg info 'Acquiring VMware Unlocker latest release version'
UNLOCKER_URL="$(curl -sSL '' | jq -r '.assets[0].browser_download_url')"
mkdir -p /tmp/vmware-unlocker
cd /tmp/vmware-unlocker
logg info 'Downloading'
curl -sSL "$UNLOCKER_URL" -o
cd linux
logg info 'Running the unlocker'
echo "y" | sudo ./unlock
logg success 'Successfully unlocked VMware for macOS compatibility'
logg info '/usr/lib/vmware/isoimages/darwin.iso is already present on the system so VMware macOS unlocking will not be performed'
if [[ ! "$(test -d /proc && grep Microsoft /proc/version > /dev/null)" ]]; then
### Start / enable VMWare service
logg info 'Ensuring `vmware.service` is enabled and running'
sudo systemctl enable vmware.service
sudo systemctl restart vmware.service
### Start / enable VMWare Workstation Server service
logg info 'Ensuring `vmware-workstation-server.service` is enabled and running'
sudo systemctl enable vmware-workstation-server.service
sudo systemctl restart vmware-workstation-server.service
### Start / enable VMWare USB Arbitrator service
if command -v vmware-usbarbitrator.service > /dev/null; then
logg info 'Ensuring `vmware-usbarbitrator.service` is enabled and running'
sudo systemctl enable vmware-usbarbitrator.service
sudo systemctl restart vmware-usbarbitrator.service
logg warn '`vmware-usbarbitrator` does not exist in the PATH'
logg info 'VMware host modules are present'
logg warn 'VMware Workstation is not installed so the VMware Unlocker will not be installed'
# @description Only run logic if both Vagrant and VMWare are installed
if command -v vagrant > /dev/null && command -v vmware-id > /dev/null; then
# @description Vagrant VMWare Utility configuration
if command -v vagrant-vmware-utility > /dev/null; then
if [ -f /usr/local/bin/certificates/vagrant-utility.key ]; then
logg info 'Assuming Vagrant VMWare Utility certificates have been properly generated since /usr/local/bin/certificates/vagrant-utility.key is present'
logg info 'Generating Vagrant VMWare Utility certificates'
sudo vagrant-vmware-utility certificate generate
logg success 'Generated Vagrant VMWare Utility certificates via `vagrant-vmware-utility certificate generate`'
logg info 'Ensuring the Vagrant VMWare Utility service is enabled'
sudo vagrant-vmware-utility service install || EXIT_CODE=$?
if [ -n "$EXIT_CODE" ]; then
logg info 'The Vagrant VMWare Utility command `vagrant-vmware-utility service install` failed. It is probably already setup.'
logg info 'Vagrant is not installed so the Vagrant plugins will not be installed'
logg info 'Vagrant or VMWare is not installed so the Vagrant VMWare utility will not be configured'