938 lines
32 KiB
938 lines
32 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env zx
const execSync = require('child_process').execSync
// Log symbols
const figuresDefault = {
bullet: '●',
circle: '◯',
cross: '✖',
lozenge: '◆',
play: '▶',
pointer: '❯',
square: '◼',
star: '★',
tick: '✔'
const figuresFallback = {
bullet: '■',
circle: '□',
cross: '×',
lozenge: '♦',
play: '►',
pointer: '>',
square: '■',
star: '✶',
tick: '√'
function isUnicodeSupported() {
if (process.platform !== 'win32') {
// Linux console (kernel)
return process.env.TERM !== 'linux'
return (
Boolean(process.env.CI) ||
// Windows Terminal
Boolean(process.env.WT_SESSION) ||
// ConEmu and cmder
process.env.ConEmuTask === '{cmd::Cmder}' ||
process.env.TERM_PROGRAM === 'vscode' ||
process.env.TERM === 'xterm-256color' ||
process.env.TERM === 'alacritty'
const figures = isUnicodeSupported() ? figuresDefault : figuresFallback
function log(type, label, msg) {
let icon, message
if (type === 'info') {
icon = chalk.cyanBright(figures.pointer)
message = chalk.gray.bold(msg)
} else if (type === 'star') {
icon = chalk.yellowBright(figures.star)
message = chalk.bold(msg)
} else if (type === 'success') {
icon = chalk.greenBright(figures.play)
message = chalk.bold(msg)
} else if (type === 'warn') {
icon = `${chalk.yellowBright(figures.lozenge)} ${chalk.bold.black.bgYellowBright(' WARNING ')}`
message = chalk.yellowBright(msg)
} else if (type === 'error') {
icon = `${chalk.redBright(figures.cross)} ${chalk.black.bold.bgRedBright(' ERROR ')}`
message = chalk.redBright(msg)
const outputMessage = `${icon} ${chalk.bold(label)} ${message}`
let installData
const installOrders = {};
const installOrdersPre = [];
const installOrdersPost = [];
const osType = await OSType();
let osID = osType
if(osType === 'linux') {
osID = await realeaseID()
// Download the installation map
async function downloadInstallData() {
const response = await fetch(
if (response.ok) {
const text = await response.text()
return YAML.parse(text)
} else {
log('error', 'Catalog Download', `Failed to download the installation map`)
// Creates the installOrders object which maps package managers to arrays of packages to install
async function generateInstallOrders() {
const logStage = 'Install Orders'
const packagesToInstall = process.argv.slice(3);
const installerPreference = await OSTypeInstallerKey()
log('info', logStage, `Installer preference category detected as ${installerPreference}`)
const preferenceOrder = installData.installerPreference[installerPreference];
log('info', logStage, `Preference order acquired:`)
const softwarePackages = installData.softwarePackages;
for (let pkg of packagesToInstall) {
let packageKey;
const bins = [
softwarePackages[pkg + ":" + osID] && softwarePackages[pkg + ":" + osID]['_bin'],
softwarePackages[pkg + ":" + osType] && softwarePackages[pkg + ":" + osType]['_bin'],
softwarePackages[pkg] && softwarePackages[pkg]['_bin']
for (const bin of bins) {
if (bin) {
const alreadyInstalled = which.sync(bin, { nothrow: true })
if (alreadyInstalled) {
log('info', 'Skipping Package', `${bin} is already in the PATH`)
continue pkgFor
const whens = [
softwarePackages[pkg + ":" + osID] && softwarePackages[pkg + ":" + osID]['_when'],
softwarePackages[pkg + ":" + osType] && softwarePackages[pkg + ":" + osType]['_when'],
softwarePackages[pkg] && softwarePackages[pkg]['_when']
for (const when of whens) {
if (when) {
try {
await $when
} catch (e) {
log('info', 'Skipping Package', `${pkg} is being skipped because of the _when condition`)
continue pkgFor
if (softwarePackages[pkg + ":" + osID]) {
packageKey = pkg + ":" + osID;
} else if (softwarePackages[pkg + ":" + osType]) {
packageKey = pkg + ":" + osType;
} else if (softwarePackages[pkg]) {
packageKey = pkg
} else {
log('warn', logStage, `The package \`${pkg}\` was not found in the installation map`)
for (let preference of preferenceOrder) {
if (softwarePackages[packageKey][preference + ":" + osID]) {
await updateInstallMaps(
preference + ":" + osID,
} else if (softwarePackages[packageKey][preference + ":" + osType]) {
await updateInstallMaps(
preference + ":" + osType,
} else if (softwarePackages[packageKey][preference]) {
await updateInstallMaps(preference, softwarePackages[packageKey], preference, pkg, packageKey);
return installOrders;
// Update install, pre-hook, and post-hook objects
async function updateInstallMaps(preference, packages, scopedPreference, pkg, packageKey) {
const preHook = getHook(packages, "pre", scopedPreference, preference);
if (preHook) {
installOrdersPre.concat(typeof preHook === "string" ? [preHook] : preHook);
const postHook = getHook(packages, "post", scopedPreference, preference);
if (postHook) {
typeof postHook === "string" ? [postHook] : postHook
if (!installOrders[preference]) {
installOrders[preference] = [];
log('info', 'Install Orders', `Found a match for the package \`${pkg}\` (${packageKey} via ${scopedPreference})`)
const newPackages = packages[scopedPreference];
const newPkgs = typeof newPackages === "string" ? [newPackages] : newPackages
installOrders[preference] = installOrders[preference].concat(newPkgs);
// Get pre / post install hooks
function getHook(packages, hook, scopedPreference, preference) {
const hookLabel = "_" + hook + ":";
if (packages[hookLabel + scopedPreference]) {
return packages[hookLabel + scopedPreference];
} else if (packages[hookLabel + preference]) {
return packages[hookLabel + preference];
} else if (packages[hookLabel + osID]) {
return packages;
} else if (packages[hookLabel + osType]) {
return packages[hookLabel + osType];
} else if (packages["_" + hook]) {
return packages["_" + hook];
// Acquire OS type installer key (for the installerPreference data key)
async function OSTypeInstallerKey() {
const apt = which.sync('apt-get', { nothrow: true })
const dnf = which.sync('dnf', { nothrow: true })
const freebsd = which.sync('pkg', { nothrow: true })
const pacman = which.sync('pacman', { nothrow: true })
const yum = which.sync('yum', { nothrow: true })
const zypper = which.sync('zypper', { nothrow: true })
if (apt) {
return 'apt'
} else if (dnf || yum) {
return 'dnf'
} else if(pacman) {
return 'pacman'
} else if(zypper) {
return 'zypper'
} else if (freebsd) {
return 'freebsd'
} else {
try {
await $`test -d /Applications && test -d /Library`
return 'darwin'
} catch (e) {
return 'windows'
// Acquire OS type
async function OSType() {
try {
await $`test -d /Applications && test -d /Library`
return 'darwin'
} catch(e) {
try {
await $`test -f /etc/os-release`
return 'linux'
} catch (e) {
return 'windows'
// Acquire release ID (for Linux)
async function releaseID() {
const ID = await $`
if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then
. /etc/os-release
echo -n $ID
return ID.stdout;
// Post-install hook
async function afterInstall(packageManager) {
const logStage = 'Post-Install Package Manager'
if (packageManager === 'appimage') {
} else if (packageManager === 'ansible') {
log('info', logStage, `Ensuring temporary passwordless sudo privileges used by Ansible are removed`)
const gsed = which.sync('gsed', { nothrow: true })
if (gsed) {
await $`sudo gsed -i '/# TEMPORARY FOR ANSIBLE INSTALL/d' /etc/sudoers`
} else {
await $`sudo sed -i '/# TEMPORARY FOR ANSIBLE INSTALL/d' /etc/sudoers`
} else if (packageManager === 'apk') {
await $`sudo apk update`
} else if (packageManager === 'apt') {
await $`sudo apt-get update`
} else if (packageManager === 'basher') {
} else if (packageManager === 'binary') {
} else if (packageManager === 'brew' || packageManager === 'cask') {
await $`brew update`
} else if (packageManager === 'cargo') {
} else if (packageManager === 'choco') {
} else if (packageManager === 'crew') {
await $`crew update`
} else if (packageManager === 'dnf') {
const dnf = which.sync('dnf', { nothrow: true })
const yum = which.sync('yum', { nothrow: true })
if (dnf) {
await $`dnf check-update`
} else if (yum) {
await $`yum check-update`
} else if (packageManager === 'flatpak') {
await $`sudo flatpak update`
} else if (packageManager === 'gem') {
} else if (packageManager === 'go') {
} else if (packageManager === 'nix') {
await $`nix-channel --update`
} else if (packageManager === 'npm') {
} else if (packageManager === 'pacman') {
await $`sudo pacman -Syu`
} else if (packageManager === 'pipx') {
} else if (packageManager === 'pkg') {
await $`sudo pkg upgrade`
} else if (packageManager === 'port') {
await $`sudo port sync`
} else if (packageManager === 'scoop') {
await $`scoop update`
} else if (packageManager === 'snap') {
await $`sudo snap refresh`
} else if (packageManager === 'whalebrew') {
} else if (packageManager === 'winget') {
await $`winget source update`
} else if (packageManager === 'yay') {
} else if (packageManager === 'zypper') {
await $`sudo zypper update`
// Pre-install hook
async function beforeInstall(packageManager) {
const logStage = 'Pre-Install Package Manager'
if (packageManager === 'appimage') {
} else if (packageManager === 'ansible') {
log('info', logStage, `Temporarily enabling passwordless sudo for Ansible role installations`)
await $`echo "$(whoami) ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL # TEMPORARY FOR ANSIBLE INSTALL" | sudo tee -a`
} else if (packageManager === 'apk') {
await $`sudo apk update`
} else if (packageManager === 'apt') {
await $`sudo apt-get update`
} else if (packageManager === 'basher') {
} else if (packageManager === 'binary') {
} else if (packageManager === 'brew' || packageManager === 'cask') {
await $`brew update`
} else if (packageManager === 'cargo') {
} else if (packageManager === 'choco') {
} else if (packageManager === 'crew') {
await $`crew update`
} else if (packageManager === 'dnf') {
const dnf = which.sync('dnf', { nothrow: true })
const yum = which.sync('yum', { nothrow: true })
if (dnf) {
await $`dnf check-update`
} else if (yum) {
await $`yum check-update`
} else if (packageManager === 'flatpak') {
await $`sudo flatpak update`
} else if (packageManager === 'gem') {
} else if (packageManager === 'go') {
} else if (packageManager === 'nix') {
await $`nix-channel --update`
} else if (packageManager === 'npm') {
} else if (packageManager === 'pacman') {
await $`sudo pacman -Syu`
} else if (packageManager === 'pipx') {
} else if (packageManager === 'pkg') {
await $`sudo pkg upgrade`
} else if (packageManager === 'port') {
await $`sudo port sync`
} else if (packageManager === 'scoop') {
await $`scoop update`
} else if (packageManager === 'snap') {
await $`sudo snap refresh`
} else if (packageManager === 'whalebrew') {
if (osType === 'darwin') {
const docker = which.sync('docker', { nothrow: true })
if (!docker) {
await $`brew install --cask docker`
try {
await $`docker run --rm hello-world`
} catch (e) {
log('warn', logStage, `The command \`docker run --rm hello-world\` failed`)
try {
log('info', logStage, 'Attempting to open \`/Applications/Docker.app\` (Docker Desktop for macOS). This should take about 30 seconds.')
const promises = [$`test -d /Applications/Docker.app`, $`open /Applications/Docker.app`]
await Promise.all(promises)
const gum = which.sync('gum', { nothrow: true })
if (gum) {
execSync('gum spin --spinner dot --title "Waiting for Docker Desktop to start up.." -- sleep 30', {stdio: 'inherit', shell: true})
} else {
await $`sleep 30`
} catch (e) {
log('warn', logStage, `Docker Desktop appears to not be installed!`)
} else if (packageManager === 'winget') {
await $`winget source update`
} else if (packageManager === 'yay') {
} else if (packageManager === 'zypper') {
await $`sudo zypper update`
async function ensureInstalled(bin, callback) {
const logStage = 'Package Manager Install'
const installed = which.sync(bin, { nothrow: true })
if (installed) {
log('info', logStage, `\`${bin}\` is available`)
} else {
log('warn', logStage, `\`${bin}\` is not installed!`)
if (callback) {
await callback
} else {
log('error', logStage, `There does not appear to be an installation method available for \`${bin}\``)
async function ensurePackageManagerAnsible() {
await $`pipx install ansible`
await $`pipx inject ansible PyObjC PyObjC-core docker lxml netaddr pexpect python-vagrant pywinrm requests-credssp watchdog`
await $`mkdir -p "$HOME/.cache/megabyte-labs"`
await $`touch "$HOME/.cache/megabyte-labs/ansible-installed"`
log('info', 'Package Manager Install', `Ansible and its supporting packages are now installed via pipx`)
// Ensure the package manager is available
let packageManagerInstalled = {};
async function ensurePackageManager(packageManager) {
const logStage = 'Package Manager Install'
log('info', logStage, `Ensuring \`${packageManager}\` is set up`)
if (packageManagerInstalled[packageManager]) {
} else {
packageManagerInstalled[packageManager] = true;
if (packageManager === "ansible") {
await ensurePackageManager("pipx");
if (
packageManager === "gem" ||
packageManager === "go" ||
packageManager === "npm" ||
packageManager === "pipx" ||
packageManager === "whalebrew"
) {
await ensurePackageManager("brew");
if (packageManager === 'appimage') {
} else if (packageManager === 'ansible') {
try {
await $`test -f "$HOME/.cache/megabyte-labs/ansible-installed"`
const ansible = which.sync('ansible', { nothrow: true })
if (ansible) {
log('info', logStage, `\`ansible\` and its supporting packages appear to be installed`)
} else {
await ensurePackageManagerAnsible()
} catch (e) {
await ensurePackageManagerAnsible()
} else if (packageManager === 'apk') {
await ensureInstalled('apk', false)
} else if (packageManager === 'apt') {
await ensureInstalled('apt', false)
} else if (packageManager === 'basher') {
await ensureInstalled('basher', $`
echo "Bash script that installs basher here"
} else if (packageManager === 'binary') {
} else if (packageManager === 'bpkg') {
await ensureInstalled('bpkg', $`
echo "Bash script that installs bpkg here"
} else if (packageManager === 'brew' || packageManager === 'cask') {
const brew = which.sync('brew', { nothrow: true })
if (!brew) {
await ensureInstalled('brew', $`
if command -v sudo > /dev/null && sudo -n true; then
echo | bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
log('info', logStage, 'Homebrew is not installed. Password may be required.')
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)" || BREW_EXIT_CODE="$?"
if [ -n "$BREW_EXIT_CODE" ]; then
if command -v brew > /dev/null; then
log('warn', logStage, 'Homebrew was installed but part of the installation failed. Attempting to fix..')
BREW_DIRS="share/man share/doc share/zsh/site-functions etc/bash_completion.d"
for BREW_DIR in $BREW_DIRS; do
if [ -d "$(brew --prefix)/$BREW_DIR" ]; then
sudo chown -R "$(whoami)" "$(brew --prefix)/$BREW_DIR"
brew update --force --quiet
} else if (packageManager === 'cargo') {
await ensureInstalled('cargo', $`
# TODO Bash script that installs cargo
} else if (packageManager === 'choco') {
await ensureInstalled('choco', $`
powershell "Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://community.chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))"
} else if (packageManager === 'crew') {
await ensureInstalled('crew', $`
# TODO Bash script that installs crew here
# Source: https://github.com/chromebrew/chromebrew
curl -Ls git.io/vddgY | bash
} else if (packageManager === 'dnf') {
const dnf = which.sync('dnf', { nothrow: true })
const yum = which.sync('yum', { nothrow: true })
if (dnf) {
log('info', logStage, `\`dnf\` is available`)
} else if (yum) {
log('info', logStage, `\`yum\` is available`)
} else {
log('error', logStage, `Both \`dnf\` and \`yum\` are not available`)
} else if (packageManager === 'flatpak') {
const flatpak = which.sync('flatpak', { nothrow: true })
if (flatpak) {
log('info', logStage, `\`flatpak\` is available`)
} else {
const apk = which.sync('apk', { nothrow: true })
const apt = which.sync('apt', { nothrow: true })
const dnf = which.sync('dnf', { nothrow: true })
const yum = which.sync('yum', { nothrow: true })
const pacman = which.sync('pacman', { nothrow: true })
const zypper = which.sync('zypper', { nothrow: true })
if (apk) {
$`sudo apk add flatpak`
} else if(apt) {
sudo apt install -y flatpak
if [ -f /usr/bin/gnome-shell ]; then
sudo apt install -y gnome-software-plugin-flatpak
if [ -f /usr/bin/plasmashell ]; then
sudo apt install -y plasmashell
} else if(dnf) {
await $`sudo dnf install -y flatpak`
} else if(yum) {
await $`sudo yum install -y flatpak`
} else if (pacman) {
await $`sudo pacman -Sy flatpak`
} else if (zypper) {
await $`sudo zypper install -y flatpak`
const flatpakPost = which.sync('flatpak', { nothrow: true })
if (flatpakPost) {
await $`flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo`
} else {
log('error', logStage, `\`flatpak\` failed to install!`)
log('info', logStage, `\`flatpak\` was installed. It may require a reboot to function correctly.`)
} else if (packageManager === 'gem') {
await ensureInstalled('gem', $`brew install ruby`)
} else if (packageManager === 'go') {
await ensureInstalled('gem', $`brew install go`)
} else if (packageManager === 'nix') {
await ensureInstalled('nix', $`
if [ -d /Applications ] && [ -d /Library ]; then
sh <(curl -L https://nixos.org/nix/install)
sh <(curl -L https://nixos.org/nix/install) --daemon
} else if (packageManager === 'npm') {
const npm = which('npm', { nothrow: true })
const node = which('node', { nothrow: true })
const volta = which('volta', { nothrow: true })
if (npm && node && volta) {
log('info', logStage, `\`npm\`, \`node\`, and \`volta\` are available`)
} else {
if (!volta) {
await $`brew install volta`
await $`
if [ -z "$VOLTA_HOME" ]; then
volta setup
export PATH="$VOLTA_HOME/bin:$PATH"
volta install node
} else if (packageManager === 'pacman') {
await ensureInstalled('pacman', false)
} else if (packageManager === 'pipx') {
await ensureInstalled('pipx', $`brew install pipx && pipx ensurepath`)
} else if (packageManager === 'pkg') {
await ensureInstalled('pkg', false)
} else if (packageManager === 'port') {
await ensureInstalled('port', $`
echo -n "TODO - script that installs port on macOS here"
} else if (packageManager === 'scoop') {
await ensureInstalled('scoop', $`
powershell 'Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser'
powershell 'irm get.scoop.sh | iex
} else if (packageManager === 'snap') {
const apk = which.sync('apk', { nothrow: true })
const apt = which.sync('apt-get', { nothrow: true })
const dnf = which.sync('dnf', { nothrow: true })
const yum = which.sync('yum', { nothrow: true })
const pacman = which.sync('pacman', { nothrow: true })
const zypper = which.sync('zypper', { nothrow: true })
if (apt) {
await $`
if [ -f /etc/apt/preferences.d/nosnap.pref ]; then
sudo mv /etc/apt/preferences.d/nosnap.pref /etc/apt/nosnap.pref.bak
sudo apt install -y snapd
// TODO Following may be required on Kali -> https://snapcraft.io/docs/installing-snap-on-kali
// systemctl enable --now snapd apparmor
} else if (dnf) {
await $`
sudo dnf install -y snapd
if [ ! -d /snap ]; then
sudo ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap
} else if (yum) {
await $`
sudo yum install -y snapd
sudo systemctl enable --now snapd.socket
if [ ! -d /snap ]; then
sudo ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap
} else if (pacman) {
await $`
if [ -f /etc/arch-release ]; then
sudo git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/snapd.git /usr/local/src/snapd
cd /usr/local/src/snapd
sudo makepkg -si
sudo pacman -S snapd
sudo systemctl enable --now snapd.socket
if [ ! -d /snap ]; then
sudo ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap
} else if (zypper) {
// TODO See https://snapcraft.io/docs/installing-snap-on-opensuse
await $`
echo "TODO - Bash script that installs snap w/ zypper"
const snap = which.sync('snap', { nothrow: true })
if (snap) {
$`sudo snap install core`
} else if (packageManager === 'whalebrew') {
await ensureInstalled('whalebrew', $`brew install whalebrew`)
} else if (packageManager === 'winget') {
await ensureInstalled('winget', $`
echo "TODO - Script that installs winget here"
} else if (packageManager === 'yay') {
const yay = which.sync('yay', { nothrow: true })
await $`sudo pacman -S --needed base-devel git`
await $`
if [ -d /usr/local/src ]; then
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/yay.git /usr/local/src/yay
cd /usr/local/src/yay
makepkg -si
} else if (packageManager === 'zypper') {
await ensureInstalled('zypper', false)
// Installs a list of packages via the specified package manager
async function installPackageList(packageManager, packages) {
const logStage = 'Package Install'
try {
if (packageManager === 'appimage') {
} else if (packageManager === 'ansible') {
for (let pkg of packages) {
try {
await $`ansible localhost -m setup -m include_role -a name=${pkg} -e ansible_user=${process.env.USER} -e include_homebrew_install=False`
} catch (e) {
log('error', 'Ansible Role Failure', `There was an error installing ${pkg} with Ansible`)
} else if (packageManager === 'apk') {
for (let pkg of packages) {
try {
await $`sudo apk add ${pkg}`
} catch (e) {
log('error', 'APK Install Failure', `There was an error installing ${pkg} with apk`)
} else if (packageManager === 'apt') {
for (let pkg of packages) {
try {
await $`sudo apt-get install -y ${pkg}`
} catch (e) {
log('error', 'apt-get Failure', `There was an error installing ${pkg} with apt-get`)
} else if (packageManager === 'basher') {
for (let pkg of packages) {
try {
await $`basher install ${pkg}`
} catch(e) {
log('error', 'Basher Failure', `There was an error installing ${pkg} with basher`)
} else if (packageManager === 'binary') {
} else if (packageManager === 'brew') {
for (let pkg of packages) {
try {
await $`brew install ${pkg}`
} catch (e) {
log('error', 'Homebrew Failure', `There was an error installing ${pkg} with brew`)
} else if (packageManager === 'cask') {
for (let pkg of packages) {
try {
await $`brew install --cask ${pkg}`
} catch(e) {
log('error', 'Homebrew Cask Failure', `There was an error installing ${pkg} with Homebrew Cask`)
} else if (packageManager === 'cargo') {
for (const pkg of packages) {
try {
await $`cargo install ${pkg}`
} catch (e) {
log('error', 'Cargo Failure', `There was an error installing ${pkg} with Cargo`)
} else if (packageManager === 'choco') {
for (let pkg of packages) {
try {
await $`choco install -y ${pkg}`
} catch (e) {
log('error', 'Chocolatey Failure', `There was an error installing ${pkg} with Chocolatey`)
} else if (packageManager === 'crew') {
} else if (packageManager === 'dnf') {
const dnf = which.sync('dnf', { nothrow: true })
const yum = which.sync('yum', { nothrow: true })
if (dnf) {
for (let pkg of packages) {
try {
await $`sudo dnf install -y ${pkg}`
} catch (e) {
log('error', 'dnf Failure', `There was an error installing ${pkg} with dnf`)
} else if (yum) {
for (let pkg of packages) {
try {
await $`sudo yum install -y ${pkg}`
} catch(e) {
log('error', 'yum Failure', `There was an error installing ${pkg} with yum`)
} else if (packageManager === 'flatpak') {
for (let pkg of packages) {
try {
await $`sudo flatpak install flathub ${pkg}`
} catch(e) {
log('error', 'Flatpak Failure', `There was an error installing ${pkg} with flatpak`)
} else if (packageManager === 'gem') {
for (let pkg of packages) {
try {
await $`gem install ${pkg}`
} catch (e) {
log('error', 'Gem Failure', `There was an error installing ${pkg} with gem`)
} else if (packageManager === 'go') {
for (let pkg of packages) {
try {
await $`go install ${pkg}`
} catch(e) {
log('error', 'Go Failure', `There was an error installing ${pkg} with go`)
} else if (packageManager === 'nix') {
} else if (packageManager === 'npm') {
for (let pkg of packages) {
try {
await $`volta install ${pkg}`
} catch(e) {
log('error', 'Volta Failure', `There was an error installing ${pkg} with volta`)
} else if (packageManager === 'pacman') {
for (let pkg of packages) {
try {
await $`sudo pacman -Sy --noconfirm --needed ${pkg}`
} catch(e) {
log('error', 'Pacman Failure', `There was an error installing ${pkg} with pacman`)
} else if (packageManager === 'pipx') {
for (let pkg of packages) {
try {
await $`pipx install ${pkg}`
} catch(e) {
log('error', 'PIPX Failure', `There was an error installing ${pkg} with pipx`)
} else if (packageManager === 'pkg') {
} else if (packageManager === 'port') {
const port = which.sync('port', { nothrow: true })
if (port) {
for (let pkg of packages) {
try {
await $`sudo port install ${pkg}`
} catch(e) {
log('error', 'Port Failure', `There was an error installing ${pkg} with port`)
} else {
log('error', 'Port Not Installed', `Unable to install ${pkg} because port is not installed.`)
} else if (packageManager === 'scoop') {
for (let pkg of packages) {
try {
await $`scoop install ${pkg}`
} catch(e) {
log('error', 'Scoop Failure', `There was an error installing ${pkg} with scoop`)
} else if (packageManager === 'snap') {
for (let pkg of packages) {
// TODO _snapClassic
try {
await $`sudo snap install -y ${pkg}`
} catch(e) {
log('error', 'Snap Failure', `There was an error installing ${pkg} with snap`)
} else if (packageManager === 'whalebrew') {
for (let pkg of packages) {
try {
await $`whalebrew install ${pkg}`
} catch(e) {
log('error', 'Whalebrew Failure', `There was an error installing ${pkg} with whalebrew`)
} else if (packageManager === 'winget') {
for (let pkg of packages) {
try {
await $`winget install ${pkg}`
} catch(e) {
log('error', 'Winget Failure', `There was an error installing ${pkg} with winget`)
} else if (packageManager === 'yay') {
for (let pkg of packages) {
try {
await $`yay -Sy --noconfirm --needed ${pkg}`
} catch(e) {
log('error', 'Yay Failure', `There was an error installing ${pkg} with yay`)
} else if (packageManager === 'zypper') {
for (let pkg of packages) {
try {
await $`sudo zypper install -y ${packages}`
} catch(e) {
log('error', 'Zypper Failure', `There was an error installing ${pkg} with zypper`)
} catch (e) {
log('error', logStage, `Possibly encountered an error while installing via \`${packageManager}\``)
log('info', logStage, `Proceeding with the installation..`)
// main process
async function main() {
log('info', 'Catalog Download', `Fetching the latest version of the installation map`)
installData = await downloadInstallData();
log('info', 'Install Orders', `Calculating the install orders`)
await generateInstallOrders();
log('info', 'Ensure Package Manager Installed', `Ensuring any package managers that will be used are installed / configured`)
const packageManagers = Object.keys(installOrders);
for (const packageManager of packageManagers) {
await ensurePackageManager(packageManager);
log('info', 'Install Orders', `The install orders were generated:`)
log('info', 'Package Manager Pre-Install', `Running package manager pre-installation steps`)
for (const packageManager of packageManagers) {
await beforeInstall(packageManager);
log('info', 'Package Pre-Install', `Running package-specific pre-installation steps`)
for (const script of installOrdersPre) {
await $`${script}`;
log('info', 'Package Install', `Installing the packages`)
for (const packageManager of packageManagers) {
const asyncOrders = [];
installPackageList(packageManager, installOrders[packageManager])
await Promise.all(asyncOrders);
log('info', 'Package Post-Install', `Running package-specific post-installation steps`)
for (const script of installOrdersPost) {
await $`${script}`;
log('info', 'Package Manager Post-Install', `Running package manager post-installation steps`)
for (const packageManager of packageManagers) {
await afterInstall(packageManager);
log('success', 'Installation Complete', `Done!`)
// Start the main process
await main();