1018 lines
18 KiB
1018 lines
18 KiB
# eslint-disable eslint-comments/disable-enable-pair, max-lines
background: '#161925'
color0: '#161925'
color1: '#282C34'
color2: '#ED254E'
color3: '#71F79F'
color4: '#F9DC5C'
color5: '#7CB7FF'
color6: '#C74D89'
color7: '#00C1E4'
color8: '#DCDFE4'
color9: '#4C5058'
color10: '#FF4972'
color11: '#95FFC3'
color12: '#FFFF80'
color13: '#A0DBFF'
color14: '#EB71AD'
color15: '#24E5FF'
color16: '#FFFFFF'
gpg: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/drduh/config/master/gpg.conf
- automa
- bitwarden-password-manager
- buffer-for-firefox
- canvasblocker
- clearurls
- decentraleyes
- dictionary-anyvhere
- ebates
- emoji-sav
- falcon_extension
- floccus
- forget_me_not
- foxyproxy-standard
- giphy-for-firefox
- github-history
- json-lite
- languagetool
- mailvelope
- markdown-here
- multi-account-containers
- noscript
- privacy-badger17
- profile-switcher
- search_by_image
- simple-translate
- single-file
- sponsorblock
- swift-selection-search
- temporary-containers
- tiny_url
- ublock-origin
- umatrix
- undoclosetabbutton
- view-page-archive
main: Montserrat Bold
shiftToSee: false
timeout: 9
whiteLabel: false
- aisleriot
- gnome-mahjongg
- gnome-mines
- gnome-sudoku
- rhythmbox
- cmake_cmake-gui.desktop
- display-im6.q16.desktop
- flutter_openurl.desktop
- htop.desktop
- scvim.desktop
theme: Betelgeuse
Android: &Android
- scrcpy
Android-Desktop: &Android-Desktop
- android-studio
- scrcpy-gui
Anon: &Anon
- onionshare
Ansible: &Ansible
- ansible
- ansible-lint
- ansibleconnect
- awxcli
- molecule
- winrm-cli
Ansible-Roles: &Ansible-Roles
- ssh
- swarm
- vpn
- wsl
- yubikey
- antivirus
- common
# - connect
- debloat
- defaultbrowser
- desktop
# - disks
- dns
- dnsmasq
# - easyengine
- environment
- extensions
- finish
- firewall
- fuse
- guacamole
- hosthomepage
- hosts
# - motd
# - pfsense
# - pihole
# - pip
- prepare
- security
- ssh
# - swarm
# - maas
Backup: &Backup
- autorestic
- ghorg
- restic
- sanoid
Backup-Desktop: &Backup-Desktop
- cryptomator
- seafile-client
- timeshift
Browsers: &Browsers
- w3m
Browsers-Desktop: &Browsers-Desktop
- brave-browser
- google-chrome
- chrome-cli
- ferdium
- firefox
- librewolf
- microsoft-edge
- tor-browser
- act
- argo-cli
- drone-cli
- fpm
- gitlab-runner
- glen
- bash-completion
- bandwhich
- bat
- bottom
- broot
- cheat
- chezmoi
- curl
- curlie
- delta
- direnv
- dog
- dua
- duf
- dust
- empty-trash
- exa
- fcp
- fd
- firefox-profile
- fkill
- fzf
- git
- glances
- glow
- gnu
- gping
- gum
- hyperfine
- jq
- mc
- mcfly
- nb
- neovim
- netcat
- nmap
- nnn
- node
- oh-my-posh
- pass
- procs
- prettier
- privoxy
- recoverpy
- ripgrep
- ripgrep-all
- rm-improved
- rsync
- sd
- snapd
- task
- tmux
- tor
- translate
- tree
- vim
- volta
- watchexec
- watchman
- wget
- whalebrew
- wifi-password
- yq
- zoxide
- zsh
- zx
CLI-Extras: &CLI-Extras
- axel
- bin
- bitly
- desed
- emoj
- fig
- filebrowser
- googler
- grex
- gron
# Waiting on fix: https://github.com/chmln/handlr/issues/69
# - handlr
- hexyl
- http-prompt
- httpie
- httpstat
- imgur-uploader
- is-up
- jiq
- jqp
- litecli
- mycli
- nomino
- normit
- pastel
- peco
- pgcli
- pywhat
- slack-term
- social-analyzer
- speed-test
- statcode
- stegcloak
- tldr
- up
- yank
Cloud: &Cloud
- awscli
- azure-cli
- azure-functions
- budibase-cli
- consul-cli
- curator
- doctl
- envconsul
- fission
- fly
- gcloud
- heroku-cli
- juju
- lexicon
- logcli
- psu
- rancher-cli
Cloud-Storage: &Cloud-Storage
- gdrive
- gphotos-sync
- rclone
- s5cmd
Communication-Desktop: &Communication-Desktop
- discord
- gitter
- microsoft-teams
- jitsi-meet
- keybase
- skype
- signal
- slack
- telegram
- zoom
Crypto: &Crypto
- cointop
Crypto-Desktop: &Crypto-Desktop
- ledger-live
- monero
- onlykey
- hostctl
- switchhosts
Data-Manipulation: &Data-Manipulation
- dasel
- fq
- fselect
- fx
- gojq
- hclq
- htmlq
- jo
- jq
- oq
- osquery
- pup
- ramda
- schema
- xurls
- yj
- yq
Database: &Database
- sqlite
Database-Desktop: &Database-Desktop
- beekeeper-studio
- sqlectron
Development-Tools-Desktop: &Development-Tools-Desktop
- github-desktop
- intellij-idea-ce
- iterm2
- lepton
- masscode
- meld
- powershell
- redis-desktop-manager
- visual-studio
- xcode
Docker: &Docker
- bane
- clair
- container-structure-test
- dive
- docker-slim
- dockle
- grype
- gvisor
- trivy
- trufflehog
- whaler
E-mail: &E-mail
- himalaya
E-mail-Desktop: &E-mail-Desktop
- mailspring
- protonmail-import-export
- protonmail-bridge
- thunderbird
Engineering-Desktop: &Engineering-Desktop
- arduino-ide
- cutter
- fritzing
Essentials: &Essentials
- docker
Essentials-Desktop: &Essentials-Desktop
- firefox
- kvantum
- portmaster
- rofi
- tabby
- vlc
- vscode
# Some plugins do not work with vscodium
# - vscodium
File-System: &File-System
# After `sudo apt-get install -y fuse libfuse-dev, the following error still shows up:
# error: could not find system library 'fuse' required by the 'fuse' crate
# - catfs
- glusterfs
- goofys
- sshfs
Finance: &Finance
- infracost
Finance-Desktop: &Finance-Desktop
- manta
Git: &Git
- commitizen
- gh
- gist
- git
- git-bug
- git-extras
- git-filter-repo
- git-fuzzy
- git-lfs
- git-open
- git-secret
- git-subrepo
- gitomatic
- git-stats
- gitui
- glab
- hub
- lazygit
- tig
Git-Desktop: &Git-Desktop
- gitdock
- gitify
- gitkraken
Git-Project-Tools: &Git-Project-Tools
- appnest-readme
- commitlint
- git-notify
- hbs-cli
- husky
- liquidjs
- pnpm-lock-export
- synp
- yarnhook
Go: &Go
- delve
- go
- go-outline
- gomodifytags
- gopkgs
- gopls
- gotests
- impl
- staticcheck
- wails
Home: &Home
- go-chromecast
Kubernetes: &Kubernetes
- cmctl
- kdash
- kn
- kubectx
- kubenav
- kubernetes-cli
- kubernetes-helm
- kubernetes-kompose
- kubeval
- linkerd2
- minikube
- tilt
- velero
Kubernetes-Desktop: &Kubernetes-Desktop
- lens
Linting: &Linting
- ansible-lint
- dotenv-linter
- dprint
- eslint
- gitleaks
- golangci-lint
- hadolint
- pre-commit
- shellcheck
- shfmt
- tflint
- tokei
- yamllint
Logging: &Logging
- fuego
- papertrail
- sentry-cli
- unbuffer
Media: &Media
- beets
# editly NPM package is failing to install on macOS - attempts to compile with node-gyp
# - editly
- exiftool
- ffmpeg
- imagemagick
- pandoc
- sharp
- spotdl
- svgo
- tinypng
- wkhtmltopdf
- youtube-dl
Media-Desktop: &Media-Desktop
- balenaetcher
- brasero
- gimp
- handbrake
- inkscape
- kodi
- krita
- lollypop
- nuclear
- plex
- plex-htpc
- raspberry-pi-imager
- shotcut
- shotwell
- vlc
Misc-Desktop: &Misc-Desktop
- _misc-flatpaks
- _nautilus-extensions
- cerebro
- clocker
- cumulus
- edex-ui
- gnome-tweaks
- pretzel
- qlplugins
- remote-desktop
- remmina
- rofi
- secretive
- standard-notes
- stats
- temps
- teamviewer
Misc-Development-Tools: &Misc-Development-Tools
- ansifilter
- aqua
# - asdf # Handled by dotfiles
# - astronvim
- automake
- bfg
- bundler
- carthage
- cmake
- cocoapods
- codeclimate
- dotnet
- expect
- fury
- gradle
- ideviceinstaller
- ios-deploy
- java
- libimobiledevice
- rust
- sdkman
- snapcraft
- solidity
- upx
- windows-adk
- windows-admin-center
- windows-power-toys
- certbot
- cfssl
- gixy
- mkcert
- nginx
# - maas
- ngxtop
Network-Enabled: &Network-Enabled
- cockpit
- cups
- lexicon
Networking: &Networking
- etcd
- cloudflared
- glusterfs
- mole
- nebula
- ngrok
- ssl-proxy
- tailscale
- tailscale-client
- warp
Orchestration: &Orchestration
- nomad
- pm2
- waypoint
- composer
- php
Package-Management: &Package-Management
# - homebrew
# - whalebrew
- zap
Productivity-Desktop: &Productivity-Desktop
- libreoffice
- microsoft-office
# Deprecated in favor of Google Tasks
# - microsoft-todo
Python: &Python
- poetry
- python
- virtualenv
Recording: &Recording
- asciinema
- carbon-now
- dframe
- t-rec
Recording-Desktop: &Recording-Desktop
- flameshot
- peek
- sharex
Ruby: &Ruby
- ruby
- assh
- skm
- ssh-vault
- sshpass
- ssh-tarpit
- sync-ssh-keys
- teleport
Security: &Security
- bitwarden-cli
- envchain
- envconsul
- pony
- protonvpn-cli
- skate
- ssh-vault
- stubby
- teller
- vault
- yubikey-manager
Security-Desktop: &Security-Desktop
- bitwarden
- mullvad-vpn
- portmaster
- protonvpn
- santa
- yubikey-authenticator
- yubikey-manager-qt
Server: &Server
- cockpit
- cups
- elastic-agent
- netdata
- samba
- sftpgo
# Headless install needs work since it is run via script
# - vector
- wazuh
Shell-Scripting: &Shell-Scripting
- shc
- shdoc
- shellcheck
- shfmt
Social-Networking: &Social-Networking
- social-analyzer
- t
Sys-Admin: &Sys-Admin
- ctop
- gtop
- htop
- sysbench
- sysdig
- sysget
- upt
- winrm-cli
- wireshark-cli
Sys-Admin-Desktop: &Sys-Admin-Desktop
- quasar
- sloth
- snitch
- wireshark
Templates: &Templates
- confd
- cookiecutter
- gomplate
Terraform: &Terraform
- terraform
- tfenv
- tflint
Testing: &Testing
- allure
- appium
- molecule
Transfer: &Transfer
- aria2
- croc
- dat
- ffsend
- gdown
- ots
- share
Transfer-Desktop: &Transfer-Desktop
- dat-desktop
- filezilla
- google-drive
- motrix
- qbittorrent
- webtorrent
Utilities: &Utilities
- nativefier
Virtualization: &Virtualization
- kvm
- lxdc
# Opens persistent menu icon on GNOME and has issues that sometimes require switching the virt driver
# - multipass
- packer
- vagrant
Virtualization-Desktop: &Virtualization-Desktop
- docker-desktop
- gnome-boxes
- parallels
- virtualbox
- vmware
Web-Development: &Web-Development
- angular-cli
- auto-install
- browser-sync
- caniuse
- cordova
- deno
- deta
- electron
- emma
- fastify
- feathers
- firebase
- flutter
- gfi
- gulp
- hey
- ionic
- ipfs
- ipfs-deploy
- localtunnel
- mitmproxy
- muffet
- ncc
- nectar
- nest
- newman
- ngrok
- node-prune
- np
- npm-check
- oclif
- package-size
- page-fetch
- pageres
- pkg
- playwright
- pnpm
- psi
- semantic-release
- serve
- serverless
- surge
- trellis
- ts2c
- websocat
- wordpressify
- wp-cli
- wrangler
- wrk
- yarn
Web-Development-Desktop: &Web-Development-Desktop
- altair
- betwixt
- electron-app
- ipfs-desktop
- mjml
- mockoon
- mqttx
- postman
- responsively
- runjs
_Basic: &_Basic
- *CLI
- *Essentials
_Basic-Desktop: &_Basic-Desktop
- *_Basic
- *Essentials-Desktop
_Standard: &_Standard
- *_Basic
- *Backup
- *Cloud-Storage
- bitwarden-cli
- discord
- gitkraken
- jitsi-meet
- microsoft-teams
- microsoft-todo
- nuclear
- plex-htpc
- slack
- thunderbird
- yubico-authenticator
- zoom
_Standard-Desktop: &_Standard-Desktop
- *_Basic-Desktop
- *Backup-Desktop
- *Communication-Desktop
- *Media-Desktop
- *Misc-Desktop
- *Productivity-Desktop
- *Recording-Desktop
- *Virtualization-Desktop
- bitwarden
- brave-browser
- mailspring
- protonvpn
- tailscale
- warp
_Full: &_Full
- *_Standard
- *Android
- *Ansible
- *Backup
- *Browsers
- *CI
- *CLI-Extras
- *Cloud
- *Cloud-Storage
- *Crypto
- *DNS
- *Data-Manipulation
- *Database
- *Docker
- *E-mail
- *File-System
- *Finance
- *Git
- *Git-Project-Tools
- *Go
- *Home
- *Kubernetes
- *Linting
- *Logging
- *Media
- *Misc-Development-Tools
- *Network-Enabled
- *Networking
- *Orchestration
- *PHP
- *Package-Management
- *Python
- *Recording
- *Ruby
- *SSH
- *Security
- *Server
- *Shell-Scripting
- *Social-Networking
- *Sys-Admin
- *Terraform
- *Templates
- *Testing
- *Transfer
- *Utilities
- *Virtualization
- *Web-Development
_Full-Desktop: &_Full-Desktop
- *_Full
- *_Standard-Desktop
- *Android-Desktop
- *Backup-Desktop
- *Browsers-Desktop
- *Communication-Desktop
- *Crypto-Desktop
- *Database-Desktop
- *Development-Tools-Desktop
- *E-mail-Desktop
- *Engineering-Desktop
- *Finance-Desktop
- *Git-Desktop
- *Kubernetes-Desktop
- *Media-Desktop
- *Misc-Desktop
- *Productivity-Desktop
- *Recording-Desktop
- *Security-Desktop
- *Sys-Admin-Desktop
- *Transfer-Desktop
- *Virtualization-Desktop
- *Web-Development-Desktop
- *_Basic
- *_Basic-Desktop
- *_Basic
- *_Basic-Desktop
- *Docker
- *_Full-Desktop
- *Anon
- *Crypto
- *Crypto-Desktop
- *_Full-Desktop
__hostname__gpg-tmpl: []
- *Kubernetes
- *Kubernetes-Desktop
- *Networking
- *Media
- *Media-Desktop
- *Communication-Desktop
- *Productivity-Desktop
__hostname__personal-tmpl: []
__hostname__provision-tmpl: []
- *Networking
- filezilla
- remote-desktop
- teamviewer
- *Backup
- *Docker
- *Networking
- swarm
__hostname__util-tmpl: []
- onlykey
- yubikey
__hostname__vpn-pritunl-tmpl: []
- protonvpn
- vpn
- tailscale
- warp
__hostname__vpn-tmpl: []
- *Browsers-Desktop
__hostname__work-tmpl: []
- apt-cacher-ng
- bivac
- boilr
- captain
- consul-template
- diffsofancy
- difftastic
- emplace
- gvm
- htop
- hyper
- jenv
- kitty
- license
- lpass
- lsd
- mackup
- nordvpn
- nvm
- pyenv
- s3filesystem
- starship
- raindrop
- rear
- rvm
- sad
- supdock
- termius
- ulauncher
- https://github.com/dense-analysis/ale.git
- https://github.com/pearofducks/ansible-vim.git
- https://github.com/ekalinin/dockerfile.vim.git
- https://github.com/editorconfig/editorconfig-vim.git
- https://github.com/junegunn/fzf.git
- https://github.com/junegunn/fzf.vim.git
- https://github.com/itchyny/lightline.vim.git
- https://github.com/scrooloose/nerdtree.git
- https://github.com/stanangeloff/php.vim.git
- https://github.com/hdima/python-syntax.git
- https://github.com/vim-syntastic/syntastic.git
- https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline.git
- https://github.com/kristijanhusak/vim-carbon-now-sh.git
- https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons.git
- https://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive.git
- https://github.com/airblade/vim-gitgutter.git
- https://github.com/fatih/vim-go.git
- https://github.com/pangloss/vim-javascript.git
- https://github.com/mxw/vim-jsx.git
- https://github.com/plasticboy/vim-markdown.git
- https://github.com/terryma/vim-multiple-cursors.git
- https://github.com/prettier/vim-prettier.git
- https://github.com/tpope/vim-sensible.git
- https://github.com/tpope/vim-surround.git
- https://github.com/nanotee/zoxide.vim.git
- latte-dock
- nautilus
- nautilus-gtkhash
- nautilus-search-tool
- kde-settings-qubes
- kdeplasma-addons
- konsole
- kscreen
- kvantum
- plymouth-kcm
- sssd-kcm
- sddm-kcm
mirageUrl: https://github.com/mirage/qubes-mirage-firewall/releases/latest/download/mirage-firewall.tar.bz2
promptKeyboards: false
provisionVM: provision
# - centos-8
# - centos-8-minimal
# - debian-10
- debian-11
- debian-11-minimal
- fedora-32
- fedora-36
- fedora-36-minimal
- fedora-36-xfce
- fedora-37
# - gentoo
# - gentoo-minimal
# - kali
- whonix-gw-16
- whonix-ws-16
- https://qubes.3isec.org/Templates_4.1/qubes-template-archlinux-4.0.6-202204171510.noarch.rpm
- https://qubes.3isec.org/Templates_4.1/qubes-template-debian-12-4.0.6-202208292254.noarch.rpm
- https://qubes.3isec.org/Templates_4.1/qubes-template-jammy-4.0.6-202205012228.noarch.rpm