2023-06-22 15:06:48 +05:30

110 lines
5.8 KiB

{{- if eq "linux" -}}
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# @file GitLab Runner Configuration
# @brief Registers GitLab Runner(s) with the given GitLab instance
# @description
# This script registers the runner(s) with the given GitLab instance. SaaS GitLab can also be provided as the GitLab instance to register
# the runners with. The script configures the runners to use either Docker or VirtualBox Executor. Refer to
# [this page]( and [this page](
# for details about the available configuration settings.
# Runners are always tagged with these 2 values: `hostname` and `docker`/`virtualbox` depending on the type of executor. If a list of tags is provided,
# the runner is tagged with these values in addition to the above mentioned values. If the list of tags is empty, no additonal tags are added and the
# runner is configured to pickup `untagged` jobs.
# Configuring other type of executors is not supported by this script.
# ## Secrets
# The following chart details the secret(s) that are needed to configure the runner:
# | Secret | Description |
# |------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------|
# | `GITLAB_RUNNER_TOKEN` | The token generated when the runner was created in GitLab |
# For more information about storing secrets like SSH keys and API keys, refer to our Secrets documentation provided below
# ## Configuration Variables
# The following chart details the input variable(s) that are used to determine the configuration of the runner:
# | Variable | Description |
# |---------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
# | `glurl` | The URL of the Gitlab instance to associate the Runner with |
# | `runnerImage` | Docker image to use to configure the runner. Needed only when configuring `Docker` executor |
# | `runnerDescription` | Description of this runner |
# | `runnerTags` | Comma separated list of tags for this runner. See details in the description for more info |
# | `baseVM` | Name of the VirtualBox VM to use for creating runner. Needed only when configuring `VirtualBox` executor |
# ## Links
# * [Secrets / Environment variables documentation](
{{ includeTemplate "universal/profile" }}
{{ includeTemplate "universal/logg" }}
### Check if Docker is installed and operational so Docker executor(s) can be registered
if command -v docker > /dev/null && docker run --rm hello-world > /dev/null; then
logg warn 'Docker is not installed or it is not operational'
### Check if VirtualBox is installed and operational so VirtualBox executor(s) can be registered
if command -v VirtualBox > /dev/null; then
logg warn 'VirtualBox is not installed'
### Configure runners if Docker or VirtualBox is installed
if [ $HAS_DOCKER -eq 0 ] && [ $HAS_VIRTUALBOX -eq 0 ]; then
logg warn 'Docker and VirtualBox are not installed. Not registering runner(s).'
### Run logic if gitlab-runner is installed
if command -v gitlab-runner > /dev/null; then
### Check if Runner Token value is present before attempting to register runner(s)
if [ -v $GITLAB_RUNNER_TOKEN ]; then
### Registering runners
{{ $cmd := `gitlab-runner register \
--non-interactive \
--token $GITLAB_RUNNER_TOKEN \` }}
### Register Docker based runners if Docker is installed and operational
if [ $HAS_DOCKER -eq 1 ]; then
logg info 'Registering GitLab Runner(s) that use Docker executor'
{{- range .host.gitlabRunners }}
{{- if .runnerImage }}
{{- $cmd }}
--url {{ .glurl }} \
--executor "docker" \
--description "{{ .runnerDescription }} - on {{ .chezmoi.hostname }}" \
--docker-image {{ .runnerImage }} \
{{ if and .runnerTags (gt (len .runnerTags) 0) }}--tag-list "{{ .runnerTags }},{{ .chezmoi.hostname }},docker"
{{ else }}--tag-list "{{ .chezmoi.hostname }},docker" --run-untagged{{ end }} || echo 'Runner registration failed"
{{ end -}}
{{ end }}
### Register VirtualBox based runners if VirtualBox is installed
if [ $HAS_VIRTUALBOX -eq 1 ]; then
logg info 'Registering GitLab Runner(s) that use VirtualBox executor'
{{- range .host.gitlabRunners }}
{{- if .baseVM }}
{{- $cmd }}
--url {{ .glurl }} \
--executor "virtualbox" \
--description "{{ .runnerDescription }} - on {{ .chezmoi.hostname }}" \
--virtualbox-base-name "{{ .baseVM }}" \
{{ if and .runnerTags (gt (len .runnerTags) 0) }}--tag-list "{{ .runnerTags }},{{ .chezmoi.hostname }},virtualbox"
{{ else }}--tag-list "{{ .chezmoi.hostname }},virtualbox" --run-untagged{{ end }} || echo 'Runner registration failed"
{{ end -}}
{{ end }}
logg warn 'GITLAB_RUNNER_TOKEN is not set. Not registering runner(s)'
logg warn 'gitlab-runner is not installed or is not available in PATH'
{{ end -}}