{ lib, config, namespace, pkgs, ... }: let inherit (lib) mkIf; cfg = config.marleyos.programs.hyfetch; in { config = mkIf cfg.enable { # TODO: Switch to fastfetch home.packages = with pkgs; [ neofetch ]; xdg.configFile."neofetch/config.conf".text = # bash '' print_info() { prin " " info " ​ ​  " title prin "''$(color 7)┌──────────────────────────────────────┐" info " ​ ​ ''$(color 4)󰌢 \n" model info " ​ ​ ''$(color 6)󰍛 \n" cpu info " ​ ​ ''$(color 2) \n" gpu info " ​ ​ ''$(color 1) \n" memory # info " ​ ​ ''$(color 5)󰍹 \n" resolution prin "''$(color 7)├──────────────────────────────────────┤" info " ​ ​ ''$(color 4) \n" distro info " ​ ​ ''$(color 4) \n" kernel info " ​ ​ ''$(color 6) \n" wm info " ​ ​ ''$(color 2) \n" shell info " ​ ​ ''$(color 3) \n" term info " ​ ​ ''$(color 7) \n" term_font info " ​ ​ ''$(color 5)󰉼 \n" theme info " ​ ​ ''$(color 1)󰀻 \n" icons info " ​ ​ ''$(color 2)󰊠 \n" packages info " ​ ​ ''$(color 3) \n" uptime prin "''$(color 7)├──────────────────────────────────────┤" info cols prin prin "''$(color 7)└──────────────────────────────────────┘" } title_fqdn="off" kernel_shorthand="on" distro_shorthand="on" os_arch="on" uptime_shorthand="tiny" memory_percent="off" memory_unit="gib" package_managers="tiny" shell_path="off" shell_version="off" speed_type="bios_limit" speed_shorthand="on" cpu_brand="on" cpu_speed="on" cpu_cores="off" cpu_temp="off" gpu_brand="on" gpu_type="all" refresh_rate="on" gtk_shorthand="on" gtk2="off" gtk3="on" public_ip_host="http://ident.me" public_ip_timeout=2 local_ip_interface=('auto') de_version="on" disk_show=('/') disk_subtitle="mount" disk_percent="on" music_player="auto" song_format="%artist% - %album% - %title%" song_shorthand="off" mpc_args=() colors=(distro) bold="on" underline_enabled="on" underline_char="-" separator=" 󰾞" block_range=(0 15) color_blocks="on" block_width=3 block_height=1 col_offset=49 bar_char_elapsed="-" bar_char_total="=" bar_border="on" bar_length=15 bar_color_elapsed="distro" bar_color_total="distro" memory_display="off" battery_display="off" disk_display="off" image_backend="ascii" image_source="auto" ascii_distro="auto" ascii_colors=(distro) ascii_bold="on" image_loop="off" thumbnail_dir="''${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-''${HOME}/.cache}/thumbnails/neofetch" crop_mode="normal" crop_offset="center" image_size="auto" catimg_size="2" gap=3 yoffset=0 xoffset=0 background_color= stdout="off" ''; }; }