2024-12-01 11:05:36 -08:00
---@class lib
local M = {}
---Find the root of a project based on `vim.g.root_spec`. Defaults to
---`{ '.git' }` if unset.
---@return string?
function M.root()
local root_spec = vim.g.root_spec or { '.git' }
return vim.fs.root(0, root_spec)
---Require a file relative to the given prefix, to avoid repetition.
---@param prefix string The string to prefix to all req calls.
function M.local_require(prefix)
---@param mod string The module to require.
return function(mod)
return require(prefix .. '.' .. mod)
2024-12-08 16:47:13 -08:00
---Get and format the foreground of a highlight group.
---@param name string The highlight group name to fetch from.
---@return {fg:string}?
function M.fg(name)
local hl = vim.api.nvim_get_hl(0, { name = name, link = false })
return hl and { fg = string.format('#%06x', hl.fg) } or nil
2024-12-01 17:10:02 -08:00
---Generates a function that can be used to create which-key mappings.
---@param color string The color to use for the icon.
---@return function
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function M.wkSpec(color)
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---@param lhs string
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---@param rhs string | fun()
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---@param icon string | wk.Icon
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---@param opts? wk.Spec
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return function(lhs, rhs, icon, opts)
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if type(icon) == 'string' then
icon = { icon = icon, color = color }
icon = vim.tbl_deep_extend('force', icon, { color = color })
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return vim.tbl_deep_extend('force', { lhs, rhs, icon = icon }, (opts or {}))
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2024-12-01 11:05:36 -08:00
return M