-- https://github.com/LazyVim/LazyVim/blob/main/lua/lazyvim/util/root.lua local lazy_util = require('lib.lazy.util') local lazyvim_lsp = require('lib.lazyvim.lsp') ---@class lib.lazyvim.root ---@overload fun(): string local M = setmetatable({}, { __call = function(m) return m.get() end, }) ---@class LazyRoot ---@field paths string[] ---@field spec LazyRootSpec ---@alias LazyRootFn fun(buf:number): (string|string[]) ---@alias LazyRootSpec string|string[]|LazyRootFn ---@type LazyRootSpec[] M.spec = { 'lsp', { '.git', 'lua' }, 'cwd' } M.detectors = {} function M.detectors.cwd() return { vim.uv.cwd() } end function M.realpath(path) if path == '' or path == nil then return nil end path = vim.uv.fs_realpath(path) or path return lazy_util.norm(path) end function M.bufpath(buf) return M.realpath(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(assert(buf))) end function M.detectors.lsp(buf) local bufpath = M.bufpath(buf) if not bufpath then return {} end local roots = {} ---@type string[] local clients = lazyvim_lsp.get_clients({ bufnr = buf }) clients = vim.tbl_filter(function(client) return not vim.tbl_contains(vim.g.root_lsp_ignore or {}, client.name) end, clients) for _, client in pairs(clients) do local workspace = client.config.workspace_folders for _, ws in pairs(workspace or {}) do roots[#roots + 1] = vim.uri_to_fname(ws.uri) end if client.root_dir then roots[#roots + 1] = client.root_dir end end return vim.tbl_filter(function(path) path = lazy_util.norm(path) return path and bufpath:find(path, 1, true) == 1 end, roots) end ---@param patterns string[]|string function M.detectors.pattern(buf, patterns) if type(patterns) == 'string' then patterns = { patterns } end local path = M.bufpath(buf) or vim.uv.cwd() local pattern = vim.fs.find(function(name) for _, p in ipairs(patterns) do if name == p then return true end if p:sub(1, 1) == '*' and name:find(vim.pesc(p:sub(2)) .. '$') then return true end end return false end, { path = path, upward = true })[1] return pattern and { vim.fs.dirname(pattern) } or {} end ---@param spec LazyRootSpec ---@return LazyRootFn function M.resolve(spec) if M.detectors[spec] then return M.detectors[spec] elseif type(spec) == 'function' then return spec end return function(buf) return M.detectors.pattern(buf, spec) end end ---@param opts? {buf?:number, spec?:LazyRootSpec[], all?:boolean} function M.detect(opts) opts = opts or {} opts.spec = opts.spec or type(vim.g.root_spec) == 'table' and vim.g.root_spec or M.spec opts.buf = (opts.buf == nil or opts.buf == 0) and vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() or opts.buf local ret = {} ---@type LazyRoot[] for _, spec in ipairs(opts.spec) do local paths = M.resolve(spec)(opts.buf) paths = paths or {} paths = type(paths) == 'table' and paths or { paths } local roots = {} ---@type string[] for _, p in ipairs(paths) do local pp = M.realpath(p) if pp and not vim.tbl_contains(roots, pp) then roots[#roots + 1] = pp end end table.sort(roots, function(a, b) return #a > #b end) if #roots > 0 then ret[#ret + 1] = { spec = spec, paths = roots } if opts.all == false then break end end end return ret end ---@type table M.cache = {} -- Returns the root directory based on: -- * lsp workspace folders -- * lsp root_dir -- * root pattern of filename of the current buffer -- * root pattern of cwd ---@param opts? {normalize?:boolean, buf?:number} function M.get(opts) opts = opts or {} local buf = opts.buf or vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() local ret = M.cache[buf] if not ret then local roots = M.detect({ all = false, buf = buf }) ret = roots[1] and roots[1].paths[1] or vim.uv.cwd() M.cache[buf] = ret end return ret end function M.git() local root = M.get() local git_root = vim.fs.find('.git', { path = root, upward = true })[1] local ret = git_root and vim.fn.fnamemodify(git_root, ':h') or root return ret end return M