# This overlay, when applied to nixpkgs, adds the final neovim derivation to nixpkgs. {inputs}: final: prev: with final.pkgs.lib; let pkgs = final; # Use this to create a plugin from a flake input mkNvimPlugin = src: pname: pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPlugin { inherit pname src; version = src.lastModifiedDate; }; # Make sure we use the pinned nixpkgs instance for wrapNeovimUnstable, # otherwise it could have an incompatible signature when applying this overlay. pkgs-wrapNeovim = inputs.nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${pkgs.system}; # This is the helper function that builds the Neovim derivation. mkNeovim = pkgs.callPackage ./mkNeovim.nix {inherit pkgs-wrapNeovim;}; # A plugin can either be a package or an attrset, such as # { plugin = ; # the package, e.g. pkgs.vimPlugins.nvim-cmp # config = ; # String; a config that will be loaded with the plugin # # Boolean; Whether to automatically load the plugin as a 'start' plugin, # # or as an 'opt' plugin, that can be loaded with `:packadd!` # optional = ; # Default: false # ... # } all-plugins = with pkgs.vimPlugins; [ # Base lz-n snacks-nvim # Util plenary-nvim nui-nvim persistence-nvim # Colorscheme rose-pine # UI mini-icons alpha-nvim bufferline-nvim lualine-nvim noice-nvim indent-blankline-nvim # Editor neo-tree-nvim grug-far-nvim flash-nvim which-key-nvim gitsigns-nvim aerial-nvim # Treesitter nvim-treesitter-textobjects nvim-ts-autotag (nvim-treesitter.withPlugins ( plugins: with plugins; [ bash diff html gitignore javascript jsdoc json jsonc just lua luadoc markdown markdown_inline nix just printf python query regex toml tsx typescript vim vimdoc xml yaml ] )) # LSP nvim-lspconfig # Coding blink-cmp luasnip friendly-snippets lexima-vim (mkNvimPlugin inputs.neotab-nvim "neotab.nvim") ts-comments-nvim mini-comment mini-ai mini-surround yanky-nvim # Formatting conform-nvim # Linting nvim-lint ]; extraPackages = with pkgs; [ # System packages ripgrep lazygit # Language servers lua-language-server nixd # Formatters shfmt stylua ]; in { # This is the neovim derivation returned by the overlay. nvim-pkg = mkNeovim { plugins = all-plugins; neovim-unwrapped = inputs.neovim-nightly.packages.${pkgs.system}.default; inherit extraPackages; }; # This can be symlinked in the devShell's shellHook. nvim-luarc-json = final.mk-luarc-json { plugins = all-plugins; globals = ["MarleyVim"]; runtimePath = ["nvim/lua/?.lua" "nvim/lua/?/init.lua"]; }; # You can add as many derivations as you like. # Use `ignoreConfigRegexes` to filter out config # files you would not like to include. # # For example: # # nvim-pkg-no-telescope = mkNeovim { # plugins = []; # ignoreConfigRegexes = [ # "^plugin/telescope.lua" # "^ftplugin/.*.lua" # ]; # inherit extraPackages; # }; }