name: Bug Report
about: Create a report to help us improve something that is not working correctly
title: "Bug - :"
labels: "Status: Needs Review, Type: Bug"
assignees: ""

<!-- Thank you for taking the time to submit a bug report to The Odin Project. In order to get issues closed in a reasonable amount of time, you must include a baseline of information about the bug in question. Please read this template in its entirety before filling it out to ensure that it is filled out correctly. -->

Complete the following REQUIRED checkboxes:
-   [ ] I have thoroughly read and understand [The Odin Project Contributing Guide](https://github.com/TheOdinProject/theodinproject/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md)
-   [ ] The title of this issue follows the `Bug - location of bug: brief description of bug` format, e.g. `Bug - Exercises: File type incorrect for all test files`

The following checkbox is OPTIONAL:
<!-- Completing this checkbox does not guarantee you will be assigned this issue, but rather lets us know you are interested in working on it. -->
-   [ ] I would like to be assigned this issue to work on it


**1. Description of the Bug:**
<!-- A clear and concise description of what the bug is. Include any screenshots that may help show the bug in action. -->

**2. How To Reproduce:**
What steps one might need to take in order to reproduce this bug, e.g.:
1. Log in
2. Visit a lesson page
3. Click the complete button
4. The complete button does not update

**3. Expected Behavior:**
A brief description of what you expected to happen, e.g.:
1. Log in
2. Visit a lesson page
3. Click the complete button
4. The complete button updates correctly

**4. Desktop/Device:**
<!-- The more information you are able to provide, the better. -->
-   Device: <!-- [e.g. iPhone6] -->
-   OS: <!-- [e.g. iOS] -->
-   Browser: <!-- [e.g. chrome, safari] -->
-   Version: <!-- [e.g. 22] -->

**5. Additional Information:**
<!-- Any additional information about the bug. -->