2022-08-13 04:37:44 -07:00
<!-- A huge collection of Rofi themes -->
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< / p >
< p align = "center" > A huge collection of < a href = "https://github.com/davatorium/rofi" > Rofi< / a > based custom < i > Applets< / i > , < i > Launchers< / i > & < i > Powermenus< / i > .< / p >
2022-08-19 07:24:27 -07:00
< details >
< summary > < b > < code > Launchers< / code > < / b > < / summary >
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|Type 1|Type 2|Type 3|Type 4|
|Type 5|Type 6|Type 7|
2022-08-19 07:24:27 -07:00
< / details >
2022-08-13 04:37:44 -07:00
2022-08-19 07:24:27 -07:00
< details >
< summary > < b > < code > Applets< / code > < / b > < / summary >
|Type 1|Type 2|Type 3|
|Type 4|Type 5|
< / details >
< details >
< summary > < b > < code > Powermenus< / code > < / b > < / summary >
2022-08-15 11:28:09 -07:00
|Type 1|Type 2|Type 3|
|Type 4|Type 5|Type 6|
2022-08-13 04:37:44 -07:00
2022-08-19 07:24:27 -07:00
< / details >
2022-08-13 04:37:44 -07:00
## What is Rofi?
[Rofi ](https://github.com/davatorium/rofi ) is A window switcher, Application launcher and dmenu replacement. Rofi started as a clone of simpleswitcher and It has been extended with extra features, like an application launcher and ssh-launcher, and can act as a drop-in dmenu replacement, making it a very versatile tool. Rofi, like dmenu, will provide the user with a textual list of options where one or more can be selected. This can either be running an application, selecting a window, or options provided by an external script.
## Installation
2022-08-17 03:48:10 -07:00
> **Everything here is created on rofi version : `1.7.4`**
2022-08-13 04:37:44 -07:00
* First, Make sure you have the same (stable) version of rofi installed.
- On Arch / Arch-based : ** `sudo pacman -S rofi` **
- On Debian / Ubuntu : ** `sudo apt-get install rofi` **
- On Fedora : ** `sudo dnf install rofi` **
- Then, Clone this repository -
$ git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/adi1090x/rofi.git
- Change to cloned directory and make `setup.sh` executable -
$ cd rofi
$ chmod +x setup.sh
- Run `setup.sh` to install the configs -
$ ./setup.sh
[*] Installing fonts...
[*] Updating font cache...
[*] Creating a backup of your rofi configs...
[*] Installing rofi configs...
[*] Successfully Installed.
- That's it, These themes are now installed on your system.
> **Note** : These themes are like an ecosystem, everything here is connected with each other in some way. So... before modifying anything by your own, make sure you know what you doing.
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< p align = "center" >
< b > Special thanks to all the Sponsors< / b > . Maintenance of this project is made possible by you guys. If you'd like to sponsor this project and have your avatar appear below, < a href = "https://github.com/sponsors/adi1090x" > click here< / a > 💖
< / p >
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2022-09-06 02:24:06 -07:00
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< / p >
## Launchers
**`Change Style` :** Edit `~/.config/rofi/launchers/type-X/launcher.sh` script and edit the following line to use the style you like.
**`Change Colors` :** Edit `~/.config/rofi/launchers/type-X/shared/colors.rasi` file and edit the following line to use the color-scheme you like.
2022-08-15 11:28:09 -07:00
@import "~/.config/rofi/colors/onedark.rasi"
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2022-08-15 11:28:09 -07:00
> Colors in `type-5`, `type-6` and `type-7` are hard-coded (based on image colors) and can be changed by editing the respective **`style-X.rasi`** file.
2022-08-13 04:37:44 -07:00
#### Previews
< details >
< summary > < b > Type 1< / b > < / summary >
|Style 1|Style 2|Style 3|Style 4|Style 5|
|Style 6|Style 7|Style 8|Style 9|Style 10|
|Style 11|Style 12|Style 13|Style 14|Style 15|
< / details >
< details >
< summary > < b > Type 2< / b > < / summary >
|Style 1|Style 2|Style 3|Style 4|Style 5|
|Style 6|Style 7|Style 8|Style 9|Style 10|
|Style 11|Style 12|Style 13|Style 14|Style 15|
< / details >
< details >
< summary > < b > Type 3< / b > < / summary >
|Style 1|Style 2|Style 3|Style 4|Style 5|
|Style 6|Style 7|Style 8|Style 9|Style 10|
< / details >
< details >
< summary > < b > Type 4< / b > < / summary >
|Style 1|Style 2|Style 3|Style 4|Style 5|
|Style 6|Style 7|Style 8|Style 9|Style 10|
< / details >
< details >
< summary > < b > Type 5< / b > < / summary >
|Style 1|Style 2|Style 3|Style 4|Style 5|
< / details >
< details >
< summary > < b > Type 6< / b > < / summary >
|Style 1|Style 2|Style 3|Style 4|Style 5|
|Style 6|Style 7|Style 8|Style 9|Style 10|
< / details >
< details >
< summary > < b > Type 7< / b > < / summary >
|Style 1|Style 2|Style 3|Style 4|Style 5|
|Style 6|Style 7|Style 8|Style 9|Style 10|
< / details >
< details >
< summary > < b > Color Schemes< / b > < / summary >
< / details >
## Applets
2022-08-19 07:24:27 -07:00
|Applets|Description|Required Applications|
|**`Apps As Root`**|Open Applications as root|`pkexec` : `alacritty` , `thunar` , `geany` , `ranger` , `vim` |
|**`Apps`**|Favorite or most used Applications|`alacritty`, `thunar` , `geany` , `firefox` , `ncmpcpp` , `xfce4-settings-manager` |
|**`Battery`**|Display battery percentage & charging status with dynamic icons|`pkexec`, `acpi` , `powertop` `xfce4-power-manager-settings` |
|**`Brightness`**|Display and adjust screen brightness|`light`, `xfce4-power-manager-settings` |
|**`MPD`**|Control the song play through ** `mpd` **|`mpd`, `mpc` |
|**`Powermenu`**|A classic power menu, with Uptime|`systemd`, `betterlockscreen` |
|**`Quicklinks`**|Bookmarks for most used websites|`firefox` or `chromium` or any other browser|
|**`Screenshot`**|Take screenshots using ** `maim` **|`maim`, `xrandr` , `dunst` , `xclip` |
|**`Volume`**|Display and control volume with dynamic icons and mute status|`amixer` and `pavucontrol` |
> To use your programs with these applets, Edit the scripts in `~/.config/rofi/applets/bin` directory.
**`Change Theme` :** Edit `~/.config/rofi/applets/shared/theme.bash` script and edit the following line to use the type and style you like.
**`Change Colors` :** Edit `~/.config/rofi/applets/shared/colors.rasi` file and edit the following line to use the color-scheme you like.
@import "~/.config/rofi/colors/onedark.rasi"
> Colors in `type-4` and `type-5` are hard-coded (based on image colors) and can be changed by editing the respective **`style-X.rasi`** file.
#### Previews
< details >
< summary > < b > Apps as root< / b > < / summary >
|Type 1|Type 2|Type 3|Type 4|Type 5|
< / details >
< details >
< summary > < b > Apps< / b > < / summary >
|Type 1|Type 2|Type 3|Type 4|Type 5|
< / details >
< details >
< summary > < b > Battery< / b > < / summary >
|Type 1|Type 2|Type 3|Type 4|Type 5|
< / details >
< details >
< summary > < b > Brightness< / b > < / summary >
|Type 1|Type 2|Type 3|Type 4|Type 5|
< / details >
< details >
< summary > < b > MPD< / b > < / summary >
|Type 1|Type 2|Type 3|Type 4|Type 5|
< / details >
< details >
< summary > < b > Powermenu< / b > < / summary >
|Type 1|Type 2|Type 3|Type 4|Type 5|
< / details >
< details >
< summary > < b > Quicklinks< / b > < / summary >
|Type 1|Type 2|Type 3|Type 4|Type 5|
< / details >
< details >
< summary > < b > Screenshot< / b > < / summary >
|Type 1|Type 2|Type 3|Type 4|Type 5|
< / details >
< details >
< summary > < b > Volume< / b > < / summary >
|Type 1|Type 2|Type 3|Type 4|Type 5|
< / details >
2022-08-13 04:37:44 -07:00
## Powermenus
2022-08-15 11:28:09 -07:00
**`Change Style` :** Edit `~/.config/rofi/powermenu/type-X/powermenu.sh` script and edit the following line to use the style you like.
**`Change Colors` :** Edit `~/.config/rofi/powermenu/type-X/shared/colors.rasi` file and edit the following line to use the color-scheme you like.
@import "~/.config/rofi/colors/onedark.rasi"
> Colors in `type-5` and `type-6` are hard-coded (based on image colors) and can be changed by editing the respective **`style-X.rasi`** file.
#### Previews
< details >
< summary > < b > Type 1< / b > < / summary >
|Style 1|Style 2|Style 3|Style 4|Style 5|
< / details >
< details >
< summary > < b > Type 2< / b > < / summary >
|Style 1|Style 2|Style 3|Style 4|Style 5|
|Style 6|Style 7|Style 8|Style 9|Style 10|
< / details >
< details >
< summary > < b > Type 3< / b > < / summary >
|Style 1|Style 2|Style 3|Style 4|Style 5|
< / details >
< details >
< summary > < b > Type 4< / b > < / summary >
|Style 1|Style 2|Style 3|Style 4|Style 5|
< / details >
< details >
< summary > < b > Type 5< / b > < / summary >
|Style 1|Style 2|Style 3|Style 4|Style 5|
< / details >
< details >
< summary > < b > Type 6< / b > < / summary >
|Style 1|Style 2|Style 3|Style 4|Style 5|
< / details >
2022-08-13 04:37:44 -07:00
## Tips
#### Simple way to execute scripts
There's a `$HOME/.config/rofi/scripts` directory, which contains links to each script. you can execute these links to open any type of Launcher, Applet or Powermenu.
You can add `$HOME/.config/rofi/scripts` directory to your `$PATH` variable so that entering `t7_launcher` in the terminal (or executing this command) will summon the ** *type-7 launcher***. you can do it by -
- In `bash`
``` bash
# Add directory to the $PATH variable
echo "PATH=$PATH:~/.config/rofi/scripts" >> ~/.profile
- In `zsh` (oh-my-zsh)
``` zsh
# Edit .zshrc and add this line
export PATH=$HOME/.config/rofi/scripts:$PATH
> **Warning:** After changing the shell files, Logout and Login back again to update the `$PATH` environment variable.
2022-08-15 11:28:09 -07:00
## Usage
#### with polybar
You can use these `launchers` , `powermenus` or `applets` with polybar by simply adding a **module** like that:
;; Application Launcher Module
type = custom/text
content = 異
content-background = black
content-foreground = green
click-left = ~/.config/rofi/launchers/type-1/launcher.sh
click-right = launcher_t1
;; Power Menu Module
type = custom/text
content = 襤
content-background = black
content-foreground = red
click-left = ~/.config/rofi/powermenu/type-1/powermenu.sh
click-right = powermenu_t1
#### with i3wm
You can also use them with the `keybindings` on your **window manager** , For example:
set $mod Mod4
bindsym $mod+p exec --no-startup-id ~/.config/rofi/launchers/type-2/launcher.sh
bindsym $mod+x exec --no-startup-id powermenu_t2
#### with Openbox
Same thing can be done with `openbox` by adding these lines to ** `rc.xml` ** file:
< keyboard >
< keybind key = "W-p" >
< action name = "Execute" >
< command > launcher_t3< / command >
< / action >
< / keybind >
< keybind key = "W-x" >
< action name = "Execute" >
< command > ~/.config/rofi/powermenu/type-3/powermenu.sh< / command >
< / action >
< / keybind >
< / keyboard >
2022-08-13 04:37:44 -07:00
## FYI
- For previous versions, check the respective branch, [1.7.0 ](https://github.com/adi1090x/rofi/tree/1.7.0 ) is the most recent branch.
- These themes are created on a display with **1920x1080** resolution. Everything should work fine on your display as well, except fullscreen themes. So Adjust the ** `margin` ** and ** `padding` ** by yourself.
- The purpose of this repository is to provide you a complete (almost) reference. So by using the files as reference, You can theme rofi by yourself.