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Raw Normal View History

2023-12-04 20:51:51 -08:00
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108, 111, 109, -1,
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112, 113, 119, -1,
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122, 124, 125, -1,
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123, 126, 124, -1,
120, 121, 127, -1,
120, 127, 126, -1,
124, 126, 127, -1,
124, 127, 125, -1,
125, 127, 121, -1,
125, 121, 122, -1,
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130, 128, 131, -1,
130, 131, 132, -1,
130, 132, 133, -1,
131, 128, 134, -1,
131, 134, 132, -1,
128, 129, 135, -1,
128, 135, 134, -1,
132, 134, 135, -1,
132, 135, 133, -1,
133, 135, 129, -1,
133, 129, 130, -1,
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138, 136, 139, -1,
138, 139, 140, -1,
138, 140, 141, -1,
139, 136, 142, -1,
139, 142, 140, -1,
136, 137, 143, -1,
136, 143, 142, -1,
140, 142, 143, -1,
140, 143, 141, -1,
141, 143, 137, -1,
141, 137, 138, -1,
146, 145, 144, -1,
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146, 147, 148, -1,
146, 148, 149, -1,
147, 144, 150, -1,
147, 150, 148, -1,
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144, 151, 150, -1,
148, 150, 151, -1,
148, 151, 149, -1,
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154, 152, 155, -1,
154, 155, 156, -1,
154, 156, 157, -1,
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155, 158, 156, -1,
152, 153, 159, -1,
152, 159, 158, -1,
156, 158, 159, -1,
156, 159, 157, -1,
157, 159, 153, -1,
157, 153, 154, -1
DEF floor Separator {
Material {
diffuseColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
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shininess 0.1
Texture2 {
filename "penta.gif"
image 0 0 0
wrapS REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
wrapT REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
TextureCoordinate2 {
point [
0.0 0.0,
0.0 1.0,
1.0 1.0,
1.0 0.0,
Coordinate3 {
point [
-52.400611 -50.744757 -50.370395,
-52.400611 -50.744891 49.828850,
47.798630 -50.744891 49.828850,
47.798630 -50.744757 -50.370395
ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
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2, 1, 0, -1,
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2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
1, 2, 3, -1,
1, 3, 0, -1
DEF pyramid2 Separator {
Material {
diffuseColor 1.000000 0.498039 0.000000
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shininess 0.1
Coordinate3 {
point [
50.680988 -52.669235 -52.736513,
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50.680988 -52.669376 52.736372,
10.439582 -29.775279 -41.287210,
10.439585 -50.869845 -51.836636,
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-54.791901 -52.669235 -52.736513,
-10.654996 -29.775279 -41.287206,
-54.791901 -52.669376 52.736372,
48.923105 -50.911490 50.978497,
-2.045262 51.045701 0.010263,
48.923105 -50.911356 -50.978631,
-10.654996 -29.775279 -40.408444,
10.439582 -29.775279 -40.408444,
10.439585 -50.869845 -50.957873,
-53.034019 -50.911356 -50.978631,
-10.655000 -50.869845 -50.957873,
-53.034019 -50.911490 50.978497
ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
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2, 1, 0, -1,
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6, 8, 2, -1,
6, 2, 0, -1,
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15, 12, 16, -1,
15, 16, 14, -1,
9, 10, 17, -1,
17, 10, 15, -1,
15, 11, 9, -1,
15, 9, 17, -1,
7, 5, 16, -1,
7, 16, 12, -1,
5, 4, 14, -1,
5, 14, 16, -1,
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3, 12, 13, -1,
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2, 1, 0, -1,
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6, 1, 8, -1,
6, 8, 2, -1,
6, 2, 0, -1,
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11, 15, 14, -1,
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15, 16, 14, -1,
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15, 9, 17, -1,
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7, 16, 12, -1,
5, 4, 14, -1,
5, 14, 16, -1,
3, 7, 12, -1,
3, 12, 13, -1,
4, 3, 13, -1,
4, 13, 14, -1
DEF pyramid1 Separator {
Material {
diffuseColor 1.000000 0.498039 0.000000
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shininess 0.1
Coordinate3 {
point [
-2.044910 52.803583 0.010617,
50.680988 -52.669376 52.736372,
50.680988 -52.669235 -52.736513,
-54.791901 -52.669235 -52.736513,
-54.791901 -52.669376 52.736372,
-2.045262 51.045701 0.010263,
48.923105 -50.911356 -50.978631,
48.923105 -50.911490 50.978497,
-53.034019 -50.911356 -50.978631,
-53.034019 -50.911490 50.978497
ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
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faceType CONVEX
creaseAngle 1.221729
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coordIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
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7, 6, 5, -1,
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9, 8, 6, -1,
9, 6, 7, -1
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6, 8, 5, -1,
9, 7, 5, -1,
8, 9, 5, -1,
9, 8, 6, -1,
9, 6, 7, -1
DEF door1 Separator {
Material {
diffuseColor 1.000000 0.498039 0.000000
ambientColor 0.5000000 0.5498039 0.000000
shininess 0.1
Coordinate3 {
point [
10.316852 -45.924060 -62.735438,
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-10.777719 -29.430656 -41.949615,
10.316852 -29.430656 -41.949607,
-10.777719 -29.848455 -41.053645,
-10.777714 -46.341866 -61.839476,
10.316853 -46.341866 -61.839473,
10.316853 -29.848458 -41.053642
ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
shapeType SOLID
faceType CONVEX
creaseAngle 1.221729
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2, 1, 0, -1,
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6, 0, 1, -1,
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4, 3, 7, -1,
7, 3, 0, -1,
7, 0, 6, -1
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2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
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6, 0, 1, -1,
6, 1, 5, -1,
4, 2, 3, -1,
4, 3, 7, -1,
7, 3, 0, -1,
7, 0, 6, -1
DEF door2 Separator {
Material {
diffuseColor 1.000000 0.498039 0.000000
ambientColor 0.5000000 0.5498039 0.000000
shininess 0.1
Coordinate3 {
point [
10.316852 -35.253692 -67.500912,
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-10.777719 -29.090075 -41.692141,
10.316852 -29.090075 -41.692138,
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-10.777714 -36.011003 -66.865459,
10.316853 -36.011010 -66.865459,
10.316853 -29.847385 -41.056685
ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
shapeType SOLID
faceType CONVEX
creaseAngle 1.221729
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6, 0, 1, -1,
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4, 3, 7, -1,
7, 3, 0, -1,
7, 0, 6, -1
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2, 1, 0, -1,
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6, 0, 1, -1,
6, 1, 5, -1,
4, 2, 3, -1,
4, 3, 7, -1,
7, 3, 0, -1,
7, 0, 6, -1
DEF glyph1 Separator {
Material {
diffuseColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
ambientColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
specularColor 0.8 0.8 0.8
shininess 0.1
Texture2 {
filename "scarab.gif"
image 0 0 0
wrapS REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
wrapT REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
Coordinate3 {
point [
-44.321820 -38.560763 -14.063103,
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-31.992149 -13.281227 14.063034,
-44.321820 -38.560800 14.063001
ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
shapeType SOLID
faceType CONVEX
creaseAngle 1.221729
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coordIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
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1, 3, 0, -1
normalIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
1, 2, 3, -1,
1, 3, 0, -1
DEF glyph2 Separator {
Material {
diffuseColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
ambientColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
specularColor 0.8 0.8 0.8
shininess 0.1
Texture2 {
filename "ankh.gif"
image 0 0 0
wrapS REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
wrapT REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
Coordinate3 {
point [
39.277133 -40.693764 -14.063106,
26.947457 -15.414190 -14.063072,
26.947457 -15.414227 14.063031,
39.277133 -40.693801 14.062998
ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
shapeType SOLID
faceType CONVEX
creaseAngle 1.221729
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coordIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
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2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
1, 2, 3, -1,
1, 3, 0, -1
DEF shrine Separator {
Material {
diffuseColor 1 0 0
ambientColor 1 0 0
emissiveColor 1 0 0
shininess 0.1
Coordinate3 {
point [
3.053794 -38.103245 2.198323,
3.053794 -38.103245 2.830722,
3.050641 -38.103245 2.830722,
3.050400 -38.103245 2.198323,
-0.106388 -32.991216 -0.332613,
-0.232374 -33.194933 -0.333245,
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-3.265178 -38.098950 2.828063,
-3.265178 -38.098942 -3.494567,
-3.265178 -38.098942 -2.862611,
-0.101990 -33.194933 -0.458724,
2.424842 -38.098942 -3.494567,
2.424842 -38.098942 -3.470860,
-0.101990 -33.194933 -0.432359,
2.424841 -38.098950 2.828063,
-0.101990 -33.194933 -0.206553,
-0.101990 -33.194933 -0.212639,
2.424841 -38.098950 2.824633,
0.019546 -33.194933 -0.333245,
3.053794 -38.103238 -2.864827,
3.053794 -38.103238 -3.497227,
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-0.214366 -33.194933 -0.333245,
3.046836 -38.098950 2.830934,
3.046837 -38.098950 2.828064,
2.180497 -38.098950 2.824631,
-3.249624 -38.098942 -2.597454,
-2.360382 -38.098950 1.948269,
-2.360382 -38.098950 2.824631,
-2.628823 -38.098950 2.824632,
-2.628823 -38.098950 2.828063,
-3.274371 -38.098950 2.830935,
3.046836 -38.098942 -3.494567,
3.046836 -38.098942 -3.497439,
2.180498 -38.098942 -3.470861,
2.180498 -38.098942 -2.597454,
-2.360381 -38.098942 -3.470861,
-2.628823 -38.098942 -3.494567,
-3.274371 -38.098942 -3.497439,
-3.249624 -38.098950 1.948269,
-3.249624 -38.098950 2.196106,
-2.628823 -38.098942 -3.470861,
3.039161 -38.098950 1.948269,
-2.360382 -38.098942 -2.597454,
2.180497 -38.098950 1.948269,
3.046836 -38.098942 -2.862610,
3.039162 -38.098942 -2.862610,
3.039161 -38.098942 -2.597453,
3.046837 -38.098950 2.196107,
3.039162 -38.098950 2.196107,
0.005119 -33.194933 -0.333245,
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3.048230 -38.103238 -3.497227,
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3.159843 -38.281731 2.946694,
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3.152303 -38.281824 2.042674,
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2.274691 -38.281608 2.042562,
2.274643 -38.281515 2.937703,
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3.152668 -38.282406 -3.584534,
3.155343 -38.282409 -3.620436,
3.152610 -38.282312 -2.692114,
2.274947 -38.282096 -2.692004,
3.152246 -38.281731 2.937836,
-2.453978 -38.280454 2.041965,
-2.453930 -38.280357 2.936986,
-3.361767 -38.280137 2.936849,
2.274995 -38.282190 -3.584401,
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-3.362188 -38.280811 -3.583546,
-3.361824 -38.280226 2.041850,
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10.429341 -50.043926 10.222678,
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10.406868 -50.043922 8.114539,
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-0.089941 -33.696093 0.097749,
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10.429340 -50.043896 -10.871898,
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0.315179 -33.696093 -0.324586,
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-8.512724 -50.029598 -8.756374,
10.406864 -50.043900 -8.763757,
10.406865 -50.043896 -10.871898,
-8.512724 -50.029621 8.107156,
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-8.512724 -50.029624 10.213819,
10.406866 -50.029621 8.107157,
8.332837 -50.029621 8.107156,
10.406865 -50.029624 10.222677,
-10.665235 -50.029624 10.222679,
-10.665235 -50.710678 10.222678,
10.406865 -50.710678 10.222676,
10.406866 -50.710648 -10.871900,
-10.665235 -50.710648 -10.871898,
-10.665235 -50.029594 -10.871897,
10.406866 -50.029594 -10.871899,
10.406867 -50.029598 -8.756374,
8.332837 -50.029598 -8.756374,
8.332836 -50.029624 10.213819,
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10.406865 -50.029624 10.213818,
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10.406867 -50.029594 -10.863037,
8.332838 -50.029594 -10.863037
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2, 1, 0, -1,
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66, 59, 60, -1,
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50, 49, 18, -1,
29, 30, 15, -1,
29, 15, 16, -1,
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44, 77, 79, -1,
44, 79, 25, -1,
61, 81, 80, -1,
61, 80, 63, -1,
26, 82, 77, -1,
26, 77, 43, -1,
83, 42, 49, -1,
50, 83, 49, -1,
83, 46, 47, -1,
50, 46, 83, -1,
79, 17, 25, -1,
16, 17, 79, -1,
79, 28, 29, -1,
16, 79, 29, -1,
35, 77, 83, -1,
35, 83, 47, -1,
71, 85, 84, -1,
71, 84, 55, -1,
55, 84, 86, -1,
55, 86, 57, -1,
12, 13, 78, -1,
34, 12, 78, -1,
41, 78, 13, -1,
36, 78, 41, -1,
87, 80, 81, -1,
87, 81, 88, -1,
72, 90, 89, -1,
72, 89, 66, -1,
66, 89, 91, -1,
66, 91, 67, -1,
56, 73, 74, -1,
56, 74, 65, -1,
92, 76, 73, -1,
56, 92, 73, -1,
56, 93, 92, -1,
58, 93, 56, -1,
75, 95, 94, -1,
96, 95, 75, -1,
97, 96, 75, -1,
96, 97, 98, -1,
96, 98, 99, -1,
88, 101, 100, -1,
98, 88, 100, -1,
99, 98, 100, -1,
99, 100, 95, -1,
99, 95, 96, -1,
92, 103, 102, -1,
92, 84, 103, -1,
86, 84, 92, -1,
93, 86, 92, -1,
104, 86, 93, -1,
105, 86, 104, -1,
104, 106, 94, -1,
89, 105, 104, -1,
91, 89, 104, -1,
91, 104, 94, -1,
107, 91, 94, -1,
95, 107, 94, -1,
109, 101, 108, -1,
84, 109, 103, -1,
84, 101, 109, -1,
85, 101, 84, -1,
100, 101, 85, -1,
105, 100, 85, -1,
90, 105, 89, -1,
90, 100, 105, -1,
107, 100, 90, -1,
95, 100, 107, -1,
68, 107, 90, -1,
68, 90, 72, -1,
76, 92, 102, -1,
87, 76, 102, -1,
87, 75, 76, -1,
97, 75, 87, -1,
97, 87, 88, -1,
98, 97, 88, -1,
26, 22, 82, -1,
21, 22, 26, -1,
40, 82, 22, -1,
39, 82, 40, -1,
108, 101, 88, -1,
28, 79, 77, -1,
28, 77, 27, -1,
75, 94, 106, -1,
108, 81, 61, -1,
69, 108, 61, -1,
109, 108, 69, -1,
108, 88, 81, -1,
60, 105, 85, -1,
60, 85, 71, -1,
57, 86, 105, -1,
57, 105, 60, -1,
43, 77, 78, -1,
43, 78, 36, -1,
64, 103, 109, -1,
64, 109, 69, -1,
27, 77, 82, -1,
27, 82, 39, -1,
63, 80, 102, -1,
64, 63, 102, -1,
103, 64, 102, -1,
80, 87, 102, -1,
67, 91, 107, -1,
67, 107, 68, -1,
42, 83, 77, -1,
42, 77, 44, -1,
59, 104, 93, -1,
59, 93, 58, -1,
106, 74, 75, -1,
65, 74, 106, -1,
65, 106, 104, -1,
59, 65, 104, -1
normalIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
6, 5, 4, -1,
7, 6, 4, -1,
8, 4, 5, -1,
9, 8, 5, -1,
12, 11, 10, -1,
12, 10, 13, -1,
16, 15, 14, -1,
16, 14, 17, -1,
1, 4, 18, -1,
0, 1, 18, -1,
19, 18, 4, -1,
20, 19, 4, -1,
21, 9, 5, -1,
21, 5, 22, -1,
14, 24, 23, -1,
27, 26, 25, -1,
28, 27, 25, -1,
28, 25, 14, -1,
28, 14, 23, -1,
29, 28, 23, -1,
30, 29, 23, -1,
7, 30, 23, -1,
31, 7, 23, -1,
11, 33, 32, -1,
34, 11, 12, -1,
36, 34, 35, -1,
36, 11, 34, -1,
37, 11, 36, -1,
37, 33, 11, -1,
8, 33, 37, -1,
38, 33, 8, -1,
9, 38, 8, -1,
39, 26, 27, -1,
39, 9, 26, -1,
39, 38, 9, -1,
40, 38, 39, -1,
6, 38, 40, -1,
7, 38, 6, -1,
31, 38, 7, -1,
9, 21, 26, -1,
36, 41, 37, -1,
25, 17, 14, -1,
43, 36, 42, -1,
44, 43, 42, -1,
25, 43, 44, -1,
26, 43, 25, -1,
47, 46, 45, -1,
42, 36, 35, -1,
42, 35, 47, -1,
42, 47, 45, -1,
48, 42, 45, -1,
49, 42, 48, -1,
24, 1, 2, -1,
15, 24, 14, -1,
15, 1, 24, -1,
4, 1, 15, -1,
4, 15, 30, -1,
7, 4, 30, -1,
46, 50, 18, -1,
45, 46, 18, -1,
19, 45, 18, -1,
19, 51, 45, -1,
11, 4, 10, -1,
32, 4, 11, -1,
20, 4, 32, -1,
52, 20, 32, -1,
8, 10, 4, -1,
37, 10, 8, -1,
51, 19, 20, -1,
51, 20, 52, -1,
53, 31, 23, -1,
53, 23, 54, -1,
57, 56, 55, -1,
58, 56, 57, -1,
59, 58, 57, -1,
60, 59, 57, -1,
63, 62, 61, -1,
56, 64, 55, -1,
56, 63, 64, -1,
56, 62, 63, -1,
65, 62, 56, -1,
54, 62, 65, -1,
59, 54, 65, -1,
66, 59, 60, -1,
67, 59, 66, -1,
67, 54, 59, -1,
68, 54, 67, -1,
53, 54, 68, -1,
69, 61, 62, -1,
55, 64, 69, -1,
55, 69, 62, -1,
70, 55, 62, -1,
71, 55, 70, -1,
60, 71, 70, -1,
72, 66, 60, -1,
72, 60, 70, -1,
68, 72, 70, -1,
53, 68, 70, -1,
62, 33, 38, -1,
62, 38, 70, -1,
70, 38, 31, -1,
70, 31, 53, -1,
23, 2, 54, -1,
24, 2, 23, -1,
3, 54, 2, -1,
45, 3, 48, -1,
45, 54, 3, -1,
51, 54, 45, -1,
52, 54, 51, -1,
62, 54, 52, -1,
62, 52, 33, -1,
52, 32, 33, -1,
22, 5, 6, -1,
22, 6, 40, -1,
48, 3, 0, -1,
18, 48, 0, -1,
18, 49, 48, -1,
50, 49, 18, -1,
29, 30, 15, -1,
29, 15, 16, -1,
13, 10, 37, -1,
13, 37, 41, -1,
75, 74, 73, -1,
75, 73, 76, -1,
34, 78, 77, -1,
34, 77, 35, -1,
44, 77, 79, -1,
44, 79, 25, -1,
61, 81, 80, -1,
61, 80, 63, -1,
26, 82, 77, -1,
26, 77, 43, -1,
83, 42, 49, -1,
50, 83, 49, -1,
83, 46, 47, -1,
50, 46, 83, -1,
79, 17, 25, -1,
16, 17, 79, -1,
79, 28, 29, -1,
16, 79, 29, -1,
35, 77, 83, -1,
35, 83, 47, -1,
71, 85, 84, -1,
71, 84, 55, -1,
55, 84, 86, -1,
55, 86, 57, -1,
12, 13, 78, -1,
34, 12, 78, -1,
41, 78, 13, -1,
36, 78, 41, -1,
87, 80, 81, -1,
87, 81, 88, -1,
72, 90, 89, -1,
72, 89, 66, -1,
66, 89, 91, -1,
66, 91, 67, -1,
56, 73, 74, -1,
56, 74, 65, -1,
92, 76, 73, -1,
56, 92, 73, -1,
56, 93, 92, -1,
58, 93, 56, -1,
75, 95, 94, -1,
96, 95, 75, -1,
97, 96, 75, -1,
96, 97, 98, -1,
96, 98, 99, -1,
88, 101, 100, -1,
98, 88, 100, -1,
99, 98, 100, -1,
99, 100, 95, -1,
99, 95, 96, -1,
92, 103, 102, -1,
92, 84, 103, -1,
86, 84, 92, -1,
93, 86, 92, -1,
104, 86, 93, -1,
105, 86, 104, -1,
104, 106, 94, -1,
89, 105, 104, -1,
91, 89, 104, -1,
91, 104, 94, -1,
107, 91, 94, -1,
95, 107, 94, -1,
109, 101, 108, -1,
84, 109, 103, -1,
84, 101, 109, -1,
85, 101, 84, -1,
100, 101, 85, -1,
105, 100, 85, -1,
90, 105, 89, -1,
90, 100, 105, -1,
107, 100, 90, -1,
95, 100, 107, -1,
68, 107, 90, -1,
68, 90, 72, -1,
76, 92, 102, -1,
87, 76, 102, -1,
87, 75, 76, -1,
97, 75, 87, -1,
97, 87, 88, -1,
98, 97, 88, -1,
26, 22, 82, -1,
21, 22, 26, -1,
40, 82, 22, -1,
39, 82, 40, -1,
108, 101, 88, -1,
28, 79, 77, -1,
28, 77, 27, -1,
75, 94, 106, -1,
108, 81, 61, -1,
69, 108, 61, -1,
109, 108, 69, -1,
108, 88, 81, -1,
60, 105, 85, -1,
60, 85, 71, -1,
57, 86, 105, -1,
57, 105, 60, -1,
43, 77, 78, -1,
43, 78, 36, -1,
64, 103, 109, -1,
64, 109, 69, -1,
27, 77, 82, -1,
27, 82, 39, -1,
63, 80, 102, -1,
64, 63, 102, -1,
103, 64, 102, -1,
80, 87, 102, -1,
67, 91, 107, -1,
67, 107, 68, -1,
42, 83, 77, -1,
42, 77, 44, -1,
59, 104, 93, -1,
59, 93, 58, -1,
106, 74, 75, -1,
65, 74, 106, -1,
65, 106, 104, -1,
59, 65, 104, -1
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77, 46, 78, -1,
78, 46, 44, -1,
78, 44, 79, -1,
79, 44, 45, -1,
79, 45, 80, -1,
80, 45, 47, -1,
80, 47, 81, -1,
81, 47, 49, -1,
81, 49, 82, -1,
82, 49, 50, -1,
82, 50, 83, -1,
83, 50, 51, -1,
83, 51, 84, -1,
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84, 29, 85, -1,
85, 29, 28, -1,
85, 28, 86, -1,
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86, 25, 87, -1,
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89, 21, 90, -1,
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97, 14, 98, -1,
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98, 16, 99, -1,
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99, 18, 100, -1,
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100, 20, 101, -1,
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101, 24, 102, -1,
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102, 26, 103, -1,
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103, 56, 104, -1,
104, 56, 55, -1,
104, 55, 105, -1,
105, 55, 54, -1,
105, 54, 106, -1,
106, 54, 52, -1,
106, 52, 107, -1,
107, 52, 53, -1,
107, 53, 108, -1,
108, 53, 57, -1,
108, 57, 109, -1,
109, 57, 58, -1,
109, 58, 110, -1,
110, 58, 59, -1,
110, 59, 111, -1,
111, 59, 27, -1,
111, 27, 112, -1,
112, 27, 31, -1,
112, 31, 113, -1,
113, 31, 33, -1,
113, 33, 114, -1,
114, 33, 37, -1,
114, 37, 115, -1,
115, 37, 62, -1,
115, 62, 116, -1,
116, 62, 64, -1,
116, 64, 117, -1,
117, 64, 63, -1,
117, 63, 118, -1,
118, 63, 61, -1,
118, 61, 119, -1,
119, 61, 60, -1,
119, 60, 120, -1,
120, 60, 38, -1,
120, 38, 121, -1,
121, 38, 40, -1,
121, 40, 122, -1,
122, 40, 6, -1,
122, 6, 123, -1,
123, 6, 7, -1,
123, 7, 124, -1,
124, 7, 9, -1,
124, 9, 125, -1,
125, 9, 8, -1,
125, 8, 126, -1,
126, 8, 1, -1,
126, 1, 127, -1,
127, 1, 2, -1,
127, 2, 128, -1,
128, 2, 4, -1,
128, 4, 129, -1,
129, 4, 3, -1,
129, 3, 65, -1,
128, 66, 127, -1,
65, 66, 128, -1,
129, 65, 128, -1,
124, 67, 123, -1,
66, 67, 124, -1,
127, 66, 124, -1,
126, 127, 124, -1,
125, 126, 124, -1,
95, 96, 97, -1,
94, 95, 97, -1,
98, 94, 97, -1,
93, 94, 98, -1,
99, 93, 98, -1,
92, 93, 99, -1,
92, 99, 100, -1,
91, 92, 100, -1,
101, 91, 100, -1,
90, 91, 101, -1,
88, 89, 90, -1,
88, 90, 101, -1,
102, 88, 101, -1,
87, 88, 102, -1,
112, 87, 103, -1,
86, 87, 112, -1,
85, 86, 112, -1,
76, 85, 112, -1,
113, 76, 112, -1,
75, 76, 113, -1,
114, 75, 113, -1,
74, 75, 114, -1,
73, 74, 114, -1,
72, 73, 114, -1,
115, 72, 114, -1,
71, 72, 115, -1,
121, 71, 115, -1,
122, 71, 121, -1,
70, 71, 122, -1,
123, 70, 122, -1,
67, 70, 123, -1,
69, 70, 67, -1,
68, 69, 67, -1,
120, 121, 115, -1,
119, 120, 115, -1,
116, 119, 115, -1,
118, 119, 116, -1,
117, 118, 116, -1,
106, 107, 108, -1,
105, 106, 108, -1,
103, 104, 105, -1,
103, 105, 108, -1,
109, 103, 108, -1,
109, 112, 103, -1,
110, 112, 109, -1,
111, 112, 110, -1,
78, 79, 80, -1,
81, 78, 80, -1,
77, 78, 81, -1,
82, 77, 81, -1,
83, 77, 82, -1,
85, 77, 83, -1,
76, 77, 85, -1,
83, 84, 85, -1
normalIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
3, 2, 0, -1,
4, 2, 3, -1,
7, 6, 5, -1,
0, 7, 5, -1,
1, 7, 0, -1,
8, 7, 1, -1,
9, 7, 8, -1,
12, 11, 10, -1,
13, 11, 12, -1,
14, 11, 13, -1,
15, 14, 13, -1,
16, 14, 15, -1,
17, 16, 15, -1,
17, 18, 16, -1,
19, 18, 17, -1,
20, 18, 19, -1,
21, 20, 19, -1,
23, 21, 22, -1,
23, 20, 21, -1,
24, 20, 23, -1,
25, 24, 23, -1,
26, 24, 25, -1,
27, 26, 25, -1,
28, 27, 25, -1,
29, 27, 28, -1,
30, 27, 29, -1,
31, 27, 30, -1,
32, 31, 30, -1,
33, 31, 32, -1,
34, 33, 32, -1,
35, 33, 34, -1,
36, 33, 35, -1,
37, 33, 36, -1,
38, 37, 36, -1,
39, 38, 36, -1,
40, 38, 39, -1,
41, 40, 39, -1,
6, 40, 41, -1,
5, 6, 41, -1,
42, 5, 41, -1,
43, 5, 42, -1,
46, 45, 44, -1,
47, 45, 46, -1,
48, 47, 46, -1,
49, 47, 48, -1,
50, 49, 48, -1,
29, 50, 48, -1,
30, 29, 48, -1,
29, 51, 50, -1,
54, 53, 52, -1,
55, 53, 54, -1,
26, 55, 56, -1,
26, 53, 55, -1,
57, 53, 26, -1,
57, 26, 27, -1,
58, 57, 27, -1,
59, 58, 27, -1,
60, 37, 38, -1,
61, 37, 60, -1,
62, 37, 61, -1,
63, 62, 61, -1,
64, 62, 63, -1,
65, 3, 0, -1,
65, 0, 66, -1,
66, 0, 5, -1,
66, 5, 67, -1,
67, 5, 43, -1,
67, 43, 68, -1,
68, 43, 42, -1,
68, 42, 69, -1,
69, 42, 41, -1,
69, 41, 70, -1,
70, 41, 39, -1,
70, 39, 71, -1,
71, 39, 36, -1,
71, 36, 72, -1,
72, 36, 35, -1,
72, 35, 73, -1,
73, 35, 34, -1,
73, 34, 74, -1,
74, 34, 32, -1,
74, 32, 75, -1,
75, 32, 30, -1,
75, 30, 76, -1,
76, 30, 48, -1,
76, 48, 77, -1,
77, 48, 46, -1,
77, 46, 78, -1,
78, 46, 44, -1,
78, 44, 79, -1,
79, 44, 45, -1,
79, 45, 80, -1,
80, 45, 47, -1,
80, 47, 81, -1,
81, 47, 49, -1,
81, 49, 82, -1,
82, 49, 50, -1,
82, 50, 83, -1,
83, 50, 51, -1,
83, 51, 84, -1,
84, 51, 29, -1,
84, 29, 85, -1,
85, 29, 28, -1,
85, 28, 86, -1,
86, 28, 25, -1,
86, 25, 87, -1,
87, 25, 23, -1,
87, 23, 88, -1,
88, 23, 22, -1,
88, 22, 89, -1,
89, 22, 21, -1,
89, 21, 90, -1,
90, 21, 19, -1,
90, 19, 91, -1,
91, 19, 17, -1,
91, 17, 92, -1,
92, 17, 15, -1,
92, 15, 93, -1,
93, 15, 13, -1,
93, 13, 94, -1,
94, 13, 12, -1,
94, 12, 95, -1,
95, 12, 10, -1,
95, 10, 96, -1,
96, 10, 11, -1,
96, 11, 97, -1,
97, 11, 14, -1,
97, 14, 98, -1,
98, 14, 16, -1,
98, 16, 99, -1,
99, 16, 18, -1,
99, 18, 100, -1,
100, 18, 20, -1,
100, 20, 101, -1,
101, 20, 24, -1,
101, 24, 102, -1,
102, 24, 26, -1,
102, 26, 103, -1,
103, 26, 56, -1,
103, 56, 104, -1,
104, 56, 55, -1,
104, 55, 105, -1,
105, 55, 54, -1,
105, 54, 106, -1,
106, 54, 52, -1,
106, 52, 107, -1,
107, 52, 53, -1,
107, 53, 108, -1,
108, 53, 57, -1,
108, 57, 109, -1,
109, 57, 58, -1,
109, 58, 110, -1,
110, 58, 59, -1,
110, 59, 111, -1,
111, 59, 27, -1,
111, 27, 112, -1,
112, 27, 31, -1,
112, 31, 113, -1,
113, 31, 33, -1,
113, 33, 114, -1,
114, 33, 37, -1,
114, 37, 115, -1,
115, 37, 62, -1,
115, 62, 116, -1,
116, 62, 64, -1,
116, 64, 117, -1,
117, 64, 63, -1,
117, 63, 118, -1,
118, 63, 61, -1,
118, 61, 119, -1,
119, 61, 60, -1,
119, 60, 120, -1,
120, 60, 38, -1,
120, 38, 121, -1,
121, 38, 40, -1,
121, 40, 122, -1,
122, 40, 6, -1,
122, 6, 123, -1,
123, 6, 7, -1,
123, 7, 124, -1,
124, 7, 9, -1,
124, 9, 125, -1,
125, 9, 8, -1,
125, 8, 126, -1,
126, 8, 1, -1,
126, 1, 127, -1,
127, 1, 2, -1,
127, 2, 128, -1,
128, 2, 4, -1,
128, 4, 129, -1,
129, 4, 3, -1,
129, 3, 65, -1,
128, 66, 127, -1,
65, 66, 128, -1,
129, 65, 128, -1,
124, 67, 123, -1,
66, 67, 124, -1,
127, 66, 124, -1,
126, 127, 124, -1,
125, 126, 124, -1,
95, 96, 97, -1,
94, 95, 97, -1,
98, 94, 97, -1,
93, 94, 98, -1,
99, 93, 98, -1,
92, 93, 99, -1,
92, 99, 100, -1,
91, 92, 100, -1,
101, 91, 100, -1,
90, 91, 101, -1,
88, 89, 90, -1,
88, 90, 101, -1,
102, 88, 101, -1,
87, 88, 102, -1,
112, 87, 103, -1,
86, 87, 112, -1,
85, 86, 112, -1,
76, 85, 112, -1,
113, 76, 112, -1,
75, 76, 113, -1,
114, 75, 113, -1,
74, 75, 114, -1,
73, 74, 114, -1,
72, 73, 114, -1,
115, 72, 114, -1,
71, 72, 115, -1,
121, 71, 115, -1,
122, 71, 121, -1,
70, 71, 122, -1,
123, 70, 122, -1,
67, 70, 123, -1,
69, 70, 67, -1,
68, 69, 67, -1,
120, 121, 115, -1,
119, 120, 115, -1,
116, 119, 115, -1,
118, 119, 116, -1,
117, 118, 116, -1,
106, 107, 108, -1,
105, 106, 108, -1,
103, 104, 105, -1,
103, 105, 108, -1,
109, 103, 108, -1,
109, 112, 103, -1,
110, 112, 109, -1,
111, 112, 110, -1,
78, 79, 80, -1,
81, 78, 80, -1,
77, 78, 81, -1,
82, 77, 81, -1,
83, 77, 82, -1,
85, 77, 83, -1,
76, 77, 85, -1,
83, 84, 85, -1
DEF door3 Separator {
Material {
diffuseColor 1.000000 0.498039 0.000000
ambientColor 0.5000000 0.5498039 0.000000
shininess 0.1
Coordinate3 {
point [
10.316853 -23.569090 -67.310408,
-10.777718 -23.569085 -67.310408,
-10.777721 -28.890215 -41.314859,
10.316854 -28.890217 -41.314859,
-10.777721 -29.845124 -41.058999,
-10.777715 -24.524001 -67.054547,
10.316854 -24.524001 -67.054547,
10.316854 -29.845126 -41.058995
ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
shapeType SOLID
faceType CONVEX
creaseAngle 1.221729
IndexedFaceSet {
coordIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
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5, 2, 4, -1,
6, 0, 1, -1,
6, 1, 5, -1,
4, 2, 3, -1,
4, 3, 7, -1,
7, 3, 0, -1,
7, 0, 6, -1
normalIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
6, 5, 4, -1,
6, 4, 7, -1,
5, 1, 2, -1,
5, 2, 4, -1,
6, 0, 1, -1,
6, 1, 5, -1,
4, 2, 3, -1,
4, 3, 7, -1,
7, 3, 0, -1,
7, 0, 6, -1
DEF bastet Separator {
WWWAnchor {
name ""
description "Adopt my children"
map NONE # Other option: POINT
Material {
diffuseColor 0.95 0.55 0.3
ambientColor 0.75 0.375 0
shininess 0.6
emissiveColor 1 0 0
Coordinate3 {
point [
-1.544590 -48.253585 0.346054,
-1.503622 -48.410945 0.189545,
-1.285741 -48.351977 -0.047566,
-1.287686 -48.070442 0.143452,
-1.794044 -48.212238 0.141897,
-1.653969 -48.442446 0.009130,
-1.691310 -48.003539 -0.186880,
-1.529008 -48.402939 -0.339484,
-1.378364 -47.915902 -0.185920,
-1.301430 -48.347030 -0.374525,
-0.476188 -48.176195 1.543815,
-0.506273 -48.174296 0.990740,
-0.237686 -48.525877 0.990740,
-0.227923 -48.526458 1.650664,
0.196896 -48.391577 0.990741,
0.172679 -48.390038 1.817269,
-0.229022 -47.823302 1.644385,
0.172000 -47.955465 1.813389,
0.189227 -47.956523 1.244141,
-0.234519 -47.822922 1.229693,
-0.338401 -47.822829 1.922358,
-0.533679 -48.179980 1.748998,
-0.341709 -48.525564 1.947647,
-0.027787 -48.381995 2.243780,
-0.025742 -47.947679 2.228150,
-0.517578 -47.815796 2.136699,
-0.598054 -48.178822 1.896902,
-0.538413 -48.517678 2.175075,
-0.421078 -48.364077 2.586792,
-0.408201 -47.930293 2.563075,
-0.781464 -47.804434 2.228263,
-0.729358 -48.174225 1.990895,
-0.824061 -48.505284 2.268792,
-0.934697 -48.340108 2.677910,
-0.908371 -47.906958 2.652862,
-1.055497 -47.792368 2.171284,
-0.891071 -48.167910 2.004517,
-1.117852 -48.492383 2.202413,
-1.422438 -48.317384 2.491487,
-1.383901 -47.884751 2.472248,
-1.267262 -47.781829 1.971913,
-1.061285 -48.155334 1.853492,
-1.343781 -48.481062 1.953779,
-1.724350 -48.308864 2.134182,
-1.677058 -47.876712 2.145389,
-1.398429 -47.760803 1.702584,
-1.184754 -48.131026 1.587141,
-1.486715 -48.453625 1.615478,
-1.887013 -48.282776 1.748436,
-1.832449 -47.854587 1.802270,
-1.484844 -47.714487 1.418767,
-1.263957 -48.081931 1.307711,
-1.573787 -48.395149 1.262441,
-1.986159 -48.221279 1.345519,
-1.931189 -47.800604 1.442133,
-1.524374 -47.643337 1.129737,
-1.296991 -48.008628 1.024340,
-1.602839 -48.306517 0.906133,
-2.019247 -48.125327 0.938475,
-1.970753 -47.715463 1.076670,
-1.498018 -47.516167 0.659608,
-1.280028 -47.892749 0.743438,
-1.589589 -48.209812 0.741755,
-1.998899 -48.029192 0.656884,
-1.942306 -47.600493 0.606115,
-1.432237 -47.608078 0.184967,
-1.237649 -47.911819 0.442557,
-1.560108 -48.195049 0.553382,
-1.953985 -48.066348 0.364285,
-1.874956 -47.703579 0.136592,
-0.373721 -48.012890 1.250233,
-0.446213 -48.105180 1.090517,
-0.483905 -48.145015 0.990740,
0.189021 -48.012879 1.250234,
0.189256 -48.017345 1.242493,
0.196896 -48.132926 0.990741,
-0.380482 -48.162829 0.990740,
0.023403 -48.162825 0.990741,
-0.004340 -43.173023 -1.242071,
0.202103 -43.084890 -0.903222,
0.567294 -43.462925 -0.762447,
0.194398 -43.723214 -1.461348,
-0.551380 -43.202661 -0.063550,
-0.394752 -42.987715 -0.477858,
-0.399283 -42.991195 -0.484238,
-0.924276 -43.462958 -0.762450,
-0.562034 -43.092467 -0.871914,
-0.567457 -43.093581 -0.899993,
0.034174 -42.982757 -0.487401,
0.194406 -43.202646 -0.063548,
0.196449 -43.083727 -0.873951,
-0.665942 -45.185320 -1.161352,
-0.665947 -45.694876 -1.056799,
-0.705865 -45.694876 -1.056799,
-1.233209 -45.326788 -0.068407,
-0.705854 -44.958677 0.919987,
0.348845 -44.958655 0.919989,
0.876189 -45.326743 -0.068403,
0.745368 -46.574380 0.194025,
0.713225 -46.558715 0.115546,
0.521759 -46.713285 -0.208284,
0.348834 -45.694854 -1.056797,
0.521743 -48.283171 0.470536,
0.173696 -48.359916 -0.147581,
-0.665934 -44.520684 -1.198126,
-0.551387 -43.723233 -1.461349,
-0.642309 -44.883694 -1.223241,
-0.178542 -48.339956 0.684204,
-0.572089 -48.359931 -0.147582,
-0.869180 -48.286755 0.441916,
-0.869180 -48.278112 0.561164,
-0.551430 -48.012894 1.250233,
-0.869179 -48.234679 0.654698,
0.004769 -42.987708 -0.477858,
-0.375520 -43.175515 -1.215035,
-0.353137 -43.174416 -1.242623,
-0.009195 -43.174408 -1.242623,
0.546787 -42.021159 -1.122243,
0.173891 -42.190932 -1.848449,
-0.198996 -41.820623 -1.169109,
-0.571894 -42.190950 -1.848450,
-0.944784 -42.021193 -1.122246,
-0.571888 -41.851416 -0.396041,
0.173897 -41.851398 -0.396040,
0.130223 -41.885551 -0.893845,
0.152254 -41.905634 -1.045233,
0.325513 -41.920424 -0.691312,
0.276297 -41.898016 -0.595463,
0.855696 -42.505331 -1.009103,
0.328342 -42.745426 -2.036113,
-0.726357 -42.745449 -2.036114,
-1.253703 -42.505376 -1.009107,
-0.726349 -42.265277 0.017902,
0.328350 -42.265251 0.017904,
0.546776 -42.989515 -0.895964,
0.173881 -43.159287 -1.622170,
-0.571904 -43.159302 -1.622171,
-0.944794 -42.989548 -0.895967,
-0.571898 -42.819772 -0.169762,
0.173887 -42.819753 -0.169761,
-0.192513 -42.653397 -2.004964,
-0.400572 -42.653330 -2.004940,
0.011620 -42.653225 -2.004905,
-0.375711 -42.745441 -2.036114,
-0.010238 -42.745434 -2.036113,
-0.755897 -42.166360 -0.273433,
-1.061112 -42.339146 -0.797461,
-1.104609 -42.339150 -0.923363,
-1.052635 -42.198025 -1.066533,
-0.755339 -42.017609 -0.581309,
-0.719712 -41.918717 -0.683924,
-0.668371 -41.895341 -0.583939,
0.044157 -42.984173 -1.797322,
-0.437489 -42.984582 -1.796923,
-0.192516 -42.983852 -1.797651,
0.194355 -48.012879 1.250234,
-0.541336 -41.901685 -1.028863,
-0.518454 -41.882541 -0.890170,
-0.755329 -41.021012 -0.933263,
-0.755823 -40.932763 -0.890143,
-1.107475 -42.339150 -0.890184,
-0.755834 -41.114025 -0.980767,
0.363122 -42.020377 -0.592225,
0.638895 -42.179164 -1.060133,
0.362566 -42.165186 -0.289327,
0.714119 -42.362403 -0.893858,
0.362638 -40.956035 -0.893818,
0.363133 -41.044284 -0.936938,
0.362627 -41.137293 -0.984441,
0.318438 -45.694854 -1.056797,
0.318442 -45.306846 -1.136411,
-0.314372 -44.883683 -1.223241,
-0.033120 -44.883680 -1.223241,
0.285295 -44.883672 -1.223240,
-0.033129 -45.694865 -1.056798,
-0.314381 -45.694869 -1.056798,
-0.314383 -45.943439 -0.971995,
-0.314411 -48.489504 -1.174893,
-0.314409 -48.245206 -1.455813,
-0.314412 -48.526160 -1.614605,
-0.314410 -48.294071 -1.675669,
-0.665978 -48.489515 -1.174894,
-0.665979 -48.526168 -1.614606,
-0.665976 -48.294079 -1.675670,
-0.665976 -48.245210 -1.455814,
-0.665949 -45.943450 -0.971995,
0.521744 -48.241381 0.636621,
0.521761 -46.658646 0.616218,
0.318452 -44.374384 -1.188004,
-0.033131 -45.943435 -0.971994,
0.318435 -45.943428 -0.971993,
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0.521743 -48.277214 0.559448,
0.873328 -46.558708 0.115547,
0.873308 -48.318293 -0.237306,
0.873324 -46.856988 -0.509362,
0.873315 -47.671821 -0.592398,
0.873322 -47.253590 1.212368,
0.873308 -48.525028 1.248453,
0.873327 -46.711661 0.881869,
0.873306 -48.321404 -1.707699,
0.873304 -48.519734 -1.709243,
0.521755 -47.253594 1.212367,
0.521742 -48.525039 1.248453,
0.521737 -48.519742 -1.709243,
0.521740 -48.321415 -1.707700,
0.521742 -48.318304 -0.237307,
0.521748 -47.671828 -0.592398,
0.521757 -46.856999 -0.509362,
0.521761 -46.711672 0.881868
ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
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28, 32, 33, -1,
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38, 37, 42, -1,
38, 42, 43, -1,
39, 38, 43, -1,
39, 43, 44, -1,
35, 39, 44, -1,
35, 44, 40, -1,
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44, 43, 48, -1,
44, 48, 49, -1,
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46, 50, 51, -1,
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47, 51, 52, -1,
48, 47, 52, -1,
48, 52, 53, -1,
49, 48, 53, -1,
49, 53, 54, -1,
45, 49, 54, -1,
45, 54, 50, -1,
51, 50, 55, -1,
51, 55, 56, -1,
52, 51, 56, -1,
52, 56, 57, -1,
53, 52, 57, -1,
53, 57, 58, -1,
54, 53, 58, -1,
54, 58, 59, -1,
50, 54, 59, -1,
50, 59, 55, -1,
56, 55, 60, -1,
56, 60, 61, -1,
57, 56, 61, -1,
57, 61, 62, -1,
58, 57, 62, -1,
58, 62, 63, -1,
59, 58, 63, -1,
59, 63, 64, -1,
55, 59, 64, -1,
55, 64, 60, -1,
61, 60, 65, -1,
61, 65, 66, -1,
62, 61, 66, -1,
62, 66, 67, -1,
63, 62, 67, -1,
63, 67, 68, -1,
64, 63, 68, -1,
64, 68, 69, -1,
60, 64, 69, -1,
60, 69, 65, -1,
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66, 8, 3, -1,
67, 66, 3, -1,
67, 3, 0, -1,
68, 67, 0, -1,
68, 0, 4, -1,
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69, 4, 6, -1,
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65, 6, 8, -1,
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72, 71, 10, -1,
11, 72, 10, -1,
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19, 16, 70, -1,
73, 17, 18, -1,
73, 15, 17, -1,
74, 15, 73, -1,
14, 15, 74, -1,
75, 14, 74, -1,
11, 12, 14, -1,
76, 11, 14, -1,
77, 76, 14, -1,
75, 77, 14, -1,
76, 72, 11, -1,
80, 79, 78, -1,
80, 78, 81, -1,
84, 83, 82, -1,
85, 84, 82, -1,
86, 84, 85, -1,
87, 86, 85, -1,
80, 89, 88, -1,
90, 80, 88, -1,
79, 80, 90, -1,
93, 92, 91, -1,
94, 85, 82, -1,
94, 82, 95, -1,
95, 82, 89, -1,
95, 89, 96, -1,
96, 89, 80, -1,
96, 80, 97, -1,
97, 99, 98, -1,
100, 99, 97, -1,
101, 100, 97, -1,
100, 103, 102, -1,
101, 103, 100, -1,
93, 85, 94, -1,
91, 85, 93, -1,
104, 85, 91, -1,
105, 85, 104, -1,
105, 104, 106, -1,
103, 108, 107, -1,
107, 108, 109, -1,
107, 109, 110, -1,
72, 111, 71, -1,
111, 110, 112, -1,
72, 110, 111, -1,
76, 110, 72, -1,
107, 110, 76, -1,
77, 107, 76, -1,
113, 82, 83, -1,
88, 82, 113, -1,
89, 82, 88, -1,
114, 87, 85, -1,
115, 114, 85, -1,
105, 115, 85, -1,
115, 105, 81, -1,
116, 115, 81, -1,
78, 116, 81, -1,
119, 118, 117, -1,
119, 120, 118, -1,
119, 121, 120, -1,
119, 123, 122, -1,
125, 124, 119, -1,
117, 125, 119, -1,
117, 126, 125, -1,
123, 119, 124, -1,
127, 123, 124, -1,
128, 117, 118, -1,
128, 118, 129, -1,
130, 120, 121, -1,
130, 121, 131, -1,
132, 122, 123, -1,
132, 123, 133, -1,
134, 128, 129, -1,
134, 129, 135, -1,
136, 130, 131, -1,
136, 131, 137, -1,
137, 131, 132, -1,
137, 132, 138, -1,
138, 132, 133, -1,
138, 133, 139, -1,
139, 133, 128, -1,
139, 128, 134, -1,
138, 84, 86, -1,
138, 86, 137, -1,
87, 136, 137, -1,
86, 87, 137, -1,
87, 114, 136, -1,
139, 88, 113, -1,
90, 88, 139, -1,
134, 90, 139, -1,
83, 84, 138, -1,
113, 83, 138, -1,
139, 113, 138, -1,
115, 136, 114, -1,
116, 136, 115, -1,
135, 136, 116, -1,
134, 79, 90, -1,
135, 116, 78, -1,
79, 135, 78, -1,
134, 135, 79, -1,
142, 141, 140, -1,
141, 130, 143, -1,
120, 130, 141, -1,
120, 141, 142, -1,
142, 144, 129, -1,
120, 142, 129, -1,
118, 120, 129, -1,
146, 145, 132, -1,
131, 146, 132, -1,
131, 147, 146, -1,
148, 147, 131, -1,
121, 148, 131, -1,
148, 150, 149, -1,
121, 150, 148, -1,
122, 132, 145, -1,
151, 122, 145, -1,
135, 144, 152, -1,
129, 144, 135, -1,
154, 153, 136, -1,
152, 154, 136, -1,
135, 152, 136, -1,
153, 130, 136, -1,
143, 130, 153, -1,
19, 70, 111, -1,
95, 19, 111, -1,
18, 155, 73, -1,
95, 18, 19, -1,
96, 155, 18, -1,
96, 18, 95, -1,
156, 150, 121, -1,
119, 156, 121, -1,
119, 157, 156, -1,
157, 122, 151, -1,
119, 122, 157, -1,
149, 150, 156, -1,
149, 156, 158, -1,
159, 145, 146, -1,
159, 146, 160, -1,
146, 147, 160, -1,
159, 157, 151, -1,
159, 151, 145, -1,
147, 159, 160, -1,
161, 159, 147, -1,
148, 161, 147, -1,
161, 148, 149, -1,
161, 149, 158, -1,
158, 157, 159, -1,
161, 158, 159, -1,
158, 156, 157, -1,
163, 162, 126, -1,
117, 163, 126, -1,
165, 133, 164, -1,
128, 133, 165, -1,
163, 128, 165, -1,
117, 128, 163, -1,
123, 164, 133, -1,
127, 164, 123, -1,
166, 165, 164, -1,
167, 162, 163, -1,
124, 166, 164, -1,
124, 164, 127, -1,
168, 166, 124, -1,
168, 124, 125, -1,
167, 126, 162, -1,
168, 126, 167, -1,
125, 126, 168, -1,
167, 165, 166, -1,
168, 167, 166, -1,
167, 163, 165, -1,
101, 170, 169, -1,
105, 106, 171, -1,
105, 171, 172, -1,
105, 172, 173, -1,
81, 105, 173, -1,
171, 175, 174, -1,
172, 171, 174, -1,
177, 176, 175, -1,
171, 177, 175, -1,
178, 177, 171, -1,
179, 177, 178, -1,
180, 179, 178, -1,
179, 182, 181, -1,
179, 181, 177, -1,
180, 183, 182, -1,
180, 182, 179, -1,
178, 184, 183, -1,
178, 183, 180, -1,
181, 92, 185, -1,
181, 91, 92, -1,
104, 91, 181, -1,
184, 104, 181, -1,
182, 184, 181, -1,
183, 184, 182, -1,
106, 184, 178, -1,
104, 184, 106, -1,
178, 171, 106, -1,
177, 181, 185, -1,
177, 185, 176, -1,
186, 155, 96, -1,
187, 186, 96, -1,
98, 187, 96, -1,
97, 98, 96, -1,
101, 97, 80, -1,
170, 101, 80, -1,
188, 170, 80, -1,
81, 188, 80, -1,
81, 173, 188, -1,
175, 176, 189, -1,
174, 175, 189, -1,
176, 185, 103, -1,
189, 176, 103, -1,
190, 189, 103, -1,
101, 190, 103, -1,
101, 169, 190, -1,
185, 108, 103, -1,
93, 108, 185, -1,
92, 93, 185, -1,
191, 190, 169, -1,
191, 169, 170, -1,
188, 191, 170, -1,
192, 191, 188, -1,
193, 191, 192, -1,
194, 193, 192, -1,
193, 196, 195, -1,
193, 195, 191, -1,
194, 197, 196, -1,
194, 196, 193, -1,
192, 198, 197, -1,
192, 197, 194, -1,
199, 109, 108, -1,
93, 199, 108, -1,
94, 201, 200, -1,
199, 94, 200, -1,
93, 94, 199, -1,
172, 198, 192, -1,
173, 172, 192, -1,
188, 173, 192, -1,
191, 195, 189, -1,
191, 189, 190, -1,
195, 174, 189, -1,
172, 174, 195, -1,
198, 172, 195, -1,
196, 198, 195, -1,
197, 198, 196, -1,
112, 95, 111, -1,
202, 95, 112, -1,
201, 95, 202, -1,
94, 95, 201, -1,
199, 203, 109, -1,
204, 203, 199, -1,
205, 203, 204, -1,
208, 207, 206, -1,
112, 207, 208, -1,
110, 207, 112, -1,
109, 207, 110, -1,
203, 207, 109, -1,
209, 207, 203, -1,
210, 207, 209, -1,
208, 202, 112, -1,
207, 212, 211, -1,
207, 211, 206, -1,
210, 213, 212, -1,
210, 212, 207, -1,
209, 214, 213, -1,
209, 213, 210, -1,
203, 215, 214, -1,
203, 214, 209, -1,
205, 216, 215, -1,
205, 215, 203, -1,
204, 217, 216, -1,
204, 216, 205, -1,
200, 218, 217, -1,
204, 200, 217, -1,
199, 200, 204, -1,
206, 211, 219, -1,
206, 219, 208, -1,
219, 211, 212, -1,
218, 219, 212, -1,
215, 218, 212, -1,
214, 215, 212, -1,
213, 214, 212, -1,
217, 218, 215, -1,
216, 217, 215, -1,
201, 219, 218, -1,
208, 219, 201, -1,
202, 208, 201, -1,
218, 200, 201, -1,
75, 107, 77, -1,
220, 107, 75, -1,
75, 74, 155, -1,
220, 75, 155, -1,
186, 220, 155, -1,
103, 107, 220, -1,
103, 220, 102, -1,
223, 222, 221, -1,
224, 222, 223, -1,
227, 226, 225, -1,
221, 226, 227, -1,
222, 226, 221, -1,
228, 226, 222, -1,
229, 226, 228, -1,
226, 231, 230, -1,
226, 230, 225, -1,
229, 232, 231, -1,
229, 231, 226, -1,
228, 233, 232, -1,
228, 232, 229, -1,
222, 234, 233, -1,
222, 233, 228, -1,
224, 235, 234, -1,
224, 234, 222, -1,
223, 236, 235, -1,
223, 235, 224, -1,
99, 100, 236, -1,
223, 99, 236, -1,
221, 99, 223, -1,
221, 98, 99, -1,
221, 227, 98, -1,
98, 237, 187, -1,
227, 237, 98, -1,
225, 230, 237, -1,
225, 237, 227, -1,
237, 230, 231, -1,
186, 237, 231, -1,
220, 186, 231, -1,
102, 220, 231, -1,
234, 100, 102, -1,
234, 102, 231, -1,
233, 234, 231, -1,
232, 233, 231, -1,
236, 100, 234, -1,
235, 236, 234, -1,
186, 187, 237, -1,
73, 155, 74, -1,
71, 111, 70, -1
normalIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
1, 5, 4, -1,
1, 4, 0, -1,
5, 7, 6, -1,
5, 6, 4, -1,
7, 9, 8, -1,
7, 8, 6, -1,
9, 2, 3, -1,
9, 3, 8, -1,
1, 7, 5, -1,
9, 7, 1, -1,
2, 9, 1, -1,
12, 11, 10, -1,
12, 10, 13, -1,
14, 12, 13, -1,
14, 13, 15, -1,
18, 17, 16, -1,
18, 16, 19, -1,
10, 16, 20, -1,
10, 20, 21, -1,
13, 10, 21, -1,
13, 21, 22, -1,
15, 13, 22, -1,
15, 22, 23, -1,
17, 15, 23, -1,
17, 23, 24, -1,
16, 17, 24, -1,
16, 24, 20, -1,
21, 20, 25, -1,
21, 25, 26, -1,
22, 21, 26, -1,
22, 26, 27, -1,
23, 22, 27, -1,
23, 27, 28, -1,
24, 23, 28, -1,
24, 28, 29, -1,
20, 24, 29, -1,
20, 29, 25, -1,
26, 25, 30, -1,
26, 30, 31, -1,
27, 26, 31, -1,
27, 31, 32, -1,
28, 27, 32, -1,
28, 32, 33, -1,
29, 28, 33, -1,
29, 33, 34, -1,
25, 29, 34, -1,
25, 34, 30, -1,
31, 30, 35, -1,
31, 35, 36, -1,
32, 31, 36, -1,
32, 36, 37, -1,
33, 32, 37, -1,
33, 37, 38, -1,
34, 33, 38, -1,
34, 38, 39, -1,
30, 34, 39, -1,
30, 39, 35, -1,
36, 35, 40, -1,
36, 40, 41, -1,
37, 36, 41, -1,
37, 41, 42, -1,
38, 37, 42, -1,
38, 42, 43, -1,
39, 38, 43, -1,
39, 43, 44, -1,
35, 39, 44, -1,
35, 44, 40, -1,
41, 40, 45, -1,
41, 45, 46, -1,
42, 41, 46, -1,
42, 46, 47, -1,
43, 42, 47, -1,
43, 47, 48, -1,
44, 43, 48, -1,
44, 48, 49, -1,
40, 44, 49, -1,
40, 49, 45, -1,
46, 45, 50, -1,
46, 50, 51, -1,
47, 46, 51, -1,
47, 51, 52, -1,
48, 47, 52, -1,
48, 52, 53, -1,
49, 48, 53, -1,
49, 53, 54, -1,
45, 49, 54, -1,
45, 54, 50, -1,
51, 50, 55, -1,
51, 55, 56, -1,
52, 51, 56, -1,
52, 56, 57, -1,
53, 52, 57, -1,
53, 57, 58, -1,
54, 53, 58, -1,
54, 58, 59, -1,
50, 54, 59, -1,
50, 59, 55, -1,
56, 55, 60, -1,
56, 60, 61, -1,
57, 56, 61, -1,
57, 61, 62, -1,
58, 57, 62, -1,
58, 62, 63, -1,
59, 58, 63, -1,
59, 63, 64, -1,
55, 59, 64, -1,
55, 64, 60, -1,
61, 60, 65, -1,
61, 65, 66, -1,
62, 61, 66, -1,
62, 66, 67, -1,
63, 62, 67, -1,
63, 67, 68, -1,
64, 63, 68, -1,
64, 68, 69, -1,
60, 64, 69, -1,
60, 69, 65, -1,
66, 65, 8, -1,
66, 8, 3, -1,
67, 66, 3, -1,
67, 3, 0, -1,
68, 67, 0, -1,
68, 0, 4, -1,
69, 68, 4, -1,
69, 4, 6, -1,
65, 69, 6, -1,
65, 6, 8, -1,
71, 70, 10, -1,
72, 71, 10, -1,
11, 72, 10, -1,
70, 16, 10, -1,
19, 16, 70, -1,
73, 17, 18, -1,
73, 15, 17, -1,
74, 15, 73, -1,
14, 15, 74, -1,
75, 14, 74, -1,
11, 12, 14, -1,
76, 11, 14, -1,
77, 76, 14, -1,
75, 77, 14, -1,
76, 72, 11, -1,
80, 79, 78, -1,
80, 78, 81, -1,
84, 83, 82, -1,
85, 84, 82, -1,
86, 84, 85, -1,
87, 86, 85, -1,
80, 89, 88, -1,
90, 80, 88, -1,
79, 80, 90, -1,
93, 92, 91, -1,
94, 85, 82, -1,
94, 82, 95, -1,
95, 82, 89, -1,
95, 89, 96, -1,
96, 89, 80, -1,
96, 80, 97, -1,
97, 99, 98, -1,
100, 99, 97, -1,
101, 100, 97, -1,
100, 103, 102, -1,
101, 103, 100, -1,
93, 85, 94, -1,
91, 85, 93, -1,
104, 85, 91, -1,
105, 85, 104, -1,
105, 104, 106, -1,
103, 108, 107, -1,
107, 108, 109, -1,
107, 109, 110, -1,
72, 111, 71, -1,
111, 110, 112, -1,
72, 110, 111, -1,
76, 110, 72, -1,
107, 110, 76, -1,
77, 107, 76, -1,
113, 82, 83, -1,
88, 82, 113, -1,
89, 82, 88, -1,
114, 87, 85, -1,
115, 114, 85, -1,
105, 115, 85, -1,
115, 105, 81, -1,
116, 115, 81, -1,
78, 116, 81, -1,
119, 118, 117, -1,
119, 120, 118, -1,
119, 121, 120, -1,
119, 123, 122, -1,
125, 124, 119, -1,
117, 125, 119, -1,
117, 126, 125, -1,
123, 119, 124, -1,
127, 123, 124, -1,
128, 117, 118, -1,
128, 118, 129, -1,
130, 120, 121, -1,
130, 121, 131, -1,
132, 122, 123, -1,
132, 123, 133, -1,
134, 128, 129, -1,
134, 129, 135, -1,
136, 130, 131, -1,
136, 131, 137, -1,
137, 131, 132, -1,
137, 132, 138, -1,
138, 132, 133, -1,
138, 133, 139, -1,
139, 133, 128, -1,
139, 128, 134, -1,
138, 84, 86, -1,
138, 86, 137, -1,
87, 136, 137, -1,
86, 87, 137, -1,
87, 114, 136, -1,
139, 88, 113, -1,
90, 88, 139, -1,
134, 90, 139, -1,
83, 84, 138, -1,
113, 83, 138, -1,
139, 113, 138, -1,
115, 136, 114, -1,
116, 136, 115, -1,
135, 136, 116, -1,
134, 79, 90, -1,
135, 116, 78, -1,
79, 135, 78, -1,
134, 135, 79, -1,
142, 141, 140, -1,
141, 130, 143, -1,
120, 130, 141, -1,
120, 141, 142, -1,
142, 144, 129, -1,
120, 142, 129, -1,
118, 120, 129, -1,
146, 145, 132, -1,
131, 146, 132, -1,
131, 147, 146, -1,
148, 147, 131, -1,
121, 148, 131, -1,
148, 150, 149, -1,
121, 150, 148, -1,
122, 132, 145, -1,
151, 122, 145, -1,
135, 144, 152, -1,
129, 144, 135, -1,
154, 153, 136, -1,
152, 154, 136, -1,
135, 152, 136, -1,
153, 130, 136, -1,
143, 130, 153, -1,
19, 70, 111, -1,
95, 19, 111, -1,
18, 155, 73, -1,
95, 18, 19, -1,
96, 155, 18, -1,
96, 18, 95, -1,
156, 150, 121, -1,
119, 156, 121, -1,
119, 157, 156, -1,
157, 122, 151, -1,
119, 122, 157, -1,
149, 150, 156, -1,
149, 156, 158, -1,
159, 145, 146, -1,
159, 146, 160, -1,
146, 147, 160, -1,
159, 157, 151, -1,
159, 151, 145, -1,
147, 159, 160, -1,
161, 159, 147, -1,
148, 161, 147, -1,
161, 148, 149, -1,
161, 149, 158, -1,
158, 157, 159, -1,
161, 158, 159, -1,
158, 156, 157, -1,
163, 162, 126, -1,
117, 163, 126, -1,
165, 133, 164, -1,
128, 133, 165, -1,
163, 128, 165, -1,
117, 128, 163, -1,
123, 164, 133, -1,
127, 164, 123, -1,
166, 165, 164, -1,
167, 162, 163, -1,
124, 166, 164, -1,
124, 164, 127, -1,
168, 166, 124, -1,
168, 124, 125, -1,
167, 126, 162, -1,
168, 126, 167, -1,
125, 126, 168, -1,
167, 165, 166, -1,
168, 167, 166, -1,
167, 163, 165, -1,
101, 170, 169, -1,
105, 106, 171, -1,
105, 171, 172, -1,
105, 172, 173, -1,
81, 105, 173, -1,
171, 175, 174, -1,
172, 171, 174, -1,
177, 176, 175, -1,
171, 177, 175, -1,
178, 177, 171, -1,
179, 177, 178, -1,
180, 179, 178, -1,
179, 182, 181, -1,
179, 181, 177, -1,
180, 183, 182, -1,
180, 182, 179, -1,
178, 184, 183, -1,
178, 183, 180, -1,
181, 92, 185, -1,
181, 91, 92, -1,
104, 91, 181, -1,
184, 104, 181, -1,
182, 184, 181, -1,
183, 184, 182, -1,
106, 184, 178, -1,
104, 184, 106, -1,
178, 171, 106, -1,
177, 181, 185, -1,
177, 185, 176, -1,
186, 155, 96, -1,
187, 186, 96, -1,
98, 187, 96, -1,
97, 98, 96, -1,
101, 97, 80, -1,
170, 101, 80, -1,
188, 170, 80, -1,
81, 188, 80, -1,
81, 173, 188, -1,
175, 176, 189, -1,
174, 175, 189, -1,
176, 185, 103, -1,
189, 176, 103, -1,
190, 189, 103, -1,
101, 190, 103, -1,
101, 169, 190, -1,
185, 108, 103, -1,
93, 108, 185, -1,
92, 93, 185, -1,
191, 190, 169, -1,
191, 169, 170, -1,
188, 191, 170, -1,
192, 191, 188, -1,
193, 191, 192, -1,
194, 193, 192, -1,
193, 196, 195, -1,
193, 195, 191, -1,
194, 197, 196, -1,
194, 196, 193, -1,
192, 198, 197, -1,
192, 197, 194, -1,
199, 109, 108, -1,
93, 199, 108, -1,
94, 201, 200, -1,
199, 94, 200, -1,
93, 94, 199, -1,
172, 198, 192, -1,
173, 172, 192, -1,
188, 173, 192, -1,
191, 195, 189, -1,
191, 189, 190, -1,
195, 174, 189, -1,
172, 174, 195, -1,
198, 172, 195, -1,
196, 198, 195, -1,
197, 198, 196, -1,
112, 95, 111, -1,
202, 95, 112, -1,
201, 95, 202, -1,
94, 95, 201, -1,
199, 203, 109, -1,
204, 203, 199, -1,
205, 203, 204, -1,
208, 207, 206, -1,
112, 207, 208, -1,
110, 207, 112, -1,
109, 207, 110, -1,
203, 207, 109, -1,
209, 207, 203, -1,
210, 207, 209, -1,
208, 202, 112, -1,
207, 212, 211, -1,
207, 211, 206, -1,
210, 213, 212, -1,
210, 212, 207, -1,
209, 214, 213, -1,
209, 213, 210, -1,
203, 215, 214, -1,
203, 214, 209, -1,
205, 216, 215, -1,
205, 215, 203, -1,
204, 217, 216, -1,
204, 216, 205, -1,
200, 218, 217, -1,
204, 200, 217, -1,
199, 200, 204, -1,
206, 211, 219, -1,
206, 219, 208, -1,
219, 211, 212, -1,
218, 219, 212, -1,
215, 218, 212, -1,
214, 215, 212, -1,
213, 214, 212, -1,
217, 218, 215, -1,
216, 217, 215, -1,
201, 219, 218, -1,
208, 219, 201, -1,
202, 208, 201, -1,
218, 200, 201, -1,
75, 107, 77, -1,
220, 107, 75, -1,
75, 74, 155, -1,
220, 75, 155, -1,
186, 220, 155, -1,
103, 107, 220, -1,
103, 220, 102, -1,
223, 222, 221, -1,
224, 222, 223, -1,
227, 226, 225, -1,
221, 226, 227, -1,
222, 226, 221, -1,
228, 226, 222, -1,
229, 226, 228, -1,
226, 231, 230, -1,
226, 230, 225, -1,
229, 232, 231, -1,
229, 231, 226, -1,
228, 233, 232, -1,
228, 232, 229, -1,
222, 234, 233, -1,
222, 233, 228, -1,
224, 235, 234, -1,
224, 234, 222, -1,
223, 236, 235, -1,
223, 235, 224, -1,
99, 100, 236, -1,
223, 99, 236, -1,
221, 99, 223, -1,
221, 98, 99, -1,
221, 227, 98, -1,
98, 237, 187, -1,
227, 237, 98, -1,
225, 230, 237, -1,
225, 237, 227, -1,
237, 230, 231, -1,
186, 237, 231, -1,
220, 186, 231, -1,
102, 220, 231, -1,
234, 100, 102, -1,
234, 102, 231, -1,
233, 234, 231, -1,
232, 233, 231, -1,
236, 100, 234, -1,
235, 236, 234, -1,
186, 187, 237, -1,
73, 155, 74, -1,
71, 111, 70, -1
DEF bastet1 Separator {
WWWAnchor {
name ""
description "Adopt my children"
map NONE # Other option: POINT
Material {
diffuseColor 0.95 0.55 0.3
ambientColor 0.75 0.375 0
shininess 0.6
emissiveColor 1 0 0
Coordinate3 {
point [
-0.192513 -42.653397 -2.004964,
0.011620 -42.653225 -2.004905,
-0.016696 -42.687073 -2.074876,
-0.192513 -42.687081 -2.074888,
-0.400572 -42.653330 -2.004940,
-0.368330 -42.687085 -2.074900,
-0.368334 -43.019500 -1.960198,
-0.258154 -42.956378 -2.168678,
-0.192809 -42.984962 -2.158352,
-0.192517 -43.019492 -1.960186,
-0.128397 -42.964231 -2.167648,
-0.016700 -43.019485 -1.960175,
-0.112203 -42.910717 -2.183793,
-0.016697 -42.853281 -2.017525,
-0.133909 -42.860426 -2.202078,
-0.192663 -42.859945 -2.201458,
-0.257239 -42.860996 -2.201645,
-0.193375 -42.916678 -2.205774,
-0.273457 -42.910784 -2.184103,
-0.368332 -42.853292 -2.017549,
-0.437489 -42.984582 -1.796923,
-0.375711 -42.745441 -2.036114,
-0.192516 -42.983852 -1.797651,
0.044157 -42.984173 -1.797322,
-0.010238 -42.745434 -2.036113
ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
shapeType SOLID
faceType CONVEX
creaseAngle 1.221729
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coordIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
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10, 8, 9, -1,
10, 9, 11, -1,
12, 10, 11, -1,
12, 11, 13, -1,
14, 12, 13, -1,
14, 13, 2, -1,
15, 14, 2, -1,
15, 2, 3, -1,
16, 15, 3, -1,
16, 3, 5, -1,
17, 8, 10, -1,
17, 10, 12, -1,
15, 17, 12, -1,
15, 12, 14, -1,
18, 7, 8, -1,
18, 8, 17, -1,
16, 18, 17, -1,
16, 17, 15, -1,
19, 6, 7, -1,
19, 7, 18, -1,
5, 19, 18, -1,
5, 18, 16, -1,
19, 20, 6, -1,
21, 20, 19, -1,
5, 21, 19, -1,
5, 4, 21, -1,
6, 20, 22, -1,
6, 22, 9, -1,
13, 11, 23, -1,
24, 13, 23, -1,
2, 13, 24, -1,
24, 1, 2, -1,
9, 22, 23, -1,
9, 23, 11, -1
normalIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
3, 0, 4, -1,
3, 4, 5, -1,
8, 7, 6, -1,
8, 6, 9, -1,
10, 8, 9, -1,
10, 9, 11, -1,
12, 10, 11, -1,
12, 11, 13, -1,
14, 12, 13, -1,
14, 13, 2, -1,
15, 14, 2, -1,
15, 2, 3, -1,
16, 15, 3, -1,
16, 3, 5, -1,
17, 8, 10, -1,
17, 10, 12, -1,
15, 17, 12, -1,
15, 12, 14, -1,
18, 7, 8, -1,
18, 8, 17, -1,
16, 18, 17, -1,
16, 17, 15, -1,
19, 6, 7, -1,
19, 7, 18, -1,
5, 19, 18, -1,
5, 18, 16, -1,
19, 20, 6, -1,
21, 20, 19, -1,
5, 21, 19, -1,
5, 4, 21, -1,
6, 20, 22, -1,
6, 22, 9, -1,
13, 11, 23, -1,
24, 13, 23, -1,
2, 13, 24, -1,
24, 1, 2, -1,
9, 22, 23, -1,
9, 23, 11, -1
DEF jest Separator {
WWWAnchor {
name ""
description "Hey! Let's play!"
map NONE # Other option: POINT
Material {
diffuseColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
ambientColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
specularColor 0.8 0.8 0.8
shininess 0.1
Texture2 {
filename "jest.gif"
image 0 0 0
wrapS REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
wrapT REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
TextureCoordinate2 {
point [
0.0 0.0,
0.0 1.0,
1.0 1.0,
1.0 0.0,
Coordinate3 {
point [
2.499246 -50.006069 -2.307643,
2.499246 -48.599765 -2.307641,
3.380950 -48.599768 0.363199,
3.380950 -50.006073 0.363197
ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
shapeType SOLID
faceType CONVEX
creaseAngle 1.221729
IndexedFaceSet {
coordIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
1, 2, 3, -1,
1, 3, 0, -1
normalIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
1, 2, 3, -1,
1, 3, 0, -1
DEF scared Separator {
WWWAnchor {
name ""
description "Oh!"
map NONE # Other option: POINT
Material {
diffuseColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
ambientColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
specularColor 0.8 0.8 0.8
shininess 0.1
Texture2 {
filename "scared.gif"
image 0 0 0
wrapS REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
wrapT REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
TextureCoordinate2 {
point [
0.0 0.0,
0.0 1.0,
1.0 1.0,
1.0 0.0,
Coordinate3 {
point [
2.650661 -50.006077 2.228831,
2.650661 -48.599772 2.228833,
0.383003 -48.599772 3.892720,
0.383003 -50.006077 3.892719
ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
shapeType SOLID
faceType CONVEX
creaseAngle 1.221729
IndexedFaceSet {
coordIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
1, 2, 3, -1,
1, 3, 0, -1
normalIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
1, 2, 3, -1,
1, 3, 0, -1
DEF base Separator {
Material {
diffuseColor 1 0 0
ambientColor 1 0 0
emissiveColor 1 0 0
shininess 0.1
Coordinate3 {
point [
2.094903 -48.532035 -3.255752,
-2.835366 -48.532035 -3.254645,
3.619492 -48.532043 1.432872,
-4.357851 -48.532043 1.434664,
-0.368530 -48.532046 4.331708,
-0.368530 -50.018139 4.331706,
3.619492 -50.018135 1.432870,
2.094903 -50.018128 -3.255754,
-2.835366 -50.018128 -3.254646,
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ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
shapeType SOLID
faceType CONVEX
creaseAngle 1.221729
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coordIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
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6, 2, 0, -1,
6, 0, 7, -1,
7, 0, 1, -1,
7, 1, 8, -1,
8, 1, 3, -1,
8, 3, 9, -1,
9, 3, 4, -1,
9, 4, 5, -1,
6, 7, 8, -1,
9, 6, 8, -1,
5, 6, 9, -1
normalIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
3, 1, 2, -1,
4, 3, 2, -1,
5, 4, 2, -1,
5, 2, 6, -1,
6, 2, 0, -1,
6, 0, 7, -1,
7, 0, 1, -1,
7, 1, 8, -1,
8, 1, 3, -1,
8, 3, 9, -1,
9, 3, 4, -1,
9, 4, 5, -1,
6, 7, 8, -1,
9, 6, 8, -1,
5, 6, 9, -1
DEF pounce Separator {
WWWAnchor {
name ""
description "Gonna get that mouse!"
map NONE # Other option: POINT
Material {
diffuseColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
ambientColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
specularColor 0.8 0.8 0.8
shininess 0.1
Texture2 {
filename "pounce.gif"
image 0 0 0
wrapS REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
wrapT REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
TextureCoordinate2 {
point [
0.0 0.0,
0.0 1.0,
1.0 1.0,
1.0 0.0,
Coordinate3 {
point [
-1.868501 -50.006069 -3.297849,
-1.868501 -48.599765 -3.297847,
0.944081 -48.599765 -3.311063,
0.944081 -50.006069 -3.311065
ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
shapeType SOLID
faceType CONVEX
creaseAngle 1.221729
IndexedFaceSet {
coordIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
1, 2, 3, -1,
1, 3, 0, -1
normalIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
1, 2, 3, -1,
1, 3, 0, -1
DEF home Separator {
WWWAnchor {
name ""
description"Love me, feed me"
map NONE # Other option: POINT
Material {
diffuseColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
ambientColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
specularColor 0.8 0.8 0.8
shininess 0.1
Texture2 {
filename "home.gif"
image 0 0 0
wrapS REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
wrapT REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
TextureCoordinate2 {
point [
0.0 0.0,
0.0 1.0,
1.0 1.0,
1.0 0.0,
Coordinate3 {
point [
-1.253497 -50.006077 3.759671,
-1.253497 -48.599772 3.759673,
-3.536691 -48.599772 2.117171,
-3.536691 -50.006077 2.117170
ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
shapeType SOLID
faceType CONVEX
creaseAngle 1.221729
IndexedFaceSet {
coordIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
1, 2, 3, -1,
1, 3, 0, -1
normalIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
1, 2, 3, -1,
1, 3, 0, -1
DEF soph Separator {
WWWAnchor {
name ""
description "A step up from the ordinary cat"
map NONE # Other option: POINT
Material {
diffuseColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
ambientColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
specularColor 0.8 0.8 0.8
shininess 0.1
Texture2 {
filename "soph.gif"
image 0 0 0
wrapS REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
wrapT REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
TextureCoordinate2 {
point [
0.0 0.0,
0.0 1.0,
1.0 1.0,
1.0 0.0,
Coordinate3 {
point [
-4.113534 -50.006073 0.492048,
-4.113534 -48.599768 0.492049,
-3.256967 -48.599765 -2.186960,
-3.256967 -50.006069 -2.186962
ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
shapeType SOLID
faceType CONVEX
creaseAngle 1.221729
IndexedFaceSet {
coordIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
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1, 3, 0, -1
normalIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
1, 2, 3, -1,
1, 3, 0, -1
DEF torch1 Separator {
DEF torchbase1 Separator {
Material {
diffuseColor 0.95 0.3 0
specularColor 0.95 0.3 0
shininess 0.75
Coordinate3 {
point [
37.942600 -46.504777 12.211176,
37.014678 -47.383718 12.211174,
35.977229 -47.383718 10.853135,
36.263973 -46.504777 10.013823,
34.298602 -47.383718 11.371860,
33.547897 -46.504777 10.853137,
34.298602 -47.383722 13.050487,
33.547897 -46.504781 13.569213,
35.977229 -47.383722 13.569212,
36.263973 -46.504781 14.408527,
35.993982 -47.611952 12.211174,
35.661820 -47.611952 11.776366,
35.118602 -47.610357 11.938466,
35.115041 -47.609378 11.939567,
35.115041 -47.609378 12.482781,
35.118602 -47.610357 12.483882,
35.658255 -47.610357 11.771703,
35.661820 -47.611956 12.645981,
35.658255 -47.610361 12.650644,
35.658255 -50.943930 12.650640,
35.115041 -50.943926 12.482776,
35.115041 -50.943926 11.939562,
35.658255 -50.943926 11.771698,
35.993982 -50.943926 12.211169
ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
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2, 1, 0, -1,
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8, 6, 7, -1,
8, 7, 9, -1,
1, 8, 9, -1,
1, 9, 0, -1,
10, 1, 2, -1,
10, 2, 11, -1,
13, 12, 4, -1,
14, 13, 4, -1,
6, 14, 4, -1,
6, 15, 14, -1,
16, 4, 12, -1,
16, 2, 4, -1,
11, 2, 16, -1,
17, 8, 1, -1,
17, 1, 10, -1,
0, 5, 3, -1,
7, 5, 0, -1,
9, 7, 0, -1,
8, 17, 18, -1,
8, 18, 6, -1,
18, 15, 6, -1,
15, 18, 19, -1,
14, 15, 19, -1,
20, 14, 19, -1,
14, 20, 21, -1,
14, 21, 13, -1,
23, 22, 21, -1,
20, 23, 21, -1,
19, 23, 20, -1,
12, 22, 16, -1,
21, 22, 12, -1,
13, 21, 12, -1,
23, 10, 11, -1,
23, 11, 16, -1,
22, 23, 16, -1,
19, 18, 17, -1,
19, 17, 10, -1,
23, 19, 10, -1
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2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
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8, 6, 7, -1,
8, 7, 9, -1,
1, 8, 9, -1,
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6, 14, 4, -1,
6, 15, 14, -1,
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17, 1, 10, -1,
0, 5, 3, -1,
7, 5, 0, -1,
9, 7, 0, -1,
8, 17, 18, -1,
8, 18, 6, -1,
18, 15, 6, -1,
15, 18, 19, -1,
14, 15, 19, -1,
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21, 22, 12, -1,
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23, 11, 16, -1,
22, 23, 16, -1,
19, 18, 17, -1,
19, 17, 10, -1,
23, 19, 10, -1
DEF flame1a Separator {
Material {
diffuseColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
ambientColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
specularColor 0.8 0.8 0.8
shininess 0.1
Texture2 {
filename "fire.gif"
image 0 0 0
wrapS REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
wrapT REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
TextureCoordinate2 {
point [
0.0 0.0,
0.0 1.0,
1.0 1.0,
1.0 0.0,
Coordinate3 {
point [
36.474708 -46.665236 13.707764,
36.474708 -43.149486 13.707768,
34.716826 -43.149482 10.663028,
34.716826 -46.665233 10.663023
ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
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2, 1, 0, -1,
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2, 1, 0, -1,
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DEF flame1b Separator {
Material {
diffuseColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
ambientColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
specularColor 0.8 0.8 0.8
shininess 0.1
Texture2 {
filename "fire.gif"
image 0 0 0
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wrapT REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
TextureCoordinate2 {
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0.0 0.0,
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1.0 0.0,
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point [
36.474708 -46.665233 10.663023,
36.474708 -43.149482 10.663028,
34.716826 -43.149486 13.707768,
34.716826 -46.665236 13.707764
ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
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2, 1, 0, -1,
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1, 3, 0, -1
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2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
1, 2, 3, -1,
1, 3, 0, -1
DEF flame1c Separator {
Material {
diffuseColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
ambientColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
specularColor 0.8 0.8 0.8
shininess 0.1
Texture2 {
filename "fire.gif"
image 0 0 0
wrapS REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
wrapT REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
TextureCoordinate2 {
point [
0.0 0.0,
0.0 1.0,
1.0 1.0,
1.0 0.0,
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point [
33.837885 -46.665233 12.185393,
33.837885 -43.149482 12.185398,
37.353650 -43.149482 12.185398,
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ShapeHints {
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1, 3, 0, -1
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2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
1, 2, 3, -1,
1, 3, 0, -1
DEF torch2 Separator {
DEF torchbase2 Separator {
Material {
diffuseColor 0.95 0.3 0
specularColor 0.95 0.3 0
shininess 0.75
Coordinate3 {
point [
24.741234 -46.504721 -29.677812,
23.813313 -47.383662 -29.677814,
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23.062607 -46.504721 -31.875163,
21.097237 -47.383662 -30.517127,
20.346532 -46.504721 -31.035848,
21.097237 -47.383666 -28.838499,
20.346532 -46.504725 -28.319774,
22.775862 -47.383666 -28.319776,
23.062607 -46.504725 -27.480459,
22.792613 -47.611896 -29.677814,
22.460451 -47.611896 -30.112622,
21.917235 -47.610302 -29.950522,
21.913674 -47.609322 -29.949421,
21.913674 -47.609325 -29.406205,
21.917235 -47.610305 -29.405106,
22.456888 -47.610302 -30.117285,
22.460451 -47.611900 -29.243005,
22.456888 -47.610305 -29.238343,
22.456888 -50.943874 -29.238347,
21.913674 -50.943874 -29.406209,
21.913674 -50.943870 -29.949425,
22.456888 -50.943870 -30.117288,
22.792613 -50.943870 -29.677818
ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
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2, 1, 0, -1,
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6, 5, 7, -1,
8, 6, 7, -1,
8, 7, 9, -1,
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6, 14, 4, -1,
6, 15, 14, -1,
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11, 2, 16, -1,
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17, 1, 10, -1,
0, 5, 3, -1,
7, 5, 0, -1,
9, 7, 0, -1,
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21, 22, 12, -1,
13, 21, 12, -1,
23, 10, 11, -1,
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22, 23, 16, -1,
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19, 17, 10, -1,
23, 19, 10, -1
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2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
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8, 6, 7, -1,
8, 7, 9, -1,
1, 8, 9, -1,
1, 9, 0, -1,
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6, 14, 4, -1,
6, 15, 14, -1,
16, 4, 12, -1,
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11, 2, 16, -1,
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17, 1, 10, -1,
0, 5, 3, -1,
7, 5, 0, -1,
9, 7, 0, -1,
8, 17, 18, -1,
8, 18, 6, -1,
18, 15, 6, -1,
15, 18, 19, -1,
14, 15, 19, -1,
20, 14, 19, -1,
14, 20, 21, -1,
14, 21, 13, -1,
23, 22, 21, -1,
20, 23, 21, -1,
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21, 22, 12, -1,
13, 21, 12, -1,
23, 10, 11, -1,
23, 11, 16, -1,
22, 23, 16, -1,
19, 18, 17, -1,
19, 17, 10, -1,
23, 19, 10, -1
DEF flame2a Separator {
Material {
diffuseColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
ambientColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
specularColor 0.8 0.8 0.8
shininess 0.1
Texture2 {
filename "fire.gif"
image 0 0 0
wrapS REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
wrapT REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
TextureCoordinate2 {
point [
0.0 0.0,
0.0 1.0,
1.0 1.0,
1.0 0.0,
Coordinate3 {
point [
23.273341 -46.665180 -28.181225,
23.273341 -43.149430 -28.181221,
21.515459 -43.149427 -31.225959,
21.515459 -46.665177 -31.225963
ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
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creaseAngle 1.221729
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2, 1, 0, -1,
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1, 3, 0, -1
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2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
1, 2, 3, -1,
1, 3, 0, -1
DEF flame2b Separator {
Material {
diffuseColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
ambientColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
specularColor 0.8 0.8 0.8
shininess 0.1
Texture2 {
filename "fire.gif"
image 0 0 0
wrapS REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
wrapT REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
TextureCoordinate2 {
point [
0.0 0.0,
0.0 1.0,
1.0 1.0,
1.0 0.0,
Coordinate3 {
point [
23.273341 -46.665177 -31.225963,
23.273341 -43.149427 -31.225959,
21.515459 -43.149430 -28.181221,
21.515459 -46.665180 -28.181225
ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
shapeType SOLID
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creaseAngle 1.221729
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2, 1, 0, -1,
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2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
1, 2, 3, -1,
1, 3, 0, -1
DEF flame2c Separator {
Material {
diffuseColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
ambientColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
specularColor 0.8 0.8 0.8
shininess 0.1
Texture2 {
filename "fire.gif"
image 0 0 0
wrapS REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
wrapT REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
TextureCoordinate2 {
point [
0.0 0.0,
0.0 1.0,
1.0 1.0,
1.0 0.0,
Coordinate3 {
point [
20.636519 -46.665177 -29.703593,
20.636519 -43.149427 -29.703589,
24.152283 -43.149427 -29.703589,
24.152283 -46.665177 -29.703593
ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
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2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
1, 2, 3, -1,
1, 3, 0, -1
DEF torch3 Separator {
DEF torchbase3 Separator {
Material {
diffuseColor 0.95 0.3 0
specularColor 0.95 0.3 0
shininess 0.75
Coordinate3 {
point [
-21.209706 -46.504721 -29.677812,
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-24.853704 -47.383662 -30.517127,
-25.604408 -46.504721 -31.035848,
-24.853704 -47.383666 -28.838499,
-25.604408 -46.504725 -28.319774,
-23.175078 -47.383666 -28.319776,
-22.888333 -46.504725 -27.480459,
-23.158327 -47.611896 -29.677814,
-23.490489 -47.611896 -30.112622,
-24.033705 -47.610302 -29.950522,
-24.037266 -47.609322 -29.949421,
-24.037266 -47.609325 -29.406205,
-24.033705 -47.610305 -29.405106,
-23.494050 -47.610302 -30.117285,
-23.490489 -47.611900 -29.243005,
-23.494050 -47.610305 -29.238343,
-23.494050 -50.943874 -29.238347,
-24.037266 -50.943874 -29.406209,
-24.037266 -50.943870 -29.949425,
-23.494050 -50.943870 -30.117288,
-23.158327 -50.943870 -29.677818
ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
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2, 1, 0, -1,
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6, 5, 7, -1,
8, 6, 7, -1,
8, 7, 9, -1,
1, 8, 9, -1,
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14, 13, 4, -1,
6, 14, 4, -1,
6, 15, 14, -1,
16, 4, 12, -1,
16, 2, 4, -1,
11, 2, 16, -1,
17, 8, 1, -1,
17, 1, 10, -1,
0, 5, 3, -1,
7, 5, 0, -1,
9, 7, 0, -1,
8, 17, 18, -1,
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14, 15, 19, -1,
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21, 22, 12, -1,
13, 21, 12, -1,
23, 10, 11, -1,
23, 11, 16, -1,
22, 23, 16, -1,
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19, 17, 10, -1,
23, 19, 10, -1
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2, 1, 0, -1,
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8, 6, 7, -1,
8, 7, 9, -1,
1, 8, 9, -1,
1, 9, 0, -1,
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6, 14, 4, -1,
6, 15, 14, -1,
16, 4, 12, -1,
16, 2, 4, -1,
11, 2, 16, -1,
17, 8, 1, -1,
17, 1, 10, -1,
0, 5, 3, -1,
7, 5, 0, -1,
9, 7, 0, -1,
8, 17, 18, -1,
8, 18, 6, -1,
18, 15, 6, -1,
15, 18, 19, -1,
14, 15, 19, -1,
20, 14, 19, -1,
14, 20, 21, -1,
14, 21, 13, -1,
23, 22, 21, -1,
20, 23, 21, -1,
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21, 22, 12, -1,
13, 21, 12, -1,
23, 10, 11, -1,
23, 11, 16, -1,
22, 23, 16, -1,
19, 18, 17, -1,
19, 17, 10, -1,
23, 19, 10, -1
DEF flame3a Separator {
Material {
diffuseColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
ambientColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
specularColor 0.8 0.8 0.8
shininess 0.1
Texture2 {
filename "fire.gif"
image 0 0 0
wrapS REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
wrapT REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
TextureCoordinate2 {
point [
0.0 0.0,
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1.0 1.0,
1.0 0.0,
Coordinate3 {
point [
-22.677599 -46.665180 -28.181225,
-22.677599 -43.149430 -28.181221,
-24.435481 -43.149427 -31.225959,
-24.435481 -46.665177 -31.225963
ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
shapeType SOLID
faceType CONVEX
creaseAngle 1.221729
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coordIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
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1, 3, 0, -1
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2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
1, 2, 3, -1,
1, 3, 0, -1
DEF flame3b Separator {
Material {
diffuseColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
ambientColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
specularColor 0.8 0.8 0.8
shininess 0.1
Texture2 {
filename "fire.gif"
image 0 0 0
wrapS REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
wrapT REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
TextureCoordinate2 {
point [
0.0 0.0,
0.0 1.0,
1.0 1.0,
1.0 0.0,
Coordinate3 {
point [
-22.677599 -46.665177 -31.225963,
-22.677599 -43.149427 -31.225959,
-24.435481 -43.149430 -28.181221,
-24.435481 -46.665180 -28.181225
ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
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1, 3, 0, -1
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2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
1, 2, 3, -1,
1, 3, 0, -1
DEF flame3c Separator {
Material {
diffuseColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
ambientColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
specularColor 0.8 0.8 0.8
shininess 0.1
Texture2 {
filename "fire.gif"
image 0 0 0
wrapS REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
wrapT REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
TextureCoordinate2 {
point [
0.0 0.0,
0.0 1.0,
1.0 1.0,
1.0 0.0,
Coordinate3 {
point [
-25.314420 -46.665177 -29.703593,
-25.314420 -43.149427 -29.703589,
-21.798659 -43.149427 -29.703589,
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vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
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creaseAngle 1.221729
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coordIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
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1, 3, 0, -1
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2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
1, 2, 3, -1,
1, 3, 0, -1
DEF torch4 Separator {
DEF torchbase4 Separator {
Material {
diffuseColor 0.95 0.3 0
specularColor 0.95 0.3 0
shininess 0.75
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point [
2.654300 -46.504814 38.867783,
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0.975672 -46.504810 36.670428,
-0.989700 -47.383752 38.028467,
-1.740405 -46.504810 37.509743,
-0.989700 -47.383752 39.707098,
-1.740405 -46.504814 40.225822,
0.688928 -47.383752 40.225822,
0.975672 -46.504818 41.065138,
0.705678 -47.611989 38.867783,
0.373515 -47.611989 38.432974,
-0.169701 -47.610395 38.595077,
-0.173263 -47.609407 38.596176,
-0.173263 -47.609407 39.139394,
-0.169701 -47.610395 39.140493,
0.369952 -47.610395 38.428314,
0.373515 -47.611989 39.302591,
0.369952 -47.610395 39.307255,
0.369952 -50.943963 39.307252,
-0.173263 -50.943963 39.139390,
-0.173263 -50.943963 38.596172,
0.369952 -50.943963 38.428310,
0.705678 -50.943963 38.867779
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vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
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10, 1, 2, -1,
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6, 14, 4, -1,
6, 15, 14, -1,
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16, 2, 4, -1,
11, 2, 16, -1,
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7, 5, 0, -1,
9, 7, 0, -1,
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21, 22, 12, -1,
13, 21, 12, -1,
23, 10, 11, -1,
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22, 23, 16, -1,
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19, 17, 10, -1,
23, 19, 10, -1
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2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
4, 2, 3, -1,
4, 3, 5, -1,
6, 4, 5, -1,
6, 5, 7, -1,
8, 6, 7, -1,
8, 7, 9, -1,
1, 8, 9, -1,
1, 9, 0, -1,
10, 1, 2, -1,
10, 2, 11, -1,
13, 12, 4, -1,
14, 13, 4, -1,
6, 14, 4, -1,
6, 15, 14, -1,
16, 4, 12, -1,
16, 2, 4, -1,
11, 2, 16, -1,
17, 8, 1, -1,
17, 1, 10, -1,
0, 5, 3, -1,
7, 5, 0, -1,
9, 7, 0, -1,
8, 17, 18, -1,
8, 18, 6, -1,
18, 15, 6, -1,
15, 18, 19, -1,
14, 15, 19, -1,
20, 14, 19, -1,
14, 20, 21, -1,
14, 21, 13, -1,
23, 22, 21, -1,
20, 23, 21, -1,
19, 23, 20, -1,
12, 22, 16, -1,
21, 22, 12, -1,
13, 21, 12, -1,
23, 10, 11, -1,
23, 11, 16, -1,
22, 23, 16, -1,
19, 18, 17, -1,
19, 17, 10, -1,
23, 19, 10, -1
DEF flame4a Separator {
Material {
diffuseColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
ambientColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
specularColor 0.8 0.8 0.8
shininess 0.1
Texture2 {
filename "fire.gif"
image 0 0 0
wrapS REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
wrapT REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
TextureCoordinate2 {
point [
0.0 0.0,
0.0 1.0,
1.0 1.0,
1.0 0.0,
Coordinate3 {
point [
1.186406 -46.665270 40.364381,
1.186406 -43.149523 40.364388,
-0.571477 -43.149520 37.319645,
-0.571477 -46.665266 37.319638
ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
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creaseAngle 1.221729
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coordIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
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1, 3, 0, -1
normalIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
1, 2, 3, -1,
1, 3, 0, -1
DEF flame4b Separator {
Material {
diffuseColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
ambientColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
specularColor 0.8 0.8 0.8
shininess 0.1
Texture2 {
filename "fire.gif"
image 0 0 0
wrapS REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
wrapT REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
TextureCoordinate2 {
point [
0.0 0.0,
0.0 1.0,
1.0 1.0,
1.0 0.0,
Coordinate3 {
point [
1.186406 -46.665266 37.319642,
1.186406 -43.149520 37.319645,
-0.571477 -43.149523 40.364385,
-0.571477 -46.665270 40.364381
ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
shapeType SOLID
faceType CONVEX
creaseAngle 1.221729
IndexedFaceSet {
coordIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
1, 2, 3, -1,
1, 3, 0, -1
normalIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
1, 2, 3, -1,
1, 3, 0, -1
DEF flame4c Separator {
Material {
diffuseColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
ambientColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
specularColor 0.8 0.8 0.8
shininess 0.1
Texture2 {
filename "fire.gif"
image 0 0 0
wrapS REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
wrapT REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
TextureCoordinate2 {
point [
0.0 0.0,
0.0 1.0,
1.0 1.0,
1.0 0.0,
Coordinate3 {
point [
-1.450418 -46.665270 38.842008,
-1.450418 -43.149523 38.842015,
2.065348 -43.149523 38.842015,
2.065348 -46.665270 38.842008
ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
shapeType SOLID
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creaseAngle 1.221729
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coordIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
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1, 3, 0, -1
normalIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
1, 2, 3, -1,
1, 3, 0, -1
DEF torch5 Separator {
DEF torchbase5 Separator {
Material {
diffuseColor 0.95 0.3 0
specularColor 0.95 0.3 0
shininess 0.75
Coordinate3 {
point [
-38.219191 -46.504777 11.957303,
-39.147113 -47.383718 11.957301,
-40.184561 -47.383718 10.599262,
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-41.863188 -47.383718 11.117987,
-42.613894 -46.504777 10.599264,
-41.863188 -47.383722 12.796614,
-42.613894 -46.504781 13.315341,
-40.184561 -47.383722 13.315339,
-39.897818 -46.504781 14.154654,
-40.167812 -47.611952 11.957301,
-40.499974 -47.611952 11.522493,
-41.043188 -47.610357 11.684593,
-41.046754 -47.609378 11.685694,
-41.046754 -47.609378 12.228908,
-41.043188 -47.610357 12.230009,
-40.503535 -47.610357 11.517830,
-40.499974 -47.611952 12.392107,
-40.503535 -47.610357 12.396771,
-40.503535 -50.943926 12.396767,
-41.046754 -50.943926 12.228903,
-41.046754 -50.943926 11.685689,
-40.503535 -50.943926 11.517826,
-40.167812 -50.943926 11.957296
ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
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faceType CONVEX
creaseAngle 1.221729
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coordIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
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4, 3, 5, -1,
6, 4, 5, -1,
6, 5, 7, -1,
8, 6, 7, -1,
8, 7, 9, -1,
1, 8, 9, -1,
1, 9, 0, -1,
10, 1, 2, -1,
10, 2, 11, -1,
13, 12, 4, -1,
14, 13, 4, -1,
6, 14, 4, -1,
6, 15, 14, -1,
16, 4, 12, -1,
16, 2, 4, -1,
11, 2, 16, -1,
17, 8, 1, -1,
17, 1, 10, -1,
0, 5, 3, -1,
7, 5, 0, -1,
9, 7, 0, -1,
8, 17, 18, -1,
8, 18, 6, -1,
18, 15, 6, -1,
15, 18, 19, -1,
14, 15, 19, -1,
20, 14, 19, -1,
14, 20, 21, -1,
14, 21, 13, -1,
23, 22, 21, -1,
20, 23, 21, -1,
19, 23, 20, -1,
12, 22, 16, -1,
21, 22, 12, -1,
13, 21, 12, -1,
23, 10, 11, -1,
23, 11, 16, -1,
22, 23, 16, -1,
19, 18, 17, -1,
19, 17, 10, -1,
23, 19, 10, -1
normalIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
4, 2, 3, -1,
4, 3, 5, -1,
6, 4, 5, -1,
6, 5, 7, -1,
8, 6, 7, -1,
8, 7, 9, -1,
1, 8, 9, -1,
1, 9, 0, -1,
10, 1, 2, -1,
10, 2, 11, -1,
13, 12, 4, -1,
14, 13, 4, -1,
6, 14, 4, -1,
6, 15, 14, -1,
16, 4, 12, -1,
16, 2, 4, -1,
11, 2, 16, -1,
17, 8, 1, -1,
17, 1, 10, -1,
0, 5, 3, -1,
7, 5, 0, -1,
9, 7, 0, -1,
8, 17, 18, -1,
8, 18, 6, -1,
18, 15, 6, -1,
15, 18, 19, -1,
14, 15, 19, -1,
20, 14, 19, -1,
14, 20, 21, -1,
14, 21, 13, -1,
23, 22, 21, -1,
20, 23, 21, -1,
19, 23, 20, -1,
12, 22, 16, -1,
21, 22, 12, -1,
13, 21, 12, -1,
23, 10, 11, -1,
23, 11, 16, -1,
22, 23, 16, -1,
19, 18, 17, -1,
19, 17, 10, -1,
23, 19, 10, -1
DEF flame5a Separator {
Material {
diffuseColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
ambientColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
specularColor 0.8 0.8 0.8
shininess 0.1
Texture2 {
filename "fire.gif"
image 0 0 0
wrapS REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
wrapT REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
TextureCoordinate2 {
point [
0.0 0.0,
0.0 1.0,
1.0 1.0,
1.0 0.0,
Coordinate3 {
point [
-39.687086 -46.665236 13.453891,
-39.687086 -43.149486 13.453895,
-41.444965 -43.149482 10.409155,
-41.444965 -46.665233 10.409150
ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
shapeType SOLID
faceType CONVEX
creaseAngle 1.221729
IndexedFaceSet {
coordIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
1, 2, 3, -1,
1, 3, 0, -1
normalIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
1, 2, 3, -1,
1, 3, 0, -1
DEF flame5b Separator {
Material {
diffuseColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
ambientColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
specularColor 0.8 0.8 0.8
shininess 0.1
Texture2 {
filename "fire.gif"
image 0 0 0
wrapS REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
wrapT REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
TextureCoordinate2 {
point [
0.0 0.0,
0.0 1.0,
1.0 1.0,
1.0 0.0,
Coordinate3 {
point [
-39.687086 -46.665233 10.409150,
-39.687086 -43.149482 10.409155,
-41.444965 -43.149486 13.453895,
-41.444965 -46.665236 13.453891
ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
shapeType SOLID
faceType CONVEX
creaseAngle 1.221729
IndexedFaceSet {
coordIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
1, 2, 3, -1,
1, 3, 0, -1
normalIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
1, 2, 3, -1,
1, 3, 0, -1
DEF flame5c Separator {
Material {
diffuseColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
ambientColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
specularColor 0.8 0.8 0.8
shininess 0.1
Texture2 {
filename "fire.gif"
image 0 0 0
wrapS REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
wrapT REPEAT # Other option: CLAMP
TextureCoordinate2 {
point [
0.0 0.0,
0.0 1.0,
1.0 1.0,
1.0 0.0,
Coordinate3 {
point [
-42.323906 -46.665233 11.931520,
-42.323906 -43.149482 11.931525,
-38.808145 -43.149482 11.931525,
-38.808145 -46.665233 11.931520
ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
shapeType SOLID
faceType CONVEX
creaseAngle 1.221729
IndexedFaceSet {
coordIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
1, 2, 3, -1,
1, 3, 0, -1
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2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 0, 3, -1,
1, 2, 3, -1,
1, 3, 0, -1
DEF eyeball Separator {
WWWAnchor {
name ""
description "Let there be light!"
Material {
diffuseColor 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000
ambientColor 0.100000 0.100000 0.000000
specularColor 0.8 0.8 0.8
shininess 0.1
Coordinate3 {
point [
0.650040 -36.456708 -0.385299,
0.277137 -36.456708 -0.815890,
-0.095766 -36.250763 -0.385298,
-0.468669 -36.456708 -0.815890,
-0.841572 -36.456708 -0.385299,
-0.468669 -36.456708 0.045293,
0.277137 -36.456708 0.045293,
0.431598 -36.953915 -0.994247,
0.958963 -36.953915 -0.385299,
-0.623131 -36.953915 -0.994247,
-1.150495 -36.953915 -0.385299,
-0.623131 -36.953915 0.223648,
0.431598 -36.953915 0.223648,
0.277137 -37.451118 -0.815891,
0.650040 -37.451118 -0.385300,
-0.468669 -37.451118 -0.815891,
-0.841572 -37.451118 -0.385300,
-0.468669 -37.451118 0.045291,
0.277137 -37.451118 0.045291,
-0.095766 -37.657067 -0.385300
ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
shapeType SOLID
faceType CONVEX
creaseAngle 1.221729
IndexedFaceSet {
coordIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 3, 1, -1,
2, 4, 3, -1,
2, 5, 4, -1,
2, 6, 5, -1,
2, 0, 6, -1,
0, 1, 7, -1,
0, 7, 8, -1,
1, 3, 9, -1,
1, 9, 7, -1,
3, 4, 10, -1,
3, 10, 9, -1,
4, 5, 11, -1,
4, 11, 10, -1,
5, 6, 12, -1,
5, 12, 11, -1,
6, 0, 8, -1,
6, 8, 12, -1,
8, 7, 13, -1,
8, 13, 14, -1,
7, 9, 15, -1,
7, 15, 13, -1,
9, 10, 16, -1,
9, 16, 15, -1,
10, 11, 17, -1,
10, 17, 16, -1,
11, 12, 18, -1,
11, 18, 17, -1,
12, 8, 14, -1,
12, 14, 18, -1,
14, 13, 19, -1,
13, 15, 19, -1,
15, 16, 19, -1,
16, 17, 19, -1,
17, 18, 19, -1,
18, 14, 19, -1
normalIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
2, 3, 1, -1,
2, 4, 3, -1,
2, 5, 4, -1,
2, 6, 5, -1,
2, 0, 6, -1,
0, 1, 7, -1,
0, 7, 8, -1,
1, 3, 9, -1,
1, 9, 7, -1,
3, 4, 10, -1,
3, 10, 9, -1,
4, 5, 11, -1,
4, 11, 10, -1,
5, 6, 12, -1,
5, 12, 11, -1,
6, 0, 8, -1,
6, 8, 12, -1,
8, 7, 13, -1,
8, 13, 14, -1,
7, 9, 15, -1,
7, 15, 13, -1,
9, 10, 16, -1,
9, 16, 15, -1,
10, 11, 17, -1,
10, 17, 16, -1,
11, 12, 18, -1,
11, 18, 17, -1,
12, 8, 14, -1,
12, 14, 18, -1,
14, 13, 19, -1,
13, 15, 19, -1,
15, 16, 19, -1,
16, 17, 19, -1,
17, 18, 19, -1,
18, 14, 19, -1
DEF pupil Separator {
Material {
diffuseColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
ambientColor 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
specularColor 0.8 0.8 0.8
shininess 0.1
Coordinate3 {
point [
-0.128358 -36.426637 -0.770276,
-0.135250 -36.419079 -0.752113,
-0.132077 -36.420818 -0.752113,
0.005609 -36.573544 -1.123346,
-0.276109 -36.573544 -1.123346,
-0.170689 -36.457941 -0.845512,
-0.099811 -36.457941 -0.845512,
-0.358033 -36.573544 -0.907436,
-0.136146 -36.420062 -0.749751,
-0.138423 -36.420818 -0.752113,
-0.134353 -36.420062 -0.749751,
0.063955 -36.946442 -1.277116,
0.087533 -36.573544 -0.907436,
0.128431 -36.946442 -1.107190,
-0.334455 -36.946442 -1.277116,
-0.398931 -36.946442 -1.107190,
0.005609 -37.319351 -1.123347,
-0.276109 -37.319351 -1.123347,
-0.128375 -37.466269 -0.770235,
-0.135250 -37.473809 -0.752115,
-0.142125 -37.466269 -0.770235,
-0.358032 -37.319351 -0.907439,
-0.170690 -37.434947 -0.845516,
-0.142141 -36.426637 -0.770276,
-0.099810 -37.434947 -0.845516,
0.087532 -37.319351 -0.907439,
-0.138415 -37.472077 -0.752115,
-0.136144 -37.472829 -0.749758,
-0.134356 -37.472829 -0.749758,
-0.132084 -37.472077 -0.752115
ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
shapeType SOLID
faceType CONVEX
creaseAngle 1.221729
IndexedFaceSet {
coordIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
5, 4, 3, -1,
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8, 1, 10, -1,
10, 1, 2, -1,
12, 3, 11, -1,
12, 11, 13, -1,
4, 14, 11, -1,
4, 11, 3, -1,
15, 14, 4, -1,
15, 4, 7, -1,
14, 17, 16, -1,
14, 16, 11, -1,
20, 19, 18, -1,
22, 17, 21, -1,
21, 17, 14, -1,
21, 14, 15, -1,
23, 1, 9, -1,
25, 16, 24, -1,
6, 3, 12, -1,
26, 19, 20, -1,
28, 19, 27, -1,
27, 19, 26, -1,
29, 19, 28, -1,
18, 19, 29, -1,
0, 1, 23, -1,
24, 16, 17, -1,
24, 17, 22, -1,
13, 11, 16, -1,
13, 16, 25, -1
normalIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
5, 4, 3, -1,
5, 3, 6, -1,
7, 4, 5, -1,
9, 1, 8, -1,
8, 1, 10, -1,
10, 1, 2, -1,
12, 3, 11, -1,
12, 11, 13, -1,
4, 14, 11, -1,
4, 11, 3, -1,
15, 14, 4, -1,
15, 4, 7, -1,
14, 17, 16, -1,
14, 16, 11, -1,
20, 19, 18, -1,
22, 17, 21, -1,
21, 17, 14, -1,
21, 14, 15, -1,
23, 1, 9, -1,
25, 16, 24, -1,
6, 3, 12, -1,
26, 19, 20, -1,
28, 19, 27, -1,
27, 19, 26, -1,
29, 19, 28, -1,
18, 19, 29, -1,
0, 1, 23, -1,
24, 16, 17, -1,
24, 17, 22, -1,
13, 11, 16, -1,
13, 16, 25, -1
DEF pupil1 Separator {
Material {
diffuseColor 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
ambientColor 0.100000 0.000000 0.000000
specularColor 0.8 0.8 0.8
shininess 0.1
Coordinate3 {
point [
-0.128375 -37.466269 -0.770235,
-0.142125 -37.466269 -0.770235,
-0.132084 -37.472077 -0.752115,
-0.138415 -37.472077 -0.752115,
-0.136144 -37.472829 -0.749758,
-0.134356 -37.472829 -0.749758,
0.087532 -37.319351 -0.907439,
0.128431 -36.946442 -1.107190,
-0.099810 -37.434947 -0.845516,
-0.170690 -37.434947 -0.845516,
-0.358032 -37.319351 -0.907439,
-0.398931 -36.946442 -1.107190,
0.087533 -36.573544 -0.907436,
-0.099811 -36.457941 -0.845512,
-0.170689 -36.457941 -0.845512,
-0.358033 -36.573544 -0.907436,
-0.142141 -36.426637 -0.770276,
-0.128358 -36.426637 -0.770276,
-0.132077 -36.420818 -0.752113,
-0.138423 -36.420818 -0.752113,
-0.134353 -36.420062 -0.749751,
-0.136146 -36.420062 -0.749751
ShapeHints {
vertexOrdering CLOCKWISE
shapeType SOLID
faceType CONVEX
creaseAngle 1.221729
IndexedFaceSet {
coordIndex [
2, 1, 0, -1,
3, 1, 2, -1,
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8, 7, 6, -1,
9, 7, 8, -1,
10, 7, 9, -1,
11, 7, 10, -1,
13, 12, 7, -1,
14, 13, 7, -1,
15, 14, 7, -1,
11, 15, 7, -1,
18, 17, 16, -1,
19, 18, 16, -1,
20, 18, 19, -1,
21, 20, 19, -1
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2, 1, 0, -1,
3, 1, 2, -1,
4, 3, 2, -1,
5, 4, 2, -1,
8, 7, 6, -1,
9, 7, 8, -1,
10, 7, 9, -1,
11, 7, 10, -1,
13, 12, 7, -1,
14, 13, 7, -1,
15, 14, 7, -1,
11, 15, 7, -1,
18, 17, 16, -1,
19, 18, 16, -1,
20, 18, 19, -1,
21, 20, 19, -1
PointSound {
name "purr.wav"
description "Point Sound"
intensity 1.0
location 0 -45 0
minRange 1
maxRange 100
loop TRUE
LOD {#opens lod
range [ 75, 175, 275 ]
center 0 0 0
Separator {#opens 35
# Options: ON OFF AUTO
renderCulling AUTO
USE pyramid2
USE column
USE glyph1
USE glyph2
USE door3
USE ground
USE torch1
USE torch2
USE torch3
USE torch4
USE torch5
USE base
USE shrine
USE bastet
USE bastet1
USE eyeball
USE pupil
USE pupil1
USE juggler
USE floor
USE home
USE pounce
USE soph
USE scared
USE jest
}#closes 25
Separator {#opens 40
# Options: ON OFF AUTO
renderCulling AUTO
USE pyramid2
USE column
USE door2
USE ground
USE glyph1
USE glyph2
USE torch1
USE torch2
USE torch3
USE torch4
USE torch5
USE base
USE shrine
USE bastet
USE bastet1
USE eyeball
USE pupil
USE pupil1
USE juggler
USE floor
USE home
USE pounce
USE soph
USE scared
USE jest
}#closes 50
Separator {#opens 45
# Options: ON OFF AUTO
renderCulling AUTO
USE pyramid2
USE column
USE door1
USE ground
USE glyph1
USE glyph2
USE torch1
USE torch2
USE torch3
USE torch4
USE torch5
USE base
USE shrine
USE bastet
USE bastet1
USE eyeball
USE pupil
USE pupil1
USE juggler
USE floor
USE home
USE pounce
USE soph
USE scared
USE jest
}#closes 75
Separator {#opens far
# Options: ON OFF AUTO
renderCulling AUTO
USE pyramid1
USE column
USE ground
}#closes far
}#close lod