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<p class="big">
<a href="#NEW">Newest</a>. <a href="#CPY">Copy/Pastie</a>.
<a href="#PET">Petfiles</a>. <a href="#BRE">Breedz main</a>.
<a href="#NFO">Breedz info</a>. <a href="#BIT">Breedz odds</a>.
<a href="#SCN">Scene/toy/clo</a>
<p class="green">
<span class="big"
>Go to <a href="/tutorials/infobits/">my Infobits</a></span
><br />
for more text bits and pieces of info on editing for all versions of the
games.<br />
<span class="big"
>Go to
<a href="/tutorials/LNZdetails/">my LNZ breakdown chunks</a></span
><br />
for some very useful information on the LNZ files which make up the core
of your new Petz breed. Also helps in understanding the .CLZ part of a
clothing file etc. Really. No, really. Do go and see. It might stop you
from writing to me to pick my brains; most of my brain-pickings are
there :-)
<p class="green">
<b>NOTE:</b> My tutorials mostly tell you how to edit in the days before
<a href="/specials/nicholastools/" title="Nicholas' utilities"
>Nicholas' tools</a
were created for us all. I keep the tutorials and howtos here anyway
because they are still useful. But wherever you see mention of Notepad,
you can use the same info when editing the LNZ or CLZ section in LNZPro.
And <a href="/tutorials/LNZdetails/">my LNZ info chunks </a>are still
<p class="green big">
for my easy-edit Breedz packages Go To:<br />
<a href="/petz/petz5/c5breeded/">Petz 5 catz</a> /
<a href="/petz/petz5/d5breeded/">Petz 5 dogz</a><br />
<a href="/petz/petz4/c4breeded/">Petz 4 catz</a> /
<a href="/petz/petz4/d4breeded/">Petz 4 dogz</a><br />
<a href="/petz/petz3/c3breeded/">Petz 3 catz</a> /
<a href="/petz/petz3/d3breeded/">Petz 3 dogz</a><br />
<a href="petz/petz3/c3intbreeded/">Petz 3 catz Iternational</a> /
<a href="petz/petz3/d3intbreeded/">Petz 3 dogz International</a><br />
See under <a href="#SCN">Scene/toy/clo</a> for easy-edit Mice as well as
easy-edit case doors etc.<br />
<a href="/tutorials/BallConversionCatToDog/"
>Ballz conversion chart for Catz to Dogz</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/BallConversionDogToCat/"
>Ballz conversion chart for Dogz to Catz</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/DogzBallz/"
>Dogz ballz number list. Dug out of my tutorials and tidied up.</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/CatzBallz/"
>Catz ballz number list. Dug out of my tutorials and tidied up.</a
><br />
<p class="big green">
NOTE: Some files that we hexers want to edit are .DLL files. Windows, by
default, has files of this type "hidden" -- presumably as some kind of
safety feature, but in our case we need to see them. So if you cannot
see them on your machine, open My Computer or Windows Explorer, choose
View and Options, and then under View make sure that "Show all files" is
ticked. While you're about it, un-tick "Hide MS-DOS file extensions",
because that's a nuisance too.
<!-- Copy-Pasties --------------------------------------------------------->
<p class="big">
<span class="purple"
><b id="CPY">Copy / Pasties for use with my "Easy-edit" packages</b
><br />
><br />
These are text files. If you left-click on the link, you should be able
to select the whole of the text which appears in the next page and
copy/paste it into Notepad. Save it as a text file somewhere on your
hard drive, and then follow the instructions to use it in your chosen
.lnz file.
<p class="big">
<a href="/tutorials/HoopEarringsOnPetz/"
>Hoop earrings on petz copy/pastie sections</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/dmLNZ/">copy/pastie dane-eared dalis</a><br />
<a href="/tutorials/AutumnFlurryWings/"
>A copy-pastie for wingz on a maine coon breed</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/PetzWigzCodes/">Easy-edit Wigz on breedz/litterz</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/PetzWingzCodes/"
>Easy-edit Wingz on dogz breedz/litterz</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/AutumnFlurryWings/"
>Easy-edit Wingz on catz breedz/litterz</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/OrangeShorthairAdultLNZ/"
>Variation-stuffed Orange shorthair adult lnz</a
><br />
<img src="Jury.gif" alt="wigz on litterz" />
<img src="Spot.gif" alt="wingz on litterz" />
<img src="daneardali.gif" alt="dane-eareddalis" /><br />
<a href="earrings.zip" title="hoop-earring pet">
<img src="Earringpet.gif" alt="earrings on petz" />
<p class="big">
<a href="/tutorials/WingzForNeko/"
>Copy/pastie adding wingz to Vickie's Neko</a
><br />
NOTE: This is for your personal use only. Please abide by
>Vickie's rules</a
when altering her files.<br />
I'm hoping that, if you compare this with the Maine Coon Wingz
copy/pastie, you'll be able to understand how Add Ballz work.<br />
<img src="WingzOnNeko.gif" alt="Wingz on a Neko" /><br />
(pet <b>not</b> downloadable)
<!-- Latest Stuff --------------------------------------------------------->
<p class="big purple">
<b id="NEW">Where to find latest "Howto"s etc</b><br />
<p class="big">
Usually the newest items are at the top of the relevant section --
Petfiles (for editing the actual pet files), Breedz main (for major
breedz tutorials), Breedz info (for important information -- variations,
2nd-gens, etc), Breedz bits (for all the odds and ends, such as ears and
tails etc), Copy/Pasties, Scene/toy/clo (for scenes, toyz, clothing, and
Doors-and-mice easy-edit packages and "howto"s). Some things are a
little different, though...
<span class="big"
>Go to <a href="/tutorials/LNZdetails/">my LNZ breakdown chunks</a
><br />
for my latest delvings into the guts of hexing.</span
><br />
will always contain my latest information on the .lnz files as and when
I have the time to write my notes as clearly as possible for you<br />
<span class="big"
>Go to <a href="/tutorials/tutorials/">my main tutorial page</a><br />
for the stuff that doesn't fit anywhere or is relevant to other games
><br />
such as how to fix some problems in ResHacked files. This will always
contain my latest tips and bits of information about everything else I
can think of, which doesn't fit neatly in specific Babyz, Petz or
Oddballz tutorials pages, as and when I think of it or have the time to
write it down for you.
<span class="big">NOTE 1:</span> You can use the information that's in
my hexing tutorials for Petz 4 to help you to hex-edit in Petz 5. The
files are basically the same, with only a few minor differences which I
cover in my converting "howto". I promise you, you don't need fresh
tutorials for Petz 5, although I have done my best to update all my
older ones anyway. All the newer Petz "howtos" are for Petz 5 as well as
the earlier games -- except for filmstrip editing. In Petz 5 the
filmstrips need to be split into individual frames, which means that
filmstrip-based toyz editing and making clothes show up on the shelf as
objects not already somewhere in the game is not a sane thing to do by
hand in Petz 5. You need a special tool such as
<a href="/specials/nicholastools/">Tinker</a> for that.
<span class="big">NOTE 2:</span> Hex-painting and the creating of hexed
litterz is usually -- and up until I released info on petfile editing
was always -- done by hex-editing a breedfile without renaming it, and
adopting pets from the edited breed. If you want to "hex-paint" by
editing an individual pet, then that seems like a lot of effort for very
little return -- but if you want to do it, take a look at one of my
advanced "howtos" on pet editing, in the "petfiles" section of this
page. Or, as of the year 2005, grab LNZPro from my "Nicholas' Tools"
page -- you can edit pet files with that now.
<span class="big">NOTE 3:</span> Several of my breed-hexing "howto"s
contain example breedz. These breedz just happen to be the ones that I
was checking my facts with as I wrote the relevant tutorial, so I popped
them into the zip. I usually work with Petz 3 (it's fast to load) or
Petz 4 (it has good error messages and is fairly quick to load), so the
breedfiles are likely to be for one of those games. You are hexers, or
else you wouldn't be interested in my "howto"s and tutorials, would you?
So my theory was that if you want to see my results in action, you can
easily either copy the .lnz into the appropriate breed in your chosen
version of the game, or you can convert the breed to that version for
your own use. It appears that this has simply muddled people; sorry
about that. I've been intending to convert all of them, therefore, and
post them on the
<a href="/petz/tutbreedz/"> "tutorial examples" </a>page. This is very
low on my list of priorities just now, though!
<!-- Playscene easy-edits ------------------------------------------------->
<p class="big purple">
<b id="SCN">Playscene easy-edits, Toyz, Clothes, Doors and Mice.</b
><br />
<p class="big">
<a href="/tutorials/yarntailcolour/"
>Changing the tail colour on the yarn ball toy</a
<span class="big">NOTE 1:</span> You will notice in various places I say
that Petz 5 SPR filmstrip files are not editable. Individually, by hand,
this is true; the filmstrips have to be chopped into individual frames
for editing, and they are even more difficult and time-consuming to
split apart by hand than the filmstrip-sections of earlier games. I have
not yet written up a "howto" for it -- and now I never shall, because
there is no point, LOL! Tinker is now available for the task, available
from my "Nicholas' tools" page, and wannabe filmstrip editors can make a
whole range of great toyz etc without the drudgery :-) Really all my
filmstrip-editing tutorials have now become redundant, useful only to
hexing purists and historians... They will have served their purpose in
filling the gap while no tool was available, and in giving the
programmers Jonathan Grinshpan (of Oddballz Eggz Scrambler fame) and
Nicholas (of Tinker fame) handy information for tool-making.
<span class="big">NOTE 2:</span> Some files -- containing case doors etc
-- that we hexers want to edit are .DLL files. Windows, by default, has
files of this type "hidden" -- presumably as some kind of safety
feature, but in our case we need to see them. So if you cannot see them
on your machine, open My Computer or Windows Explorer, choose View and
Options, and then under View make sure that "Show all files" is ticked.
While you're about it, un-tick "Hide MS-DOS file extensions", because
that's a nuisance too.
<p class="big">
<a href="KitchenP3Easy-edit.zip">An easy-edit Kitchen kit for petz 3</a
><br />
<a href="AdoptionCentreP3Easy-edit.zip"
>An easy-edit Adoption Centre for petz 3</a
><br />
<a href="AdoptionCentreP3IntExtra.zip"
>Extra AC file for International petz 3</a
><br />
<a href="ToyClosetP3Easy-edit.zip"
>An easy-edit Toy Closet kit for petz 3 and P3 International</a
><br />
>NOTE -- in my included text file on playscene editing, I apparently
forgot to include this important bit of infomation:</b
><br />
<span class="normal"
>if you have trouble making your scene show up, when you change the ID
number, make sure you change not just one or more of the two main
bytes. Change the 05 also, there in several of the original scenes,
which is a kind of flag byte. Change it to 01, 02 or 03 -- all will
give you a visible scene.<br />
My thanks to Minibyte for poking at me until I fixed that point
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/P5SceneSeperate/"
>Using LNZPro to make scenes show separately</a
><br />
<a href="FamilyroomEasyedit_p3.zip"
>An easy-edit Family Room kit for petz 3 and P3 International</a
><br />
<a href="petz3ClothesClosetEasy-edit.zip"
>An easy-edit Clothes Closet kit for petz 3 and P3 International</a
><br />
<a href="Petz3Easy-editCaseEtc.zip"
>Easy-edit Case, AC door, and mice etc for petz 3</a
><br />
<a href="P3IntEasy-editExtras.zip"
>Extra items required for petz 3 non-English version</a
><br />
<a href="Petz4Easy-editCaseEtc.zip"
>Easy-edit Case, AC door, and mice etc for petz 4</a
><br />
<a href="Petz3SplitFilmstrips.zip"
>split Case filmstrips to help petz 3 and P3 Int hexers</a
><br />
Petz 4 version of split filmstrips will not now be necessary. See note
above about Tinker.<br />
<a href="/petz/petz4/petz4fooler/"
>Go here for Petz 4 Playscene Easy-edit kits</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/petz5backdrops/"
>Changing Petz 5 Scene backdrops (and sounds)</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/Petz4SceneToPetz5/"
>Extracting stuff from Petz 4 playscenes to use in Petz 5</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/madscientist2/"
>Petz 5 case doors etc can be swapped (also good for PII,3,4,etc)</a
<span class="big"
>Petz 5 mice can be edited, as well as the stick etc:<br />
Click <a href="/tutorials/madscientist3/">here for a page</a> with
instructions and info, or<br />
<a href="Petz5Easy-editMiceEtc.zip"
>here for my easy-edit Petz 5 Mice etc package.</a
><br />
<a href="AdoptionCentreEasy-edit_p5.zip"
>Easy-edit Adoption Centre kit for Petz 5</a
><br />
I have made the backdrops 256-colour to make a smaller download, and I
have altered the daytime backdrop to the Petz 3 or Petz 4 one for
nostalgia freaks like me :-) If you want the Adoption Centre birdsong,
<a href="SoundsForP5playscenes.zip"
>download this 'Sounds For P5 playscenes' file.</a
><br />
<span class="big"
><a href="PlaysceneEditorP5Easy-edit.zip"
>"Easy-edit" Playscene Editor Petz 5</a
><br />
Actually there isn't a lot of point to this one, but it's had all the
un-needed rubbish cut out of it for people who don't like files bigger
than they need to be, and you can edit the two icons that appear in the
drop-down "go to" menu if you wish. Useful for those who like to
customise their game as much as possible :-)<br />
<span class="big"
><a href="FamilyRoomEasy-edit_p5.zip"
>Easy-edit Family Room kit for Petz 5</a
><br />
I have made the backdrops 256-colour to make a smaller download, and I
have altered the weather-effects .spr file also, partly to disable the
weather and partly to make a small download. If you want the weather
.spr back again,
<a href="FamilyRoomWeatherSpr.zip">download this file.</a> It's almost
as big a download as the easy-edit playscene, at over 3 megabytes! If
you want the family room sounds,
<a href="SoundsForP5playscenes.zip"
>download this 'Sounds For P5 playscenes' file.</a
<p class="big">
<a href="CandytreatsEasyedit_p3.zip"
>An easy-edit kit for making new treat toyz for petz 3</a
><br />
<a href="CandytreatsEasyeditInt_p3.zip"
>An easy-edit kit for making new treat toyz for petz 3
><br />
<a href="CandytreatsEasyedit_p4.zip"
>An easy-edit kit for making new treat toyz for petz 4</a
><br />
<a href="HiddenAndDifficultToyzInPetzAndBabyz.zip"
>Un-hiding and giving shelf graphics to difficult toyz</a
><br />
<span class="normal"
>This is for Petz 3, Petz 4, Petz 5 and Babyz games. It shows how you
can use your hex editor to make "hidden" toyz show up properly on
shelves in all the games, and shows you how to get a little more into
your Petz 5 game than you had before. It is not sensible to edit Petz
5 .spr filmstrips by hand, so there is no info about that, sorry; go
to my "Nicholas' tools" page and grab Tinker instead.</span
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/ChangingPointersInFiles/"
>Changing "Pointers" in files</a
><br />
<span class="normal"
>For people who get puzzled about why clothes or toyz don't look right
on the shelves after filmstrips etc have been changed.</span
><br />
<a href="advancedfilmstrip.zip"
>Editing Petz II, 3, 4, Babyz and Oddballz Filmstrips (advanced)</a
><br />
Toyz editing, clothes showing up separately, oddballz eggz on shelf,
etc.<br />
<a href="filmstriphexpainting.zip">Simple filmstrip editing</a><br />
hex-painting (colouring) for toyz, clothes on shelf, etc<br />
<a href="/tutorials/PetzToys/"
>Editing toyz in Petz games II, 3, 4, 5.</a
><br />
Includes very brief info for Catz 1 and Dogz 1.<br />
<a href="/tutorials/Petz3Petz4Clothes/"
>Editing clothes in Petz 3, 4 and 5</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/FAQPetz34HiddenToyz/">FAQ -- Petz 3-4 hidden toyz</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/FAQPetzShirts/">FAQ -- petz shirts</a>
<!-- Pet/Baby File Editing ------------------------------------------------>
<p class="big purple">
<b id="PET">Pet file (and baby file) editing</b><br />
<p class="big">
NOTE: As from the middle of 2005, we have had the brilliant LNZPro,
available from my Nicholas' Tools pages. With this, you can open a pet
file and edit the .LNZ sections to your heart's content, adding and
removing ballz without having to think about the checksum, exactly as
you would edit a breedfile. Some other things are editable in a petfile
with it also. Most of what's in the tutorials in this section was
written pre-LNZPro so, although the info is still valid it's mostly just
being kept online here for the interested few.
<p class="big">
<a href="/tutorials/BasicBabyOrPetFileEditingJul2004/"
>Basic Pet And Baby File Editing (July 2004)</a
<p class="big">
Apart from the "basic" tutorial, these "howto"s tend to assume that you
already know how to edit .pet files. Some of them are also relevant to
editing baby files, but don't let that confuse you. The methods are the
<p class="big">
<a href="/tutorials/HowToAddStuffInPetfiles/"
>Adding stuff into pet files, example fangs on a cat</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/CorruptedBitmap/"
>A rare fixable corruption in a pet or babyz</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/RunawaysHome/"
>Bringing Runaways home in Petz 3, 4 and 5 as well as Petz II</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/UnstickingPregnancy/"
>Unsticking pregnancies in Petz 3, 4 and 5</a
><br />
<span class="normal"
>I had this pregnancy fix in with one of my tutorials, but I thought
I'd better put it up separately and make it (I hope) easier to
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/PIIRunawaysHome/"
>Bringing Runaways home in Petz II; more details</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/PIIRunawayRescue/"
>Get your Petz II runaways fully recovered at last!</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/SleepySicknessCure/"
>Cure your Desert Lynxes, Chinchilla Persians etc of "Sleepy
><br />
<span class="normal"
>Updated with screengrab illustrations 13 April 2004</span
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/trottingandfloofing/"
>Edit the Trotting and Floofing gene</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/FleaSicknessCure/"
>Cure your already-adopted Alley pets of the Eternal Sickness!!</a
><br />
<span class="normal"
>Updated with screengrab illustrations 13 April 2004</span
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/paint_ball_oddities/"
>Why is my pet covered in black blobs (etc) updated 08 March 2004</a
><br />
<span class="normal"
>This one tells you about Paint Ball oddities, apparently ineradicable
blobs on the pet, the #IND Nasties.</span
><br />
<!--------- eyes ---------------------------------------------------------->
<a href="/tutorials/ChangingEyelidsOnPetfiles/"
>Edit eyelids in pet files</a
><br />
<span class="normal"
>This "howto" assumes that you already know how to edit .pet files. It
tells how to do the job even when there is no [Paint Ballz] section,
also how to change the number of digits in the eyelid colours.</span
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/PetFileEyelids/"
>Changing Pet eyelids (yes, again)</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/pet_eyelids/">Changing Pet eyelids in more detail</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/PetfileEdit2/"
>Pet eyelids adding or subtracting digits</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/PetfileEdit3/"
>Pet editing without a Paint Ballz section</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/PetfileEdit4/">Pet eye colour -- how?</a><br />
<a href="/tutorials/PetfileProblems1/"
>Finding your pet's ID when there's a problem</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/FixingPetBirthdates/"
>When you've fast-forwarded, here's how to fix your pet's birth
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/ChangingBreeNameInPetfile/"
>Changing the breed in a petfile</a
><br />
<span class="normal"
>Not sure why you'd want to -- it's much easier to change the name and
ID in the breedfile -- but here it is for those who do want to know
<!-- Advanced Pet/Baby file editing --------------------------------------->
<p class="big">
<a href="BreedfileMissingErrorsJun2003.zip"
>Updated missing-breedfile error "howto"</a
><br />
<span class="normal"
>This is the "error" part of the "More Advanced Pet And Baby Files
Editing", separated out for your convenience. For the complete
"howto", see below</span
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/UnSpayAndGenderChange/"
>Changing gender and neuter status</a
><br />
<span class="normal"
>separated out from the main "howto"s for your convenience</span
><br />
<a href="PeteyesBabyzbellybuttons.zip">More Pet and Baby file editing</a
><br />
<span class="normal"
>Putting bellybuttons on Babyz, and how to increase a pet's eye colour
to a greater-digit number or decrease it to a lesser-digit number.
Includes example babyz and petz.</span
<p><img src="Witchywicthy.gif" alt="eyes before and after" /></p>
<span class="big"
><a href="PetfileFurChangingOrFixingMay2003.zip"
>Changing Furfiles on Pet Files</a
This is the updated part of the "More Advanced Pet And Baby Files
Editing", updated to explain more about how to give textures to pets. If
you need the example pet etc, then download that file instead, you'll
see it further down this page as having been updated 20 June 2003.
<p class="big">
<a href="MoreAdvancedEditingPetzAndBabyzFilesJun2003.zip"
>More Advanced Pet And Baby Files Editing</a
(Updated 20 June 2003)<br />
<span class="normal">Includes examples</span><br />
<a href="PetAndBabyFileEditingJan2003.zip"
>Advanced Pet And Baby File Editing</a
(Jan 2003)<br />
<a href="PetEditingTabbystripes.zip">Pet Editing -- Tabby stripes.</a
><br />
<span class="normal">Includes example pets etc.</span><br />
<a href="PetpicToBmp_p5.zip"
>Extracting Petz 5 pictures from Pet files</a
><br />
<a href="GettingStubbornRunawaysHome.zip"
>Getting stubborn Runaways home</a
><br />
(works for Petz 3, 4 <b>and</b> 5)
<p class="big">
<b>Note 1:</b> If you play with a pet in Petz 5 you can not play with it
in Petz 4 or 3 again. Petz 5 puts extra data into a petfile, and we
would need to alter checksums in order to even try removing that.
<span class="normal"
>Soon we may have a tool to do precisely that, and then maybe there
will be more "corruptions" that we can fix. But by hand, for now, the
only thing that can we can do is to "clone" your pet from the data
within it, either directly into another adopted pet via LNZPro or into
a breedfile and re-adopt it as a puppy or kitten from the Petz 3 or
Petz 4 Adoption centre. It will lose its memory and history, but the
body will be your pet's. You can even pop your original pet's
personality/genetics into the new petfile, although out of
consideration for the new pet I'd be inclined to do this in a
<b>copy</b> of the new pet. And no, I haven't got a "howto" up on how
to do this; it's complicated "surgery" and I've still got to find a
way of explaining it.<br />
<a href="/tutorials/petbreakdown/"
>click here for a pictorial partial breakdown of the structure of a
<b>Note 2:</b> Petz 3 and 4 petz can be swapped between the two
games.<br />
Petz 3 and 4 petz can be opened in Petz 5, but Petz 5 petz
<b>cannot</b> be opened in Petz 3 or 4.<br />
Petz II petz can be imported into later games, but <b>their</b> petfiles
can never be opened or imported into Petz II.<br />
<b>Note 3:</b> Petz II petz do not have the same editable .lnz sections
as the later games.
<!-- Breedfile Editing - Main --------------------------------------------->
<p class="big purple">
<b id="BRE">Breedfile editing -- Main tutorials</b><br />
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />
go down to
<a href="#BIT">"Breedfile editing -- Breedz bits and pieces"</a><br />
<span class="normal"
>for individual "howto"s on items such as ears, tails, etc.</span
><br />
Go to <a href="#NFO">"Breedfile editing -- Special Info"</a><br />
<span class="normal"
>for my 2nd-gen status report/tips and stuff on variations, moving
ballz around, and the ID number.</span
<p class="big">
<a href="/tutorials/Pet2BreedXtraEasy/"
>Absolute Total Easy-Peasy Pet To Breed,</a
><br />
Honest, It Doesn't Come Easier, Trust Me -- I'm A Hexer! October 2005
<p class="big">
<a href="/tutorials/Pet2BreedEasy/l"
>Ultra easy Pet to breed "howto" Updated Aug 2004</a
><br />
<span class="normal"
>It tells you how to take a pet and make a breed or litter from it
using my external .lnz method; also it gives info on how to make your
pet-based breed non-overwriting.</span
><br />
For those who want to make their own easy-edit breedz, here is a
precursor to my easy-edit packages:<br />
<a href="/tutorials/LNZFileExternals/"
>See your petz at the Adoption Centre while you edit</a
><br />
<span class="normal"
>or at least, almost while you edit. Keep the game running, take a pet
out of the AC, edit the .lnz "on the fly" and take another pet out to
compare -- this method is easy quick, and less prone to corruptions
than using Resource Hacker!</span
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/HexPaintingPetz3-Petz5/">Hex Painting</a> to make
litterz or overwriting breedz<br />
<a href="/tutorials/HexingBreedzPart1of3/"
>Hexing Petz II, 3, 4 and 5 Breedz -- Part 1</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/HexingBreedzPart2of3/"
>Hexing Petz II, 3, 4 and 5 Breedz -- Part 2</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/HexingBreedzPart3of3/"
>Hexing Petz II, 3, 4 and 5 Breedz -- Part 3</a
><br />
<a href="AdvancedHexingBreedzUpdatedApr2003.zip"
>Advanced hexing of Petz breedz</a
><br />
<span class="normal"
>Updated Apr 2003. Originally for Petz 2, 3, 4; works for Petz 5
<p class="big">
<a href="Catz1breedmakingWindowsAndMacApr2003.zip"
>Breed editing in Catz 1</a
><br />
<span class="normal"
>For Windows and Mac users, updated and including a colour chart in
bitmap form.</span
><br />
<a href="Dogz1editingWindows.zip">Breed editing in Dogz 1</a><br />
<span class="normal"
>For Windows, basically. The .LNZ information is the same for the Mac
version of the game.</span
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/HowToMakeInternationalVersions/"
>How to easily make your own overwriting versions of any P3-5 breed</a
><br />
<a href="ConvertingBetweenPetzBreedzAug2003.zip"
>Converting Petz breedz from one version to another</a
><br />
<span class="normal"
>This has been updated somewhat; it includes converting Petz 3 breedz
from English to International, also converting to petz 5. It attempts
to cover converting back and forward between all versions of the Petz
games. Note that, since this tutorial was written, Resource Hacker
became usable and it swept the newer hexing community by storm. The
trouble with this is that, if you are trying to convert a ResHacked
breed, it's no longer so simple to do it in a hex editor, because
Resource Hacker moves things around inside the file when it compiles
and saves. If the ones you want to convert have been "ResHacked", then
your best bet is either to copy out the .lnz sections and any bitmaps,
and make an overwriting breed using my External-LNZ breedz, or to get
ResHacker yourself and become familiar with its use. I do not do
Resource Hacker tutorials, although I do have hints on odd things such
as how to insert bitmaps with it.</span
><br />
<a href="ConvertingPetz4ToPetz5.zip"
>Converting Petz 4 breedz to Petz 5</a
><br />
NOTE: With LNZPro 3.2 or later, you no longer need to convert breedz
between Petz 3, 3 Non-english, 4, and 5. Just open your breed in LNZPro,
choose "Convert to Unibreed" from the File menu, and follow the
instructions.<br />
<a href="HowtoSwapBreedPersonalities.zip"
>Swapping behaviour of breedz.</a
><br />
<span class="normal"
>This tells you how to change the personality (or attitude) of one
breed for that of another. It also talks about changing sounds for
sound-stripped breedfiles. It works for all versions of the game, and
for dogz breedz as well as catz. It includes an example cat breed for
Petz 3, 4 and 5; the Orange Shorthair with a choice of personalities.
For instance, the picture below shows the OSH breed with Alley
Attifude. If you want to change the personality of a Poodle for, say,
that of a Labrador, the same method can be used.<br />
<b>NOTE</b> Since LNZPro has got better and better, you can now swap
the SCP (attitude) files with utmost simplicity. Open the breedfile
which has the SCP that you want. Choose Edit, "Save to file". Now open
the breedfile in which you wish to replace the SCP. Choose Edit,
"Replace from file". Save. Ta-da! Changed SCP.</span
<img src="OswithAttitude.gif" alt="Alley Attitude Orange Shorthair" />
<p class="big">
<a href="/tutorials/HowToShowUpSeperate/"
>How to make your breed show up separately</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/ACNameChange/"
>Changing the default pet name at the AC</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/SicknessFixesInBreedz/"
>How to fix sleepy and alley sicknesses in breedz</a
><br />
<a href="HexingMiceFAQ.zip">Hexing Mice (and roaches) in your game</a>
<p><img src="BeedablePig.gif" alt="Pig mom with baby" /></p>
<p class="big">
<a href="/tutorials/MakingP5PigzAdoptableMay2003/"
>Making Petz 5 Pigz adoptable</a
><br />
<span class="normal"
>Also making it so that all pigz from previous versions of the game
can be imported.</span
<a href="BreedablePig_d5.zip">Petz 5 Breedable Pigz</a><br />
<span class="normal"
>Read the included instructions carefully to get your pigz and pigz
mixes to breed.</span
<a href="Petz3BreedablePigz.zip">Petz 3 Breedable Pigz</a><br />
<a href="PigFamily.zip"
>Pig family to go with P3/P4 Breedable Pigz file</a
><br />
<a href="BunnyFamily.zip"
>Bunny family to go with P3/P4 Breedable Bunnyz file</a
><br />
<a href="Petz3BreedableBunnies.zip">Petz 3 breedable Bunnies</a><br />
<a href="Petz3IntBreedableBunnies.zip"
>Petz 3 breedable Bunnies (international ver)</a
><br />
<a href="Petz4BreedableBunnies.zip">Petz 4 Breedable bunnies</a><br />
<a href="Petz4BreedablePigz.zip">Petz 4 breedable Pigz</a>
<!-- Breedfile Editing - Special Info ------------------------------------->
<p class="big">
<span class="purple"
><b id="NFO">Breedfile editing -- Special Info</b><br />
<!----- Variations -------------------------------------------------------->
<a href="VariationsHowtoMay2003.zip">Variations</a><br />
<span class="normal"
>This is my "Howto" on Variations, updated to explain in greater depth
about hooking up patches with ball-colours etc. 27 May 2003.</span
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/VariationPaintballzAddballzAndOmissions/"
>Still more on Variations. And how to use [Omissions].</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/VariationsExplanations/"
>Please read this if you are having Variation problems</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/AlwaysCorrectGender/"
>Making a variation be always the gender you want Updated 10 april
><br />
<a href="StetchingAndFurVariations.zip"
>Making furfile variations and stretching noses and ears</a
><br />
<a href="MoreFAQsFeb2003.zip"
>Blazes, Catz ear problems, Furfile explanations, Variations</a
<!-- Ballz ---------------------------------------------------------------->
<p class="big">
<a href="/tutorials/AddBallz/">Moving Add Ballz around</a><br />
<a href="/tutorials/xyz/">x, y, z positions -- how to figure it out</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/paint_ball_oddities/"
>Paint Ball xyz oddities, or "Why is my pet covered in black blobs"</a
><br />
<p class="big">
<a href="/tutorials/IDclash/">Talk about ID clashing</a>
<p class="big">
<a href="/tutorials/PetzSounds/">Doing sounds for breedz</a>
<!-- 2nd-Gen Issues ------------------------------------------------------->
<p class="big">
<a href="/tutorials/2ndgenreport/"
>Status report on 2nd-gen research Updated lotsa new stuff 11 April
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/2ndGenNoses/"
>Another way to deal with 2nd-gen dogz nose problems</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/SomeFixesFor2ndGenerationPets/"
>Some 2nd-gen Add Ball and Linez problem fixes</a
><br />
<a href="Some2ndGenPetProblemsAndWhiskersApr2003.zip"
>Updated Apr 2003 -- some 2nd-generation problems</a
><br />
<span class="normal"
>with ball-colours and non-joined ballz, scrambled chickenz heads.
Also fixing Whiskers.</span
<!-- Breedfile Editing - Bits and Pieces ---------------------------------->
<p class="big">
<span class="purple"
><b id="BIT">Breedfile editing -- Bits and pieces</b><br />
<a href="/tutorials/ClothingToBreed/"
>How to add stuff from clothing items to your breed</a
><br />
<img src="Jeannie.gif" alt="Moustachioed Calico" />
<img src="Pepebabyz.gif" alt="Pepe Babyz" /><br />
<a href="/tutorials/TattooHowTo/">How to make Add Ball tattoos</a><br />
<img src="startattoo1.gif" alt="Star tattoos" /><br />
<a href="/tutorials/tails/">Tails lengthening and whiskers removing</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/TeddyBearEars/">Teddybear ears on catz</a><br />
<a href="/tutorials/WizardBitmap/">The Wizard.bmp problem</a><br />
<a href="/tutorials/AlleyEyesOnDogz/">Alleycat eyes on Dogz</a><br />
<a href="/tutorials/WingzExtraInfo/"
>My "flighty-dane" type wingz -- if you're having problems</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/DogzLegsAndCatzEars/">Dogz legs and Catz ears</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/GivingBabyStagesADifferentLook/"
>Making your baby stage look different from the adult</a
><br />
<a href="Mysteryemoticons.zip">Make your own Mystery-moticon petz</a
><br />
<img src="plus.gif" alt="mystery emoticons" />
<img src="plus1.gif" alt="more mysteryemoticons" /><br />
<a href="emoticonVariationsHowto.zip"
>Make your own emoticon petz with variations</a
><br />
<a href="DropTailsOnCatz.zip"
>Putting various different drop tails on catz.</a
><br />
<span class="normal"
>Shows four different drop-tail types; Includes sample breed. Yes, it
really is a cat. I used my "102" breed but with some
><br />
<img src="CatDroptails.gif" alt="Drop tails on catz" /><br />
<a href="/tutorials/ChangingAndExpandingTails/"
>Change and expand drop-tails -- Dogz and Catz</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/EyeballsEyeballs/"
>Giving your petz' eyes a texture</a
><br />
alt="droptail, emoticon, eyeball petz"
/><br />
<a href="/tutorials/DogzLegzAndCatzEars/"
>Slant legz on Dogz and round ears on Catz</a
><br />
<span class="normal"
>I had this one up for a while, on the Infobits page, but people were
having difficulty finding it there. So here it is now :-)</span
<a href="UnicornHornsTalonsFangsSpikesJun2003.zip"
>Unicorn horns, talons, spikes...</a
><br />
<span class="normal"
>How to add lots of different spikes to your breed, including add-ons
all the way down the spine, to the toes, and to the head. Includes
four different example breedz.</span
><br />
<img src="Unipets.gif" alt="Unicorn petz" />
<img src="Spikies.gif" alt="Spiky petz" /><br />
<a href="RemovingBabyzOrPetzLegsEtcApr2003.zip"
>Making a Baby or Pet with missing limbs.</a
><br />
<span class="normal"
>and before anyone sends me hate-mail for this one, please read the
readme. This tutorial is intended as a service for people who need to
relate to virtual playmates who do not have the "body perfect".</span
><br />
<a href="BunnyEarsOnDogzAndCatzAndFangs.zip"
>Bunny ears on catz and dogz.</a
><br />
<span class="normal"
>Shows three examples of how to attach bunny ears, and there's a set
of fangs on the Scottie too. Includes example breedz.</span
><br />
<img src="BunnyEar1.gif" alt="Bunny ears" />
<img src="BunnyEar2.gif" alt="more bunny ears" /><br />
<a href="/tutorials/BunnyEarsOnDane/">Bunny ears on a Great Dane.</a
><br />
Yes, I <b>still</b> get asked about ears!<br />
<a href="TailUp_EarsDownPupUpAdultApr2003.zip">Ears and tails</a><br />
<span class="normal"
>Yes, ears again on dogz -- this time, how to make a pup's ears
different from an adult's -- and how to make up-and-over tails.
Includes example breeds.</span
><br />
<img src="TailAndEars.gif" alt="Tail and Ears" /><br />
<a href="WingzOnBreedzSept2003.zip">Wings on Breedz</a><br />
<span class="normal"
>How to put wings on your catz or dogz breed. Includes example
><br />
<img src="WingzTestbreedz.gif" alt="Wingz" /><br />
<a href="EvenMoreEarChangingMarch2003.zip"
>Aargh, yet more ear-changing, on a Dane.</a
><br />
<span class="normal"
>Chihuahua ears <b>again</b>. Includes example breed.<br />
Please, people, no more ears -- I'll go mad if I hear another "how do
I put x ears on a y?" question. Just read the "howtos" and try to
understand; then you'll be able to put any type of ear on any other
><br />
<img src="ChiEarsOnDane.gif" alt="Chi Ears on Dane" />
<img src="ChiEarsOnDali.gif" alt="Chi Ears on Dali" /><br />
<a href="StillMoreEarChangingMarch2003.zip"
>Even more ear-changing, and whiskers on Dogz</a
><br />
<span class="normal"
>It's Chihuahua ears this time. Includes example breed.</span
><br />
<a href="DropTailsHowtoMarch2003.zip"
>Details on how to make drop tails.</a
><br />
<span class="normal">Includes example breed.</span><br />
<img src="DropTailOnLab.gif" alt="Drop tail on Labrador" /><br />
<a href="FeatheringTailsEtcOnBreedzApr2003.zip"
>Feathering tails, legs, necks, chests, bellies etc on breedz</a
updated April 30th<br />
<img src="FeathereDane.gif" alt="Feathered Dane" /><br />
<a href="HexingLopEars2.zip">Yet another ear-change on Dogz</a><br />
<span class="normal"
>this time up-pointing ears on a Lab. Includes example breed</span
><br />
<a href="LabradorEarsOnDane.zip">Putting floppy ears on a Dane</a><br />
<span class="normal">Includes example breed</span><br />
<a href="HexingLopEars1.zip">Putting one flop ear on a Dane</a><br />
<span class="normal">Includes example breed</span><br />
<a href="FlopEarsOnCatz.zip">Putting flop ears on Catz</a><br />
<span class="normal">Includes example breed</span><br />
<a href="LeopardCatz.zip">Making Leopard spots on Catz</a><br />
<span class="normal">Includes example pets</span><br />
<a href="LeopardDogz.zip">Making Leopard spots on Dogz</a><br />
<span class="normal">Includes example pets</span><br />
<a href="SpeedyOutlineSpots.zip">Making Leopard spots speedily</a><br />
<span class="normal">(but with no texture). Includes example breed</span
><br />
<!-- FAQs ----------------------------------------------------------------->
<a href="/tutorials/FAQhowToMakeMinis/">FAQ -- how to make minis</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/FAQdeletingBytes/"
>FAQ -- deleting bytes (for hex editor methods)</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/FAQspotsOnBreedz/">FAQ -- spots on breedz</a><br />
<a href="/tutorials/FAQfuzzyFeetEtc/">FAQ -- fuzzy feet (etc)</a><br />
<a href="/tutorials/FAQsupriseTygerOrChickenBlobs/"
>FAQs -- surprise chicken blobs</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/FAQpigzEtcWhySoSmall/"
>FAQ -- pigz etc (why babies so small)</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/FAQchangeNoseColour/">FAQ -- changing nose colour</a
><br />
<a href="/tutorials/FAQchangeDefaultAdoptionCentreClothes/"
>FAQ -- changing default AC clothes</a
<p class="big">
<span class="purple"
><b>Older tutorials and FAQs</b><br />
All have been updated and improved at least slightly now. Look in the
relevant sections above for the ones that you wish to see.
2023-06-18 16:47:51 -07:00