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        <h2 class="arial">DEDICATION TO 'POSSUMS</h2>
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        <a href="/">Home</a>
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        <div style="grid-column: cc1/cc2; grid-row: cr1/cr2; padding-left: 10px;">
            <img src="/img/vote1.gif">

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		font-weight: 700;">
			<span style="background-color: #c00; color: #fff;">
				this breed was created by Rachel at Meow<br>
				Corp.Petz...you can get her Catz 3 version at her  web<br>

        <!-- left column -->
        <div class="arial small center" style="grid-column: cc1/cc2; grid-row: cr4/cr5;
		justify-self: center; align-self: end; margin-left: 40px;">
            Opie Possum<br>
            <span class="georgia medium" title="missing" style="color: #000;">jpgopie.jpg</span>

        <div class="arial small center" style="grid-column: cc1/cc2; grid-row: cr5/cr6; margin-left:
		40px; justify-self: center; align-self: center;">
            <u class="georgia medium" title="missing">possumholler.jpg</u><br>
            POSSUM HOLLER PETZ 4

        <div class="arial" style="grid-column: cc1/cc2; grid-row: cr6/cr7;">
            <a href="possumHoller.zip">PETZ 4 CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD POSSUM HOLLER

        <!-- right column -->
        <div class="arial" style="grid-column: cc2/cc3; grid-row: cr4/cr5; justify-self: center;
		align-self: center; margin-right: 20px;">
            <a href="opossump4.zip">Opossums Petz 4 click to download</a>

        <div class="arial" style="grid-column: cc2/cc3; grid-row: cr5/cr6; justify-self: center;
		align-self: end; margin-right: -10px;">
            <a href="Opossump5.zip">Opossums Petz 5 click here to download<br>file</a>

        <div class="courier big" style="grid-column: cc2/cc3; grid-row: cr7/cr8; justify-self:
		center; align-self: center; color: #f00; padding: 0;">
            <i style="background-color: #ffc;"><b>unedited Possum Holler<br>is on
                <a href="/play3/">AND>>>>MORE PETZ<br>PLAYSCENZ</a>

        <div class="small arial center" style="grid-column: cc2/cc3; grid-row: cr8/cr9;
			justify-self: end; align-self: end; font-weight: 700; padding-right: 20px;">
            The Life,Truth and Power<br>
            Of GOD<br>
            <img src="/img/animation.gif" width="130" alt="animation.gif"><br>


            Lots Of KEWL Stuff Here<br>
            <a href="http://pineconecattery.com" target="tlx_new">
                <img src="/img/judysbanner.jpg" width="130">
            Edited Versions Also<br>
            Available Of These<br>
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