Petz 3 versions of the P4 Hosts Adoptable With Clothing
For All P3 Petz
Click photo or name to download.
My thanks to Carol, aka Minibyte, for converting my Petz 4 versions to Petz 3 -- and for re-kindling my interest so that I made them look right in the closet at last!
Please note -- these are the Hosts, exactly as they were made by the
game's creators. They were of course never intended to have a "normal" petz
life in the game, without their special clothes. I wanted you to have the
real Hosts, so I made no changes. If you don't like Bear's back legs,
or Wyatt's ears and wrists, or the way Peg and Pharaoh look, then I suggest
that you either adopt a different pet instead or always keep their proper
clothes on.
Also I am providing an alternative Peg, because I gather that in some
people's games Peg does not have the grey wrist-cuffs that she does in mine.
So you get to choose :-)