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<p>Past Updates</p>
<b>Happy New Year! 2015</b><br />
It was a bad year for updates, sorry. :*-(
<img src="/img/divide.gif" />
<u>December 2014</u><br />
- Grab/Santa - C3+ Spot "Spotted Elephant" (gone)
<u>October & November 2014</u><br />
- Homepage/Spook Catz Unibreed (gone)<br />
- Grab/Captured Petz (gone)
<u>July, August & September 2014</u><br />
- What's This?/Color Danes Freebies (gone)
<u>May & June 2014</u><br />
- Grab/Catz/Osh Plush<br />
- What's This?/Bunny & Kitty Adoptions (gone)
<u>March & April 2014</u><br />
- Grab/Other/Jellybeanz<br />
- What's This?/Hexed Bunnyz
<u>January & February 2014</u><br />
- What's This?/C3+ Litter<br />
- Grab/Other/Boardwalk Bear<br />
- What's This?/Polaris (gone)
<img src="/img/divide.gif" />
<u>December 2013</u><br />
- Nothing New
<u>November 2013</u><br />
- Nothing New
<u>September & October 2013</u><br />
- Captured Petz Find It (gone)<br />
- Haunted Petz Adoptions Site (gone)
<u>August 2013</u><br />
- Downloads/Other/Wuzzit
<u>July 2013</u><br />
- Nothing new...
<u>June 2013</u><br />
- Downloads/Catz/Alley Coon
<u>May 2013</u><br />
- Different style layout<br />
- Salty and Peppa Adoption (Gone)
<u>April 2013</u><br />
- Take/Adoptions - All Removed<br />
- Take/Adoptions/B+W Alley Catz Litter (Gone)
<u>March 2013</u><br />
- Home Page/Custom Muttlie Bunnyz (Gone)<br />
- Take/Dogz Unibreedz/Cookie Dough Lab<br />
- Home Page/Special Adoption/Cootie<br />
- Take/Other Unibreedz/Goober Bunnyz<br />
- Take/Adoptions/Sweetz Bunnyz Litter<br />
- Take/Adoptions/UBunz Litter<br />
- Take/Adoptions/Prince Nigel<br />
- Take/Other Unibreedz/Mini Bunny Spotted
<u>February 2013</u><br />
- Take/Dogz Unibreedz/Colored Scottie<br />
- Take/Adoptions/Spring Fever Bunnyz
<u>January 2013</u><br />
- The Dungeon/Augustus (Gone)
<img src="/img/divide.gif" />
<u>December 2012</u><br />
- Examine/The Closet/Snowangelz (Gone)<br />
- Examine/2012 Book List Removed
<u>November 2012</u><br />
- Examine/Related Links/Boardwalkerz Hosted Updated<br />
- Take/Catz Unibreedz/Colored Chinchilla<br />
- Examine/The Closet/ Freakyz Litter and Stinging Wormz (Gone)
<u>October 2012</u><br />
- Examine/The Closet/Freakyz C3+ Litter<br />
- Take/Other Unibreedz/Batz<br />
- Take/Catz Unibreedz/Evil Kittyz<br />
- Take/Brynn's Programs<br />
- Examine/Halloween Spooky Dogz ('Til 10.31)<br />
- Examine/Halloween Spooky Catz ('Til 10.31)
<u>September 2012</u><br />
- Take/Other Unibreedz/Pigmyz
<u>August 2012</u><br />
- Sorry, Nothing New
<u>July 2012</u><br />
- Examine/The Closet/Angus
<u>June 2012</u><br />
- Take/Dogz Unibreedz/Short Dane<br />
- Take/Catz Unibreedz/Spice Cat<br />
- Home/Special Adoption (Gone)<br />
- Take/Catz Unibreedz/Russian Roulette Alley<br />
- Take/Dogz Unibreedz/Aristocratic Bully
<u>May 2012</u><br />
- Downloads/Catz Unibreedz/Coffee Coon<br />
- Home Page/Special Litter Adoptions - (Gone)<br />
- Downloads/Dogz Unibreedz/Teacup Dali<br />
- Downloads/Catz Unibreedz/Spotted Cat v.2
<u>April 2012</u><br />
- Downloads/Created Boardwalk Archive<br />
- Information/Removed Past Updates before 2011
<u>March 2012</u><br />
- Home Page - Pete & Beans Easter Bunniez - (Gone)<br />
- Babyz/Adoptions - Daisy<br />
- Special Adoptions - (Adopted)
<u>February 2012</u><br />
- Petz/Other - Grubbyz Unibreed<br />
- Petz/Other - Goober Mice Unibreed<br />
- Special Adoptions (Adopted)
<u>January 2012</u><br />
- Petz/Litters - Bunny Shoes<br />
- Petz/Dogz - Abominable Evil Sheepie Unibreed<br />
- Petz/Catz - Dalialley Unibreed<br />
- Petz/Dogz - Muttlez Unibreed
<img src="/img/divide.gif" />
<u>November & December 2011</u><br />
- Petz/Dogz: New Batdog Unibreed
<u>September & October 2011</u><br />
- Limited/Demonic Dogz Request<br />
- Petz/Adopt page added with new Catz 3+ litter.
<u>July & August 2011</u><br />
- Petz Boardwalk Closed<br />
- Sue's Virtual Life Creations Posted
<u>May & June 2011</u><br />
- Nothing new.
<u>March & April 2011</u><br />
- Cottontail Bunnyz Adoptionz (No Longer Available)<br />
- New Downloadable Hexed Dogz Litter - Muttlez
<u>February 2011</u><br />
- New Bunbunz for Catz and Dogz (ow unibreeds)
<u>January 2011</u><br />
- New Alienz (ow unibreed)<br />
- New Hellcat (ow unibreed)<br />
- Bred Catz + Hexed Adoptions Closed
<img src="/img/divide.gif" />
<u>December 2010</u><br />
- New Bred Catz Litter<br />
- Bred Muttlie Litterz Removed<br />
- Christmas Hexie Presents
<u>November 2010</u><br />
- New Tuxedo Siam (ow unibreed)<br />
- Three Bred Catz 4 Litterz<br />
- Two Bred Muttlie Litterz<br />
- Single Bred Catz Page Removed
<u>September & October 2010</u><br />
- Oreo Alley added to Trades<br />
- Trades Page on Menu<br />
- Petz Adoptions Links Split on Menu to Request and Download<br />
- Tagboard Added<br />
- New Single Adoptions<br />
- New Halloween Hexiez<br />
- New Kitty Litter
<u>August 2010:</u><br />
- Links fixed<br />
- Downloads re-uploaded<br />
- Site re-opened
<img src="/img/divide.gif" />
<u>June 2008:</u><br />
- Site closed due to lack of time and no internet
<img src="/img/divide.gif" />
<u>Sept. & Oct. 2007:</u><br />
- Petz Adopt/Hex Litters: Wizard Catz<br />
- PB has been resurrected<br />
- New: Site/Find It
- Some parts are missing<br />
----------<br />
x-site/about page removed<br />
x-site/contact page (now below)<br />
x-site/help page (now below)<br />
x-babyz/toyz/XP fix page (Petz A does it ;-))<br />
<u>August 2007</u><br />
- Nothing new
<u>July 2007</u><br />
- Oddballz page and new breed added!<br />
- Petz/Adopt: Singles page removed<br />
- Petz/Adopt: PST page removed<br />
- Petz/Adopt: PST page added<br />
- Site/News: Page removed<br />
- Site/Past: Updated
<u>June 2007:</u><br />
- Site: Tagboard back up<br />
- Site/News: Updated twice
<u>May 2007:</u><br />
- Site/News: Updated
<u>April 2007:</u><br />
-Site/News: Update<br />
-Petz/Sue's Clothes: Wizzy Fedora 5<br />
*Thanks Minibyte for converting!<br />
-Petz/Sue's Breedz/Dogz(ow): Dalimutt<br />
-Tagboard removed temporarily<br />
-News page added, please read
<u>March 2007:</u><br />
- Petz/Sue's Breedz/Dogz (ow): Dalichi<br />
- Petz/Sue's Breedz/Catz (ow): Persian Tuffy
<u>February 2007:</u><br />
- Many updated breedz for P5.<br />
Thanks to Minibyte! *huge hugs*
<u>For Catz 5</u><br />
SPHS Sizzlez<br />
SPHS Spring Kitty - Holiday<br />
SPHS Statix
<u>For Dogz 5</u><br />
Dingdogz - Holiday<br />
Fall Leavez - Holiday<br />
Punkn Pie - Holiday<br />
Soldierz - Holiday<br />
SP4 Finny<br />
SP4 Jigz<br />
SPHS Fitz<br />
SPHS Lucky - Holiday<br />
SPHS Turkz - Holiday<br />
Treez Dog - Holiday
<p>SPHS Boxy D5 <-- new conversion</p>
<u>January 2007:</u><br />
-Petz/Friend's Breedz/Breeze: Groomed Alley updated<br />
-Petz/Friend's Breedz/Breeze: Pluff unibreed updated<br />
-Petz/Sue's Breedz/Catz (ow-uni): Frosty Tabby<br />
-Petz/Sue's Breedz/Catz: SPHS Pocketchang C5 .bmp updated<br />
Thanks Minibyte!<br />
-Petz/Sue's Breedz/Catz: SPHS Flash C5 .bmp updated<br />
Thanks Minibyte!<br />
- Petz/Sue's Breedz/Catz: Meeziez updated to include<br />
external 'Dogz' .bmp file<br />
- Petz/Play/Hex Toyz: Lulabelle.toy P3, P4, + P5<br />
A huge thanks to Minibyte! *hugs new toy*~
<img src="/img/divide.gif" />
*All past updates October through December '06<br />
are posted under <u>Petz Boardwalk</u>. Below that are<br />
also updates for Breedz Blvd. & Babyz Punked<br />
which are now closed having merged with PB.
<p><b>*Petz Boardwalk</b></p>
<u>December 2006:</u><br />
- Site/Contact: New E-Mail!<br />
- My helper-elf has a new card for you<br />
- Sue's Breedz/Dogz (ow-uni): Muttmatian<br />
- Click on my helper-elf in the menu for presents!<br />
- Adoptions/Singles page added w/new petz<br />
- Adoptions/Bred Hexiez page removed
<u>November 2006:</u><br />
- Unibreedz updated on or after 11-29-06<br />
- Homeless Petz moved to APKC/BCKC Forum<br />
- Removed all unibreed files due to possible glitches,<br />
until further notice. Sorry for the inconvenience<br />
- Petz/Adoptions: Bred Hexiez, special note posted<br />
- Petz/Adoptions: Homeless page added<br />
- Friend's Breedz/BobbyKat: Leopersian unibreed<br />
- Friend's Breedz/BobbyKat: Sibersian updated<br />
- Sue's Clothes/Clothes pg.1: Ducky PJs 5<br />
- Adoptions/Bred Hexiez: Ralph & Peach Litter (D3+)<br />
- Friend's Breedz/BobbyKat: v2 Chimalayan unibreed<br />
- Friend's Breedz/BobbyKat: Three Catz unibreedz<br />
- Sites merged and 'site' pages updated<br />
- Tagboard added, please be nice. :-}
<u>October 2006:</u><br />
-Babyz\Clothes\Sue: Ducky Jumper<br />
-Adopt\Bred Hexiez page added w/3 litters<br />
-Breed\Catz: Dream Catz<br />
-Boardwalk Haunted Hunt!<br />
-Sue's Breedz\Dogz: Biggunz
<u>September 2006:</u><br />
- Adopt/Hexed Litters: Beanie Bullyz
<u>August 2006:</u><br />
-Site/Contact: New E-Mail!<br />
- Breed/Catz (ow): Spotty Siamau
<u>July 2006:</u><br />
- Breed/Dogz (ow): Mosh Hound<br />
- Breed/Catz (ow): Asian Mottled Mau<br />
- Adopt/Limited Time Hexiez page removed
<u>June 2006:</u><br />
- Adopt/Bred Catz 5 page removed<br />
- Breed/Dogz (ow): Freckled Speckled Dali<br />
- Adopt/Limited Time Hexiez: Persian Daliz
<u>May 2006:</u><br />
- Adopt/Bred Catz 5: New page of adoptions<br />
- Breed/Dogz (ow): Colored Dalmatian, many variations<br />
- Adopt/Limited Time Hexiez: Rockin' Danez
<u>April 2006:</u><br />
- Adopt/Limited Time Hexiez: Peepz and Tooty Frooty Bunnyz
<u>March 2006:</u><br />
- Breed/Farm: Mini Bunny Updated<br />
- Adopt/Limited Time Hexiez: Awesome Aussies
<u>February 2006:</u><br />
- Adopt/Limited Time Hexiez: Love Monkeyz
<u>January 2006:</u><br />
- Breed/Dogz (ow): Harlequin<br />
- Breed/Catz (ow): Russian Alley<br />
- Breed/Fantasy: Artie<br />
- Adopt/Limited Time Hexiez: Dalicalimatian
- Complete site renovation of PB<br />
- Hidden Toyz page removed<br />
- Gift page removed
<img src="/img/divide.gif" />
<p><b>*Breedz Blvd.</b></p>
<p><u>July - September 2006:</u></p>
- Breeze: Pluff<br />
- Breeze: Butterfly Persian<br />
- Breeze: Breeze Whisper
<p><u>April - June 2006:</u></p>
- Rosemary page removed<br />
- Breeze: Groomed Alley
<p><u>January - March 2006:</u></p>
- Breeze: Siamese Raptor<br />
- New page for Rosemary<br />
- Judy: PCC Texaco<br />
- Holiday Catz: New Christmas PF Mice
<img src="/img/divide.gif" />
<p><b>*Babyz Punked</b></p>
<p><u>July - September 2006:</u></p>
- Sue's Adoptions: Zip<br />
- Sue's Adoptions: Joel
<p><u>April - June 2006:</u></p>
- Play/XP Fix: Windows XP Fixes for Babyz game<br />
- Sue's Adoptions: Jasmine
<p><u>March 2006:</u></p>
- Carolyn's Adoptions: Darkdoggy<br />
- Carolyn's Clothes: Nappy Gem<br />
- Carolyn's Adoptions: Brownie<br />
- Sue's Clothes: Spike Collar<br />
- Sue's Clothes: Spider Jumper<br />
- New Babyz Adoptions<br />
- New Clothes<br />
- Toyz by Carolyn Horn
<p>Before then.... ???</p>
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