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<p class="bigger purple"><b>Fun stuff that fits nowhere else</b><br>
<p class="bigger purple">Here's proof, for anyone who cares, that every
single P.F.Magic and Petz game can be opened at the same time on one
computer. Below is a screenshot, taken after I had brought out one or more
petz in all of: Dogz original, Catz original, Oddballz, Petz II, Petz 3,
Petz 4, Babyz, and Petz 5. Not only did they run perfectly together at a
normal speed, but also I was able to tend to each of the pets in the various
games with no problems at all either to the computer or the pets -- although
my own brain nearly fried :-) The picture is completely un-edited; all
that's been done is to reduce the size and save as jpg instead of bmp.</p>
<p class="bigger purple"><img src="AllGames.jpg"
alt="All games at once"><br>
In Babyz, you can see that Cyril's "eyeshadow" has been changed again, and
he's getting along well with little Laretha. In Petz 5 I'm testing Butterfly
Chaser's latest creation (the Whazzit, not yet ready for release so don't
ask). In Petz 4 another Whazzit and a Buzzo are waiting by the mousehole, in
Petz 3 my site's guardian angel cat is playing with a recently-rescued
friend, in Petz II I've got a Doberman test-pet and in Oddballz dear old
Honker has just been tootling for me. In Catz, the mouse has just caused the
(still-unfinished and therefore unreleased) Snowbo to fall over; and in
Dogz, my faithful old Bootz is waiting for me to refill his dish.<br>
A note for those who are interested -- this was done on a Pentium III 600,
with 384 megabytes of RAM, under Windows 95 OSR2. The German version of
Petz 3 doesn't open at the same time as the English version on my computer
-- it thinks it's the same game -- and the US version of Oddballz similarly
doesn't open at the same time as the UK version.</p>