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[stylelint-declaration-strict-value - v1.9.2](../README.md) / lib/validation
# Module: lib/validation
## Table of contents
### Functions
- [customExpected](lib_validation.md#customexpected)
- [expected](lib_validation.md#expected)
- [expectedTypes](lib_validation.md#expectedtypes)
- [failedToFix](lib_validation.md#failedtofix)
- [getAutoFixFunc](lib_validation.md#getautofixfunc)
- [getIgnoredKeywords](lib_validation.md#getignoredkeywords)
- [getIgnoredValues](lib_validation.md#getignoredvalues)
- [getIgnoredVariablesOrFunctions](lib_validation.md#getignoredvariablesorfunctions)
- [getTypes](lib_validation.md#gettypes)
- [validOptions](lib_validation.md#validoptions)
- [validProperties](lib_validation.md#validproperties)
## Functions
### customExpected
**customExpected**(`typesMessage`, `value`, `property`, `customMessage`): `string`
Build custom expected message for stylelint report.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `typesMessage` | `string` | An expected types message for stylelint report. |
| `value` | `string` | The CSS declaration's value. |
| `property` | `string` | The CSS declaration's property. |
| `customMessage` | `string` | A custom message to be delivered upon error interpolated with `${types}`, `${value}` and `${property}`. |
#### Returns
Returns a custom expected message for stylelint report.
#### Defined in
### expected
**expected**(`typesMessage`, `value`, `property`): `string`
Build expected message for stylelint report.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `typesMessage` | `string` | An expected types message for stylelint report. |
| `value` | `string` | The CSS declaration's value. |
| `property` | `string` | The CSS declaration's property. |
#### Returns
Returns an expected message for stylelint report.
#### Defined in
### expectedTypes
**expectedTypes**(`types`): `string`
Build expected message for stylelint report.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `types` | `ExpectedType` \| `ExpectedTypes` | Either `variable`, `function` and/or `keyword`. |
#### Returns
Returns an expected types message for stylelint report.
#### Defined in
### failedToFix
**failedToFix**(`error`, `value`, `property`): `string`
Build failed-to-fix message for stylelint report.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `error` | `unknown` | An expression to `throw`. |
| `value` | `string` | The CSS declaration's value. |
| `property` | `string` | The CSS declaration's property. |
#### Returns
Returns an failed-to-fix message for stylelint report.
#### Defined in
### getAutoFixFunc
**getAutoFixFunc**(`autoFixFunc`, `disableFix?`, `contextFix?`): ``null`` \| [`AutoFixFunc`](defaults.md#autofixfunc)
Get the auto-fix function either by a function directly or from a source file.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `autoFixFunc` | [`AutoFixFuncConfig`](defaults.md#autofixfuncconfig) | A JavaScript function or a module path to resolve it, also from `cwd`. |
| `disableFix?` | `boolean` | - |
| `contextFix?` | `boolean` | - |
#### Returns
``null`` \| [`AutoFixFunc`](defaults.md#autofixfunc)
Returns the auto-fix function if found, else `null`.
#### Defined in
### getIgnoredKeywords
**getIgnoredKeywords**(`ignoreKeywords`, `property`): ``null`` \| [`IgnoreValueList`](defaults.md#ignorevaluelist)
Get the correct ignored keywords for a specific CSS declaration's property
out of a complex `ignoreKeywords` config hash or array.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `ignoreKeywords` | [`IgnoreValueConfig`](defaults.md#ignorevalueconfig) | The keyword/-s to ignore. |
| `property` | `string` | The specific CSS declaration's property of the current iteration. |
#### Returns
``null`` \| [`IgnoreValueList`](defaults.md#ignorevaluelist)
Returns ignored keywords for a specific CSS property, or `null`.
#### Defined in
### getIgnoredValues
**getIgnoredValues**(`ignoreValues`, `property`): ``null`` \| [`IgnoreValueList`](defaults.md#ignorevaluelist)
Get the correct ignored values for a specific CSS declaration's property
out of a complex `ignoreValues` config hash or array.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `ignoreValues` | [`IgnoreValueConfig`](defaults.md#ignorevalueconfig) | The values/-s to ignore. |
| `property` | `string` | The specific CSS declaration's property of the current iteration. |
#### Returns
``null`` \| [`IgnoreValueList`](defaults.md#ignorevaluelist)
Returns ignored values for a specific CSS property, or `null`.
#### Defined in
### getIgnoredVariablesOrFunctions
**getIgnoredVariablesOrFunctions**(`ignoreVariablesOrFunctions`, `property`): `boolean`
Get the correct ignored variable or function for a specific CSS declaration's property
out of a complex `ignoreVariablesOrFunctions` config hash or boolean.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `ignoreVariablesOrFunctions` | [`IgnoreVariableOrFunctionConfig`](defaults.md#ignorevariableorfunctionconfig) | The variables or functions to ignore. |
| `property` | `string` | The specific CSS declaration's property of the current iteration. |
#### Returns
Returns ignored variable or function for a specific CSS property.
#### Defined in
### getTypes
**getTypes**(`config`, `property`): `ExpectedTypes`
Get configured types for stylelint report message.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `config` | [`SecondaryOptions`](../interfaces/defaults.SecondaryOptions.md) | The secondary stylelint-plugin config. |
| `property` | `string` | The specific CSS declaration's property of the current iteration. |
#### Returns
Returns a list of configured types.
#### Defined in
### validOptions
**validOptions**(`actual`): `boolean`
Validate optional secondary options of stylelint plugin config.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `actual` | [`SecondaryOptions`](../interfaces/defaults.SecondaryOptions.md) | The actual config to validate. |
#### Returns
Returns `true` if secondary options are valid, else `false`.
#### Defined in
### validProperties
**validProperties**(`actual`): actual is IgnoreValue \| IgnoreValueList
Validate primary options of stylelint plugin config.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `actual` | `unknown` | The actual config to validate. |
#### Returns
actual is IgnoreValue \| IgnoreValueList
Returns `true` if primary options are valid, else `false`.
#### Defined in