- /docs/TODO.md - /home/dot_bashrc - /home/dot_zshrc - /software.yml
7.6 KiB
Ensure git-delta (or kvantum or fzf) installs with dnf on Fedora because it didn't on Centos and was marked as dnf:fedora: in software.yml https://drasite.com/blog/Pimp%20my%20terminal https://github.com/checkly/headless-recorder https://github.com/QaidVoid/Complete-Single-GPU-Passthrough
✖ ERROR Gsettings Failed to apply gsetting Error: Command failed: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface color-scheme prefer-dark No such key “color-scheme”
Ensure these PATHs are added on Windows
add to PATH: '%ProgramFiles(x86)%\mitmproxy\bin' '%ProgramFiles(x86)%\juju'
- Incorporate /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/etc/bash_completion.d
- https://docs.brew.sh/Shell-Completion
FOLLOWING SOFTWARE IS IN Brewfile.terminal but not in Scoop.terminal or Chocolatey.terminal
TODO: Find replacements or alternatives
It's possible some are available via other installation methods - please research and figure out which ones
we can install via NPM, Go etc.
LSD used instead of exa for Windows
Glances not on Windows
ASDF not on Windows
autorestic not on windows
gist not on Windows
git-secret not on Windows
nb not on Windows
zsh not on Windows
nnn not on Windows
rm-improved not on Windows
hey not on Windows
pass not on Windows
sysbench not on Windows
teller not on Windows
ssh-vault not on Windows
automake not on windows
zx --- needs npm?
pywhat --- ???
mycli --- ?
litecli --- ?
yj --- ?
choose --- ?
tmux not on Windows
minio mc
{{ if not $headless -}} age: identity: "{{ .chezmoi.homeDir }}/.config/age/key.txt" recipient: "age16kxd4ljclq9ksnxvl2ee7a5xnj744kwyv04p04ka0n3rzxdpl5nsq52svl" {{- end }}
Figure out where these go
RESTIC_REPOSITORY_FILE Name of file containing the repository location (replaces --repository-file) RESTIC_REPOSITORY Location of repository (replaces -r) RESTIC_PASSWORD_FILE Location of password file (replaces --password-file) RESTIC_PASSWORD The actual password for the repository RESTIC_PASSWORD_COMMAND Command printing the password for the repository to stdout RESTIC_KEY_HINT ID of key to try decrypting first, before other keys RESTIC_CACHE_DIR Location of the cache directory RESTIC_COMPRESSION Compression mode (only available for repository format version 2) RESTIC_PROGRESS_FPS Frames per second by which the progress bar is updated RESTIC_PACK_SIZE Target size for pack files
TMPDIR Location for temporary files
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID Amazon S3 access key ID AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Amazon S3 secret access key AWS_SESSION_TOKEN Amazon S3 temporary session token AWS_DEFAULT_REGION Amazon S3 default region AWS_PROFILE Amazon credentials profile (alternative to specifying key and region) AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE Location of the AWS CLI shared credentials file (default: ~/.aws/credentials)
ST_AUTH Auth URL for keystone v1 authentication ST_USER Username for keystone v1 authentication ST_KEY Password for keystone v1 authentication
OS_AUTH_URL Auth URL for keystone authentication OS_REGION_NAME Region name for keystone authentication OS_USERNAME Username for keystone authentication OS_USER_ID User ID for keystone v3 authentication OS_PASSWORD Password for keystone authentication OS_TENANT_ID Tenant ID for keystone v2 authentication OS_TENANT_NAME Tenant name for keystone v2 authentication
OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME User domain name for keystone authentication OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID User domain ID for keystone v3 authentication OS_PROJECT_NAME Project name for keystone authentication OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME Project domain name for keystone authentication OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID Project domain ID for keystone v3 authentication OS_TRUST_ID Trust ID for keystone v3 authentication
OS_APPLICATION_CREDENTIAL_ID Application Credential ID (keystone v3) OS_APPLICATION_CREDENTIAL_NAME Application Credential Name (keystone v3) OS_APPLICATION_CREDENTIAL_SECRET Application Credential Secret (keystone v3)
OS_STORAGE_URL Storage URL for token authentication OS_AUTH_TOKEN Auth token for token authentication
B2_ACCOUNT_ID Account ID or applicationKeyId for Backblaze B2 B2_ACCOUNT_KEY Account Key or applicationKey for Backblaze B2
AZURE_ACCOUNT_NAME Account name for Azure AZURE_ACCOUNT_KEY Account key for Azure AZURE_ACCOUNT_SAS Shared access signatures (SAS) for Azure
GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID Project ID for Google Cloud Storage GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS Application Credentials for Google Cloud Storage (e.g. $HOME/.config/gs-secret-restic-key.json)
RCLONE_BWLIMIT rclone bandwidth limit
WAZUH_MANAGER Specifies the manager IP address or hostname. If you want to specify multiple managers, you can add them separated by commas. See address. WAZUH_MANAGER_PORT Specifies the manager connection port. See port. WAZUH_PROTOCOL Sets the communication protocol between the manager and the agent. Accepts UDP and TCP. The default is TCP. See protocol. WAZUH_REGISTRATION_SERVER Specifies the Wazuh registration server, used for the agent registration. See manager_address. If empty, the value set in WAZUH_MANAGER will be used. WAZUH_REGISTRATION_PORT Specifies the port used by the Wazuh registration server. See port. WAZUH_REGISTRATION_PASSWORD Sets password used to authenticate during register, stored in etc/authd.pass. See authorization_pass_path WAZUH_KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL Sets the time between agent checks for manager connection. See notify_time. WAZUH_TIME_RECONNECT Sets the time interval for the agent to reconnect with the Wazuh manager when connectivity is lost. See time-reconnect. WAZUH_REGISTRATION_CA Host SSL validation need of Certificate of Authority. This option specifies the CA path. See server_ca_path. WAZUH_REGISTRATION_CERTIFICATE The SSL agent verification needs a CA signed certificate and the respective key. This option specifies the certificate path. See agent_certificate_path. WAZUH_REGISTRATION_KEY Specifies the key path completing the required variables with WAZUH_REGISTRATION_CERTIFICATE for the SSL agent verification process. See agent_key_path. WAZUH_AGENT_NAME Designates the agent's name. By default, it will be the computer name. See agent_name. WAZUH_AGENT_GROUP Assigns the agent to one or more existing groups (separated by commas). See agent_groups. ENROLLMENT_DELAY Assigns the time that agentd should wait after a successful registration. See delay_after_enrollment.
https://github.com/filebrowser/filebrowser https://github.com/coder/code-server